@Suzanne - it's not at all uncommon for sickness to follow shortly after (and often, during) endurance training/racing. Lots of articles (at least in running mags) about the beating our immune systems take. So, take care of yourself for sure! I'm not a big one for fruit juices, etc... but I try to include OJ and some extra stuff along the uber immune boosting lines in my recovery meals/drinks when I do my long runs, etc... I suspect Kit will/can chime in. Hang in there and get better. See you tonight!
So we had a killer storm in the DC area yesterday. I lost power around 4... called the gym, it was open, so I went to do my 90 minute run there... on the way out and back I was shocked to see all the downed branches and trees... no wonder I lost power. Got home, still dark. Made some mental notes on what I wanted out of my fridge and opened up, grabbed what I could and closed er back up... hasn't been opened since... dinner was choc milk and cold leftover pasta with chx and a peach. Still no power this morning (I REALLY got up at 5 - thank goodness for the alarm on my phone) so i decided to nix my run and take a recovery day (can't do it after work) to be rested for my RR tomorrow. I could shower, sure, but not being able to eat until I got to work would kill me. Got to work then went to Starbucks for a coffee and smoothie . . . hope to have power tonight. Otherwise I'm not sure how I'm gonna manage the RR plan of a 2am smoothie and breakfast at 5:45, etc... Maybe I'll stay at Dan's and buy a Naked of Boathouse juice or something (probably my best bet since I won't have a blender in NH) - any suggestions on which type?
So, for the week I'm 0-3 on swims and down 1 run. I plan to make up at least 1 swim on Sunday. Possibly one tomorrow depending on how I feel after my RR. I did the same ride last weekend with a 30 minute run, so I think I'll be okay after a snack and a nap... Since it was only a 40 minute Z1 run today, I might even make that up on Sunday, too... we'll see, it might be nice to stretch the legs out again after the RR. 2 weeks til the HIM then IMFL training (gulp)!
Meeting up with Kate and her hubby to ride in the morning! She's going longer (and rides faster), but it will be nice to know someone else is out there with me. Dan may come but I'm not particularly optimistic. i worry about him and how he'll fare at the HIM but hey, I've invited him and given him every opportunity to train with me... part of me does wonder, though, if he's sort of doing this so he can have an excuse if he does poorly (I do hear a lot how he doesn't like long course stuff, has blown up at the ones he's done... and recently he informed me he's training for OLYs and will suffer through the HIM)... that said, if he does better than me I must admit I'll be annoyed... but, hey, I'm staying in my box... I hope to execute well and not hurt myself bc my eye is on the IM prize!
Thanks, everyone. Yesterday was a rough day in the office.
Linda - I'm laughing at your image of the frat house! Seriously, my gold standard of cleaning is now no gels on the bathroom counter and dishes getting in the dishwasher. I'm so glad I don't have a yard! (I do have a planter of very sad looking plants.)
Date - Super smart dude, with fantastic, heady conversation about asian art and Mad Men. There may be a second date, but mostly because I'm an intellectual slut. No real presence of spark.
Becky - No power? No fun! I can see the attraction to Olys. I really liked racing the one I did.
Parents in town this weekend for Jo's graduation. It should be a wild weekend of family, bike rides, and packing.
well said Kris!!! Gosh, it really puts things in perspective, huh!?
Beth- your new gold level standard for a clean house sounds like mine. I frankly think that Joe kinda likes this IM training stuff 'cause I get a lot less fussy about getting the dishes into the dishwasher or keeping the bathroom sparkling. Oh- and give the guy a second date, ya never know- sparks might ignite- but if not it sounds like a fun evening!
Becky & Kate- what can I say, I'm so jealous!!! Wish I were there with you this weekend.
So I caught an eel last night! Big freaking slimy thing too- yuck! We spent the evening fishing with Joe's Brother and his family who are here for vacation (4 boys ranging in ages from 21-13 and all of whome tower over me). We had a great time and it was nice to do something so very non-triathlon for a change.
Beth! You crack me up..."intellectual slut"...Ha Ha!
Kitima give me your sister's number so we can work together on getting you to Denver!
Suzanne- so Bummed to hear about your illness. I have suffered that post IM immune system hell too. The good news is that you can Just lay around and get better without guilt. I do hope it passes soon.
Yardwork is a term that does not exist for us. Period. I wish I could get excited about it, but know that I won't. Thank God for the CSA farmers who grow my fruit and veg! And long live the townhome!
Cleaned the bikes I often commute on just now. Filth-o-rama! So many PM storms lately...not great for bikes!
We are psyched for the new tour of CO. Too bad I no longer work for Quiznos who is sponsoring. Worked in the corp HQ for 3 years...boo! Might have got some special access. Oh well, not worth the headache and pain of daily life there.
@Beth - I agree with Nemo... ya never know when sparks might develop and fly give him a chance! Usually the folks that I instantly had chemistry with don't go anywhere. The ones who are interesting and make me think. and laugh well, they have always, always, always become more and more attractive to me as time goes by. I have to admit, and Suzanne can vouch for this, that when I met Dan, while thinking he's very handsome, I thought he might be gay... but at a party a few of my friends in the know checked him out and verified he was not on their team.
