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Chad Scott Official Coach Thread

edited January 16, 2018 3:58PM in Coaching Forum 🧢

Here's your updated Season Plan, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is my best outline of how to proceed with your races, but you can ask any / all questions you want. So post away, know that I reply here usually M/W/F each week.

Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.


Your Notes

LIFE....that pretty much sums it up! I did an Ironman in September of 2016 and I then pretty much shut it down completely until August/September of this year. Since then I have been following the RDP "Kinda" and lifting weights 2-3 times a week. I just felt like after 9 years of this stuff that my body could just use some time off. So now I've put on about 35lbs and I"m dying to get back in shape and I cant take it anymore. So since I know how my mind works I have decided to sign up for IMTX and IMCHOO or Louisville for the fall. For the TX race I know I will now be completely ready but I just need that carrot in order for me to get back on a routine. I was actually thinking of doing the minimalist IM plan for IMTX just to get the motor going. One thing I dont want to do is injur my stress fracture, back, or hamstrings again so I was just going to take it easy and also continue to lift a little until I feel Im more balanced. Then switch to core work with some Yoga. Anyways, whats your thoughts on this?
So my thought is Jump on OS now until 10 weeks out of IMTX and then pull up IM minimalist plan for 10 weeks. Then just do the race and not over exert for once in my life. Then by the fall if I feel like racing again I can put the peddle down at IM Louisville if I want.....Side bar, this will get me to 9 IM's.


Your Races

Main Race:

  • Ironman® Boulder 6/10/2018
  • Ironman Louisville 10/14/2018 


Season Update

These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one).  You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move / Change button. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.

  • Last updated by Coach on 11/20/2017
  • On 11/27/2017 Load the -- Run Durability 2 (8 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 12/24/2017
  • >> Transition Early << 

  • On 12/4/2017 Load the Beginner OutSeason / Run Durability Plan, 14wks to end on 3/11/2018
  • On 3/12/2018 Load the Swim Camp Plan to end on 3/24/2018
  • On 3/25/2018 Load the Beginner EN*Full, Minimalist, 12 Weeks to end on 6/10/2018
  • On 6/11/2018 Load the -- Post Ironman Transition Plan, All Levels (4wks) to end on 6/24/2018
  • On 6/25/2018 Load the Bike Focus Plan, 6wks to end on 7/29/2018
  • On 7/30/2018 Load the Intermediate EN*Full Minimalist to end on 10/14/2018
  • On 10/15/2018 Load the -- Post Ironman Transition Plan, All Levels (4wks) to end on 11/11/2018
  • On 11/12/2018 Load the -- Run Durability 1 (9 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 12/9/2018


Coach Notes

I love the idea of the Minimalist Plan for you as a start...but I see the DEC OutSeason®  in your future (bike focus please) so not much time to waste. You'll jump from OS to the FULL Minimalist plan early into TX and then into the rest of your year. 

I recommend you keep the Monday / Friday days of the OS in DEC and JAN focused on your core and well being. The bike should be fine for your body; let's keep the run vanilla with no intensity in the OS at all...not worth it. We can see how you are feeling come the middle of 2018 when I have the Get Faster plan on tap for you!

Let's get to work!


~ Coach P


  • Okay, so a change of plans. I'm not doing Texas but I"m doing Boulder on 6/10 and still doing Louisville on 10/14. So here is where I'm at.... I"m on week 9 of the OS Run Durability with typically only doing 1-2 bricks per week. I feel good and have maintained "operation no injury training". I took a break from the core stuff because starting to get some pains and I needed to make cuts but now I"m slowing working it back in and hope to be back to where I was in 2-3 weeks with that portion of the OS. The runs and bikes are going well, Im just being overly cautious of tweaks and pains because I just don't want any injury's to stop the momentum. I have laid off of any of the Threshold runs as you suggestion and for those I just get the time/mileage in.

    So I"ll be set to end the OS on 2/12 with the full 14 weeks of training and be ready to start build to Boulder.
    I assume you want me to load up minimalist on 3/12 for boulder?
    What to do in 3 weeks between OS and IM build for boulder?
    Also, help me out with a strategy of what to do between boulder and Louisville.

  • @Chad Scott  - Ok, so I made your edits above. You'll do the OS, then Swim Camp (to recover, reboot swim) and then into the Minimalist plan into Boulder. 

