Power Tap Died
I have been having trouble for the past week with no or low watts dispalying from my PT. I tried battery changes, zeroing torque, etc... This morning I spoke with Saris and apparently my calibration is way off. Acceptable range is in the low 500s and mine is displaying a 317. Apparently, the only solution is to send the unit back to Saris for an overhaul at a cost of $300. Ouch! I have had the PT for about 20 mos. so of course it is no longer covered under warranty. Bummer!
Don't try my fixes which usually involves a hammer
That's the silver lining!
Oh crap. Is it bad when the calibration on your power tap is -16106? All of a sudden my tap reads 0w all the time and will only show min wattage(like 45w) when I really stomp on the pedals. My guess is I will have to send this in to Saris to get fixed and i've only had it since around November. My bigger problem is that it's only 28 days until IM Canada, do you think Saris can get this thing repaired and back to me ASAP? I'll give them a call Monday to see what they say.
Wayne i can tell you that the customer service at saris is very good
my electronoc unit went flying in the desert when the coupler broke and i was not getting any LED readout (had to do my FTP test on partial readout). Jerrod at saris had me send the unit back with tracking number and I had a new one within 3 days...not exactly your situation but im sure the service for your problem would be handled just as professionally especiall since only having it since November
This happened to me too. Like others have said, there is really no option other than the $300 return to Saris, but the wheel does come back as good (or better) than new. It seems like the usual problem is that the torque tube that measures power breaks and needs to be replaced.
Watch this space
Wow ! I am in a state of shock! When I got home tonight there was my nice Hed 60C2 with my newly refurbished powertap hub sitting on my porch. That is FAST work. Kudos to the folks at Saris / CycleOps!