@Nemo, we'll miss you tomorrow... I will certainly think of you while on Mt. Nebo.
Completely buried this week here! Tried to take off (unsuccessfully I might add) to take time off work to get some household/life errands taken care of. Just to the point of stress and a wee bit over.... I am going to take off Monday (and no coming in the office, answering phone or email, no matter how much anyone whines). Can't wait to meet everyone at WI and frankly, odd as it sounds, will be good to get away so I can get some rest. Sad when I think 140.6 miles is rest :-) I am so into the "doesn't work understand that I have nothing but IM on the brain for next 5 weeks?" Why do they keep insist I must work? he he he
I am gonna play devils' advocate and say NO second date! no sparks? no date! why?? ha. let's get back to business at hand = training! and not get sidetracked with asian art man. if you didn't talk cycling, I am not sure how much use he is gonna be! lol now if he can fund the sport, then maybe 2nd date. or if he can cook/clean and doesn't mind.... but Mad Men, what is that anyways??? I got enough of those ... smile.
I am so congested due to lake swimming this morning!!! made myself some tea. ha.
Crazy day. Went down to TT Bikefit in RI b/c my bike was just not right. FANTASTIC experience. Wrote about it here if you are inetersted.
@Beth--Keith drove me so nutz the first time I met him, I actually made my friends leave the bar we were at! LOL!!! I thought he was the world's BIGGEST jerk--possibly a candidate for loser category too. Then I met him 6 months later, and decided for give him chance. 29 married, 32 together. You never know. I too am an intellectual slut. When Keith had his accident, I didn't care what his face looked like, I just wanted "him" there, that great brain and mindset I love. I get that part totally.
@Kris--I am in such IM brain, that I completely forgot that my 8-page quarterly newsletter deadline is in two weeks. As of yesterday, I had not word one on paper. It's baaaaad. Lots of pix, and runnin' them big this issue. I am way behind at work, and next week I have to buckle down. Gotta.
Scooting! Packing up the bike for another go round in the morning! Love you all!!!!
Girrrrrrl power! Aimee and I did RR (#1 for me, #2 for her) together on Cape Cod. We are relatively close in watts, so stayed together for the entire ride. Awesome!
Our grass stops growing in July, so I don't mow. Weeding is out of the question. Our house can't be seen from the road, so I only potted flowers in the spring because we had so much company. Now they are dead.
House cleaning- well my OCD about the kitchen can not be tamed. It is the one area that I clean pretty much every day. Every where else is cluttered or dirty, especially if it is in no way important to IM. The only clothes I wash every week are for training.
Beth- I guess I am an intellectual slut too then! Like Linda- I love brains! In the long term, that is extremely important.
Again, I have been lurking more than participating! So just wanted to check in quick. I am grounded, yep, I am limiting my access to internet. Have become very distracted on days off, get up with coffee, get on line, and next thing I know,it is much later in day and nothing is done, then I get mad at myself, blah, blah. If you want to find me in near future. text! Until I get myself in control I'm not going complete internet free, but really have to limit myself
Michele & Aimee- great that you guys had an awesome RR! Always love to hear chicas getting together I'll have to get myself up to Boston again
Beth- I also like intellects. I say go for a 2nd maybe 3rd date- maybe nervous/shy and spark comes out a little later. I know for me, I can be quiet at first, and then the real me comes out
Ok, so tonight, after long day at work, I'm tired, want a glass of wine, but don't want to open a bottle and I'm craving a burger( slap me). Shorts/t shirt. hair in OR hat all day, so blah & flat, no make up, not feeling purty, AT ALL. I go to a bar for a burger. 2 dudes walk in. This guy asks me a question which I just answered when he asked 5 min earlier. Eat my burger, eh, get a 2nd glass of red zinfendel next thing I know, dude has 2 gin & tonics made, 1 is for me! Thanks but no thanks. I despise GIN. Awkward I really didn't want to be rude, but.......Seriously?! Only me LOL! perhaps another glass of wine, i would have graciously accepted. Peerhaps ask would I would like to drink? Oh a glass of wine please, thank you Is it me? Am I an absolute B*tch?. I wonder why I'm single
Where will I find the Driven, intellectual with funky glasses, that likes to ride a bike or run for long periods, shaves his legs, enjoys wine, good music.........
I digress....
To the chicas in heavy IM/70.3 training now- I hear ya on the cleaning. Laundry is the priority. Michele, I'm with you on the kitchen, it slipped near end. Even in my last 2 weeks of transition- blah. Well that is why I am internet grounded after I submit
LP-You got to see Todd Kenyon? Envy, talking about sexy legs with prominent VMO- Dreamy! I know you will get it all done with work. You sound like things are coming together with IM prep
Kris-hang in there. Getting close to my IM turned aquavelo- nonstop calls for OT,changing schedule around, ugh. I hope you have a few extra days after IM to chill before going back to work
Becky- hope you got your power back! sounds like training is coming along well. Wish I could have joined you and Suzanne for HH tonight- some days i wish I had a normal schedule
M- you sound as busy as ever. Heather doing ok after crash? Congrats to her on engagement! You got the bike trainer?
