Stomach Gas
I've slowly been switching over to an all-Infinit nutrition for long rides. Logistically, I like it - I put a 3 or 4 hour concentrated bottle on the handlebars and drink water out of the Speedfil. I supplement with 1-2 S!Caps/hour and I'm pretty sure I adequately dilute each sip with plenty of water.
My formula is: 204 calories. 313 sodium. 206 osmolality. If the slider scale was 1 - 100%, then I'm at 75% carbs, 30% electrolytes, 10% protein, 0% caffiene, 35% amino acids.
The problem I've been having is with stomach gas that appears at around the 3:00/3:30 mark. Even sipping water seems to create sharp pains. As soon as I sit up, stand up, or stop riding the problem goes away, which makes me think part, if not all, of the problem is positional. GasX tabs are kinda helpful but not for long, and I obviously can't keep chomping away at them all day.
Any ideas?
Another source of gas can also be the hydration system itself. Drinking from a straw naturally introduces excess air into your system. Sometimes you just have to give some of that excess gas back to the environment. In a group ride you get style points for this.
I'm considering getting a different bite valve (Camelbak makes a Big Bite Valve) that might make it easier to suck water in. But I still think something else is going on...
1) The infinit wouldn't have to be as concentrated, you could sip it as needed. Just poor what you need for the 2nd loop into the speedfil from special needs. Sipping it through the straw at your leisure rather than frantically when there's a second to get the bottle out of the bars may get less air in to your system and alleviate the gas issue.
2) having water as the thing you can replenish every 10 miles and put in your bars is nice, so is being able to pour water over your head with from bottle if it gets hot - you cant do that with a straw delivery system.
just my 2 cents.
If all else fails ask Matt Ancona what he does.
Another cause to the delayed gastric emptying could be that you should drink more water with each sip of Infinit to make sure that what's in your stomach is not too concentrated. Also make sure you're sipping plenty of water when you take the S-caps too.
Lastly, I do think that drinking out of water bottles and sipping from straws makes for ingestion of alot of air but if you're stomach is emptying normally it will either go downstream and out the other end to keep folks from drafting (
I also need to fuss with my straw more because for some reason it wasn't comfortable to sip from it - perhaps the set up got knocked around when they swapped the frame.
The first thing I would look at would to be sure you are getting enough water in.
Question: do you feel fluid in your stomach - sloshy - at all?
It could be a combination of things. But, either way it is not comfortable. Keep giving us info and we'll help you figure it out.