    I agree with  taking time of the core, but maybe keep some light stretching on the calendar, etc? 

    And yes to just STEADY RUNS NO FLASH. Work hard on the bike, work hard at just being steady on the run!

    ~ Coach P

  • @Coach Patrick - It was going seeing you at the race in Boulder! I'm just touching base with you on my transition from IM Boulder and all seems to be going well. I did want to let you know that I ended up in the Beginner or Level 1 IM Bike focus plan just because it actually fit into my weekly schedule better then the minimalist. I stayed injury free so I"m happy, my biggest take away from that race was its really hard to race when 15+ lbs overweight so I will have that fixed by IMLOU. So I was going to transition into the level 2 IM Bike focus plan and complete my threshold runs this go round while being careful with them. Remember, I really have not done any "hard" running at high intensity but I did cover all my "time" from the IM build just laid off of the track and really never pushed my runs. Oh yeah...I am now addicted to Zwift and my wife loves it because I'm done early. So here my questions:

    - Whats your thoughts on the above plan? You know.....I still have this mild pain in my hamstring that never really goes away but I'm thinking that it will eventually! That is 1 reason I approach my running with caution.

    - So after spending some quality time with @Mariah Bridges , she told me that I need to get on Zwift...... Which I did and love it........ also she introduced me to the "Vasa". After a bunch of research on my end, I just placed my order for the erg and now need some guidance on setting up some workouts for my IMLOU build. It is just really difficult for me to get to a pool even once a week so I figured this would help me out in that category. I could jump on this when the kids go to bed or before I get on the bike or go for a run in the morning.
  • hey @Chad Scott
    hijacking your thread here, you got the team discount for the erg right? 

    P.S. Totally miss your oldest munchkin
  • Also make sure you get on Zwift Groupme Chat and the events chat so you can ride with the team - glad to know you listened to my shaming and jumped on the band wagon! 
  • @Chad Scott

    Thanks for clarifying what plan you ended up on. That really helps a lot. I like the idea of you moving up to level two but I’m not sold on the run just yet. I would almost prefer you to start off with a level two bikes and keep the runs fairly consistent as before. The fact that the pain hasn’t gone away, even with the rest, is a bit concerning. Tell me a little bit more about the self-care stuff you’re doing to keep it at bay.

    Remember, if you can use those 15 pounds, that is a free 30 seconds per mile. That’s a 13 minute long PR just on the basis of body comp alone… Not to mention the altitude!

    The Vasa integration is fairly simple. For the first six weeks we just want to swimming 10 to 15 minutes at a time, three times a week. Just getting used to what it means to catch a pool etc. Are usually do 100 of breaststroke and then freestyle the rest. This is all on damper door one. That will get you through mid August. At that point in time we can start building you up to having two regular swims into short frequent swims.  I don’t get too crazy with the vasa workouts because it’s not really worth it. We have a couple varieties of 100 repeats or just study time trial work. The best ones are the red mist which make you want to carve your own eyeballs out. 

    You can join the Zwift chat group online here: You're invited to my new group 'EN Zwift Chat (PSA)' on GroupMe. Click here to join: https://groupme.com/join_group/29902223/tGK5OF

    Remember these first couple weeks are all about just easing back into the work so let the speed come to you/don’t force anything.
  • @Coach Patrick - Thanks for the reply, I will make the adjustment to keep my runs as before until I can get a handle on my hamstring. I ended up completing most of them at TRP and if I found myself at a track I would up it a little but not much. I'm following the bike focus now and it has the 1 threshold run per week which I have been doing, the hamstring still is aggravated and not really getting worse or better. I might back those down a click or 2.