Olivia-Great to hear from you. how are you feeling
Nemo- hw is the droid? did you guys cook the EEl? ick- don't they make sushi with eel?
Gina- great pic of you & su- is belle behaving and staying clear of running shoes
Kitima- are you back on allergy meds now? feeling better. Must be so cool with all butterflies around your property
Man- its after midnight, eyes are getting heavy, need sleep.
Feeling better about events at IM, Ever read Bree Wee blog? She is always so positive, glass half full kind of thing.http://breeweehawaii.blogspot.com/2010/08/1330.html I want to move to Hawaii after reading her posts
The was in her blog today:
"When you're not afraid to fail your chances of succeeding are greater". Shoots, I love this sport, Ill keep swinging knowing the dreams still exist and can happen...
So I'll leave it at that my friends- keep reaching for those dreams! Love ya all
Laying around catching up on EN and all of the race reports I have not had time to read. Day after a RR. I am tired but need to get moving. On my agenda:
-Wax my eyebrows
-Pluck those stray hairs that I don't have time to bother with normally.
- Mail all of those things that won't work for me on race day (or ever).
-Catch up on reading my books!
Oh yeah, laundry, vacuuming, bike cleaning, etc...
Tracy- you crack me up!! For someone in an internet time out you sure get caught up quickly!! And yeah- woulda been nice if he had just ordered you another of whatever you were drinking. Strange!
Keith drove me so nutz the first time I met him, I actually made my friends leave the bar we were at! LOL!!! I thought he was the world's BIGGEST jerk--possibly a candidate for loser category too. Then I met him 6 months later, and decided for give him chance. 29 married, 32 together. You never know.
Seriously? OK- Were we separated at birth or something??? The first time I met Joe was at a UofM football game. He and his friends were sitting in the row in behind me and my friends. They kept stealing my GFs hat and teasing us- I guess they thought they were flirting but we found in annoying. I thought they were the biggest idiots and buffoons ever and eventually grabbed the hat, turned around, and shouted "Give her the F*ckn hat back and leave us the hell alone!". They backed off- his first impression of me? Bitch. About 6 months later we met again at a party- suddenly he was rather cute and charming and I guess I seemed rather sweet. 24 years later and we're still BFFs in love.
Can't let Tracy's comment about Tod at TT Bike Fit go without comment. He is a b-a-b-e. Totally. Tall, fit, handsome, personable, nice, and very smart. Verrrry easy on the eyes. Then...you meet wife Lisbeth. Gorgeous, warm, sweet, friendly, great energy. It's like the perfect storm of a couple. They have three kids, and I can only imagine! Todd also told me that Lisbeth never knew she was an athlete until she started tris--well into her 20s. Then it was clear she was really good at it from the very start. Can't even hate her. Too nice.
I have done NOTHING productive snce the ride, and now I have to mix stuff up again shortly for tomorrow. Pooped.
eww Tracy.. okay so what do I know,? married .. but okay I would suspect somebody put something in a drink that they offered me. I mean to just give you a drink?? yeah, nope. smart girl. I did a long tng day today and all I can say is that I am not speedy but as husband pointed out to me...'okay so you are a slow Ironwoman!".. "where does that leave the rest of us" and how many 47 year olds do you know tng for an IM?? here in AR?? ummm, none? so... putting that aside.... I covered 60 bike, 7 run and then 15 bike miles today. with 2700 feet of elev in the fist 60 miles. I hit every hill out here almost..!! got chased by 7 dogs and saw my power spike to 240!! and my HR too! dang dogs. it only got up to 95 today so the morning felt a lot cooler.... really. I ran at 11 a.m.!! really, couldn't believe it. wow. the sugoi shorty shorts might be my IM ones. they were comfy today. the others seem to be constricting my thighs! ha. so the short ones don't cuz they are not that long. ran and rode in them. oh I have a pink wristband to match the pink visor!! so I waved off the cars as they approached me as I was running alongside a hilly road.
doing laundry now, cleaning up house and going to church tonight! so scooting. m
Tracy - Yeah. That was just not going to work - and that is a-ok.
Hm. I'll keep an eye out for these annoying, pigtail-pulling soulmates. Marianne -- I think you are right. No spark is no spark. But the first date was a fun even all by itself, so a second can't hurt, right?
Nap -- That sounds like fun. The parents are in town and, as a bonus prize, brought Grandpa Jake, who I haven't seen in years! Fun. But now I get to balance family hanging out time with me really just wanting to crawl in bed and watch Nip/Tuck.
Michele -- Sit down! You are being too productive!
Oooh, I like this forum a lot...why haven't I particpated in this one? Now I don't feel so alone. I'm training for IMCA and lost all of my motivation to train about 2 weeks ago. I think it was after Lake Placid and sherpa-ing for my brother. I felt like when his IM was over, so was mine. The only problem is that mine is on August 29! I'm glad I'm not the only one that skips the FTP testing at this point. When I saw it on my schedule this week, I laughed because I can no longer keep the paces that I'm supposed to anyway so I figured why test again? As for swimming, I have not touched the water in 2 weeks. I actually dragged myself all the way to the pool on public transportation through hot, nasty, stinky NYC summer weather (twice this week) only to turn around and go home. Just couldn't do it.
