Suzanne: I dream about all the mountain biking I'm gonna do after IMWI. So Nov OS, huh? What are your race plans for 2011?
Aimee: I'm the eldest child to Thai/Chinese parents. Read: I should've been a boy.
Beth: I feel like a caveman eating obscene quantities of plant matter all day with bone-in meat. I think meat cooked with bones in them taste better...I feel like Grog the Neanderthal or Henry the 8th munching on a chicken drumstick.
Signs that you and I are kindred spirits = you say things like: "I'm at the part of moving where civilization is breaking down in weird ways."
Signs that we are not = I can't even keep my sunglasses in a case and you have special bags for your cups? And you separate salad forks? (those are the short tined ones, right?)
Speaking of short-tined forks and dating, this reminds me of someone I dated a few year ago - I preferred the small spoons and the long-tined forks; they preferred the big spoons and short forks. We never ran out of silverware prematurely, it was perfect. I can't believe we didn't last forever....sigh.
@Kitima: zero plans made for 2011. I'm thinking about 2 HIMs and some Oly's, plus another swim vacation in July. I'm guessing November OS because I'll plan a May or early June HIM. But who knows...
@Beth/Suzanne... I think I fit somewhere in between you both and might be compatible with either of you. I don't have fine china. I do have a dish pattern, but that's only bc my mom gets me something from the set at every major holiday. Most of my wine glasses came from wineries or tasting events (I tell myself this is better than having a set bc when people come over they'll be able to tell which is their glass). I drink water out of the same cup every day (I should point out that I got this plastic mug in college for our first earth week festivities - trying to get the cafeterias to use less paper products, they woule give us free refills) and coffee out of the same mug every morning... I rinse them both and run them through the washer when the time comes. My silverware... well, someday I'd like to have a "real" set what I have now, while it matches, is horrible.
@Kit - being sandwiched between brothers, and my dad being one of 3 boys - pretty sure he never noticed I was a girl. I played baseball and football with them in the backyard. Climbed trees, etc... and I agree with bone in meat. and the massive amounts of plant matter and trail mix I'm eating these days. I'm almost afraid to start IM training... I will eat everything that's not nailed down!
You are so sweet. Thanks for the generous offers. So far I have it narrowed down to a flight arriving Fri night 8PM into Madison and leaving at 7PM Monday. Prices are off the chizang:-(. $448.00. Are they serious?? Oh well. I have been talking with Olivia and will make my decision soon. I really don't want to put anyone out who is racing. Race week is stressful enough.
In the meantime... Let's get to work on a Sherpa scholorship program;-)
Hey, I'm an ONLY. Talk about bad raps and stereotypes! Pity is, I was an only and had NONE of the perks. Disinterested mom, dad had a bad gambling habit (but at least he was very good to me), little attention, very few activities, and the pressure to be perfect. Thank heavens from my grandma and Aunt Rose. Those two pretty much raised me--and saved me. I was the gypsy kid--always ready to pack a bag, and sleep over at relatives for extended periods of time if they let me. Anywhere but home. Sigh. Learned growing up how I didn't want to be from my parents; and how I wanted to be from my grandmother and aunt. Sigh.
I often joke with my boys that if I lived in, let's say Indian culture, I would have some VERY BIG jewels for churning out all those boys! The gender thing and preferences--so silly.
Carrie--SO understand about the plane flight. That's a a pricey ticket. All I can say, is that if you can't come, we know you'll be there. We'll carry your spirit with us for sure.
Aimee, yes, we are just 18 days away...yay! I can hardly wait. Are you excited or what?!?! I'm the oldest (of 2). Just me and my younger bro.
I also can't wait for IMW day either although I don't know how in the world I am going to track everyone! I really wish I could be there too...I did that race in 2008, loved it, and would go back in a heartbeat. The run is just THE best! Too bad I have no more $$ or time off to do so; will definitely be there in spirit!
@Aimee- So vacation is over and you are back to reality with the rest of us. Only to go on vacation again in 2 weeks. SWEET!
I am the 3rd of 4 (g,b,g,g). I am very close to my mom, although the man she married is a big wedge between us. I have come to accept that he is her choice and I love my mom. But I will never think he is good enough for her or treats her like the queen she deserves to be. I was close to my brother for years, but now am much closer with my sisters. I am a middle child, always the peace maker.
@Suzanne- you cracked me up with the "we never ran out of silverware" story. Such funny things we come to love.
@Beth- ride your bike for fun? What isn't fun about staring at a PM for 4.5 hours? (hee hee) I am looking forward to trying to ride with a girls team for fun after all of this is over for the season. Mt bike and road bike.
For you paleo folks- One of my favorite salads is lettuce (any kind except spinach) with the taco meat and guac right on top. No dressing needed. Mix it all together. Awesome. I could eat it every day! Sometimes I throw a few "Red Hot Blues" corn chips in, but that isn't very paleo. And I forgot to bring the chips to work today.
