One thing that keeps coming back to me is there is another factor, another performance # that we tend to not take into account.. HF... happiness factor. When I signed up for WI this year it was because of the opportunity to race with so many super cool chickas. It was all about the female coolness factor not that I select this race for timing, course or any of the normal considerations for me... 100% an emotional decision so not surprising that I should feel that that goal is the most important for me of this race. Do I want to swim, bike & run faster... you betcha! It's just not the 100% all consuming focus for this year. I think we have all been through some different and trying circumstances this year. Perhaps our mental strength is what is increasing this year.. increasing our emotional watts, our spiritual pace.. etc
Things will get better in the taper... I do remember that. Hard to be super positive when you are physically spent. So, right now... let's banish those negative thoughts.. they are NOT allowed in our brains. We are the EN chickas... the mighty EN chickas and not ONE person at that race will doubt the awesome power of the team!
Kris--I heart you! I just printed that out and put it in my folder. You are 1000% right, and where I'm at 95% of the time. Working on getting there completely, and banishing the demons. Work in progress, that's me.
Michele--I heart you too! Voices of reason calming down the freaked. We know it's true, but you know how it is at this point in the training. Nutz!
............ there is another factor, another performance # that we tend to not take into account.. HF... happiness factor. ............. Perhaps our mental strength is what is increasing this year.. increasing our emotional watts, our spiritual pace.. etc
Amen. This is totally going to be my Quote of the Day!!!
ditto on this: I think we have all been through some different and trying circumstances this year. Perhaps our mental strength is what is increasing this year.. increasing our emotional watts, our spiritual pace..
***** off to the store gals...
note: if this was an emotional decision? then who better than all of us chicas to do this race! we have enough motion for more than 140.6 miles!! m
Carie: Nice to see you in the forum! The fitness hay is in the barn---time to absorb all of it during taper.
Michele C: I would need to just go right to bed after doing all that you just did. Wowsers!
Beth: Intellectual slut---I love it! During our very first conversation, my DH and I got into a pissing contest about who was "The Great American Novelist". It's John Steinbeck, of course. He still thinks it's Hemingway---PUH-Leez! I don't remember if there was a spark at that time, but I do remember getting my feathers ruffled when he told me that I didn't like Hemingway because I WAS A WOMAN. Okay, maybe that was a spark. Anyhoo, it's so hard to predict how a relationship will unfurl. I know that when I was in my 20's I really let my expectations stand in the way of seeing how someone really was. When I met my DH, I was newly divorced, not looking for any relationship--much less with a DOODE, and to quote Linda P, I just didn't give a what. So the whole initial "Meet my marketing representative" part of dating for me was gone. No hiding my crazy love of cats (he hates cats) or complete lack of knowledge about American History. I'm pretty sure he did the same. I don't really know where I'm going with this ---can't wait to hear about Asian Art doode's second date...
Michele M and Kris: Thank you, thank you, thank you for your words of wisdom and peace! I really needed to hear those things.
Update from Nature Girl's Jungly Yard: DUCKS have moved into my yard. My dog found them one morning when he went to poop in the woods. He was very curious about them, but didn't chase them. They quack in the middle of the night and in the early morning. It's really cute! Now that my allergy testing is done (I had 65 shots in both arms---the conclusion: I'm allergic to CATS, maple and ash trees, and 4 different weeds. Serves me right for being such a slug about yardwork!), I'm back on Claritin and have opened all the windows in the house again. At 5am, there's a male Cardinal bird that starts chirping very, very loudly. My DH was driven mad by it. He gets up, goes to the open door of our bedroom porch and yells,"Shut the F&*K up!" The response: QUACK quack quack quack... I almost fell out of bed laughing.
KIT !!!! You went to the allergist?! Good girl . F I N A L L Y
Yep, my own histamine finally pushed me over the edge. Claritin + steroid nasal + antihistamine nasal spray = barely 80% relief on a good day. Finally is right! I cried "Uncle!" and decided I'd just get those stoopid shots just so I could breathe. The testing unfortunately did not show that I was allergic to 400 yard repeats in the pool.
@Kit--Hemingway isn't even in the same stratosphere as Steinbeck. When I have nothing to read, I always go back to Steinbeck. Kev is just wrong on that one. Good on the shots. You'll feel like you've moved out of LA.
Thanks for the welcome everyone! I love this group already...the candid comments and openness is just great. It keeps things real and I appreciate that a lot as I am learning so much already.