But ok, time to be positive...taper time is here! Thank goodness! Now I just have to get my head on straight because I've been hearing about the smoke and heat in Penticton and letting it worry me. This being my first season with EN, I have to keep reminding myself of the thing called "the box". Heat and smoke don't fit in there.
Anyway, thanks ladies for sharing on this forum. Just reading through it makes me feel like I have support out there and gives me motivation to soldier on! Keep up the good work!
You girls just crack me UP! Luv reading all of your comments about housecleaning and lack thereof, and strange men in bars, and sparkless yet intellectual dates! Tracy, smart girl to turn down Mr. Gin! WTF? Beth, I say good for you, to give the guy another try and see what happens. If no sparks, atleast you got your intellect stimulated! LOL! Nemo and Linda, great comments on your guys! And Michele, you most certainly are doing too much! I did my 6 hour RR today, with 81.5 miles covered, followed by a 40 min. run/walk, more walk than run, however. Got to about 92 degrees by that time, and I was ready to be done. Had to get to a potty anyways, so canned the last 20 min. I am glad to read about naps, as I feel like a total couch potato anymore. I swim, bike, run, eat, then all I want to do is sleep! I get on the computer and surf through the forums, Facebook, etc., and that is about it! School starts again in 2 weeks. Thank goodness for my taper, as I sure don't have much energy to do anything else right now.
Beth, so sorry about your friend! I just went back and read your post about that. So weird too, that you said you all thought she was coming back to work soon. A colleague of mine at Portage High School, who had brain cancer, passed away yesterday morning. Strange, because she had been doing well, going places with her kids, started cooking, etc, and everyone was under the impression she was coming back to school this year. My condolences to you.
Oooooh New Chica! Welcome Carie! Hope on in! Love to get to know you before IM Canada so we know a little about one of the Chica's we'll be tracking online and cheering for through our PCs.
Michele- I agree, you need to go take a nap!!!! I feel so under productive compared to you. Spent a good part of my day playing with my new Droid phone. I have a LOT to learn!
Linda- I hear you. I didn't have a forced 2 week stand down like you. Instead I took those 2 weekends semi- off to go to NY and see my family. Now I am kind of freaking that I didn't work hard enough or ride long enough. That my RR was too easy and not really a workout. But you know what is keeping me going? All of these ladies. And I know you feel the energy. To be honest, the women here are becoming my one thing that is going to get me through when I feel like I can't go on (both race day and until the race).
As for welcoming new Chickas!!! Welcome Carie! And we have Betsy Dally in da haus! She was at the Tri Rally and is doing IMWI. I told her to get in the women's forum and type away, we are good people. And she is asking her brother to wear a pink speedo! She is one of us!!!
Welcome to the new girlz in the forum! Hope to meet you in person some day!
Linda, Michele, etc... I can ASSURE you that being a bit undertrained is very ok. First, you still have a few more weeks of heavy training. Second, my worst (of 3) IM performances was the year that I overtrained. Last year for IMWI I did about 60% of the training volume that I did the first year. 90-minute PR. Then, life circumstances played a role in my IMCdA training this year, and I'm pretty sure I set an all-time record for the least number of training hours EVER! Yet, I kept my cool, stayed within my box on race day, followed the EN race execution guidelines, and had a fantastic day. Sure, I could have probably gone faster on race day if I had trained more. So what.
You will all be fine. Keep up the hard work, as well as life allows you to. Stay within your box. That advice isn't just for race day. You are getting so close, and I am SO excited for you gals!
Thanks Michele. In my rational brain, I know you are right.
Really hard to get moving today. Yesterday, I had so much energy and was go-go-go. Today I am a slug. It has taken 3 tries just to get out of bed. Perhaps real rest is in order...
okay so the Asian Art guy seems to have gotten a 2nd date because he has fun events planned...... and Gin Guy has not made the EN chica cut! are we on some sort of reality show??/ smile...... okay so the real purpose of having a BFF to train with?? yep, Heather told me today my tri sugoi shorts are now sorta see thru! yep.. we were all riding, super sweaty and it had rained....!!!!! worst scenario.. oh yeah and sure enough I said to her "tell me if these shorts are worn out.." she drops back and just says "uh huh" so of course I break out laughing so hard that I can barely maintain my posture on the bike and the three guys, friends wonder what is going on.. fortunately I naturally drop off and hung back...! so yep those go in the trash... and they weren't comfy today anyways... then at mile 37, I have 7 miles to make it back home and in the parking lot... and I am hungry! hmm. I look around and see three dudes, casual recreational cyclists but they looked safe so I wander over to them to mooch!! desperate.. I just say "hey I am about to bonk, do you have about 100 - 200 calories", me in my IMUSA singlet ...why they gave me some cold gatorade AND a peanut butter cliff bar! "hey what kind of bike is that?? they ask, what is made out of??? oh dear, I really didn't want conversation just food! "carbon" and "tri bike" and with another thanks, I had some fuel to cycle 7 miles home! totalling 44 miles. four of us going to WI training together today and we now know each other so well that we can tell when some sorta sprint/interval is about to happen...! we don't even tell each other where the start or end is! all of us in EN..... m
o be honest, the women here are becoming my one thing that is going to get me through when I feel like I can't go on (both race day and until the race).
