Foodie Boyz Pay Attention: The Thursday Dinner Plan for Cowgirl Camp
Hello -
The foodie cowgirls are having dinner on Thursday, July 8, at Harvest. Any other Madison Camp attendees interested in joining in? We'll be ordering off menu. We currently have a headcount of eight. If we have twelve, I'll reserve the small private room for us.
I'm in.
What time are you guys planning for dinner? I have to work Thursday and am not sure how I'm getting up to WI yet.
Jeff -- Currently 7 p.m.
And I'm with you on the eating as training motivation. The strawberry and lavendar tart was far tastier recovery food after Sunday's bike than Infinit. I should organize a group run that ends at Floriole sometime soon.
Nope -- but I've got you all on the list now, Marianne.
P - Next year!
Geez, keep loosing my messages , after writing, long story short I want to be at the dinner, just waiting for feedback on another forum for best times to arrive and depart (coming from So. CAL,) 3 flghts long days... very intereted in meeting some new friends
Beth- are you going to post a list of names who have signed up for Thursday dinner?
Ok, Beth put me on the list
My plans are finally falling into place!
We are at 19/21, with Kathy on the list.
Any additions? Confirmations from Jeff or Jason yet? We are okay with 19, but any more and we will need to let the restaurant know we need their bigger room.
Dinner will be at seven, right after Rich's talk.
In, please. Thanks.
R -- you are on the list. And you are going to have the most well-dressed four-keys talk yet!
Beth, how dressy should we plan to dress?
Kathy -- this place doesn't have a dress code, but the crowd is usually a nice sundress/nice button-down shirt and khakis sort of place.
Well it looks like I'm not leaving Chicago untl almost 7 so I'm out for dinner on Thursday. I really need to wear a sundress for this thing?
Please don't.
Now see, I think it should be pink to match the speedo!
Michele does have an excellent point...ok, but only if you shave your legs
Yeah, but if the dress is backless....
Help me out here girls......
And for the record, I shave my chest because it's less embarrassing to have no hairs there than to have 8 or 10 long stringy ones. Can't reach my back. :-)