Cycling "What to Wear" Tool
Bicycling Magazine just came out with an online tool for figuring out what to wear to ride in different types of weather. Runners World has had a similar app for a long time and I always found it pretty useful during those "shoulder" seasons when the temps start to drop or rise and I can't remember what I wear in X conditions.
I don't think many of us will get much use out of this until the Fall, but I wanted to post it before I forget about it!
They need to add a factor for body fat % and/or age. I put in today's conditios for my ride to work (55F, calm, overcast, like to feel in-between). In addtion to their rec., I wore leg warmers and a shrt/jacket, as well as helmet cover. I feel like a wuss.
hot here. 6 a.m. it was 80 and got up to 95, shorts &singlet ,
Checked it out and, no they do not apply a DC-factor.