Chica Reunion in 2011?
I know, it hasn't even been a week since IMoo, but I miss you guys already and I need to know I'm gonna see you again! So I'm already thinking 2011 We started talking about getting together to do a Half IM in 2011 where we could just have some fun together and race hard without all the stress of an IM. We just gotta pick a date.
We all have a date on September 11, 2011 in Madison Wisconsin. So any racing get together on that day is out of the question! You either need to be racing or ready to show up in a pink baithing suit to support the crew (don't worry- we've been scheming a way to ensure it's so over the top and non-sexy so no one will mistake any of us for attempting to do a Hooters display!)
And lets see. Um, well, assuming there is a Chica Revenge tour at LP in 2012 Then that means many of us will want to be in Lake Placid to volunteer, register, and maybe even do a little training camp to get familiar with the course. Just thinking out loud here of course, and not making any promises! But.........I guess that means we many of us will have our dance card filled on July 24, 2011
And hmmmmm, if we're doing LP in 2012, well then most of us are gonna want to start the OS in October, right? So we want to have all our racing done before then
OK- so that kinda leaves June and August as the reasonable months for a HIM. And - I'm still gonna push you gals to try to join us at Tour of California in May! So that pretty much means if we do something in June, it needs to be late June.
Soooooo- what are our options? Timberman is an obvious choice. But are there any other races in Late June or mid August that you ladies would like to consider? Anyone want to show off their own local hometown? Let's hear it!
Rev 3 Knoxville May 15
Musselman in Geneva,NY July 15-17
Savageman Deep Creek, MD will be in September (likely week after IM MOO as it is this weekend) I have always wanted to do this race, it is no joke and would not be a PR course, they also offer an OLY check out the website
Beach2Battleship Wilmington, NC in Nov-also offers half and full as well as relays
check this out! I can just imagine all our names on bricks laid on the Westernport Wall. EN Chicas Rule!
@Nemo - Timberman is in August. There is a non-WTC HIM in late June in Tupper Lake, NY, the Tinman. Geographicall, Tupper Lake is fairly close to Lake Placid.
I'm still considering and thinking though. Definitely no IM until 2012 for me (still so proud of myself for resisting the registration line in Madison). Placid always seems so hard to get to, but I know people do. Our Czech Republic/Austria trip is scheduled for May '11 which puts TOC off my list of potential stuff to do. The primary problem with all of this scheduling is having to WORK for a living.
Just starting to plan out my 2011 races. I want to do a half and would love to do it with the chica's but not sure that will work financially for me. I have been considering something closer to home. I have heard rave reviews for Door County Half, July 17 I believe. Also planning on MCM in Washington D.C. Oct 31, 2011. Hopefully sign up for LP in July....wondering If it is impossible to sign up online for LP? Would love to fly out and volunteer, but stuff gets spendy
If I can't get in online, prolly would consider IMWI again for 2012. Those are some of my thinking out loud thoughts.
I need to take some time and figure out racing schedules. I will definitely be in for IMOO. I'd like to do another chica reunion in LP, but $$ would relegate me to trying to sign up online too. Especially if we try to figure out a camp/HIM to do.
It would be nice if we could get a calendar of races somewhere on the site where everyone could add their local races (and even cool non-tri related events). Unless there already is one?
Tell me where I'm going and I'll be there!
I am leaning east coast tri adventure -- could any of these easily be combined with a visit to Todd the bike fitter?
Kate- I'm all about Savageman one of these days. You might even twist my arm into doing it in 2011 with you- even if we do a Chica Reunion elsewhere. That's one TOUGH course.
I would love to be a part of the EN Chica group in 2011.
I'll be at IMTX in May, 2011 to support the hubby and other ENers doing it.
Yipee! Kev and I will be there next year to play to---sign up for IMLP 2012 with us!!
I'm feeling it!!!!! The momentum is building, the EN chica snowball starting at the top of the hill, rolling down the mountain getting faster and faster toward LP'12. how awesome. So we can have a mini volunteering cheering reunion LP "11
I like the idea of MooJo wanting to visit the NH cows
True. But we do have den mother Moojo to tell us lights out! That cow is strict.
Timberman... would love to but a little date with IMCA the following weekend kinda puts the damper on that one!
Oh yah... and need to write WTC a ltr... ditch Perform & Kswiss.. bring back G-rade and Sugoi!!!
Could not agree with you more Kris!!! At least you will be back to G-rade and Sugoi for IMCA...if they keep things the same.
Oh- and yeah- we gotta book a house to share (or a street of houses, or whatever). Just gotta be careful about the noise ordinances, if we got a warning call with just 3 of us in Linda's room- I can't imagine what will happen with a whole house of us!
Ok dropping in yet another thought of a super cool fun fitness thing.... many of you know I'm doing the 200 mile run relay Bourbon Chase again coming up in Oct. The route is broken up into 12 runners who will run 3 legs each of varying difficulty and miles. The route follows.. you guessed it. . the Bourbon Trail here in KY. Starts in Clermont KY and ends up in Lexington KY. It's a super fun event and no matter what the pace, it's the attitude that counts. Costs would be in the $200 range for the race (unless we got some sponsorship $'s). Entry for team is $1200, plus 2 full sized van rental, gas and nice to have a hotel room in the middle of the course for showering etc. I have 3 folks interested in putting together a team for 2011- Oct 7-8. Registration is already open and this has sold out both years. Here's the link if you want to read more. Check out the video. We can also do a mixed (men/women) team so DH's and SO welcome!! The more the merrier.... PM me if you are seriously interested and if we can get 12, I'll put it together.
P.S. The medals and shirts are one of the coolest I've ever gotten.... just sayin...
Do you mind if I start a new thread on this idea? I just don't want it to get lost in the middle of this thread.
Bourbon Chase would be a blast!! Would do it, but signing up for MCM Oct 30 2011