Garmin 310XT and Powertap only
I already have a garmin 310XT and have bday money that can be used for a Powertap. I know the two work together, but does anybody else JUST have these two. and if so any thoughts on this. I haven't purchased yet. 24 spoke back wheel. right now, probably no more funds for extra stuff like Joule, or more $$ power meters, although the quarq sounds great. so just looking at getting the cheapest yet worthy Power Meter. I know we have talked about power for me before... but it wasn't my bday!!
well, happy bday! Others might (vigorously) disagree, but I think the combo you have in mind is more than enough for what EN (or any other endurance training situation) might throw at you.
Oh, and happy birthday!
No reason not to. I still have the LYC sitting on the stem but have no issue relying on the data from the 310. The only thing is that you have to remember to charge the Garmin but that is really not a deal breaker. Can always get a Joule or similar down the road if you want additional data.
However, if you don't do that, for another $100 you can upgrade the non ANT+ hub through Saris, assuming your PowerTap is the wireless model.
If you purchase the wired PowerTap version you will be locked into using the little yellow computer - not that that is a bad thing!
P.S. And if you use the Saris $100 ANT+ upgrade, they also send you a nice t shirt.
The cadence data from the PT hub is fine. You only need the sensor if you want accurate data when your cadence is less than 40. If my cadence is less than 40 I really do not care about the data, not that I pay all that much attention to cadence anyhow.
Tour De Rock century June 12, 2010 first ride with power, pics and video down in "IMWI 13 weeks" left thread.
note: not Garmin 310xt savvy, so it was set on 1 mile splits! not on auto pause either,
Rode 9 miles to the century and rode back 9 miles = 121.5 miles total.
This was a flat century and with a new cleat that was stiff and stubborn, I fell over at mile 0, bloody knee the whole century.
Miles 0 - 1.5 could NOT get clipped in!
pacelines that I wanted to get out of, so some admin there
by mile 11, had dropped my nutrition bottle, a first for me, ran over it and made a UTurn to retrieve it, so lost time there.
by mile 25, shorter tours had turned back and I was by myself.
The rest of the ride Missed 4 turns, passed by the signs and had to make uturns so lost time there.
stopped at mile 49 and mile 70 for water/pitstop, hot and windy.not a race but a tour so had to get off bike and get water myself!
very windy, everybody reported a tough ride.
by mile 70, right foot, ball of foot was on fire, loosened strap while in motion, poured water on it but thru the end, that was the thing I was fighting thru, pain. I could tell I was slowing down but the pressure was hot.
Mile 75-90, I got sorta mad and picked up my pace! like I gotta get off this bike as I was trying to come in under 6 hour ride time!
then I had some dude pick up my draft for that bit and then passed me at mile 90 and instead of "thanks", he said "I needed to keep my HR low and you were the perfect pace, I started off too fast!" and then proceeded to drop me. NOte: Just say Thanks, you helped me out of a rough spot!
Mile 90- on, well the foot was on fire! seat, shoulders and neck felt fine though on old saddle btw. will purchase new bike shoes!
no loss in weight so nutrition/hydration was good.
I was trying to keep power above 100, it recorded on the spot power so jumped about so I thought I had done better but apparently not.
total time was 6:26 for 102.9 miles and I estimate 11:50 at two pitstops so subtract that. so I didn't come in under 6 hours for 100 which I have done before but not hung up about it either! two months ago, I could only ride 7 due to thyroid crash!
in my mind, I was trying to ride "easier" the first 30, then pick it up, and then gut it out after mile 80.
My longest ride in 2010 was 65 miles on March 20th, so I am living proof that EN style of riding back to back weekends the last 7 weeks of IM training does prepare you for a century.
This #99 is avg power per mile