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HGH production related to insulin levels?

Came across this article, and I'm not smart enough to know if it's true/makes sense, or if it's bogus.


Any of our smart sports nutrition people care to weigh in?



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    I read the brief article and based upon most of what I've read lately and understand from basic phys and endocrine classes as well as my personal studies...I agree with the information presented. It appears in-line with Mark Sisson's work in Primal Blueprint, Paleo Diet info, Robb Wolf of CrossFit-NorCal (former research biochemical researcher in lipids and Crossfit badass/smart dude), Art Devany....etc.

    The short version is to reduce carb intake at night so there isn't a conflict between high insulin levels and Growth Hormone production.

    Oddly enough my lowest every morning glucose levels are always after an evening when I skip dinner AND drink a Jack and diet Pepsi. This hasn't happened often therefore the N value is low BUT consistent. Everytime I have added the alcohol and diet my am glucose is in the upper 70's and low 80's. If I just skip dinner I'm in the mid 90's. I'm not talking about getting hammered...1-2 drinks and no food. Does this lead to better growth hormone production? Anyone? Anyone?

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