Me too. I think we're all in that training overload world of hurt place of insecurity that pretty much comes with the territory at the 5-6 week out mark. We will ALL be fine! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Michele for reminding us of that fact!!! It's so hard to believe when you are sitting here in the middle of it. You EN Chicas that are part of the Sherpa crew are also making a HUGE difference for all of us! THANK YOU!!!
I will try and come around, but I KNEW before FL '08 I was READY. Really, really ready. I remember saying to Leigh and Dave on Labor Day weekend when we did the RR swim that I felt I could know do the race that day. I know every experience is different, but I just don't feel that way--yet. Maybe I'll peak at just the right time. Here's hoping.
The other thing that I make peace with, then go to war with, is my performance. I just don't have the numbers to back me up like I did in '08--10-12 watts low on the bike, and the run has had an equal slow down. I know that the thyroid meltdown is very much at the center of all this, and there's not much I can do physically about that at this point. But when I look at the speed I rode today--well, there was not ONE ride in '08 that was that slow. Granted, I couldn't see my PM all day b/c of the new position so when feedback is limited, I seem to like to slack off, ride, and enjoy. I truly will be fine in the end whatever my outcome is. It truly is a gift in my life to be able to do this, and to do it with so many of my friends here. Overall, I feel SO good too, and (knock wood) staving off injury. But part of the process of making peace with things that rankle is airing the dirty linen, and moving on. That's what I'm doing here. Thanks for the vent.
@Beth - so sorry for your loss. Hugs.
@Suzanne - it's not at all uncommon for sickness to follow shortly after (and often, during) endurance training/racing. Lots of articles (at least in running mags) about the beating our immune systems take. So, take care of yourself for sure! I'm not a big one for fruit juices, etc... but I try to include OJ and some extra stuff along the uber immune boosting lines in my recovery meals/drinks when I do my long runs, etc... I suspect Kit will/can chime in. Hang in there and get better. See you tonight!
So we had a killer storm in the DC area yesterday. I lost power around 4... called the gym, it was open, so I went to do my 90 minute run there... on the way out and back I was shocked to see all the downed branches and trees... no wonder I lost power. Got home, still dark. Made some mental notes on what I wanted out of my fridge and opened up, grabbed what I could and closed er back up... hasn't been opened since... dinner was choc milk and cold leftover pasta with chx and a peach. Still no power this morning (I REALLY got up at 5 - thank goodness for the alarm on my phone) so i decided to nix my run and take a recovery day (can't do it after work) to be rested for my RR tomorrow. I could shower, sure, but not being able to eat until I got to work would kill me. Got to work then went to Starbucks for a coffee and smoothie . . . hope to have power tonight. Otherwise I'm not sure how I'm gonna manage the RR plan of a 2am smoothie and breakfast at 5:45, etc... Maybe I'll stay at Dan's and buy a Naked of Boathouse juice or something (probably my best bet since I won't have a blender in NH) - any suggestions on which type?
So, for the week I'm 0-3 on swims and down 1 run. I plan to make up at least 1 swim on Sunday. Possibly one tomorrow depending on how I feel after my RR. I did the same ride last weekend with a 30 minute run, so I think I'll be okay after a snack and a nap... Since it was only a 40 minute Z1 run today, I might even make that up on Sunday, too... we'll see, it might be nice to stretch the legs out again after the RR. 2 weeks til the HIM then IMFL training (gulp)!
Meeting up with Kate and her hubby to ride in the morning! She's going longer (and rides faster), but it will be nice to know someone else is out there with me. Dan may come but I'm not particularly optimistic. i worry about him and how he'll fare at the HIM but hey, I've invited him and given him every opportunity to train with me... part of me does wonder, though, if he's sort of doing this so he can have an excuse if he does poorly (I do hear a lot how he doesn't like long course stuff, has blown up at the ones he's done... and recently he informed me he's training for OLYs and will suffer through the HIM)... that said, if he does better than me I must admit I'll be annoyed... but, hey, I'm staying in my box... I hope to execute well and not hurt myself bc my eye is on the IM prize!
happy Friday, all!
Thanks, everyone. Yesterday was a rough day in the office.
Linda - I'm laughing at your image of the frat house! Seriously, my gold standard of cleaning is now no gels on the bathroom counter and dishes getting in the dishwasher. I'm so glad I don't have a yard! (I do have a planter of very sad looking plants.)
Date - Super smart dude, with fantastic, heady conversation about asian art and Mad Men. There may be a second date, but mostly because I'm an intellectual slut. No real presence of spark.
Becky - No power? No fun! I can see the attraction to Olys. I really liked racing the one I did.