Hi ladeez, just catching up a bit here. Welcome Carie! I'm doing IMLOU as well! Hope to meet you at the EN dinner Thurs. night! Aimee, I too, am debating getting new shoes, same brand, model, etc. We have 2 weeks. Personally, I think they would be fine. I've done a lot of marathons, and usually buy my shoes a month or more ahead of the race, but I figure that mine are feeling pretty 'flat' these days, so more cushioning wouldn't hurt. I may buy a new pair, run in them a bit, and take both the old and new to LOU and decide when I get there. I know one thing for sure; I MUST wash the old ones! WHEW! These hot days and running, makes the shoes score REALLLY high on the Stink-O-Meter! Them and my bike shoes! Suzanne, I too, am thinking of trying out the boot camp that my Y offers. I have some friends that go and love it. And Beth, Yoga is on my list of things to get back to. I also miss Pilates Reformer. Hope I'll find time to get on that atleast 1 x per week. Just read Rich's post about dropping Dec. OS and having Oct./Nov./Jan. OS. I guess I'll be in November, after completing LOU this month. I'm doing Chicago Marathon on 10-10-10 after IMLOU, then possibly a 50K trail run in Dec., that I have unfinished business with! Will have to see how my body responds to its first IM. As for birth order...I"m the baby. I had an older sister by 12 years. Susie was Down Syndrome and passed away in 1997. Then I have two older bro's. One is 10 yrs. older, the other 6 years older than me. My brothers swear that I got away with a lot more than they did! Might be...
I'm the baby too Barbara. 2 older sisters by 6 and 7 years. They say I had it easy and never got in trouble. I say I just never did anything bad :-) I'm pretty sure I was the last chance at a boy- although Mom and Dad would never ever say so. In any case, I was so much younger than my sisters that I never really felt close to them when I was young. Instead it was more like being an only child from my point of view. Although, I did enjoy stealing clothes from my sisters closet when she came home to live for while when I was 15 ;-)
Hi Barb!, I'm actually racing IMC so while we will be having our "party" on the same day, you'll be a few hours ahead of me. I'll get to meet you one of these days!
I am the oldest. of three, one sister 2 years younger and one bro 7 years younger, mom remarried when I was 6, divorced when I was 2. BIRTH ORDER. I fit many of the stereotypical firstborn. but Having five kids has made me more flexible although I love routine! but yes I am driven, type A, want to please, blah blah. parents don't come to races but Mother more interested this year and bought me two Gus yesterday! and asks me a bit more and esp since we did that 5k together...Dad rides his bike to manage his diabetes and mom goes to comm center so all are "active"... Carrie, well that would be way cool! totally. I can't believe it honestly how this race has defined this year but also I hope the other IM chicas are hopefully experiencing the same energy. carrie started off the year with the hardest IM, and with Olivia too.. but not a lot of us. although we cheered from afar and were in awe. and our FLA chicks to finish off the year strong.... so honestly,?? us WI chicas have got it a bit easier and I know I don't take for granted. I will use you on race day for your MOJO.
speaking of that, I am now motivated to go ride 4.5 hours. doing sat today and run on saturday. solo so had a hard time not sure why cuz Saturday I tng but weather was nicer. m
Morning ladies. Here I sit, drinking my coffee, trying to wake up to do the 90 min. run slated for today. Am worried about a constant throbbing pain in my shin. Had acupuncture last week, and they worked on it. Was better, but now hurts again. Praying it isn't a stress fracture! I'm 2 weeks out from IMLOU! Plan to take it easy on the run today, doing 2:1 run/walk intervals. If the shin protests at all, I"m done for the day. Might have to water jog. Get this, however: our YMCA is closing down completely, for ONE WEEK, next week, for intense cleaning! WTF??? I'm at the pinnacle of my IM training and have no pool! Guess I'll have to hit Lake MI. In the big scheme of things, it is inconsequential, but right now, it is a big deal! Sorry if this is a bit 'down' this morning, but it is what it is. Pray for happy shins and a good run in hot, humid, usual conditions! Thx!
@Barb- Not to worry.. this is actually the opposite place in training. You are in happy taper land. At this point (as Rich would say) the hay is in the barn. You can't do anything more about your fitness but you can do alot to screw it up. So.... deep breathe... have another sip of coffee, enjoy and use the time to do race plans, check lists etc. You are almost there!
Our Y is going down for 3 weeks, 1 of which falls into taper, other two don't so I've been scrambling for alternative digs as well. Unfortunately, my secondary backup pool is also going down same time which means the other Y will be swamped (and it's 30 mins in other direction from work). So I'll likely take it to 2 swims, 1 pool, 1 pond and if I can pick up a third swim on an odd and end day/time, I will.
Ran this morning- went for 1-1/2 hrs since the plans seemed to be split (1 hr vs 2 hrs) but ditched the V-dot. Bike ride got rained out last night so going to give it a go again tonight. 10 degrees cooler this morning at 74 degrees but dew point same as temp so still soaking wet at end of run.
Thanks Kris. And good for you, getting that soaking run done this morning! You rock, girl! You are good inspiration for me to get off my arse, and go get 'er done!
Well I had a "feeling" about today, not sure if it was gonna be the bike ride or what. I cut corners and figured I would let Rudy out and then run him as my brick... I let him out went to go get ready in bike clothes and ???? gate was open and no dog.... I look for him for 1.5 hours!!! get the teenage boys up, one drives the other on his bike and by now I am crying.. haven't eaten and feel sick of finding him dead or picked up, I ask everybody.. and his tag had come loose!!! the one with his name on! I start praying!!! you betcha.. "please let me find the dog!"... on a whim I go left out of our hood' and there i see him running out of another 'hood! no kidding my stomach is still in knots.. so I came home, boys back in bed and I tidied up the house. I have to be on wheels here by 6 as the heat index is about 107! but now will be on wheels by 8:15... okay so mentally regrouping.