@Nemo...ok, now I have more motivation since you pointed out that more people could possibly be tracking me online...eek, no pressure. @Kris, I also LOVED your quote about emotional watts and spiritual pace. I will remember that with every training session from here on out and on race day. Actually, I really need to remember that at work too, especially when they throw in last minute projects, assignments and business trips! Not now! Seriously! @Linda, wow...everytime I want to complain about my life, I will remember what you have been going through. @Michele and Michele thanks for words of wisdom and support. @Kit, thanks for cracking me up and making me laugh out loud at my computer. While I don't have a yard to mow, I will never have cardinal/ duck experiences.
Let me just say that I don't know how all of you ladies do it. I can barely take care of apartment is a disaster and I live in a NYC closet so it's not like there's much space to clean, no yard to mow, no car to wash, no family to take care of. Still...I can barely get through my days. You are all an inspiration!
I have said this more times than I can count. The goodness that resounds in this forum, specifically this thread. As quite a few of us are heading into that lst push before IMWI, each one of us/you bring wonderful balance to the perspective.
My $$$$ spent to stay in the HAUS is 10% training, 90% Chica bonding.
My $$$$ spent to stay in the HAUS is 10% training, 90% Chica bonding.
Yep! Love RnP and what they have created for the tri community. Love the EN Chickas for all we have created for ourselves. A group of women who "get" that taking care of yourself makes the rest of life smoother (usually- except the last 8 weeks of IM training though)
@Kitima- ; LOL at the ducks in the yard. They are too precious. Way better than Canadian geese. So cute! I am sorry that you had to get so many shots, but I am glad you are getting this sorted out. Your descriptions of what you were going through were unbelievable.
@Nemo- The nap won today! I did vacuum the house and clean the bathroom, but then I sat out in the sun to read a book, dozed on and off instead until I came inside and took a proper 2 hour nap on the couch.
Yes- the fatigue caught up with me 2 days after the RR. Weird.
OK MOO girls....keep on truckin' with the training. I'm so inspired by all of you that I'M COMING TO CHEER AND SHERPA!! Just bought my ticket and I can hardly sit still. Need to arrange further details...but i will be there! YEAAAA!!
OK MOO girls....keep on truckin' with the training. I'm so inspired by all of you that I'M COMING TO CHEER AND SHERPA!! Just bought my ticket and I can hardly sit still. Need to arrange further details...but i will be there! YEAAAA!!
Olivia -- HOORAY! I thought I was wiped from today's workout, but there was still energy to have a dance party in the kitchen on reading this news! The best!
OK MOO girls....keep on truckin' with the training. I'm so inspired by all of you that I'M COMING TO CHEER AND SHERPA!! Just bought my ticket and I can hardly sit still. Need to arrange further details...but i will be there! YEAAAA!!
Olivia....I have room in my room until Saturday morning. Let me know if you are interested. It's a sleeper sofa but not too bad and free...
I have said this more times than I can count. The goodness that resounds in this forum, specifically this thread. As quite a few of us are heading into that lst push before IMWI, each one of us/you bring wonderful balance to the perspective.
My $$$$ spent to stay in the HAUS is 10% training, 90% Chica bonding.
Posted By Sheryl Woodworth on 08 Aug 2010 05:50 PM
Posted By Olivia Syptak on 08 Aug 2010 05:34 PM
OK MOO girls....keep on truckin' with the training. I'm so inspired by all of you that I'M COMING TO CHEER AND SHERPA!! Just bought my ticket and I can hardly sit still. Need to arrange further details...but i will be there! YEAAAA!!
Olivia....I have room in my room until Saturday morning. Let me know if you are interested. It's a sleeper sofa but not too bad and free...
And Josh, Becky, and I have a hotel room with 2 queen beds + at least 1 air mattress on Sat/Sun nights. The 3 of us are ok with sharing the room, if you are. And if it gets too crowded, I could always just sleep at my house instead of downtown.
Thank you for the offers for lodging in Madison. I just may take you up on them. Let me just check in with the lovely Mrs. Chavez to se if she is coming and of she needs a roommate. It might be close to impossible to find a room at this point.
I can't decide whether I should try to sign up to volunteer....
woohoo! more chica's coming to IMWI. very exciting news!
Amen to the HF (happiness factor). So freaking true in every which way. HF trumps vdot, FTP, IF, tss, blah blah blah anyday in my book. It's not work if you're out there playing.
I like to think that we've found that balance again. Florida was a party for us in '08. We had a blast prepping Dave for his first IM. We weren't obsessed with numbers or workouts. We just set out each weekend to have fun and did the best we could. Last year we completely lost sight of that chasing crazy goals and the result was a loooooong death march to the start line and a disappoint race for both of us. This year feels like '08 again in our house. There's no dreading the start or nerves about time/performance goals. We're just looking forward to being out there with our friends and chicas.