Parents in town this weekend for Jo's graduation. It should be a wild weekend of family, bike rides, and packing.
Thank heavens it is Friday!
Beth- your new gold level standard for a clean house sounds like mine. I frankly think that Joe kinda likes this IM training stuff 'cause I get a lot less fussy about getting the dishes into the dishwasher or keeping the bathroom sparkling. Oh- and give the guy a second date, ya never know- sparks might ignite- but if not it sounds like a fun evening!
Becky & Kate- what can I say, I'm so jealous!!! Wish I were there with you this weekend.
So I caught an eel last night! Big freaking slimy thing too- yuck! We spent the evening fishing with Joe's Brother and his family who are here for vacation (4 boys ranging in ages from 21-13 and all of whome tower over me). We had a great time and it was nice to do something so very non-triathlon for a change.
Kitima give me your sister's number so we can work together on getting you to Denver!
Suzanne- so Bummed to hear about your illness. I have suffered that post IM immune system hell too. The good news is that you can Just lay around and get better without guilt. I do hope it passes soon.
Yardwork is a term that does not exist for us. Period. I wish I could get excited about it, but know that I won't. Thank God for the CSA farmers who grow my fruit and veg! And long live the townhome!
Cleaned the bikes I often commute on just now. Filth-o-rama! So many PM storms lately...not great for bikes!
We are psyched for the new tour of CO. Too bad I no longer work for Quiznos who is sponsoring. Worked in the corp HQ for 3 years...boo! Might have got some special access. Oh well, not worth the headache and pain of daily life there.
@Beth - I agree with Nemo... ya never know when sparks might develop and fly give him a chance! Usually the folks that I instantly had chemistry with don't go anywhere. The ones who are interesting and make me think. and laugh well, they have always, always, always become more and more attractive to me as time goes by. I have to admit, and Suzanne can vouch for this, that when I met Dan, while thinking he's very handsome, I thought he might be gay... but at a party a few of my friends in the know checked him out and verified he was not on their team.
@Nemo, we'll miss you tomorrow... I will certainly think of you while on Mt. Nebo.
I am so congested due to lake swimming this morning!!! made myself some tea. ha.
yes looking forward to vacay at the IM!!
Crazy day. Went down to TT Bikefit in RI b/c my bike was just not right. FANTASTIC experience. Wrote about it here if you are inetersted.
@Beth--Keith drove me so nutz the first time I met him, I actually made my friends leave the bar we were at! LOL!!! I thought he was the world's BIGGEST jerk--possibly a candidate for loser category too. Then I met him 6 months later, and decided for give him chance. 29 married, 32 together. You never know. I too am an intellectual slut.
When Keith had his accident, I didn't care what his face looked like, I just wanted "him" there, that great brain and mindset I love. I get that part totally.
@Kris--I am in such IM brain, that I completely forgot that my 8-page quarterly newsletter deadline is in two weeks. As of yesterday, I had not word one on paper. It's baaaaad. Lots of pix, and runnin' them big this issue.
I am way behind at work, and next week I have to buckle down. Gotta.
Scooting! Packing up the bike for another go round in the morning! Love you all!!!!
Our grass stops growing in July, so I don't mow. Weeding is out of the question. Our house can't be seen from the road, so I only potted flowers in the spring because we had so much company. Now they are dead.
House cleaning- well my OCD about the kitchen can not be tamed. It is the one area that I clean pretty much every day. Every where else is cluttered or dirty, especially if it is in no way important to IM. The only clothes I wash every week are for training.
Beth- I guess I am an intellectual slut too then! Like Linda- I love brains! In the long term, that is extremely important.
Really glad I took today off work.
Hi everyone
Again, I have been lurking more than participating! So just wanted to check in quick. I am grounded, yep, I am limiting my access to internet. Have become very distracted on days off, get up with coffee, get on line, and next thing I know,it is much later in day and nothing is done, then I get mad at myself, blah, blah. If you want to find me in near future. text! Until I get myself in control
I'm not going complete internet free, but really have to limit myself
dang, didn't mean to hit submit Argh!
Michele & Aimee- great that you guys had an awesome RR! Always love to hear chicas getting together
I'll have to get myself up to Boston again
Beth- I also like intellects. I say go for a 2nd maybe 3rd date- maybe nervous/shy and spark comes out a little later. I know for me, I can be quiet at first, and then the real me comes out
Ok, so tonight, after long day at work, I'm tired, want a glass of wine, but don't want to open a bottle and I'm craving a burger( slap me). Shorts/t shirt. hair in OR hat all day, so blah & flat, no make up, not feeling purty, AT ALL. I go to a bar for a burger. 2 dudes walk in. This guy asks me a question which I just answered when he asked 5 min earlier. Eat my burger, eh, get a 2nd glass of red zinfendel
next thing I know, dude has 2 gin & tonics made, 1 is for me! Thanks but no thanks. I despise GIN. Awkward I really didn't want to be rude, but.......Seriously?! Only me LOL! perhaps another glass of wine, i would have graciously accepted. Peerhaps ask would I would like to drink? Oh a glass of wine please, thank you
Is it me? Am I an absolute B*tch?. I wonder why I'm single
Where will I find the Driven, intellectual with funky glasses, that likes to ride a bike or run for long periods, shaves his legs

, enjoys wine, good music.........
