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A friend of a friend wants to know...

Let's throw out a hypothetical.  I seriously doubt anyone here has ever done this but if one were to pee all over themselves six times in a race, and one's bike shoes were to smell like someone soaked them in ammonia for two weeks, how would one clean said shoes? 

I have a friend of a friend who wants to know...


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    Hmmm...I have a freind that has been in situation before as well. He tries to rise out the shoes as soon as he can after the race or ride and then uses tons of lysol on them as well. If you figure out a way to completely get rid of the smell let me know as I'm sure he would interested.

    BTW, congrats on AZ!
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    "our friend" puts them in their shoes after said "peeing episode" after rinsing shoes out. 

    Can still help if left sitting and stinky for 2 weeks( I have been told )

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    My friend simply scrubbed them down really well with some Lysol, then Simple Green, and let them air dry for days and dayand days and days. Sunshine helps too. Smell disappeared, I was told. I think I will suggest Febreze to that friend next time. Maybe that would help, in addition to everything else.

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    Posted By Carrie Chavez on 24 Nov 2009 09:59 AM


    "our friend" puts them in their shoes after said "peeing episode" after rinsing shoes out. 

    Can still help if left sitting and stinky for 2 weeks( I have been told )


    My friend does that too image.  Also will leave shoes outside and covered in foot powder or baking soda to absorb odors for a week or so first.




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    You can remove stunk smell from a dog (done that) with a combo of dish soap and baking soda.....I would think it would work here.

    Tell you "friend"

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    Another idea...

    Take an old pair of socks and fill with baking soda or better yet  head to the pet store and pick up 'Ammo-Carb'.  It is activated carbon for a fish tank but has an ammonia remover additive.  It has worked wonders for wet / smelly shoes.

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    Posted By Linda Patch on 24 Nov 2009 10:23 AM

    My friend simply scrubbed them down really well with some Lysol, then Simple Green, and let them air dry for days and dayand days and days. Sunshine helps too. Smell disappeared, I was told. I think I will suggest Febreze to that friend next time. Maybe that would help, in addition to everything else.


    No real suggestions, other than saying that the smell of lysol wants to make me puke, since that is what was always used to clean up the puke.  Leftover responses from college, I guess.  That's what you get for living in a fraternity house!!!

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    I heard foam works really well.
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    Woolite Carpet Pet Odor Remover.

    For IMLP 2007, I way overhydrated and pee'd about 10 times on the bike, soaking my beautiful Italian leather Sidi bike shoes. They stank so bad of ammonia that my cat was trying to mark it's own scent on them.

    Spray liberally with the above and Voila! sweet-smelling shoes!

    They work for running shoes too!

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    I would say pet stain/odor remover as well.  I'm not so sure that dog/cat pee is much different than human pee so that's what I would use.  You won't find a human stain/odor remover that is pee specific.  Could you imagine the commercial though? 

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    My "friend" is going to stop at the portalets....unless reality is suspended and my "friend" might actually do much better than finish before 11:00 p.m.
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    Posted By Sheryl Woodworth on 24 Nov 2009 04:34 PM

    My "friend" is going to stop at the portalets....unless reality is suspended and my "friend" might actually do much better than finish before 11:00 p.m.


    Portalets are overrated, unless it's a numero two-o. I taught a woman at IMFL how to pee on the bike at mile 50. My age group too, and ended up beating me. She would not have if she would have spent all that time in the portalets! image

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    This works every time (I'm told!):

    Rinse and dry the shoes then put them in a bag and place in the freezer for a day or so - that kills all the germs (which is what causes the smell). Remove from freezer and you're good to go again (so to speak!).

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     "...place in the freezer for a day or so - that kills all the germs ....."

    However, you must destroy all food in the freezer.....

    Tea Tree Oil Soap/Shampoo (health food store)

    Listerine mouthwash

    Nature's Miracle (pet store) - "supposed to be really good"

    or, baking soda and water paste, rinsed with vinegar....

    Just a few opinions from "friends with issues"


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    AtmosKlear or Nature's Miracle noted below.

    For those of us not peeing in our shoes, Steve Chavez introduced me to the Stuffits and they work great. 


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    I haven't tried the"pee in my shoe trick"...does it make you faster?

    Seriously, all synthetic fibers seem to trap odors and Win detergent is the magic formula in my book. Try it for the shoes.


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