I rode one hour last night and did an interval I got new bike shoes and wanted a gear check so went to Rivertrail and managed to get a few male drafters on my backside so in my effort to drop them as they didn't ask permission!!! I did a 4 mile hammer, got rid of one but with a pack of four rotating they hung on!!! and I only slowed down for a red light which they went thru! not real roadies....they had no manners! not even a thanks as they pulled off. but then while they were on sidewalk on left before they got me, they were rotating the four of them, while I was singularly on the road,then when sidewalk found the road, I zoomed by! probably why they decided to "show me".. anyways. I got a good interval but I hate drafters that don't ask permission as they are compromising my safety as I don't know them so can't trust them and I have an IM in a month... "rant over!" not it is not! if you wanna draft, you should say "hey!" and then something like "good job!" and then when you pull off a "thanks!" because if you are like me, why I just surged to a power level in my effort to drop them!! next time, I will slow down and then lull them and then gear down and stand up to drop them! all of that to say as I am counting that as an interval supposedly done in this 4.5 hour ride today!
okay my adrneline and HR are coming down sorta and I just ate and now that the dog has had his own 2 hour run,he is quiet and I can kennel him. I switched singlets to a Terry bright orange mesh for the heat! and have my intervals written in marker on my forearm. so signing off
Really shouldn't be in here right now...need to get to work.
Marianne, I'm so sorry about your morning and the fright of the dog being gone. I can't imagine! Your HR Was undoubtedly skyrocketing. So glad you've got him home and safe.
Gina---is that your MTB!? Niiiiiiice ride! You MTB girls should pack them up and come to MTB at "camp Syptak" in Breckenridge...
Happy taper to you Barb! Can you believe it!?! Echoing what Kris that you are tapering you need to rest and absorb the work you've done. And you've done A LOT of work!
So I finally found this forum that even Patrick told me would be the best forum!.....thanks Olivia for reminding me about it.
I am psyched to learn from all you strong tri chicks!
I work full time as an ER RN and live with my awesome husband and almost two year old son Jack and a big golden who was my favorite running partner but she is now gray in the face and likes the couch more than the trails.
Completed Boulder 70.3 Sunday and then with a few things thrown in will be focusing on IMAZ in November, my first.....
@Olivia: I live in New Castle, just west of Glenwood Springs so feels like a world away from the front range tri I am excited I found the EN community, I'lll be heading back to Boulder for the Backroads half in September, where do you live?
Welcome Stacy!! So nice to have another new Chica in the hause!
Barbara- just take care of that shin! All you gotta do now is get to Louisville in one piece, the rest will take care of itself.
Marianne- well today must be the day for pet escapes! I woke up this morning at 0-dark-30 for my long run and was quietly rummaging through the house in total darkness to not wake Joe. I heard a few quiet little mews and thought Lilly was just in another room at first.. So I called to her, but she didn't come. hmmmmm. A little later I hear the faint little mews again and think, hmmmm, she must be stuck on the back porch, maybe the kitty door got stuck. So I check the kitty door and find it swinging back and forth just find, and then hear more little mews. Somehow Lilly managed to escape from the back porch and was now stuck outside- IN THE THUNDERSTORMS!! I have no idea how long she was out there. I let her in and she was pissed! Like it's my fault!
Anyway- for Marianne, and for all the Chicas with pets they love (especially those of you who lost a pet this past year), I offer this little story:
A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the scenery, when it suddenly occurred to him that he was dead. He remembered dying, and that the dog walking beside him had been dead for years. He wondered where the road was leading them.
After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall along one side of the road. It looked like fine marble. At the top of a long hill, the wall was broken by a tall arch that glowed in the sunlight. When he was standing before it, he saw a magnificent gate in the arch that looked like mother-of-pearl, and the street that led to the gate looked like pure gold. He and the dog walked toward the gate, and as he got closer, he saw a man at a desk to one side. When he was close enough, he called out,
'Excuse me, where are we?'
'This is Heaven, sir,' the man answered.
'Wow! Would you happen to have some water?' the man asked.
'Of course, sir. Come right in, and I'll have some ice water brought right up.'
The man gestured, and the gate began to open. 'Can my friend,' gesturing toward his dog,
'come in, too?' the traveler asked.
'I'm sorry, sir, but we don't accept pets.'
The man thought a moment and then turned back toward the road and continued the way he had been going with his dog. After another long walk, and at the top of another long hill, he came to a dirt road leading through a farm gate that looked as if it had never been closed. There was no fence. As he approached the gate, he saw a man inside, leaning against a tree and reading a book....
'Excuse me!' he called to the man. 'Do you have any water?'
'Yeah, sure, there's a pump over there, come on in.'
'How about my friend here?' the traveler gestured to the dog.
'There should be a bowl by the pump,' said the man.
They went through the gate, and sure enough, there was an old-fashioned hand pump with a bowl beside it. The traveler filled the water bowl and took a long drink himself, then gave some to the dog.
When they were full, he and the dog walked back toward the man who was standing by the tree.
'What do you call this place?' the traveler asked.
'This is Heaven,' he answered.
'Well, that's confusing,' the traveler said.'The man down the road said that was Heaven, too.'
'Oh, you mean the place with the gold streets and pearly gates? Nope. That's hell.'
'Doesn't it make you mad for them to use your name like that?'
'No, we're just happy that they screen out the folks who would leave their best friends behind.'
Hi Stacy! Welcome to chica land. We laugh, we cry, we're better than Cats. Full circle of life here!
m--I got the shivers just reading that. Cali has yet to get out, but a few timeswhen she didnt come when I called her and the gate was ajar, I went into 0-to-60 panic mode in a nano-second. (Now I know she's always digging in the spot she thinks is "secret" around a corner.) So glad you found Rudy patootie!
