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Could use some run plan feedback?

Basics-I'm in week 15 of the 20 week advanced half plan.  I moved up from intermediate to this because this is my 13th half and for the last few, I've been finishing at the lower end of the top 1/3rd of my AG, 50-54 men.  Just reduced my running zone paces as a result of a recent VO2 test.  Last week's long run with 2x15 z3 took a toll.  Felt calves and achilles tighten up a little over half way through.  I struggled to hit the new numbers and almost made it.  After the run, I stretched, inverted, iced, got a massage and some new shoes. Could tell it was time for them.  Running durability is and has been my weakest link.  I can handle the swim and bike portions of the advanced plan, but the running is getting to me.  Seems like I'm just not quiet up to the advanced run plan.  I haven't ran in a couple days, as you just know when you shouldn't push it any more.  Walking with a limp has a mild level of pain associated with it.  So, after all that-here's my question.  How should I adjust so as to consolidate run fitness I've gained so far, without going over the edge?  Swimming and riding is pain free.  Seems like about 4 weeks out from race day, I've been prone to pesky running injuries.  Don't want to go into this "A" race with an injury.  Thanks for your input!


  • What I have done in the past is kept the intensity but dialed back the time, so if I had 3x10 I might do 3X5 or 2X5 depending on how I felt. I also made sure I was doing all the things you are doing, but did you mention ice bath? That was one thing that help me alot after long runs.

    Keep us posted.

  • Yes, I've become a big fan of the benefits of the ice bath.  Love the results, hate the cold water.  Thanks for the input.  I'll see if I can handle the intensity.  Gotta get rid of the pain first.  Wondering if it makes any sense to mix an advanced plan for swim/bike with an intermediate plan for the run.  Since most of us have a weaker sport, it seems odd you'd be advanced at all 3?   Just wondering?

  • Dave I thought that we were able to select different levels for each sport.  I guess that was never implemented.  How did you go about selecting an Advanced plan?  I know nothing about you or how fast you race but I have been seeing more and more people choose an Advanced plan when the Intermediate would be just fine for them.  I don't think the Advanced will make you that much faster if you are having troubles hitting your intervals.  I know you have said that you are fine on the swim and bike portions but maybe stepping back a bit on all three will make the run that much easier for you?

    But what Steve said, if you can't hit the interval for the prescribed time period maybe chop it up so you still get the work in.  Of course when oyu are 100% that is.

    Also you can check out this link in the wiki about choosing the right plan:


  • Sounds like you're nailing the plan, but the run needs some tweaking. Remember, we are "self-coached athletes" here and by identifying this issue you can now amend the plan to keep yourself safe and uninjured. I would keep the swim bike at the level you are at, but dial the run back a tad. Like others said here, approach it differently. Say you have 3 x 1.5 miles at tempo. Make it 3 x 1 mile, or 2 x 1 and 2 x .5. Or 5 x .75. The real magic comes not from the plans being seen as immutable, but doing the work that your body can absorb and handle. You'll get stronger even with the edits. As we often say--don't run the plan into a brick wall. The plans are a guide that we all adhere to as best we can, but it's not meant to be set in stone if it puts you at risk for overtraining or injury. Good luck and let us know how you're doing.

  • Thanks Tucker and Linda,

    Tucker, I moved up since I have done the Intermediate plan for my last 6 or so 1/2's and had been getting about the same results, bottom side of the FOP.  So, I decided to give the Advanced a go.  I'm fitter than before and think the plan has worked very well so far.  Just don't want to drive this plan off a cliff.

    Linda, thanks for the sound advice.  Makes a lot of sense.  I'll make mods going forward and see if I can keep the legs under me.  I'll save the hard stuff for race day. image


  • Dave, fellow calf injured buddy, be sure to check out the rolling/stretching stuff put together by Leigh and Vince on their Atheletes Treating Athletes site:

    Great stuff there- and some self management of the issue will go a long way in helping you recover and stay healthy.
  • Thanks all for taking care of Dave! You guys rock!
  • Your absolutely right Patrick, this team does Rock!  An update-last evenings workout was a 3x1 mile at z4/z5 main set.  I went in to it with some minor pain in the left achilles and was mentally prepped to accept adjustments  as required.  Warmed up for 15 minutes as prescribed.  I was on a very nice rubberized track in my new light trainers.  First lap around, I thought "this is going to hurt."  By the end of the 15 minutes,  was getting into it and pain was actually subsiding.  Decided to try an interval.  Got up to a pace I felt I could manage and looked at Garmin.  It said 8:00 m/mi.  That was pretty much dead on where I should have been.  I was able to do all 3 mile repeats at goal relatively pain free.  Had to slightly modify my footstrike and push off to protect the achilles, but I got it done. 

    There were 2 guys there with a coach each running 800's-1 mile repeats.  They looked like the guys you would see at the lead in the Boston Marathon.  Stride was about 7' and they must have been running about 4m/mile pace.  They almost ran 2 laps for my 1.  I felt like a water buffalo running in lane 2 as they would go by in lane 1.  Very fun to watch a real runner perform.  Maybe that helped me, I don't know.

    Did the ice bath, rolled out the calves with the stick, inverted and called it a night.  This morning, all is good.  Still a bit of tight/soreness, but not worse.  Got a long run coming up tomorrow, hoping this continues.  Very pumped about upcoming race if I can hold up.

    Thanks to all!



  • Keep up the maintenance...that's key!
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