    Regarding the hamstring, months ago I tried the strengthening approach with doing some machines and such at the gym. I never felt like that helped so when I started build for Boulder I stopped that and focused on stretching and a message once a week. It at least keep me training all the way up to boulder, I think there was 1-2 runs where I pulled up because afraid of the pain but that was it. Now I have started a 15 minute routine every morning that really focuses on hips and butt. It consist of... hip bridge, hip bridge 1 leg, 2 types of claim shells, star plank, leg curl, regular plank. Then I follow that with about 10 min of stretching. I hope that maybe this will strengthen whatever is causing this issue, but I have only been following this routine for 10 days or so. If you have any suggestions I"ll take it!
  •  Thank you so much for filling me in. I think what you’re doing with that pre-runner team is best. It’s probably best if you dedicate time in the off-season to taking a break from running is really starting back up from a baseline with body strength exercises to help out your hamstring. Rarely do we need to use machines especially if it’s weak. 
  • edited January 19, 2019 10:11PM

    @Coach Patrick Well, I'm hopefully on my back to training soon and want to get a plan together. To recap.....about 10 days before my 2nd Ironman of 2018 at Ironman Louisville I started having chest pain. About 5 weeks later they diagnosed me with pericarditis of the heart. So I'm getting cleared to start working out in about 2 weeks. I was instructed to stand down and I have followed Doctors orders for about 4 months (I'm fat again). So I"m going to do IMChoo this year and was wondering your thoughts. I do have a Vasa now so not sure if you put some workouts together somewhere for that but if so then can you share? I think an outseason plan with some body comp is a good place to start then on to the fun stuff.....Let me know your thoughts, I know a lot of stuff has changed probably since I've been in touch. Talk soon, thanks Patrick!

  • @Chad Scott I’m glad to hear that you are back on the path to getting healthy again! I will outline a plan for you through Chattanooga, and then you and I can talk about how we go forward from there.

    I do have some vasa resources, but I have not compiled them yet as I’m still working on the training plans for half and full for 2019. They will go up soon though!

  • @Coach Patrick - to sum it up. I had about 13 months of crazy testing all to find out that I have an abnormal heart (wont bore you with the details). But everyone has cleared me to keep doing same things I always have so here we go.....Back to the grind. So here is my tentative schedule that I was thinking, I need to get back to working out towards something (racing). I just finished up a very rough go at an outseason plan hitting about 50% of workouts so probably need to cue another one up. I do now have the KickR, Vasa, and just added a borrowed treadmill. So my pain cave is now complete and I have the ability to do everything in my basement. I know I have a long road ahead getting back into shape but I'm looking forward to it.

    IMWI - 2020 #9

    IMTX - 2021 #10

    I hope all is well and I'll see you in zwift, I can only hang for an hour at this point but I'm working on it. If I truly put in my new (fat) weight then it would not even be an hour but keep that on the DL for now.

  • Chad -

    Really good to hear you are getting back on the path to the active
    lifestyle that you know and love. It sounds like you have eliminated all of
    the basic obstacles required for you to be successful. That in and of
    itself is pretty impressive!

    I agree that hit in the out season for round two is the best way forward.
    Wisconsin itself is so far away that we don’t have any immediate demands on
    your training.

    THe Jan OS Starts on the sixth, and you can join right in. If there’s any
    particular work out a day that you struggled with from your prior
    experience, let me know and I’ll do my best to fix it. In the meantime
    we’re looking to get some form of consistency across your week. Given that
    your target right now is improved body composition, daily work makes a big
    difference, regardless of the duration or intensity.starts on the sixth,
    and you can join right in. If there’s any particular work out a day that
    you struggled with from your prior experience, let me know and I’ll do my
    best to fix it. In the meantime we’re looking to get some form of
    consistency across your week.

    Given that your target right now is improved body composition, daily work
    makes a big difference, regardless of the duration or intensity. The goal
    for January will be to create the conditions for a successful basic week,
    then starting in February we can begin to really add some quality work on
    top of that schedule.

    The goal for January will be to create the conditions for a successful
    basic week, then starting in February we can begin to really add some
    quality work on top of that schedule.

    ~ Coach P
  • Long time Coach P....not like I have not seen you all over Zwift in last year or 2 but I'm starting to get my butt in shape again. Just been trying to hit 8 hours of training per week and doing mostly Zwift plus some running. Really just trying to get a good base built without injury as I just keep getting injured. Right now my CTL is 74 and no injury's other then rolling my ankle playing with my son last night. Now I will back off running for 2 weeks to heal and Zwift more. I’ve been enjoying the Kiss Mon/Wed/Friday crew for the 90 minute ride. Its been a challenge for me to keep up with them and I get some extra time on bike during the week to make the weekend less.  

