Primal Blueprint and EN Training - Li'l Help Please
CoachP started this thread about the Primal Blueprint from Mark Sisson. I am inspired and have ordered the book. I spent about an hour last night reading the authors blog, but have some questions about wrapping this around the EN training program.
- Since carbs are supposed to be minimized, how do you guys and gals doing Primal fuel during long runs and bikes?
- Did you adjust your Infinit or other sports drink strategy?
- What do you do for post-training refueling?
- Can I eat almond butter? Green apples and almond butter my favorite.
- Any tips and trick for someone just starting out?
I plan on transitioning into Primal over the next couple of weeks so i don't feel deprived.
Inspired by the Primal Blueprint, I started this thread on the benefits or perils of coconut oil. Coconut oil is advocated greatly by the likes of the Primal Blurprint. I hope I can get some feedback on what's real and what's fiction about the use of that particular fat in this discussion too, since it ties in.
John, have you seen Sisson's blog? You might be interested in that. Although, he does NOT advocate endurance exercise--nothing more than an hour I gather. So I wonder how the Blueprint fits in with training for LC triathlon given that's his basic thesis on exercise. I'd like people's thoughts on that too.
I am not a big coconut oil fan so I don't have any feedback on that.
And ya, that is the crux of this post and it probably applies in some part to the Paleo folks as well. Except Paleo advocates unlimited fruit consumption which will help with carbs. But Primal limits carbs so how do you fuel on training sessions longer than 2 hours? Or maybe I am missing something?
And that is the blog I spent much time on last night. There is a ton of info there and it made me wonder why I would need to buy the book.
I have the book. Having a hard time getting into it, I'll work through it. I'll keep you posted. Not sure if i will incorporate everything.
I keep going back to Tosca Reno's Clean Eating. It is basically lots of fruits and veggies, lean protein, and some whole grains and legumes, dairy is also allowed. I am definitely getting away from processed foods and trying to find that balance for me. I wish I was more of a fish eater, but its not one of my favorites at all
That's the thing. We do X, and his fundamental premise starts at Y. Not sure how it can reconcile entirely.
I read the PB book and have stuck with the diet advice consistently for the last 3 weeks except:
1. I increase my calories and allow some grains in the 12 hrs prior to a workout >.88IF and longer than 2 hrs(like Sat a.m. 3 hr HIM ride).
2. During high intensity workouts I've cut my hourly calories in half (down to 150) but am still using Infinit so far. Thinking about bananas(how very 50's..), fluid plus electrolytes only to reduce my intake of starchy carbs but really don't want to drop Infinit for my upcoming HIM at High Cliff.
3. No sugar cravings, no diet mistakes, no bingeing which is VERY atypical for me. 1.5# wt loss per week.
4. The Grok exercise program is not for me at this point in my athletic career but I could see using it in transition between race and outseason.
5. Lots of ideas from Metaboic Efficiency Training which dovetails nicely with the PB plan but I've not fully incorporated them yet in my diet.
I wonder if it would be helpful if we tried to give examples of our "usual" food diary days to compare what we are choosing for breakfast, snack, lunch, dinner on most days and what has worked for us for high intensity days: early a.m glycogen recharge, during long ride/run and for recovery. I'll submit my current usual day later today.
I just reread Sports Nutrition guidebook by Nancy Clark and I still like her advice. nothing tricky or unusual and she hits cancer, heart disease, diabetes, weight and other. I am not cutting out dairy, osteporosis is a real issue esp with women, small framed like I am. Nancy discusses this. I am still tweaking my diet but basically a high iron, low processed food/sugary stuff, gluten (almost) free varied, colorful foods. In January I did a fast for 3 weeks of no sugarry stuff like cakes, brownies, desserts, sodas, or anything sugarry except for fruit to include yogurts or any other product that had sugar in it... after the 3 weeks, I was so inspired that I continued. In March, went on mission trip and ate anything that came my way so got off the bandwagon...Then in april, found our my iron and thyroid messed up... so revisited high iron foods, went back on low sugar but also took out gluten products in my effort to reduce bloating that made my waist increase by 1.25" by night plus some cramping. could be the thyroid as Kit pointed out (or even the iron) as it slows down digestive system but I decided to continue on... now 4 weeks into my GF diet and I have tried different foods thereby enhancing my nutritional intake. My waist at night is not hurting or feeling like it is gonna blow up either! my brownie desire is not as strong but still once a month comes to find me. I have not looked into a food coop. I spent $240 today at the store as I have a big family and I will go back probably 2 - 3 more times to fill in the gaps this week. From Nancy Clark I realized that I got the fruit servings with no problem, but not the veg, got the protein too but maybe not all the grains. so a revisit is due for me. now all guidance goes out the window when on bike or run, I will not bonk and if it takes a Lil Debbie, Snickers or Coke then so be it. smile. a calorie is a calorie and I need X amt.
IN conclusion... over the years of IM training my nutrition has improved. it takes conviction to try something new and not deviate for at least 3 weeks to see what you can make out of it. sometimes not quantifiable and maybe won't even work for somebody else. but you get this heart feeling about what feels right and gives you your best performance. and possibly even learn the hard way.
I think would be hugely helpful! Hope you guys will post. I'm still experimenting, so don't have much to add, but a lot to learn.
Hi... curious what folks are thinking about this as they are ramping up volume as training/racing kicks in. I just started (in my second week) of mosly Primal dining (modifications include granola bar before and cereal after morning workouts - nothing too crazy...). That said, I started after my HIM and I'm doing 4 weeks of OS before jumping into IM training. i think the hard part is coming.
I've got an OLY next weekend and am curious how folks are "carb loading" pre-race. It's interesting bc by nature I eat pasta 2 nights out and cut back on fruits and veggies (fiber) the day before a race... By the time the race rolls around it will be 3 solid weeks on the plan (= 3 weeks without significant grains) so I'm not sure how my stomach will take a pasta dinner... not to mention I'm not sure what I could (other than meat, meat, meat - which has not been a staple of my diet for 22 years) eat the day before the race if I'm cutting back on fiber. Help.
I've read Primal Blueprint and am reading Paleo for Athletes now. I envision I won't stick to either 100% but who knows, I think it makes sense and isn't as hard as I thought it would be... I like the clean eating concepts... but I don't want to bonk at the OLY... or during my IM training (which will include another HIM prior to the 12 week drop dead training date).
Your thoughts? Thanks!
Incidentally, I've dropped some weight, nothing crazy but that's the point, slow and steady and healthy (I am happy to report that as of today, weigh in day, I'm at my lowest since my bike crash/hand surgery! I'm still 4-5 from "normal" and 6-8 from "race," weight but when I started OS I was 5 lbs heavier - and for the last 3-4 weeks I'd been sort of stuck). I haven't noticed great energy changes/increases yet (but I've had some trouble sleeping lately and I've never been one to jump out of bed raring to go).
There were about 4 days of fatigue, and lots of it, but I've adjusted since then. No headaches like I've heard others have had. But my stomach...gas...has iincreased exponentially (TMI, I know).
It's freaking expensive to get all the weekly stuff for it though, my shopping cart might as well be filled with $1 bills.
I've only dropped a few pounds, nothing like I hoped and what my nutritionist envisioned. I'm still about 7-8lbs from my race weight, for Vineman 70.3, in 3 weeks.