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The EN Chica Visor Thread

Ordering is being placed on hold as we sort out our plan of action for 2011. Stay tuned!



  • Just a few more deets. These are the IMWI Cowgirl Visors. Headsweat Velocity Visors (Adjustable hook & loop closure for a custom fit- supposed to be better for ladies heads) in Hot Pink to match Rich's Speedo with the EN Chica 4-keys girl and lasso embroidered on. They will be verrrrrrrry nice!!!!
  • I think some of us non-IMWI chicas might also like a visor. Could you add delivery on to those, or should we coordinate with a chica who will be at camp to take delivery of it and mail it to us?
  • Posted By Kristen Olson on 08 May 2010 07:36 PM

    I think some of us non-IMWI chicas might also like a visor. Could you add delivery on to those, or should we coordinate with a chica who will be at camp to take delivery of it and mail it to us?

    We're trying to keep the mailing/logistics to a minimum (both for cost & hassle).  But if you can work out something to have another Chica pick up your visor for you & take care of getting it to you- that would be just fine.    

    I basically made a deal with Michele Moreno to have her take delivery in Madison so we could minimize the shipping.  But I promised to keep her out of the tracking/delivery piece so I'll be doing all of that during camp/race weekend.  

  • Posted By Kristen Olson on 08 May 2010 07:36 PM

    I think some of us non-IMWI chicas might also like a visor. Could you add delivery on to those, or should we coordinate with a chica who will be at camp to take delivery of it and mail it to us?


    Chicas who are not coming to camp and want visors -- I will mail them to you.

  • Thank you Beth!!!!
  • Thanks, Beth! Gina said she would mail mine, but if it would be easier for you to handle a bunch of them then that's great, too. We'll get it figured out before camp!
  • sweet, thanks, Beth!  and I'm down with the lasso since IMWI is on my list (hopefully in 2011)!  I just ordered! 

    I'm not sure when the camp is... my guess is after Eagleman in June (Nemo will be at Eagleman and we could do a hand off... )assuming that's not an option, here's my address (I don't remember if the list Linda started has snail mail addresses):

    Becky Hirselj, 1521 Oronoco Street, Alexandria, VA 22314

  • Yeah Becky- Moo camp is after Eagleman or I would totally have just grabbed it for you and done the hand off that way. Sorry!
  • I ordered the visor and Kitima will pick it up for me at camp. Now, i thought the visor was pink with EN logo or is it specific to only IMWI chica's ?? If there is two kind of visors then i would like the non IM specific one ; )


  • Only one visor. Pink, with the EN Chica logo and says "Chicas Rule" It's not IM specific and it's not IMWI specific either (except for the fact that the Chica has a lasso and it's Pink which is the homage to IMWI 2010) Otherwise, we specifically designed this visor EN Chica logo so that we could re-use it again in the future if there was more demand.
  • Hi all,

    I'm back after a month or so away from the forums, sorry for the delay. I, too, am happy to help coordinate mailing out the visors. I'll check in with Beth once the visors get here. Cool! Just ordered one for myself...
  • Thanks so much Michele! I'm tracking the list of Chica's who get visors. We'll try to deliver as many at camp and/or race weekend as possible. But it will be nice to have another way for the other Chicas to get their visors too!
  • Just bumping this thread as a friendly reminder to order you visor before June 1! The pricing deadline is approaching :-)
  • Remember that I will be buying one as a sign of pitty on mr pink speedo



  • The EN Boyz are most welcome to wear the Pink Chica visor at IMoo as a sign of support for Coach Rich!!!
  • Yes, the pink visor will nicely complement the pink speedo that each of the EN Boyz will be wearing! Surely Rich won't be alone... image
  • A pink chica visor would definitely make any doode's run more entertaining. If you want to attract the attention of the ladies. . .

  • One day left to get your Chica Visor at the $20.00 price. Don't forget to order!!
  • Only a few weeks to IMoo camp. If you want to pick up your Chica visor at camp, be sure to place your order!
  • Hi Nemo, I am not doing IMWI (IMLou), but could I still place an order? Would love to wear it during my race. thanks! I live in WA, so it needs to be mailed.
  • nemo, me too, think I left this request in another topic area though

  • Dang it!!!! I missed this thread!!! Can I get one? 

  • Ladies- you are welcome to order one, of course! But please note the price doesn't include shipping- we tried to keep this simple by just managing delivery at either IMoo Camp or IMWI weekend. If you have a IMoo Chica who lives nearby that can pick on up for you- that's probably the best way to go. Michele and Beth have offered to do some shipping but if you take her up on that offer I'd ask you to arrange directly with them and reimburse them for the postage.

  • I can pick mine up at IMWI or the camp if we still get to come. Kathy and I are rethinking the camp but I'll post that discussion in the camp thread.
  • Nemo, keep looking for the right place to place the order for the visor and happy to pay shipping OR pick up at Rally, can you guide me to the "order" forum, thought it was this thread

  • Look at the very first post in this thread. Rich has set up a link and you pay via paypal.
  • as always, Nemo has all the answers (hope you are feeling appreciated) I sure do!! Found it , paid for it, done deal!!

  • Bump! Last chance to get your Chica Visor order made in time to recieve it at Moo Camp!!!
  • My visor just arrived today. Big thanks to Michele for sending it to me. I'm wearing it now. I may not take it off until I go to bed tonight. :-) Thanks for making these. They are great. I think it will go nicely with the pink Adidas shirt I got Pairs.

  •  Bumping this thread so the newer ladies can see how to get a visor.  I have just 3 left, so it's first come first serve!  Use the Paypal link below to submit your payment.  Once I'm out of visors I'll post another update to this thread to let folks know we are out.

    Price after June 1: $25 per. Buy Now


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