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Thunderstorms for half-iron possible, maybe turns into a du?

I asked this on the feedback this week thread, but I have gotten no answer and I am running out of time,

I have my Half Ironman this weekend (9/12) and the forcast is calling for possible thunderstorms. Last year I was at a race where it was thundering, and they turned the swim into a two mile run. So I ended up with 2 miles and then the rest of the course. If this happens, how should I pace my first run? I am a strong swimmer, but not a good runner and an extra two miles is a big deal to me. 


Does anyone have any advice?



  • Two miles does not seem very far for a "Du"; usually the first run would be longer, and paced a bit easier than the last. I'm just saying what I would do here: Ease into the first mile at the pace you'll be doing the first three miles of the half-marathon portion, then do the next mile at your "race pace" for this race. It'll be over before you know it. The people who try to do it faster will only be gaining 2-3 minutes at the most, and they may lose all of that and more in the half-marathon. 

  • OK Thank you Al. Good advice. I am so nervous now I don't trust myself to make good decisions. Hopefully it will just be rain at the worst.

  • Christy, it should be hard to hurt yourself using Al's strategy, which should be the goal of such a race. Good luck, and let us know how it goes.

  • The race went great. I set a 31 minute PR over last year and came within 2 minutes of my best straight-up half-marathon time on the run. No thunderstorms thank goodness but lots of rain. Its been a strange year for me. I spent every week training in 90+ temps and sunshine but almost every race I have done is pouring rain and cool. I think the rain is good for my times though.

    Thank you both for your help, this was my big AAA race this year and I hate race day surprises.
  • Congratulations on the PR. The worse the conditions are, the better ENers seem to do, staying within the box and focusing on what can be controlled. Mayb e you should try and train for a half marathon this winter, get yourself a new VDOT/race pace.
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