What it takes........ August 2010
Since one other person in my dept does IM's and one does mtn bike races (24 hour adventure races etc), my boss doesn't really understand it all but is supportive. He and his wife have been down at the finish for IMLOU the past 2-3 years and think they enjoy seeing it even though it's not what they do. Now... me coming in a few late or taking off days for training.... well another story (small office so.....)
Posting up abt RR yesterday over in the IMWI thread. Not a bad day but think we all always hope for better. Guess that is what keeps us in the game eh? Kinda getting to the scary.. "this is real" kind of stage. 2-3 more pds to race weight. Trying to race just a bit lighter than in previous 2 yrs. Will let my body (performance) decide if that number is ok. We'll see.. .right now when get tired and higher stress weeks much harder to eat clean. Trip to grocery/.Costco this afternoon so I'll get into healthy eating prep mode (I hope) later today and get things ready for the week. Looks like another long week (followed by a somewhat better week.. hanging my hat on that!) And laundry... OMG... You aught to see the piles I'm shoving in the machine today. Wow!
IMLOU.... ahh I know it well. Barb- let me know what ?'s you have. As far as 5am.. only issue is what time Transition opens and it's about a 15 min walk from transition to race start. Last year it seemed to open 15 mins earlier than on the schedule but yes- you'll need to get there in the 5:00 hour to get toward the front. You will still get contact and possibly run over a bit. Since line it first come, first serve, you will get all levels of swimmers in all different spots. MUCH less so than mass start of course and the only true point of any congestion is once you clear the island everyone closes in/converges to the shortest route to the turn buoy, which is on a diagonal (think triangle here) to your left after the island. You missed a great (less hot & humid) day yesterday. Didn't look like a huge group for IamTri. Lots of folks out on the road. Heating up again today for next 10 so keep practicing your H&H riding/run protocol.
I have no doubts that you will rock IMMOO! I am excited for IMLOU and ready to bring it on! I know one thing however. Next year if I do an IM, (planning that I will, as I anticipate all going well with my race this year) I am going with power! I know I can do so much more on the bike, and want to improve my climbing abilities. I'd love to do LP.
Big goal this winter is to drop a lot more weight.
Kris: Yep, there's a behemoth pile to be done. The shoving into the machines part is easy---why won't laundry fold itself?!
A shout out to my DH: He's really stepped up to the plate in terms of making sure the sink is clear of dirty dishes, helping out with the laundry, and vaccuuming. That man is worth his weight in gold. Here's the frosting on the cake: Since I've been so low in the motivation department with training, he's scheduled his training week around mine so that at least during the weekdays we'll be starting our workouts together (as I am nowhere near as fast as he at S/B/R). I'm still on my own for the long rides, but I'll take all the help I can get!
Kitboo- I think our hubbies are going to have a blast together at Moo. It will be like a week long Tri-Anon support group! My DH has been so supportive, I simply don't know how I'd get to race day without him!
happy weekend ladies! I hope the Cowgirls all had a great day yesterday and are enjoying the very much deserved rest day today!
I met up with Kate and JoAnna yesterday at Riley's lock for the first half of their RR, a 50 mile loop of twists and turns and hills... the ride was mostly fun, very pretty, shady... and the weather was so spectacular... I hope many of you enjoyed a break from the oppressive heat and humidity for your big days! I flip flopped my days so I did the 2 hour interval work today... my legs did okay on the 2x15, Z4, and the first 30 of Z3, but by the second 30' Z3 I was ready to be done! The last few miles it started raining... but I finished and Dan went home and I stayed to run! It felt super... and I ran into a DC Tri friend running, she's also doing Timberman and it will be her first HIM... misery loves company I guess.
@Beth, good luck with the date (or was it last night)!
@Sheryl, very funny! I get strange looks and comments when I tell people how I spend my weekends/vacations...
Hope all are healthy, getting healthy or healing! Loved yesterday off.
A big public thanks to Kathy who really helped me with my gearing and advice on the big hills in Wisconsin!
It's getting close....I'm getting a little nervous. Doesn't help that my daughters are so excited to go watch they are just giddy talking about it.
