Training Rally Recovery
Hey gang-
If I understand it right, the Lake Placid rally had bad weather, so they probably didn't get in quite the volume we did, so unfortunately, we may not have the value of their experience for my question, unfortunately.
I'm just wondering what reasonable recovery expectations are.
Like most, I trained normally up to the weekend, then got in two 100+ mile rides and a decent long run in on the three days. Took Mon and Tue off entirely. For the last couple days (Wed/Thu), my head's been fine, but the body still very sluggish. (Long warmup required, peak power/speed below norm, etc) I know this is normal (and that recovery is pretty individual), but I just wonder if anyone had a good handle before most of us are feeling "normal" again.
Not sure you want to use me as a data point as I typcially handle high volume really well, but here is what I did:
Did normal workouts including long run through Tues.
Wednesday was swim only to have an easy day prior to camp.
Thur-Mon mostly long rides with only 2 runs done at EP
Tuesday - 2 mile esay run as I got new shoes, then a massage. Legs felt ok, just slow for the run. Definitely did not have any kick and did not want to run any longer
Wednesday - Felt much better than Mon / Tues but probably 80%. Early Swim and run at lunch. Heat Index was 94, but I still did 4 x .5 at MP and ended up doing the last two faster than TP, but died at the end of the run.
Thursday - Felt 100% today. Swam 2000M and was only 6 seconds slower than my PR. Followed that with an hour at .87 on the bike.
The thing to keep in mind is that I ran significantly less then usuall over the last week. My typicaly weekly millage is 45-50 and I was only at half of over the last week, which allowed my legs and body to handle the extra bike volume.
Monday - nada
Tuesday - swimming drills + a nice, fast four-mile run with no Garmin (felt great. I wish I would have the time off the Garmin.)
Wednesday - zombie tired. Made plans to get in an OWS this weekend, so decided rest was okay.
Thursday - seven-mile run with seven 1/2 mile intervals. Felt good. I would've done longer intervals/gone for a longer run, but it is super-hot and humid in Chicago this morning.
Friday, proceed with workouts as scheduled.
I've been tired, tired, tired, but my legs are feeling good.
Sunday- drove all day
Monday- back to work, totally shagged. zero workouts
Tuesday- 2800 yd swim
Wed- all I could do to pry myself OOB for 1 hr run. Felt "off"
Thu- FTP test/ brick run. Feeling back to normal!! Regained my lost 12 watts from the non-existent OS.
PMC shows TSB on 7/11/2010 (Sunday) @ -49.90
. No wonder I have been tired.
Yes Beth! Tired tired tired, but legs feel good. I think that is beause we spent so much time hanging out together. Sleep was cut short for me throughout the entire trip, but I was glad to have the girl time!
Wed: Swim--felt okay. Legs a bit tired so I pulled alot.
Thurs: Long run in 90 degrees on the schedule for tonight.
Friday: Swim and Tues ride
My legs are a bit sluggish, but okay. I feel like I need 10 hours of sleep, but end up staying up late to watch TdF.
Monday - nothing
Tuesday - nothing
Wednesday - nothing
Come to think of it, I only rode about 2 1/2 hours the entire camp (Thurs/Fri) and did nothing on Sat/Sun (except the EN Chica dessert team time trial)!
Guess it's time to end this post-IMCdA recovery thing. This afternoon, I'll hop on the tri bike. Tomorrow, a short run (first since 6/27). Saturday, a swim in Green Bay (first since 6/27). Sunday - a half-ironman race in Door County! That will be an interesting day.
Maybe not a good example...
William, I’m right there with you man. Still feeling pretty out of it from the weekend. I’ve been bike commuting (steel single speed) to work and around town every day. I’m pretty fatigued and the legs just don’t feel normal yet.