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2020 JOS Week 12 Bike Thread - Social Distancing the OS away

Here we are in Week 12 - accumulated Fatigue is high, the days are getting longer... get up, stretch, grab a healthy snack and finish this out strong!

I know we are all cooped up Social Distancing, time in the pain cave will take your mind off of it...



  • I am definitely feeling the accumulated fatigue of 11 weeks of hard work and the work is definitely not getting any easier.

    For me, especially with all that is going on in the world, this means doing what I can to get the work done and allow myself to recover and stay healthy. I am constantly thinking about how each workout will affect my downstream workouts.

    In the past, this stage of the OS often saw people dropping out to start IM training. With most races either postponed or cancelled this year, most of us are trying to finish out these last few weeks. I know there are a lot of distractions but let's all dig deep and get 'r done!

    I did the Tuesday workout yesterday. It was tough but managed to get through it. Like last week, I kept the intensity at the bottom end of Z4. Finished things up with some Z3 work and some Z2 to cool down.

  • that's a really nice chart @Bill Eckert - I had to jump off at the beginning of my 3rd interval to meet home depot at my new house 2 miles away when they only gave me a 5' warning instead of the 1 hr notice they told me for a large building supply delivery.

    I did two 12' intervals as ramp ups, doing more work in 2nd set and planning for a faster ramp in the 3rd. WIll get on later and write up a wko to make up for the missed effort and get a run in

  • I did 2x12 at ftp, but struggled with the second interval and quit prior to the third. Although I haven't slept very well the last couple of nights, I was coming off my first complete rest day in a long time, so I think it was more mental than physical. With it seeming less likely there will be any races soon, I think I'm finding it a little harder to suffer through the tough workouts. Hard to say though since I thought last week was brutal overall and it could just be fatigued catching up to me.

    I kind of want to do the missed interval later, but still have a run and vasa session planned for today so think I will just move forward and try to be tougher Thursday.

  • 3 x 12' this morning and 40' brick + strides. Feeling good today after a welcomed rest day yesterday. +17 CTL since 1/6, feeling stronger on both bike and run.

    I was supposed to race 70.3 Chattanooga mid May which will be postponed, i will finish JOS and probably do my own 70.3 in May (or a duathlon) and then start the IMMT plan early June .. or maybe do OS over and over this year is all races get cancelled :-)

  • @scott dinhofer @Mark McCombe Nice work! I agree with you Mark, let it go. Move on and focus on doing the next one as planned. That one interval will not drastically change anything.

    @Vincent Sivirine Nothing like a little rest! Workout looks great. I sure hope they do not all get cancelled but I guess there is that possibility. If it does we will just be better off from this in the long run. I now have one race on my schedule, IM AZ. It is a pretty long ways out so going to keep on with the overall plan.

  • Great work @Bill Eckert @scott dinhofer @Mark McCombe @Vincent Sivirine , way to get Tuesday's session completed.

    Like you all have said, I definitely am feeling the fatigue of the last 11 weeks. Sunday's CnC and then 90 min run really knocked me down. I slept okay Sunday night and rested a lot yesterday, but I did get in a 1-mile recovery run at nearly 12 min per mile pace. That really made my legs feel better.

    I think I was somewhat cocky walking into today's 3x12 min at FTP, given last week's 2x20. Interval #1 felt good, cadence stayed high, HR peaked at 145. Interval #2 bit some, especially the last 3 minutes, HR peaked at 150. I was not ready for Interval #3 after just 3 min rest and the whole time I wanted to stop. I broke it down to 2 min blocks and concentrated just on the 2 min segment I was in. My cadence started to slow into the low 80s and I wanted to take a break at the 1/2 point. I just kept grinding and muscled through, but damn, that was hard!

    40 min brick off the bike at TRP HR (I run to HR on my treadmill), with three 20 second strides towards the end.

  • Great work @Jeff Phillips, @scott dinhofer, @Bill Eckert and @Mark McCombe . Same here. First interval my HR ended mid 140s, then second interval low 150s, then last one was high 150s. I stopped looking at the screen with about 8 minutes to go and mentally counted each seconds to the end looking at my legs ensuring i kept a high enough cadence. But even if it is a hard workout i felt it was a bit easier than the awful 2x20' from last week. Last Tuesday was pure sadism..

  • trying to have a "good week" - had to visit my rental condo that used to be my home until I moved in with Jill last August. Did a 6 mile run on my ole bike path, which was great. had a rabbit to chase on the 1.5 mi 3% grade coming back and pushed it, longest run in a long time.. felt good on top of yesterday's work. did yesterday's lost interval with a good warm up and short high Z2 interval for good measure..

  • Did the Thursday bike workout today. It is no joke. The 1' rest makes it really hard. Got though the 8 x 5' but was suffering. Did the Everything Bagel route to get the badge and some climb in to work on the Tron bike.

  • that's a pretty HR chart Billy! If you want to get the zwift bike faster, do all your workouts on alpe d Zwift!

  • Thanks Scott! Not in a big rush. I have defaulted to flat courses in the past because of weight. Now my FTP is high enough and with a little weight loss I can actually feel like I am getting somewhere when doing a "hillier" route. I have done the Alpe once but that is just pure torture!

  • @Bill Eckert was spot-on. Today's workout is challenging. I did the 8x5' with 1 min break in between, got through them all, but damn!