Thank you for the offers for lodging in Madison. I just may take you up on them. Let me just check in with the lovely Mrs. Chavez to se if she is coming and of she needs a roommate.
It might be close to impossible to find a room at this point.
I can't decide whether I should try to sign up to volunteer....
If you end up getting a hotel room, there are still rooms available at the Best Western Inntowner. It's just a few blocks from the far west end of the run course, <3 miles from the Monona Terrace. That's where Becky, Josh, and I are staying.<br />
wowie... lots to catch up on. I stayed mostly up with FB this weekend but never got on my puter...
@Carrie - welcome!!! this is an amazing group of women. I kicked myself for not noticing this thread until Mar or Apr, but they welcomed me with open arms!
@Olivia - yay!!! Of course there's room in our hotel for ya! I'm volunteering so I can get a spot in line to register for 2011!
My RR (for Timberman) was rough... but it's my own fault... to much fun celebrating on Friday night. The bike was just plain miserable. I wanted off as soon as I got on. The run was actually tolerable. Probably bc it was flat and shady. In any event, glad it's done. I did Friday's workout yesterday. So, last week I was down 2 swims. Exhausted all day yesterday... slept a lot... didn't run this morning. Will likely make the run up tonight and move the swim til tomorrow or the other way around. It will all get done.
Now, a question for the WSMs and seasoned vets out there (I'll be sending this to the coaches, too). I am now 13 weeks out from IMFL... next weekend is Timberman (at the end of what should be week 1 of IM prep). Way back when the coaches blessed this schedule and told me to look at the wiki re: how to add a HIM to IM training, which I did, but what I saw only covers the recovery week. My question is: do I stick with the HIM plan through week 12's taper OR do I start week 1 IM next week knowing the HIM is Sunday. I guess I'm a bit stressed out with the thought of the prior because I won't be really starting IM prep til week 3 (week 1 will be HIM taper, week 2 will be recovery)... HELP
Thank you for the offers for lodging in Madison. I just may take you up on them. Let me just check in with the lovely Mrs. Chavez to se if she is coming and of she needs a roommate.
It might be close to impossible to find a room at this point.
I can't decide whether I should try to sign up to volunteer....
Volunteering is a blast! I met Kathy and Sheryl and bike special needs last year.
Becky- just still with the HIM plan through your race. That's what I did with Eagleman and the timing was identical. Worked out just fine. Taper for your race, then use the Wiki guidance to get yourself back on track for the week afterwards.
Carrie!!! I forgot to tell you thanks for cheering me on at Lake Placid - I definitely saw you out there.
Don't beat yourself up about Saturday's RR, Becky. There is no such thing as celebrating too much me. (JK) Re: the training plan, I think you'll be fine wrapping up Timberman taper, race and recovery and then jumping into the IM plan at the beginning of week 3. IMO, there's plenty of wiggle room in these plans to drop and/or modify the volume without adverse consequences. I was already regularly skipping the Wednesday brick run, the Friday run (usually), and at least one of the swims before the bike accident - and then that happened and I missed more than a few long rides - and I was plenty fit for Placid. Also, don't put pressure on yourself to "get it all done". There's no way that's possible. Prioritize the three key workouts and let the rest fall into place where it can.
Alright. I signed up for a volunteer shift. I hesitated because I don't want to miss too much of the chica action and the speedo shenanigans on the run. But I also really wanted to ne able to help on some way. So I will be helping in a non-medical capacity in the med-tent from 11 to 3. That way I should be able to work my way over to mile 18 after my shift and eventually head to the finish to see your smiling faces cross the line. Hopefully...
@ Becky--no magic happens in the first few weeks of the 12 week build. You're doing a lot of the same work for the HIM. Goes together nicely. Here I go again though on recovering. You need to scale back at LEAST week, better 10 day days after that race. Racing takes a lot. You'll be pumped and ready to go after it, but a few weeks into the IM schedule and it coudl come back to bite you. I dno't really care what the wiki says--rest up to the point YOU need to, then come back like a cougar! Remember, you've put a LOT in already with the work for Timberman. My two-cents.
@ up to the point YOU need to, then come back like a cougar! ...
