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Single Leg Drills

Does anyone recommend doing Single Leg Drills?

If yes can someone give me guidance on how to do them correctly?

Here are my general questions, just for arguments sake say I'm pedalling in 53x11 at 90 rpms with both legs, should I be able to pedal at 90 rpms without switching gears with one leg? Or do you downshift to say a 53x13 and then stay at 90 rpms.

Do you do one leg then switch to both legs, then switch back to other leg or immediately go from one leg to the other?

How long should one be able to do sld's, ie work up to say 30 secs/1 min/5 min/etc. each leg?

If not recommending them what would you do instead?



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    John - I've got several old Spinervals DVDs that include one legged
    drills. Typically, the drill runs 3 to 5 mins and go back and forth for
    about 30 secs each leg; only going back to both legs when the drill is
    complete. Some of them are higher cadence and some are lower. Over the
    years, I've read literature that suggests that single drills are not
    particularly effective. I do them rarely now, but they are beneficial in
    identifying if you have a weaker leg or a hitch. I.e., you should be able
    to pedal smoothly on each leg throughout the power stroke and over the
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    John - much lower gear; start at thirty second reps don't need to go over 1 minute

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    Love me some Spinervals @Paul Hough ! ...anyway SLD are "Form" drills.... I still do - With Spinervals DVDs usually on form/recovery rides. Low and slow useful to help 'smooth out' peddle stroke not as Strength -Isolation work... if doing longer than 30 sec (some spinervals are 1 min) then easy to fatiuge if to much resistance and form gets sloppy....better and like high speed spin drills - can be challenging not to get choppy....which is the point of the drill. Again useful on recovery day and early season when not been riding for a while or if making (after) bike fit adjustments...or as 'tune ups in season.

    Of course there is the counter opinion that "stompers" are just as efficient as "smooth" ....but I usually notice a better "feel" after a few days of drill work.

    As with the Spinervals tapes I often alternate with High speed spin 30 sec at uncomfortably high RPM...just below rocking my hips speed at realy low gear ...again 1 lighter than I find comfortable. The SLD seems to complement the Super spins .... When not doing these drills I will rock or have dead spots "clunking" at 105 rpms... after a few sessions over a couple weeks I will spin smooth up to 120+ even 130s RPMs cant say its lead to any PRs/KOMs ;)

    Oh and Another good time for SL drills and Spins ...any time you have done mostly Road bike/minimal time in strict Aerobars for a while then do these drills IN Aerobars and you'll definitely feel Rough for a while ...they help "re-set" the intramuscular coordination for the more FWD position... My 2 Cents

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