Coach P Goes Sumo [Update]
Thanks to all of you for your continued support during my recovery; no doubt the fact I am progressing so quickly is a result of your energy / mojo / inspiration. As I am officially three weeks past the accident, I wanted to update all of you on my progress.
Totally psyched to say that I can walk pretty well without my cane (until I get tired) and I can sit in seats other than my wheelchair. I have gone for a drive (got a haircut!) and am officially off the pain meds now. I went to PT yesterday and they put me in a massive sumo diaper thingy and made me do crazy exercises in the pool -- those ladies I fought for swimming rights might be waaaaay tougher than I gave them credit for (note to self: watch out!). It was simultaneously awesome and humbling to be moving...but be shelled after 30 minutes. I am off to the pool again at the Y to replicate.
Still on the Cape, which means it's been almost a month since I have been home. The girls and M come down for the weekends, but being away totally SUX. We talk / skype, but it's not the heart goes out to everyone who has to travel away from their families for work / service obligations.
My big goal is to work on climbing stairs this week so I can (hopefully) earn the right to go home after this weekend. It's a big goal but, as noted above, I am highly motivated. Super bummed I can't be in Placid for the rally after months of beating the war drum and chasing sponsors, but I know you all will have fun and be safe -- just post pics please!
Thanks again for the support. You guys rock!
Hope it keeps getting better and better, faster and faster.
Thanks for the update, P. We think about you every day.
Ditto, I hope your able to get home soon and glad your on the mend.
Keep up the hard work and good luck with the stairs. Thanks for the sumo visual too!
Glad to hear that the progress continues. You will be missed in LP. I promise to have an Ubu for you.
Just awesome to hear you are coming around and I know with your attitude and determination will be back at it sooner than maybe you even think. Really sucks though when not with the fam. When things like this happens you realize how much they mean to ya.
To let you know... I finally got in my first swim yesterday since the crash.
Yipee!! The shoulder held up nicely for 3000 yards, so I think I'm on my way and there will be no excuses at LP.
Can I pencil you in for the TTT on 6/23?
Continuing to send healing mojo your way.
Great to hear that you are recovering so quick.
Also about the sumo outfit Pics or it did not happen as we say around here
Thanks for the update P- I know the girls miss you as much as you miss them. Sending you prayers and healing thoughts to get you walking up the steps and back with them soon!
Keep it up buddy, all sounds great! can we get pictures of your swim outfit?
Way to go P. Keep on trucking.
Great news on your progress Coach P! Bummer on family not wit you-hope you get to be with them soon!
thanks for keeping us posted. We will miss you a the rally.
Way to rock the diaper, Coach P. Thanks for the update. Keep that good healing going!
So good to know you are healing...even better when you can go home to your family! Thanks for everything you do for the haus and for each of us peeps....your the best! take care of yourself
To bad we don't have the Pink EN Chica Supporter speedo that you could model for the other boys- that with the sumo diaper.......
Coach P,
It's great to hear about the progress that you have made, keep it rolling. Just remember recovery is paramount. I know the carrot of going home is a huge motivator. Good luck with the stairs.
I'm sure you will be missed in LP but remember it will be there next year.
Thanks for the update. Brings a smile to my face. You have a great PT there on the Cape...I Love it!! They are getting you moving and doing cool stuff. That water must have felt so good when you first got in. We are looking forward to the pics!
When you finally get home to your girls it will be so so sweet!!
XO from Team Chavez ( Madison misses you)
Missed having you at LP this past weekend. Thanks for everything you did to set it up. Really hope you get back to Boston and the family soon!