G--lalalalala on the mtb! Nice looking for schizzle.
Aw Neems--I'm just a sucka for that. Sniff.
Barb--putting milage on a ongoing throb = not a good idea. Hope you worked it in during the run--sometimes it just resolves. If not, glad to know you were planning to pull the plug. Not much to nothing to gain right now, but lots of time to muck things up. Hay is in the barn, as they say. Let us know how you feel.
A week or so ago I was in the kitchen and Belle was strangely absent (she is most often right underfoot). I started calling for her and she didn't come. Looked out back and the gate was ajar, sheer panic at that point!! I had just gotten her a new collar, but her nametag had yet to arrive.
I go outside and started calling her at the top of my lungs, pleading with the powers for her to be ok. No sign of her. Around the front of the house, my heart in my throat, calling her loudly. No Belle.
Then I walked around the front of the garage and THERE she is standing by the door that goes into the laundry room. Tail wagging, looking @ ;me like, "I have been here the WHOLE time lady."
Needless to say that took about 10years off my life. Now I double and triple check the gate if I 've gone out.
Hi Stacy! Welcome. This place is the big, sunny EN kitchen -- and kinda like following a soap opera. Yes, the best way to hang out is to just jump in.
Oh, I am glad the pets are safe!
I'm amazed at all the youngest and middle children. Any more people from eldest child camp? Linda, I'm claiming you, since you got the perfectionism, too. (Ugh. Still trying to recover from that one.)
I got up early and scrubbed cabinets, the refrigerator, walls, etc. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser = my BFF. Now, I'm just a big pile of moving anxiety -- I just want to be done! Working out this afternoon, but am a little skeered because we are supposed to have a heat index of 102, which, of course, is practically winter for the southern ladies.
My sister is seriously being my triathlon fairy godmother this summer. I get SAG for two days of race rehearsal in Madison next weekend! I'm thinking of doing the big 2.4 miler swim on course Saturday and RR Sunday. Ironman newbie here still has a stomach all in knots over the swim and think giving it is own day instead of putting a big, hard thing behind it, may be the best thing I can do for my head. Swim. Eat scones. Done. That way, the task at hand doesn't get bigger than it really is and the RR has space to be a RR.
Dog stress! I know from experience that that is the worst feeling in the world. In a previous house, the dogs would occasionally escape the backyard and I would always find them waiting patiently at the front door.
This morning has been cuh-RAZY. I woke up to thunder and lightning but luckily the storm hadn't quite hit when I took the dogs out. There is nothing like the horror of knowing that you're about 30 seconds away from disaster and not being able to get the dogs to HURRY IT UP ALREADY!!! We made it back inside in the nick of time and I managed to grind my coffee beans and (mostly) iron my pants before the power cut out. My neighborhood was just slaughtered by this storm - trees down, power lines down, traffic lights out, flash floods, crushed cars and houses, non-functioning Metro station, etc. I just replaced the entire contents of my fridge from a storm that hit while I was racing IMLP - I canNOT afford another redo! Cross your fingers for me!
Oh, and I'm the oldest!!! Ah, responsibility and perfectionism, I know them well.
Welcome Stacy! Another women's forum metaphor: We're all sitting around chatting at the pedicure salon waiting for our toenails to dry. Jump right on in!
Marianne: Whew! So glad Rudy is okay.
Gina & Olivia: I'm thinking a mtb trip to CO (say...Fruita?!) in the spring 2011. Who else wants to come along?! Stacy, do you have a dirt bike?
Barb: Your leg is telling you it wants to taper now. Don't let your brain talk your leg out of it!
Suzanne: Keep that frig closed until the power comes back! which I hope is really soon.
Pets...Scooby and Pigg are my children for sure. Scoober (11 yo yellow lab) has never "run away" because he's always in earshot range and comes running immediately when I call him ALWAYS. I wish I could say it was good training, but I really think he has undying hope that there's food everytime I call him. Piggy (11 yo obese black Tomcat) also typically comes running when called---I think the same undying hope for food. While I wish Scoobs would sit in my lap and purr and Piggo could go on trail runs with me, I'm so happy to have them both. Oh Nemo: Yep, I'm allergic to Piggy and all of his kind---which makes me really ,really sad. However, with enough antihistamines and steroids (and allergy shots soon!), I shall continue to cuddle and love up my feline babies.
Nemo- Can't tell you how many times I have read that fable. Always brings tears to my eyes. So glad all of the EN doggies and kitties are safe. Told Max the other night that I am ready for our own house and a new dog. If I can't have children (or even one child at my age) then 4 legged babies will be just fine. But nothing at all is lonely.
As for you eldest/ only kids with responsibility and perfectionism- all of that skipped my older sister and went straight to me. She and my brother were the experimenters. Like Nemo, I was a good kid. I didn't get in trouble much because- I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG! I was a brainy, band nerd and loved it. But I also played sports. I had to be the best clarinet player, best defender on the soccer team. If I wasn't the best, I worked harder. But I was also the kid that fed the pets, took on new chores without being asked, sat with my mom as she cried her way through divorce, etc. I swear my siblings were just oblivious.
So glad all the pets are ok! That is such a terrifying, helpless feeling. That has happened to me a few times, with both a cat and a dog, and I nearly go crazy with worry.
Welcome, Stacy!
Gina, that's a beautiful ride! I'm such a chicken that I could never do any hard-core mountain biking.
Barb, take it easy on that leg! You're almost there...
Beth, I like your idea of splitting up the RR. No need to make it any more stressful than it already is.