Hi ladies, so far my early mornings just haven't happened this week... but I'm hopeful I can pick up the slack and fit all my workouts in(less one swim... I didn't do 3 swims per week for EM and it worked out just fine... I think 7000m/wk for a HIM is plenty
). I will go home and hit the drainer for 2x20s tonight... with any luck I'll run in the morning tomorrow and, after I close on my condo (refi) I'll do Mon's swim. Thursday morning I have my annual physical (which includes a fasting blood sugar test), so I'm not sure when I'll get my 90 minute run in... and it's supposed to be hot... I might just head to the gym, do a swim then hit the mill... not ideal, but not much I can do. Sun is a day off (after my HIM RR)... so, if I have to, I'll get my 2d swim of the week in then.
Speaking of which, Kit (and other chicas) - I've been borderline hypo (?) for years (my TSH is just below normal, but i've never been medicated)... I do have a hot nodule in my thyroid. Also, diabetes and heart disease runs in the fam on mom's side... which is why I'm getting the fasting blood sugar... any other tests I should think about/talk to the doc about? thanks!
How are you all feeling, chicas... I hope you're beginning to taper... heck, I haven't even started officially training for my IM and I'm starting to have dreams about what I need to do/not do. maybe it's reading all the LP race reports and making mental notes of things to try to remember. I will say that I'm super glad I'm doing an iron distance AV for my first RR in Sept - I've never experienced a mass swim start (although this is a small race) or dealt with special needs bags - so this will be very helpful so I'm slightly less green when FL rolls around.
Work is so dreadfully slow that it's draining all of my energy and I can't stand it... ugh. Maybe that's part of my mojo sap... and Aug is typically slow for lawyers in general (vacas with kids before school starts), and for DC as well (Congress is out of session)... if I have to deal with this for a month I may go insane. I'm so unproductive and lethargic when I'm bored at work. There are only so many times a day I can check email and the forum... I can't wait to leave the desk behind and go into business for myself (actually, my friend Justin and I are starting to talk a lot more seriously about our gym... and Dan is totally on board with me quitting and doing this - which is truly amazing and prett darn cool if I say so myself. Despite all the things he does that I wonder about, I know he cares and supports me... even if he thinks I'm nuts and I drive him crazy...kinda like Joe offering to paddle around the lake so Nemo can swim... ).
Becky- no way, we aren't tapering yet! Still have 6 weeks to go! And I wish my Govt deals were slow this time of year, but procurement picks up big time because September is end of year so it's "use it or lose it" time and most of the contracts I negotiate get closed out in the Aug/Sept timeframe (great time to plan to do an Ironman huh!?) But I know what you mean- DC gets really slow and quiet in August (except for the tourists).
Gina- how did your run go? I was thinking about you this morning. It's supposed to be in the upper 90s again here on Thursday for the long run- hopefully you got it done and out of the way before the real heat hits this week!
Hey Ladies!! The first of the 2:30s is history :
Nemo- Please take care of that calf! If you have to put off the long run a week, then do that.
Linda- Can Keith use some cpap ??? Could help with the snoring.
Good news about my bike, Jaime got the wheelcover tightened and it no longer rubs the rear derailluer!! Gonna sticker that puppy up, change my tires, and she is ready to go for Sat's RR.
My reward for the long run is going to be buying Chica shirts for all of my family today!!
@Nemo - duh
I was thinking RR = taper... forgetting the date or that you probably have 2 of those puppies to do. Perhaps wishful thinking on your behalf since my RR is this weekend and then I will be racing in 2 weeks. Let me know if you'll be back in VA this weekend so I can join team EN Alexandria for some fun on "Mt. Nemo!" Sorry to hear your crunching at work... I wish I could just go home and train... I'm useless here now. I think the fall will be crazy and I'll more than make up the time then... but that's now how it works in the govt...
@Gina - sorry to see the pics of your poor shoe. At least you'll have plenty of time to break in a new pair before race day.
sorry for another quick post... I just checked my PMs and am soooooo excited..... Michele Moreno is a total rockstar and she's putting me up one night and splitting a hotel with me the other nights... so, chicas, I'm coming to Madison to cheer and sherpa and soak up all of your wisdom and energy! Woooooooooo Hoooooooooooooooooo!!!!
