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Is a Full Distance Aqua-Bike good IM prep or just stupid?

All - I'm racing IMAZ Nov 21 and considering doing the aqua-bike portion of the Great Floridian on Oct 23 ... 29 days out and 1 week before RR2 is scheduled.   It is a 2 loop lake swim followed by a tough 112 mile bike ... I rode the course last weekend and it was really challenging!  If you've been to the Clermont area of Florida you know there are serious hills there.  To top off the weekend, I'm thinking of driving up to Gainesville after the race (Saturday evening) to do the Horse Farm Century ride the next day.  

Is this monster weekend too close to IMAZ?  Should I do both, just the aqua-bike or neither?  Am I an idiot? 


  • Can you explain an Aquabike to me??? I know they have one at a race here in Minnesota and I suppose I can google it, but if you get a chance...can you splain it to me?
  •  I just did an iron distance AV as my first RR for IMFL (it was yesterday, FL is 11/6) - amazingly enough the AV fell on the exact day of my RR.

    That said, I did the event as a true RR that just happened to have transitions and special needs... I did NOT race... and I did run for an hour afterwards.  IMFL will be my first IM, so this was perfect insofar as it gave me a true sense of how this all works and I got a chance to dial in all my moving parts...

    I seemed to have the support of the WSMs and the coaches when I mentioned it and the timing, so I'd say go for it...

    @Sheryl - aqua bike is another name for aqua velo... a swim/bike race (no run).

  • Doing both would be dangerous- you risk seriously putting yourself in a huge hole without much time to come out from it.

    Aqua-Velo races however can be perfect opportunities to do a Race Rehearsal with support (as Becky mentioned). It might be worth moving your RR up one week to do it as part of the AV. I suggest you post this Q in the "Macro" thread for the coaches to weigh in on your choice.
  • AV or RR - pick one - as long as it wasn't prohibitively expensive, I'd do the AV with a run afterwords like Becky did.
  • I'm cheap. IM is expensive enough. I'd save the $ and just do the RR. Just my opinion.
  • @ Sheryl - the Great Floridian is an independent iron distance race. They will only get about 300 entrants doing the whole thing. To make the economics work, they let people enter the swim only, or the swim bike (aqua-velo or aquabike), and they also run an intermediate distance triathlon during the day as well.

    @ Mike - the aqua velo has three advantages over the RR: 1) a no kidding, real 2.4 mile open water swim with competition; 2) manned water stops; and 3) the best hills in Florida (+4400 net elevation gain). I paid to do the aqua velo at their 1/2IM a couple of weeks ago, and the Assault on Sugarloaf (the 112 mi bike course) last week. It's just not the same when I'm by myself.

    @ Becky & Nemo - I appreciate the input. The century the next day would be pushing it. I have to do RR#1 a week early, so doing RR#2 a week early will keep everything in sync. Becky - where did you do the AV at?

  • sounds like a perfect way to do an RR to me. 

  • @Paul - mine was in Cambridge, MD.  Chesapeake Man... flat and hot and windy... just like IMFL will be.  The 2.4 OWS with competition (although not many folks) was a big plus (so I didn't swim on Friday).  And man was recovery day yesterday needed... so I agree - no century ride the next day.    It does seem the timing for you will be perfect since your first RR is early... so the timing between will be good. 

  • Before I busted my ribs up, I had paid for the 1/2 iron AV at RedMan in Oklahoma City (two days ago, 9/25), and had every intention of treating it as a RR.

    The IM RRs have a rest day afterwards, if I recall. Doing the second century would put you in too big of a hole, like some stated.
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