My half iron plan has a "big day" this Saturday, and my sister is going to join me in the fun. The pool doesn't open until 8, so we are going to ride 2.5 hours first, then run 1 hour, then finish off with a 1 hour swim. Our sister day will be capped by a movie with popcorn (must replenish those sodium levels) and then some good old fashioned tex mex and margaritas! There will be chocolate, as well.
Hi everybody! Welcome Stacy - glad you found the thread, it really is amazing and has made my EN experience so so so wonderful I wish I'd found it sooner!
@Marianne - so relieved you found the puppy, I was anxious for you reading your post!
@Nemo - what a great parable, I will definitely pass it along!
@Barbara - please take care of yourself and, if you need it rest! And sorry to hear about the pool - that happens here, too... last summer it seemed like each of the 3 pools I could conceivably go to closed at the same time for maintenance... argh! now I go to a gym with a pool, which is very helpful (although they're gonna convert from saline to chlorine, which is a huge bummer).
@Michele - I think my experience as a #2 child has been the same... my big brother is far from the norm for an oldest child... I actually joke with my mom to admit he was adopted bc he's so different than the other 3 of us. She hasn't owned up to it yet. And I love the taco salad sans chips idea... yummy! I did something similar the other night (but I had blackbeans).
@Linda - hugs... I hope, if I ever have kids, to have learned what not to do growing up with the folks I had. Dad was/is an alcoholic (but refuses to admit he has a problem), mom is chronically depressed... I was the only girl so she dumped dumped dumped on me and only me. My mission has been to become independent to be free of them (check) and to not end up like them (trying really hard).
@Beth - good luck with the move. I hope to get to randomly crash there (in the pain cave or otherwise) some day!
and, to whoever mentioned it... the IMWI Moo chica thing has been amazingly inspirational for me so much so that, as you know, I'm coming to sherpa and meet you all and to cheer my head off! I hope to make the chicadom proud by closing out the season (with Nathalie) with a smile on my face in Florida.
SO hard to keep up with everything in this forum!!
I am the oldest of 4 girls.
@Beth - I can kayak for you if you're swimming on a Saturday here. Or were you planning to do one of the organized swim events?
@KrisF - Let me know if you are interested in company for your RR ride this weekend. I have no agenda, I know the course with my eyes closed, and would happy to ride along for 1 loop with you for company if you're interested. If not, no worries.
@CarrieC - sounds like beth has hotel space for you on several of the nights. If you're ok with sharing a hotel room with 3-4 others (2 queen beds + air mattresses), we can easily accomodate you on any/all of the nights! No need to rent a car, Josh and I will both have cars. Can pick you up from the airport on Fri night, etc. I would love to play sherpa for the athletes AND the other sherpas!
@Gina & Kitima & Olivia - now you've got me thinking about mtn biking again! Sold my full suspension Gary Fisher Joshua in '06 to fund my tri bike Would love to get back out to CO (camp Syptak!) to do some mtn biking. When I did an internship out there during grad school, my clinical instructor took me riding on the trails at White Ranch near Golden. Soooo awesome!
Welcome new EN Chicas! Looking forward to having you in the haus!
Hope you IMC and IMKY folks enjoy the upcoming taper!
@CarrieC...we can easily accomodate you on any/all of the nights...
Oooops, got a little carried away there (just SO excited to be able to hang out with so many EN peeps at IMWI!!). We have the hotel room reserved for Sat/Sun nights only. But we could always add Fri night to the reservation of we want to.
Suzanne: I dream about all the mountain biking I'm gonna do after IMWI. So Nov OS, huh? What are your race plans for 2011?
Aimee: I'm the eldest child to Thai/Chinese parents. Read: I should've been a boy.
Beth: I feel like a caveman eating obscene quantities of plant matter all day with bone-in meat. I think meat cooked with bones in them taste better...I feel like Grog the Neanderthal or Henry the 8th munching on a chicken drumstick.
Signs that you and I are kindred spirits = you say things like: "I'm at the part of moving where civilization is breaking down in weird ways."
Signs that we are not = I can't even keep my sunglasses in a case and you have special bags for your cups? And you separate salad forks? (those are the short tined ones, right?)
Speaking of short-tined forks and dating, this reminds me of someone I dated a few year ago - I preferred the small spoons and the long-tined forks; they preferred the big spoons and short forks. We never ran out of silverware prematurely, it was perfect. I can't believe we didn't last forever....sigh.
@Kitima: zero plans made for 2011. I'm thinking about 2 HIMs and some Oly's, plus another swim vacation in July. I'm guessing November OS because I'll plan a May or early June HIM. But who knows...
@Kit - being sandwiched between brothers, and my dad being one of 3 boys - pretty sure he never noticed I was a girl. I played baseball and football with them in the backyard. Climbed trees, etc... and I agree with bone in meat. and the massive amounts of plant matter and trail mix I'm eating these days. I'm almost afraid to start IM training... I will eat everything that's not nailed down!
You are so sweet. Thanks for the generous offers. So far I have it narrowed down to a flight arriving Fri night 8PM into Madison and leaving at 7PM Monday. Prices are off the chizang:-(. $448.00. Are they serious?? Oh well. I have been talking with Olivia and will make my decision soon. I really don't want to put anyone out who is racing. Race week is stressful enough.