Ummm, I think Becky is too young to be a cougar...
ha ha ha ha... thanks, Michele... maybe a cougar in training! (FWIW - I think we're ALL too young to be cougars). thanks for all the advice, ladies... will stick to the taper, and recover per the wiki and Florida will be what it will be... I'm not quite sure I'm ready to get my head around that one yet. Especially after riding with Kate the last 2 weeks... I'm just not ready to put the "big girl pants" on yet. LoL
Things will get better in the taper... I do remember that. Hard to be super positive when you are physically spent. So, right now... let's banish those negative thoughts.. they are NOT allowed in our brains. We are the EN chickas... the mighty EN chickas and not ONE person at that race will doubt the awesome power of the team!
Kris--I heart you! I just printed that out and put it in my folder. You are 1000% right, and where I'm at 95% of the time. Working on getting there completely, and banishing the demons. Work in progress, that's me.
Michele--I heart you too! Voices of reason calming down the freaked. We know it's true, but you know how it is at this point in the training. Nutz!
Amen. This is totally going to be my Quote of the Day!!!
Thanks, Kris. You and Michele M. have been wonderful voices of reason and comfort.
"We" are going to have such a powerful force in Madison!!
I think we have all been through some different and trying circumstances this year. Perhaps our mental strength is what is increasing this year.. increasing our emotional watts, our spiritual pace..
off to the store gals...
note: if this was an emotional decision? then who better than all of us chicas to do this race! we have enough motion for more than 140.6 miles!! m
Michele C: I would need to just go right to bed after doing all that you just did. Wowsers!
Beth: Intellectual slut---I love it! During our very first conversation, my DH and I got into a pissing contest about who was "The Great American Novelist". It's John Steinbeck, of course. He still thinks it's Hemingway---PUH-Leez! I don't remember if there was a spark at that time, but I do remember getting my feathers ruffled when he told me that I didn't like Hemingway because I WAS A WOMAN. Okay, maybe that was a spark.
Anyhoo, it's so hard to predict how a relationship will unfurl. I know that when I was in my 20's I really let my expectations stand in the way of seeing how someone really was. When I met my DH, I was newly divorced, not looking for any relationship--much less with a DOODE, and to quote Linda P, I just didn't give a what. So the whole initial "Meet my marketing representative" part of dating for me was gone. No hiding my crazy love of cats (he hates cats) or complete lack of knowledge about American History. I'm pretty sure he did the same. I don't really know where I'm going with this
Michele M and Kris: Thank you, thank you, thank you for your words of wisdom and peace! I really needed to hear those things.
Update from Nature Girl's Jungly Yard: DUCKS have moved into my yard. My dog found them one morning when he went to poop in the woods. He was very curious about them, but didn't chase them. They quack in the middle of the night and in the early morning. It's really cute! Now that my allergy testing is done (I had 65 shots in both arms---the conclusion: I'm allergic to CATS, maple and ash trees, and 4 different weeds. Serves me right for being such a slug about yardwork!
KIT !!!! You went to the allergist?! Good girl
. F I N A L L Y
Yep, my own histamine finally pushed me over the edge. Claritin + steroid nasal + antihistamine nasal spray = barely 80% relief on a good day. Finally is right! I cried "Uncle!" and decided I'd just get those stoopid shots just so I could breathe. The testing unfortunately did not show that I was allergic to 400 yard repeats in the pool.
@Kit--Hemingway isn't even in the same stratosphere as Steinbeck. When I have nothing to read, I always go back to Steinbeck. Kev is just wrong on that one.
Good on the shots. You'll feel like you've moved out of LA. 
@Nemo...ok, now I have more motivation since you pointed out that more people could possibly be tracking me online...eek, no pressure.
@Kris, I also LOVED your quote about emotional watts and spiritual pace. I will remember that with every training session from here on out and on race day. Actually, I really need to remember that at work too, especially when they throw in last minute projects, assignments and business trips! Not now! Seriously!
@Linda, wow...everytime I want to complain about my life, I will remember what you have been going through.
@Michele and Michele thanks for words of wisdom and support.
@Kit, thanks for cracking me up and making me laugh out loud at my computer. While I don't have a yard to mow, I will never have cardinal/ duck experiences.
Let me just say that I don't know how all of you ladies do it. I can barely take care of apartment is a disaster and I live in a NYC closet so it's not like there's much space to clean, no yard to mow, no car to wash, no family to take care of. Still...I can barely get through my days. You are all an inspiration!
I have said this more times than I can count. The goodness that resounds in this forum, specifically this thread. As quite a few of us are heading into that lst push before IMWI, each one of us/you bring wonderful balance to the perspective.
My $$$$ spent to stay in the HAUS is 10% training, 90% Chica bonding.
@Kitima- ;
LOL at the ducks in the yard. They are too precious. Way better than Canadian geese. So cute! I am sorry that you had to get so many shots, but I am glad you are getting this sorted out. Your descriptions of what you were going through were unbelievable.