Just got online to book airfare ... and I got a volunteer spot - was hoping for early am, but got one at bike check out from 8-10 pm... I'll be able to hang at the mile 18 tent, see lots of folks finish, and be able to watch the midnight finishers... then get up early to get in line for 2011!
Did I mention I'm excited and Michele is AWESOME.

@Becky- YAY! on cheering and volunteering! Thank you for all of the support.
New boss started, can't be online long.
Linda - earplugs + sound machine the makes ocean sounds? I got through a year of having a bedroom fronting a busy chicago street that way. Is Keith louder than CTA buses?
Becky - hooray!
What is this mythical taper land? Is that where I get to read lots of magazines?
Date moved to Thursday. Olivia, I would totally trust to you screen for nice boyz!
I'm packing. Because moving during Ironman training is extra fun! I did find a few mixed tapes I made in college last night. It was pretty cool, to see my once neat handwriting and the songs chosen. I also found my snowboots and ski helmet. Ugh. It is so hot here, I could barely stand to touch their fake-fur-lined wonderfulness. I'll appreciate them way more in January.
Other non-tri hobby? Stalking Craigslist for the magic residents of the North Shore who want to give away a quality dining room table. You know, like a nice quarter-sawn oak Stickley.
I think I've managed to trade the scrapbooking convention of sherpa repayment for Disney World. Tell me about the Disney 1/2 marathon.
A second on the earplugs and sound machine. I am a super light sleeper and always have my sound machine on. When traveling, I always carry earplugs. They work amaingly well.
I'm going to get some ear plugs and try them again, but I remember making the my own breathing sound like a tsunami in my head. No? White noise machine--will investigate. I am really in a snoring pickle here.
Thanks for the thoughts.
Hang on, gal!! Just a few more mountains to climb
1. woke up at 4:30 a.m. to get ready for tng with coffee natch
2. Eat something from packed cooler for breakfast on way to lake
3. Run 30' brick at 5:30 a.m. because heat index will be 108. Just run in two piece workout bikini cuz nobody out and pitch black and dripping wet with sweat anyways, with hot pink visor and clip on light
4. Wipe off with a towel and stand there dripping wet drinking water and slugging in a Larabar before swimming 2400 in a murky lake... Look in car
5. AND NO BIKE! left at home and meeting Heather for a bike ride!! no bike, no bike!
6. Swim anyways... and realize the Lara Bar is not quite down there yet
7. Feel very slow and get lapped.
8. lose track of time and get out a bit late
9. Then dripping wet and now late, take off bottoms in car and shimmy on tri shorty shorts, they get stuck with the water and only go half mast. Try the singlet top over wet top and it also only goes on halfway. laugh.. 'I hope I don't get pulled over
10. Drink coffee, call friend, dash home, load up bike and ride 30/30 in upper 90s cuz already hot, feel queasy with upper end intensity... dripping wet and down into my shins
11. Race home, take daughter to grandmothers, visit with my mother
12. go to bike store to get new bike shoes and the new model is too small!!! replace broken sunglasses, order diff size
shop for school clothing and manage to snag myself a new dress not sure if it fits though...
13. Drink while in the car.. and eat too some beef jerky and skittles found in the cooler
14. Get to massage a bit late and she works on my lower back and I scream out in pain... I wear another workout bikini cuz I don't wanna get nekked!! and yes I get dressed there.. 105 outside! I leave my panties and bra in her bathroom!!! yep...
15. so today I have forgotten my bike and left my underwear! and thus the next 5 weeks of losing my mind!! I can only laugh at myself. and oh yeah my hair feels like a horse, very unruly, and rough! it needs deep conditioning! m
Mostly lurking here since IMLP is over. Trying to settle into real life again (NOT up at 5AM to train). Would rather be training, things like paying bills and household chores just don't interest me all that much.
Looking to save $$ for a house, since this living arrangement is BAD. However I really, really, really want a power meter! We will see which side wins.
@ Gina I hope you have a back up pair of shoes, looks like Belle did a number on those!