    I had to take some time off (18 months +) due to some heart issues but I have been cleared for a while and can get back to it. I signed up for IMCHO in 2021 and would like to put a plan together to start building for it. I would imagine that a lot of my workouts will be indoor due to my work schedule and my duties as a Father of 4 with 2 working parents and 2 kids doing virtual schooling 😊

    I’m working on my body composition and have been for 4 months, still have about 15lbs or so to go until I’m happy. So no problem with getting that in check by IMCHOO.

    My main goal for this IM is just to avoid injury leading up to the race and complete the race. I doubt I will beat any of my previous times at this race just because I don’t have the time to put in the training these days. I don’t know that will be able to take off (from the family) for multiple weekends leading up to the race without it effecting the home life so this one will be interesting. My wife is awesome and would probably be okay with it but the guilt I put on myself is enough to get home earlier.

    Let me know your thoughts and I’m happy to get back on the IM train…..

    So I have the Vasa, treadmill and Zwift in my pain cave so I can get most of it done before the sun rises.

  • @Chad Scott - Great to see you out there on those rides! The folks at KRT ;Do a great job organizing those events and making them fun. And they're great for those aerobic rides, especially when you have to be paying attention. I'm glad to hear that you're back in the saddle, I think getting into a place where we can have you running a baseline level of mileage per week will be helpful.

    Since you have the treadmill in the pain cave, can we start off with with walking as you rehab the ankle? Even a midday walk for 20 minutes or 30 minutes at 3% while you check your email is a bonus for you in terms of staying loose and getting everything primed for running later in the season. It sounds crazy, but being stuck indoors has really impacted athletes negatively in terms of their overall flexibility and wellness.

    We have minimalist plans that can work for you...Sounds like we should consider this year a proof of concept to see what's possible on a family friendly schedule. How does that sound?

    If it's good, please sketch out your races here for me: http://members.endurancenation.us/TrainingPlan/TriathlonSeasonRoadmap.aspx 

    ~ Coach Patrick

  • Here's your updated Season Plan, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is my best outline of how to proceed with your races, but you can ask any / all questions you want. So post away, know that I reply here usually Monday & Friday each week.

    Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.

    Coach Notes

    Video Coming Soon

    Your Races

    Your Top Event / Race for the Season is:

    Ironman Chattanooga

    Your Second Event / Race for the Season is:

    Maybe a smaller event somewhere near but would need to feel the family/work situation out before I can think about this one.

    Your Third Event / Race for the Season is:

    1 event is okay, 2 might be pushing it, 3 is just a ?ell NO!

    Season Update

    These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on within Final Surge by clicking on the Training Plans > View My Plans. If you need help manipulating your plans in Final Surge, be sure to check out our Help Site. Remember, you can learn more about each plan and find related plan resources on the Plan Descriptions and Resources page.

    >> Last updated by Coach on 12/02/2020

    • On 11/30/2020 Load the  Durability for Triathletes 2 (8 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on  12/27/2020 35 [  5  weeks  ]
    • On 1/4/2021  Load the  OutSeason for Triathletes (Bike Focus) Plan (14wks) to end on  4/11/2021  98 [  14 weeks  ]
    • On 4/12/2021  Load the  Swim Camp  to end on  4/25/2021  14 [  2  weeks  ]
    • On 4/26/2021  1/14/1900  Bike Focus Block (6 wks)  to end on  6/6/2021  42 [  6  weeks  ]
    • On 6/7/2021  Load the  EN Full Prep Plan (4wks)  to end on  7/4/2021  28 [  4  weeks  ]
    • On 7/5/2021  Load the  EN Full Bike Focused (12wks)  to end on  9/26/2021  84 [  12 weeks  ]
    • On 9/27/2021  Load the  Post Ironman Transition Plan All Levels (4wks) to end on  10/24/2021 28 [  4  weeks  ]

    Your Notes

    Tell Us Your Background / Racing History: Been in the game for 11 years. This will be my 9th IM.....

    What is Your Focus Level for this Season? Maintain My Trajectory

    Give Us One Sentence That Defines Your Successful Season: This year will be to get through training injury free and a wife that is not upset at me!

    What is Your Biggest Limiter to Success? Time...Between 4 kids and running a business, time is my biggest challenge.

    Anything Else We Should Know?  Patrick you mentioned that we might want to look at minimalist plans and I think that might be a good fit for me?

    Let's get to work!

    ~ Coach P

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