In the meantime... Let's get to work on a Sherpa scholorship program;-)
Hey, I'm an ONLY. Talk about bad raps and stereotypes! Pity is, I was an only and had NONE of the perks. Disinterested mom, dad had a bad gambling habit (but at least he was very good to me), little attention, very few activities, and the pressure to be perfect. Thank heavens from my grandma and Aunt Rose. Those two pretty much raised me--and saved me. I was the gypsy kid--always ready to pack a bag, and sleep over at relatives for extended periods of time if they let me. Anywhere but home. Sigh. Learned growing up how I didn't want to be from my parents; and how I wanted to be from my grandmother and aunt. Sigh.
I often joke with my boys that if I lived in, let's say Indian culture, I would have some VERY BIG jewels for churning out all those boys! The gender thing and preferences--so silly.
Carrie--SO understand about the plane flight. That's a a pricey ticket. All I can say, is that if you can't come, we know you'll be there. We'll carry your spirit with us for sure.
I also can't wait for IMW day either although I don't know how in the world I am going to track everyone! I really wish I could be there too...I did that race in 2008, loved it, and would go back in a heartbeat. The run is just THE best! Too bad I have no more $$ or time off to do so; will definitely be there in spirit!
I am the 3rd of 4 (g,b,g,g). I am very close to my mom, although the man she married is a big wedge between us. I have come to accept that he is her choice and I love my mom. But I will never think he is good enough for her or treats her like the queen she deserves to be. I was close to my brother for years, but now am much closer with my sisters. I am a middle child, always the peace maker.
@Suzanne- you cracked me up with the "we never ran out of silverware" story. Such funny things we come to love.
@Beth- ride your bike for fun? What isn't fun about staring at a PM for 4.5 hours? (hee hee) I am looking forward to trying to ride with a girls team for fun after all of this is over for the season. Mt bike and road bike.
For you paleo folks- One of my favorite salads is lettuce (any kind except spinach) with the taco meat and guac right on top. No dressing needed. Mix it all together. Awesome. I could eat it every day! Sometimes I throw a few "Red Hot Blues" corn chips in, but that isn't very paleo. And I forgot to bring the chips to work today.
Suzanne, I too, am thinking of trying out the boot camp that my Y offers. I have some friends that go and love it. And Beth, Yoga is on my list of things to get back to. I also miss Pilates Reformer. Hope I'll find time to get on that atleast 1 x per week. Just read Rich's post about dropping Dec. OS and having Oct./Nov./Jan. OS. I guess I'll be in November, after completing LOU this month. I'm doing Chicago Marathon on 10-10-10 after IMLOU, then possibly a 50K trail run in Dec., that I have unfinished business with!
Will have to see how my body responds to its first IM.
As for birth order...I"m the baby. I had an older sister by 12 years. Susie was Down Syndrome and passed away in 1997. Then I have two older bro's. One is 10 yrs. older, the other 6 years older than me. My brothers swear that I got away with a lot more than they did!
parents don't come to races but Mother more interested this year and bought me two Gus yesterday! and asks me a bit more and esp since we did that 5k together...Dad rides his bike to manage his diabetes and mom goes to comm center so all are "active"...
Carrie, well that would be way cool! totally. I can't believe it honestly how this race has defined this year but also I hope the other IM chicas are hopefully experiencing the same energy. carrie started off the year with the hardest IM, and with Olivia too.. but not a lot of us. although we cheered from afar and were in awe. and our FLA chicks to finish off the year strong.... so honestly,?? us WI chicas have got it a bit easier and I know I don't take for granted. I will use you on race day for your MOJO.
speaking of that, I am now motivated to go ride 4.5 hours. doing sat today and run on saturday. solo so had a hard time not sure why cuz Saturday I tng but weather was nicer. m
Our Y is going down for 3 weeks, 1 of which falls into taper, other two don't so I've been scrambling for alternative digs as well. Unfortunately, my secondary backup pool is also going down same time which means the other Y will be swamped (and it's 30 mins in other direction from work). So I'll likely take it to 2 swims, 1 pool, 1 pond and if I can pick up a third swim on an odd and end day/time, I will.
Ran this morning- went for 1-1/2 hrs since the plans seemed to be split (1 hr vs 2 hrs) but ditched the V-dot. Bike ride got rained out last night so going to give it a go again tonight. 10 degrees cooler this morning at 74 degrees but dew point same as temp so still soaking wet at end of run.
Hi, ho, hi, ho it's Off to work!
I rode one hour last night and did an interval I got new bike shoes and wanted a gear check so went to Rivertrail and managed to get a few male drafters on my backside so in my effort to drop them as they didn't ask permission!!! I did a 4 mile hammer, got rid of one but with a pack of four rotating they hung on!!! and I only slowed down for a red light which they went thru! not real roadies....they had no manners! not even a thanks as they pulled off. but then while they were on sidewalk on left before they got me, they were rotating the four of them, while I was singularly on the road,then when sidewalk found the road, I zoomed by! probably why they decided to "show me".. anyways. I got a good interval but I hate drafters that don't ask permission as they are compromising my safety as I don't know them so can't trust them and I have an IM in a month... "rant over!" not it is not! if you wanna draft, you should say "hey!" and then something like "good job!" and then when you pull off a "thanks!" because if you are like me, why I just surged to a power level in my effort to drop them!! next time, I will slow down and then lull them and then gear down and stand up to drop them! all of that to say as I am counting that as an interval supposedly done in this 4.5 hour ride today!
okay my adrneline and HR are coming down sorta and I just ate and now that the dog has had his own 2 hour run,he is quiet and I can kennel him. I switched singlets to a Terry bright orange mesh for the heat! and have my intervals written in marker on my forearm. so signing off
Marianne, I'm so sorry about your morning and the fright of the dog being gone. I can't imagine! Your HR Was undoubtedly skyrocketing. So glad you've got him home and safe.