    I was interested going into the workout what my resting HR would be at the end of the 1 min break and what my starting HR would be for the preceding interval. The below is how it worked out, if you're interested:

    Interval #1 -- started at 120 HR, ended at 139

    #2 - started at 126 HR (dropped 13 bpm), ended at 142

    #3 - started at 129 HR (dropped 13 bpm), ended at 143

    #4 - started at 133 HR (dropped 10 bpm), ended at 145

    #5 - started at 134 HR (dropped 9 bpm), ended at 146

    #6 - started at 135 HR (dropped 9 bpm), ended at 147

    #7 - started at 139 Hr (dropped 8 bpm), ended at 146

    #8 - started at 140 HR (dropped 6 bmp), ended at 147

  • Great work @Jeff Phillips and @Bill Eckert. That was super hard today, i had to extend the recovery breaks by another minute after intervals 4 and 5 and then i had to lower the bias for #6 and #7. I fought for the last one to be at 100%. Happy it is behind me. I'll go for a short 5k later today.

  • @Jeff Phillips @Vincent Sivirine Way to push through and get it done!

    With the short recovery interval, that workout almost felt like a mix of FTP and VO2. Early in the OS I shortened some of the longer rest intervals because I knew my HR would be recovered sooner. I knew my HR would not be recovered in one minute and was really worried about getting through it. Made it but barely, I was destroyed at the end of the 8x5. The only reason I kept going was to finish the everything bagel route and had to lower the bias to 90% to finish.

    Interesting look at the HR ranges. Here is what my HR range looked like:

    1. 117-143
    2. 131-150
    3. 136-153
    4. 140-156
    5. 143-158
    6. 147-159
    7. 148-161
    8. 149-162
  • Nice work, @Jeff Phillips @Bill Eckert @Vincent Sivirine @scott dinhofer. I was a little concerned about this one after bailing on the final interval Tuesday and having a miserable run yesterday, but I got a great night's sleep for the first time in a few days and was in a much better state of mind today. Although it was a tough workout, I made it through fairly easily and probably could have done a couple of more intervals, if necessary.

    Interestingly, per TrainingPeaks, my 60 minute average HR of 162 was as high as the max HR anyone else posted for an interval.

  • Just thought I'd check in. It's been several weeks of family sickness and I've now been sick for most of this week week. Work has been crazy as I work for the economic development organization for the Canadian Government seeing what we can do for businesses in the west.

    All this to say I'll try to check in but won't be doing any workouts this week for sure. Up until 10 days ago I was still getting in some running but nothing since then.

    Good to see the mojo still going in the OS.

  • @Gordon Cherwoniak good to see you here.. I hope your sickness is not THE sickness! take care of yourself and get back at it when you are 100%

    did the 8x5s Thursday, total killer, cracked in set #6, dialed it down mid interval, did the last 2 at lower intensity.. but and got to ramp it up on the last one, short run followed.

  • edited March 27, 2020 12:10PM

    @Gordon Cherwoniak Thanks for the update. You are still part of the JOS team. Hope you can get some brief work in... we’ll pull for you. We know you’ll take your turn at the front when you are ready. You are a WSM!

    @Bill Eckert @scott dinhofer The Tron bike is still a major JOS goal. Blew past Zwift Level 20 on my way up “The Damn Alpe” last night. I’m almost 80% there. I think someone, @Jeff Phillips? Might have recently earned a Tron... regardless, he just followed 3x12’ at FTP with a 40’ brick

    @Mark McCombe Excellent rebound. I love when a “failed” WKO is revenged with a Breakthrough. 8x5’ is about as tough as it gets... you nailed it

    @Vincent Sivirine That’s the spirit. After a very challenging bike... finish the day off with a 5K run

    I’m focused on building some volume on my bike/run. With race goals changed, I’m with @Ralph Moore in modifying back to Wk2 and completing an OS progression with attention to putting in the “Optional Z3” stuff at the end. Tour of Watopia has been fun, but in Zwift world, those “Group Rides” always turn into a serious ego-driven battle as attacks form in the “Group” 😂 Each 45’ Stage has left me in sluggish for a couple of days after! Last night, in an attempt to back down the training load, 2x18’ @ IF .9 SS was a solid effort. Every week of OS has plenty of opportunity for work.

  • Got back on the trainer last night for the 7X5 FTP. It was my first time on a bike in a week and it was quite the wake up call. Got through it though. The 1 minute rest intervals meant that in Zwift I could almost always see the work interval start arch right from the start. That was a little disheartening, but it did remind me to drink while I had the chance.

  • @Gordon Cherwoniak Wow! Those are tough life circumstances. Stay strong my friend!

  • edited March 29, 2020 7:19PM

    Met my goal of 4 hours on Zwift this week. Two WKO’s on Alpe de Zwift got me to under 10,000m from the Tron Bike. Sat bike was 75’ at Zn3... followed by a new 1 hour power mark for 2020 on Tour of Watopia Stage 5, Sunday. All this while running 6 days with increased mpw. Spreading the TSS over the full week seems to be helping me to recover.

  • Great job @John Culberson I got two rides in this weekend as well. Saturday I did the TrainerRoad 2 hr 45 min workout, with the 2x20 min intervals, then the ~80min in Z3. I felt much better than last week, but had to stop a few times in the third interval to pee. The Discord shenanigans made the time fly.

    Today, I did Cruise n Crush in the morning and hung for the first lap. I got tailed off before the long climb on the second lap, fatigue was starting to build. Discretion over valor and rode the last 15 km at 2.5 watts/ kg.

    Legs are feeling it.

  • @John Culberson 10k is nothing compared to what you've done. You'll be there soon.

    I did an abbreviated CnC ride yesterday that I modified a bit. I did the London loop on Zwift and did the Box Hill climb in FTP so I had a little over 10 minutes for that. The rest of the time was mostly Z1 with sprints thrown in every 10 minutes or so. Trying to balance enough training to boost the immune system without putting too much stress on it.

    Stay safe everyone.

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