@ Beth, I can vouch for moving during IM training. It's not ideal, but I survived and so will you. Did I hear you are doing Disney 1/2? I will be there (with my pink visor) The funny part about that is I'm soooooo NOT a pink girl
All you ladies still training for IM, I'm with you in spirit
Carly- I have several old pair that will do in a pinch. Ordered up a new pair this afternoon. These will be kept OUT of the reach of one 8 month old Labrador.
Marianne- Just reading about your day makes me tired!!!
Beth- I heart Stickley! Gorgeous stuff.
Michele- It's gonna be you and me this weekend!! Ready to roll?
THE HEAT- You guys be careful out there. It is hot all over, dangerously so. Take care of yourselves.
Kris - hang on hang on hang on!!! You clearly needed the sleep. So cherish that you didn't get up.
Carly - I hope you are finding something more fun to do than pay bills in your recovery!! Great work deserves great rest...and that m' dear ain't it! I know the feeling though...I have not been training for a while now and the lack of structure and focus is starting to bug me.
It is even hot here and we don't have humidity. In my constant quest to do the right thing and not drive so much I tried to find a different public bus route that might help me get to an alternate workout facility. I walked to the wrong place for the stop and got myself all sweaty in my work clothes and then had to walk back home to DRIVE ANYWAY! Oh well. OK point of the story is that it is flippin' hot and I'm sure you all in the humid regions are melting! Otter pops all around!
Ordered me up a new wetsuit today!! After I ripped my 7 year old one at a sprint race this year I started thinking it might be time. Then in comes the Xterra sale message into my email box. Not that I would have sought out an Xterra suit, but sheesh, the whole process couldn't have been easier. So there you have it. Funny...now I'm starting to think I should refresh some other gear....well, my bike anyway. Ach! NO! Once you think it you're doomed!!
OK gotta cook dinner now.
Becky, I have room in my hotel room at the Clarion on Thursday night and Friday night. Spousal unit isn't arriving until sometime Saturday. Let me know if you want one of those nights and save you another hotel.
That goes for anyone else needing a place to stay either night. Kids and hubby coming in on Saturday though....so would have to have the room back for family.
@Sheryl... thanks! I think I'm set but will check it out with Michele. The plan is that I stay at her pad on Fri and the two of us (and potentially others) will be at a hotel closer to the action Sat and Sun nights. This is gonna be great! If all goes well, I'll swim with the chicas on Sat morning (depending on when you swim- I have a volunteer mtg to go to), then bike a loop of the course with Tracy! Sunday I'm sure I'll figure out something to do while you're all on the bike course... then will be at the tent until I have to "work" then will watch the final finishers... yay!
@Marianne... too funny! Getting ready to go meet Kate last Saturday I had everything good to go and in my car except my bike and as I was packing up I thuoght to myself, wonder if I'll do something dumb and forget the bike tomorrow morning... I didn't... sorry about your luck, but it sounds like you handled it beautifully!
No run this morning - got up early but didn't feel it... I've had a headache for about a week now... will try to get it in after closing tonight - probably at the gym since it's gonna be hot and humid and stormy... seeing the doc tomorrow for my physical. Will talk to her about these headaches as well as my sleep issues... I certainly don't want to take any meds... but need to figure out what's up!
I love reading the LP race reports... I should start taking notes so I don't run my brain ragged as I'm trying to fall asleep at night. I don't know if nervous is the right word for my first, I just want to finish... without getting sick or bonking or anything...
My calf feels better today (I only did the bike- did not run). But I can tell something still isn't right- if you know what I mean. Got some good advice from P in the Micro thread (Thanks G for giving me the smackdown and getting my head on strait there) and will not be doing the long run this week. I'll do a run/bike/run kinda thing instead.
On another front, I finally broke down and ordered a Smart Phone (the Droid Incredible). I'll probably be consumed with trying to learn it all- I think getting it in time for the taper will be good timing. :-)
Nemo - Glad to hear the calf is feeling better.
Carly -- Disney is almost a go. It would be so cool to see you there! And moving -- yup. A few boxes at a time and this will be easy.
Olivia -- Oooh! New wetsuit! How fun!
Marianne - Yes! Day in the life of Ironwoman!