Gina---is that your MTB!? Niiiiiiice ride! You MTB girls should pack them up and come to MTB at "camp Syptak" in Breckenridge...
Happy taper to you Barb! Can you believe it!?! Echoing what Kris that you are tapering you need to rest and absorb the work you've done. And you've done A LOT of work!
OK...gotta go now....stupid work!
So I finally found this forum that even Patrick told me would be the best forum!.....thanks Olivia for reminding me about it.
I am psyched to learn from all you strong tri chicks!
I work full time as an ER RN and live with my awesome husband and almost two year old son Jack and a big golden who was my favorite running partner but she is now gray in the face and likes the couch more than the trails.
Completed Boulder 70.3 Sunday and then with a few things thrown in will be focusing on IMAZ in November, my first.....
@Olivia: I live in New Castle, just west of Glenwood Springs so feels like a world away from the front range tri I am excited I found the EN community, I'lll be heading back to Boulder for the Backroads half in September, where do you live?
Stacy- Welcome!! Best thing to do, is just jump right in.
Olivia- That is the MTB I am working on getting. My neighbor, Jamie, has some connections and is working on getting me a deal on one. Fingers crossed.
Barb- Like others have said, your training is done, you only risk injuring yourelf @ this point. Take it easy on that leg!
Marianne- I know that sick feeling when the dog has gotten out. Glad sweet Rudy is back safely!
Kris- Hope the eye is on the mend
And I am the "baby", youngest of 4 girls.
Welcome Stacy!! So nice to have another new Chica in the hause!
Barbara- just take care of that shin! All you gotta do now is get to Louisville in one piece, the rest will take care of itself.
Marianne- well today must be the day for pet escapes! I woke up this morning at 0-dark-30 for my long run and was quietly rummaging through the house in total darkness to not wake Joe. I heard a few quiet little mews and thought Lilly was just in another room at first.. So I called to her, but she didn't come. hmmmmm. A little later I hear the faint little mews again and think, hmmmm, she must be stuck on the back porch, maybe the kitty door got stuck. So I check the kitty door and find it swinging back and forth just find, and then hear more little mews. Somehow Lilly managed to escape from the back porch and was now stuck outside- IN THE THUNDERSTORMS!! I have no idea how long she was out there. I let her in and she was pissed! Like it's my fault!
Anyway- for Marianne, and for all the Chicas with pets they love (especially those of you who lost a pet this past year), I offer this little story:
PS- I'm pretty sure this applies to kitties too
Hi Stacy! Welcome to chica land. We laugh, we cry, we're better than Cats.
Full circle of life here!
m--I got the shivers just reading that. Cali has yet to get out, but a few timeswhen she didnt come when I called her and the gate was ajar, I went into 0-to-60 panic mode in a nano-second. (Now I know she's always digging in the spot she thinks is "secret" around a corner.) So glad you found Rudy patootie!
G--lalalalala on the mtb!
Nice looking for schizzle.
Aw Neems--I'm just a sucka for that. Sniff.
Barb--putting milage on a ongoing throb = not a good idea. Hope you worked it in during the run--sometimes it just resolves. If not, glad to know you were planning to pull the plug. Not much to nothing to gain right now, but lots of time to muck things up. Hay is in the barn, as they say. Let us know how you feel.
A week or so ago I was in the kitchen and Belle was strangely absent (she is most often right underfoot). I started calling for her and she didn't come. Looked out back and the gate was ajar, sheer panic at that point!! I had just gotten her a new collar, but her nametag had yet to arrive.
I go outside and started calling her at the top of my lungs, pleading with the powers for her to be ok. No sign of her. Around the front of the house, my heart in my throat, calling her loudly. No Belle.
Then I walked around the front of the garage and THERE she is standing by the door that goes into the laundry room. Tail wagging, looking @ ;me like, "I have been here the WHOLE time lady."
Needless to say that took about 10years off my life. Now I double and triple check the gate if I 've gone out.
Hi Stacy! Welcome. This place is the big, sunny EN kitchen -- and kinda like following a soap opera. Yes, the best way to hang out is to just jump in.
Oh, I am glad the pets are safe!
I'm amazed at all the youngest and middle children. Any more people from eldest child camp? Linda, I'm claiming you, since you got the perfectionism, too. (Ugh. Still trying to recover from that one.)
I got up early and scrubbed cabinets, the refrigerator, walls, etc. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser = my BFF. Now, I'm just a big pile of moving anxiety -- I just want to be done! Working out this afternoon, but am a little skeered because we are supposed to have a heat index of 102, which, of course, is practically winter for the southern ladies.
My sister is seriously being my triathlon fairy godmother this summer. I get SAG for two days of race rehearsal in Madison next weekend! I'm thinking of doing the big 2.4 miler swim on course Saturday and RR Sunday. Ironman newbie here still has a stomach all in knots over the swim and think giving it is own day instead of putting a big, hard thing behind it, may be the best thing I can do for my head. Swim. Eat scones. Done. That way, the task at hand doesn't get bigger than it really is and the RR has space to be a RR.
This morning has been cuh-RAZY. I woke up to thunder and lightning but luckily the storm hadn't quite hit when I took the dogs out. There is nothing like the horror of knowing that you're about 30 seconds away from disaster and not being able to get the dogs to HURRY IT UP ALREADY!!! We made it back inside in the nick of time and I managed to grind my coffee beans and (mostly) iron my pants before the power cut out. My neighborhood was just slaughtered by this storm - trees down, power lines down, traffic lights out, flash floods, crushed cars and houses, non-functioning Metro station, etc. I just replaced the entire contents of my fridge from a storm that hit while I was racing IMLP - I canNOT afford another redo! Cross your fingers for me!