I digress....
To the chicas in heavy IM/70.3 training now- I hear ya on the cleaning. Laundry is the priority. Michele, I'm with you on the kitchen, it slipped near end. Even in my last 2 weeks of transition- blah. Well that is why I am internet grounded after I submit
LP-You got to see Todd Kenyon? Envy, talking about sexy legs with prominent VMO- Dreamy! I know you will get it all done with work. You sound like things are coming together with IM prep
Kris-hang in there. Getting close to my IM turned aquavelo- nonstop calls for OT,changing schedule around, ugh. I hope you have a few extra days after IM to chill before going back to work
Becky- hope you got your power back! sounds like training is coming along well. Wish I could have joined you and Suzanne for HH tonight- some days i wish I had a normal schedule
M- you sound as busy as ever. Heather doing ok after crash? Congrats to her on engagement! You got the bike trainer?
Olivia-Great to hear from you. how are you feeling
Nemo- hw is the droid? did you guys cook the EEl? ick- don't they make sushi with eel?
Gina- great pic of you & su- is belle behaving and staying clear of running shoes
Kitima- are you back on allergy meds now? feeling better. Must be so cool with all butterflies around your property
Man- its after midnight, eyes are getting heavy, need sleep.
Feeling better about events at IM, Ever read Bree Wee blog? She is always so positive, glass half full kind of thing.http://breeweehawaii.blogspot.com/2010/08/1330.html I want to move to Hawaii after reading her posts
The was in her blog today:
"When you're not afraid to fail your chances of succeeding are greater". Shoots, I love this sport, Ill keep swinging knowing the dreams still exist and can happen...
So I'll leave it at that my friends- keep reaching for those dreams! Love ya all
Laying around catching up on EN and all of the race reports I have not had time to read. Day after a RR. I am tired but need to get moving. On my agenda:
-Wax my eyebrows
-Pluck those stray hairs that I don't have time to bother with normally.
- Mail all of those things that won't work for me on race day (or ever).
-Catch up on reading my books!
Oh yeah, laundry, vacuuming, bike cleaning, etc...
Tracy- you crack me up!! For someone in an internet time out you sure get caught up quickly!! And yeah- woulda been nice if he had just ordered you another of whatever you were drinking. Strange!
Seriously? OK- Were we separated at birth or something??? The first time I met Joe was at a UofM football game. He and his friends were sitting in the row in behind me and my friends. They kept stealing my GFs hat and teasing us- I guess they thought they were flirting but we found in annoying. I thought they were the biggest idiots and buffoons ever and eventually grabbed the hat, turned around, and shouted "Give her the F*ckn hat back and leave us the hell alone!". They backed off- his first impression of me? Bitch. About 6 months later we met again at a party- suddenly he was rather cute and charming and I guess I seemed rather sweet. 24 years later and we're still BFFs in love.
I have:
cleaned the kitchen and all my bottles and dishes from yesterday
cleaned my bike (that was major- lots of sand)
started the laundry
worked on getting rid of accumulated bugs, live and dead, that have taken up residence in our porches
stripped the sheets off the bed
Mailed things
Returned stuff to stores
Took trash and recycling to the dump
So now I will start to work on me- bathing, removing stray hair, etc.
Such a gorgeous day and this is what I do....
Can't let Tracy's comment about Tod at TT Bike Fit go without comment. He is a b-a-b-e. Totally. Tall, fit, handsome, personable, nice, and very smart. Verrrry easy on the eyes. Then...you meet wife Lisbeth. Gorgeous, warm, sweet, friendly, great energy. It's like the perfect storm of a couple. They have three kids, and I can only imagine! Todd also told me that Lisbeth never knew she was an athlete until she started tris--well into her 20s. Then it was clear she was really good at it from the very start. Can't even hate her. Too nice.
I have done NOTHING productive snce the ride, and now I have to mix stuff up again shortly for tomorrow. Pooped.
I did a long tng day today and all I can say is that I am not speedy but as husband pointed out to me...'okay so you are a slow Ironwoman!".. "where does that leave the rest of us" and how many 47 year olds do you know tng for an IM?? here in AR?? ummm, none? so... putting that aside.... I covered 60 bike, 7 run and then 15 bike miles today. with 2700 feet of elev in the fist 60 miles. I hit every hill out here almost..!! got chased by 7 dogs and saw my power spike to 240!! and my HR too! dang dogs. it only got up to 95 today so the morning felt a lot cooler.... really. I ran at 11 a.m.!! really, couldn't believe it. wow. the sugoi shorty shorts might be my IM ones. they were comfy today. the others seem to be constricting my thighs! ha. so the short ones don't cuz they are not that long. ran and rode in them. oh I have a pink wristband to match the pink visor!! so I waved off the cars as they approached me as I was running alongside a hilly road.
doing laundry now, cleaning up house and going to church tonight! so scooting. m
Tracy - Yeah. That was just not going to work - and that is a-ok.