@Nemo- The nap won today! I did vacuum the house and clean the bathroom, but then I sat out in the sun to read a book, dozed on and off instead until I came inside and took a proper 2 hour nap on the couch.
Yes- the fatigue caught up with me 2 days after the RR. Weird.
BOO- YAH!!!!! That is soooooo awesome!!

Carie - Welcome!
Kris - So amazing and wise. Love it.
Everyone -- Hugs! It is a good day to be a chica.
Olivia....I have room in my room until Saturday morning. Let me know if you are interested. It's a sleeper sofa but not too bad and free...
DItto Gina!
And Josh, Becky, and I have a hotel room with 2 queen beds + at least 1 air mattress on Sat/Sun nights. The 3 of us are ok with sharing the room, if you are. And if it gets too crowded, I could always just sleep at my house instead of downtown.
It might be close to impossible to find a room at this point.
I can't decide whether I should try to sign up to volunteer....
woohoo! more chica's coming to IMWI. very exciting news!
Amen to the HF (happiness factor). So freaking true in every which way. HF trumps vdot, FTP, IF, tss, blah blah blah anyday in my book. It's not work if you're out there playing.
I like to think that we've found that balance again. Florida was a party for us in '08. We had a blast prepping Dave for his first IM. We weren't obsessed with numbers or workouts. We just set out each weekend to have fun and did the best we could. Last year we completely lost sight of that chasing crazy goals and the result was a loooooong death march to the start line and a disappoint race for both of us. This year feels like '08 again in our house. There's no dreading the start or nerves about time/performance goals. We're just looking forward to being out there with our friends and chicas.
If you end up getting a hotel room, there are still rooms available at the Best Western Inntowner. It's just a few blocks from the far west end of the run course, <3 miles from the Monona Terrace. That's where Becky, Josh, and I are staying.<br />
wowie... lots to catch up on. I stayed mostly up with FB this weekend but never got on my puter...
@Carrie - welcome!!! this is an amazing group of women. I kicked myself for not noticing this thread until Mar or Apr, but they welcomed me with open arms!
@Olivia - yay!!! Of course there's room in our hotel for ya! I'm volunteering so I can get a spot in line to register for 2011!
My RR (for Timberman) was rough... but it's my own fault... to much fun celebrating on Friday night. The bike was just plain miserable. I wanted off as soon as I got on. The run was actually tolerable. Probably bc it was flat and shady. In any event, glad it's done. I did Friday's workout yesterday. So, last week I was down 2 swims. Exhausted all day yesterday... slept a lot... didn't run this morning. Will likely make the run up tonight and move the swim til tomorrow or the other way around. It will all get done.
Now, a question for the WSMs and seasoned vets out there (I'll be sending this to the coaches, too). I am now 13 weeks out from IMFL... next weekend is Timberman (at the end of what should be week 1 of IM prep). Way back when the coaches blessed this schedule and told me to look at the wiki re: how to add a HIM to IM training, which I did, but what I saw only covers the recovery week. My question is: do I stick with the HIM plan through week 12's taper OR do I start week 1 IM next week knowing the HIM is Sunday. I guess I'm a bit stressed out with the thought of the prior because I won't be really starting IM prep til week 3 (week 1 will be HIM taper, week 2 will be recovery)... HELP
Volunteering is a blast! I met Kathy and Sheryl and bike special needs last year.
Don't beat yourself up about Saturday's RR, Becky. There is no such thing as celebrating too much me. (JK) Re: the training plan, I think you'll be fine wrapping up Timberman taper, race and recovery and then jumping into the IM plan at the beginning of week 3. IMO, there's plenty of wiggle room in these plans to drop and/or modify the volume without adverse consequences. I was already regularly skipping the Wednesday brick run, the Friday run (usually), and at least one of the swims before the bike accident - and then that happened and I missed more than a few long rides - and I was plenty fit for Placid. Also, don't put pressure on yourself to "get it all done". There's no way that's possible. Prioritize the three key workouts and let the rest fall into place where it can.
@ Becky--no magic happens in the first few weeks of the 12 week build. You're doing a lot of the same work for the HIM. Goes together nicely. Here I go again though on recovering. You need to scale back at LEAST week, better 10 day days after that race. Racing takes a lot. You'll be pumped and ready to go after it, but a few weeks into the IM schedule and it coudl come back to bite you. I dno't really care what the wiki says--rest up to the point YOU need to, then come back like a cougar! Remember, you've put a LOT in already with the work for Timberman. My two-cents.
Ummm, I think Becky is too young to be a cougar...