Oh, and I'm the oldest!!! Ah, responsibility and perfectionism, I know them well.
Marianne: Whew! So glad Rudy is okay.
Gina & Olivia: I'm thinking a mtb trip to CO (say...Fruita?!) in the spring 2011. Who else wants to come along?! Stacy, do you have a dirt bike?
Barb: Your leg is telling you it wants to taper now. Don't let your brain talk your leg out of it!
Suzanne: Keep that frig closed until the power comes back! which I hope is really soon.
Pets...Scooby and Pigg are my children for sure. Scoober (11 yo yellow lab) has never "run away" because he's always in earshot range and comes running immediately when I call him ALWAYS. I wish I could say it was good training, but I really think he has undying hope that there's food everytime I call him. Piggy (11 yo obese black Tomcat) also typically comes running when called---I think the same undying hope for food. While I wish Scoobs would sit in my lap and purr and Piggo could go on trail runs with me, I'm so happy to have them both.
Oh Nemo: Yep, I'm allergic to Piggy and all of his kind---which makes me really ,really sad. However, with enough antihistamines and steroids (and allergy shots soon!), I shall continue to cuddle and love up my feline babies.
As for you eldest/ only kids with responsibility and perfectionism- all of that skipped my older sister and went straight to me. She and my brother were the experimenters. Like Nemo, I was a good kid. I didn't get in trouble much because- I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG! I was a brainy, band nerd and loved it. But I also played sports. I had to be the best clarinet player, best defender on the soccer team. If I wasn't the best, I worked harder. But I was also the kid that fed the pets, took on new chores without being asked, sat with my mom as she cried her way through divorce, etc. I swear my siblings were just oblivious.
So glad all the pets are ok! That is such a terrifying, helpless feeling. That has happened to me a few times, with both a cat and a dog, and I nearly go crazy with worry.
Welcome, Stacy!
Gina, that's a beautiful ride! I'm such a chicken that I could never do any hard-core mountain biking.
Barb, take it easy on that leg! You're almost there...
Beth, I like your idea of splitting up the RR. No need to make it any more stressful than it already is.
My half iron plan has a "big day" this Saturday, and my sister is going to join me in the fun. The pool doesn't open until 8, so we are going to ride 2.5 hours first, then run 1 hour, then finish off with a 1 hour swim. Our sister day will be capped by a movie with popcorn (must replenish those sodium levels) and then some good old fashioned tex mex and margaritas! There will be chocolate, as well.
Have a great weekend, ladies!
Hi everybody! Welcome Stacy - glad you found the thread, it really is amazing and has made my EN experience so so so wonderful I wish I'd found it sooner!
@Marianne - so relieved you found the puppy, I was anxious for you reading your post!
@Nemo - what a great parable, I will definitely pass it along!
@Barbara - please take care of yourself and, if you need it rest! And sorry to hear about the pool - that happens here, too... last summer it seemed like each of the 3 pools I could conceivably go to closed at the same time for maintenance... argh! now I go to a gym with a pool, which is very helpful (although they're gonna convert from saline to chlorine, which is a huge bummer).
@Michele - I think my experience as a #2 child has been the same... my big brother is far from the norm for an oldest child... I actually joke with my mom to admit he was adopted bc he's so different than the other 3 of us. She hasn't owned up to it yet.
And I love the taco salad sans chips idea... yummy! I did something similar the other night (but I had blackbeans).
@Linda - hugs... I hope, if I ever have kids, to have learned what not to do growing up with the folks I had. Dad was/is an alcoholic (but refuses to admit he has a problem), mom is chronically depressed... I was the only girl so she dumped dumped dumped on me and only me. My mission has been to become independent to be free of them (check) and to not end up like them (trying really hard).
@Beth - good luck with the move. I hope to get to randomly crash there (in the pain cave or otherwise) some day!
and, to whoever mentioned it... the IMWI Moo chica thing has been amazingly inspirational for me so much so that, as you know, I'm coming to sherpa and meet you all and to cheer my head off! I hope to make the chicadom proud by closing out the season (with Nathalie) with a smile on my face in Florida.
I am the oldest of 4 girls.
@Beth - I can kayak for you if you're swimming on a Saturday here. Or were you planning to do one of the organized swim events?
@KrisF - Let me know if you are interested in company for your RR ride this weekend. I have no agenda, I know the course with my eyes closed, and would happy to ride along for 1 loop with you for company if you're interested. If not, no worries.
@CarrieC - sounds like beth has hotel space for you on several of the nights. If you're ok with sharing a hotel room with 3-4 others (2 queen beds + air mattresses), we can easily accomodate you on any/all of the nights! No need to rent a car, Josh and I will both have cars. Can pick you up from the airport on Fri night, etc. I would love to play sherpa for the athletes AND the other sherpas!
@Gina & Kitima & Olivia - now you've got me thinking about mtn biking again! Sold my full suspension Gary Fisher Joshua in '06 to fund my tri bike
Welcome new EN Chicas! Looking forward to having you in the haus!
Hope you IMC and IMKY folks enjoy the upcoming taper!
Oooops, got a little carried away there (just SO excited to be able to hang out with so many EN peeps at IMWI!!). We have the hotel room reserved for Sat/Sun nights only. But we could always add Fri night to the reservation of we want to.