Hm. I'll keep an eye out for these annoying, pigtail-pulling soulmates.
Marianne -- I think you are right. No spark is no spark. But the first date was a fun even all by itself, so a second can't hurt, right?
Nap -- That sounds like fun. The parents are in town and, as a bonus prize, brought Grandpa Jake, who I haven't seen in years! Fun. But now I get to balance family hanging out time with me really just wanting to crawl in bed and watch Nip/Tuck.
Michele -- Sit down! You are being too productive!
But ok, time to be positive...taper time is here! Thank goodness! Now I just have to get my head on straight because I've been hearing about the smoke and heat in Penticton and letting it worry me. This being my first season with EN, I have to keep reminding myself of the thing called "the box". Heat and smoke don't fit in there.
Anyway, thanks ladies for sharing on this forum. Just reading through it makes me feel like I have support out there and gives me motivation to soldier on! Keep up the good work!
Carie! Hop right in. You are more than welcome here! It will be fun getting to know you. Best bunch of women ever.
Michele- I agree, you need to go take a nap!!!! I feel so under productive compared to you. Spent a good part of my day playing with my new Droid phone. I have a LOT to learn!
I just don't feel ready. I'm carrying on and seeing it through, but I don't feel ready. Just had to get that out there. Good night. I love you all!
As for welcoming new Chickas!!! Welcome Carie! And we have Betsy Dally in da haus! She was at the Tri Rally and is doing IMWI. I told her to get in the women's forum and type away, we are good people. And she is asking her brother to wear a pink speedo! She is one of us!!!
Linda, Michele, etc... I can ASSURE you that being a bit undertrained is very ok. First, you still have a few more weeks of heavy training. Second, my worst (of 3) IM performances was the year that I overtrained. Last year for IMWI I did about 60% of the training volume that I did the first year. 90-minute PR. Then, life circumstances played a role in my IMCdA training this year, and I'm pretty sure I set an all-time record for the least number of training hours EVER!
You will all be fine. Keep up the hard work, as well as life allows you to. Stay within your box. That advice isn't just for race day.
Really hard to get moving today. Yesterday, I had so much energy and was go-go-go. Today I am a slug. It has taken 3 tries just to get out of bed. Perhaps real rest is in order...
okay so the real purpose of having a BFF to train with?? yep, Heather told me today my tri sugoi shorts are now sorta see thru! yep.. we were all riding, super sweaty and it had rained....!!!!! worst scenario.. oh yeah and sure enough I said to her "tell me if these shorts are worn out.." she drops back and just says "uh huh" so of course I break out laughing so hard that I can barely maintain my posture on the bike and the three guys, friends wonder what is going on.. fortunately I naturally drop off and hung back...! so yep those go in the trash... and they weren't comfy today anyways... then at mile 37, I have 7 miles to make it back home and in the parking lot... and I am hungry! hmm. I look around and see three dudes, casual recreational cyclists but they looked safe so I wander over to them to mooch!! desperate.. I just say "hey I am about to bonk, do you have about 100 - 200 calories", me in my IMUSA singlet ...why they gave me some cold gatorade AND a peanut butter cliff bar! "hey what kind of bike is that?? they ask, what is made out of??? oh dear, I really didn't want conversation just food! "carbon" and "tri bike" and with another thanks, I had some fuel to cycle 7 miles home!
totalling 44 miles. four of us going to WI training together today and we now know each other so well that we can tell when some sorta sprint/interval is about to happen...! we don't even tell each other where the start or end is! all of us in EN..... m
I hear ya. I didn't feel stellar after yesterday's RR and is giving me some doubts....
Me too. I think we're all in that training overload world of hurt place of insecurity that pretty much comes with the territory at the 5-6 week out mark. We will ALL be fine! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Michele for reminding us of that fact!!! It's so hard to believe when you are sitting here in the middle of it. You EN Chicas that are part of the Sherpa crew are also making a HUGE difference for all of us! THANK YOU!!!
I will try and come around, but I KNEW before FL '08 I was READY. Really, really ready. I remember saying to Leigh and Dave on Labor Day weekend when we did the RR swim that I felt I could know do the race that day. I know every experience is different, but I just don't feel that way--yet. Maybe I'll peak at just the right time. Here's hoping.
The other thing that I make peace with, then go to war with, is my performance. I just don't have the numbers to back me up like I did in '08--10-12 watts low on the bike, and the run has had an equal slow down. I know that the thyroid meltdown is very much at the center of all this, and there's not much I can do physically about that at this point. But when I look at the speed I rode today--well, there was not ONE ride in '08 that was that slow. Granted, I couldn't see my PM all day b/c of the new position so when feedback is limited, I seem to like to slack off, ride, and enjoy.
I truly will be fine in the end whatever my outcome is. It truly is a gift in my life to be able to do this, and to do it with so many of my friends here. Overall, I feel SO good too, and (knock wood) staving off injury. But part of the process of making peace with things that rankle is airing the dirty linen, and moving on. That's what I'm doing here. Thanks for the vent.