I would definitely, strongly consider a trip to LP to volunteer in 2011 and sign up for 2012! I've done IMan WI 7 times (and am signed up for 2008) and would really like a change of scenery. I did the MC200 - Madison to Chicago relay this past June - it was fun! The Bourbon Chase would be awesome! I'll look for the thread.
I would be willing to find us a house to share if we all go out to volunteer next year. I would have a little conflict but I think I could work it out. Let me know if you want me to look for a house and what the criteria would be...how many beds? Do we care if we are close to venue? I can probably rent a van too. This would be fun!!!
I totally want to do the Bourbon Chase! I'll PM you. I thought it was this year.....but you are talking 2011, right??? I bet I can get my daughter to do it with us if we need another person. She can be pretty speedy.....I'm in. Let me know what you need from me.
Posted By Sheryl Woodworth on 26 Sep 2010 04:30 PM
I would be willing to find us a house to share if we all go out to volunteer next year. I would have a little conflict but I think I could work it out. Let me know if you want me to look for a house and what the criteria would be...how many beds? Do we care if we are close to venue? I can probably rent a van too. This would be fun!!!
I totally want to do the Bourbon Chase! I'll PM you. I thought it was this year.....but you are talking 2011, right??? I bet I can get my daughter to do it with us if we need another person. She can be pretty speedy.....I'm in. Let me know what you need from me.
Posted By Sheryl Woodworth on 26 Sep 2010 04:30 PM
I would be willing to find us a house to share if we all go out to volunteer next year. I would have a little conflict but I think I could work it out. Let me know if you want me to look for a house and what the criteria would be...how many beds? Do we care if we are close to venue? I can probably rent a van too. This would be fun!!!
I totally want to do the Bourbon Chase! I'll PM you. I thought it was this year.....but you are talking 2011, right??? I bet I can get my daughter to do it with us if we need another person. She can be pretty speedy.....I'm in. Let me know what you need from me.
I'm in for house! I'll sleep anywhere.
Me too! The more the merrier (and the cheaper too )
Posted By Sheryl Woodworth on 26 Sep 2010 04:30 PM
I would be willing to find us a house to share if we all go out to volunteer next year. I would have a little conflict but I think I could work it out. Let me know if you want me to look for a house and what the criteria would be...how many beds? Do we care if we are close to venue? I can probably rent a van too. This would be fun!!!
I totally want to do the Bourbon Chase! I'll PM you. I thought it was this year.....but you are talking 2011, right??? I bet I can get my daughter to do it with us if we need another person. She can be pretty speedy.....I'm in. Let me know what you need from me.
I'm in for house! I'll sleep anywhere.
Me too! The more the merrier (and the cheaper too )
@ Sheryl,So, should we drive out there together? Prolly be cheaper n flying...could take turns and not stop much..only for potty breaks for u : was gonna try to get online reg...but this would be more fun!!
Looks like a very fun year Gina! I'm hoping to make my year look just as fun.
The short days and risk of hurricanes here really make November a tough IM to train for (for me). So that pretty much kills IMFL for me. If(big if) I were to sign up for a November Ironman, it would more likely be Beach 2 Battleship in Wilmington, NC (great fast swim and super cheap).
Posted By Sheryl Woodworth on 26 Sep 2010 04:30 PM
I would be willing to find us a house to share if we all go out to volunteer next year. I would have a little conflict but I think I could work it out. Let me know if you want me to look for a house and what the criteria would be...how many beds? Do we care if we are close to venue? I can probably rent a van too. This would be fun!!!
I totally want to do the Bourbon Chase! I'll PM you. I thought it was this year.....but you are talking 2011, right??? I bet I can get my daughter to do it with us if we need another person. She can be pretty speedy.....I'm in. Let me know what you need from me.
I'm in for house! I'll sleep anywhere.
Me too! The more the merrier (and the cheaper too )
@ Sheryl,So, should we drive out there together? Prolly be cheaper n flying...could take turns and not stop much..only for potty breaks for u : was gonna try to get online reg...but this would be more fun!!
@Sheryl and Kathy -- Can I get in on that carpool? I'll bring pastry.
@ Gina, where are you biking on the Big Island? Just curious...I grew up there but never biked anywhere except around my neighborhood and was wondering where people go to besides the Queen K.
As for my season...all I have for sure is volunteering at LP '11, sign up for LP '12
Still contemplating IMFL '11...who else is planning to do this one? From various threads, I've seen Kit, Barbara, Linda and the Boyles...
Whoa, whoa!!! IMFL '11, pondering, pondering.... Not sure. Today I'm leaning to an IM free year and doing in '12. Last week '11 sounded great. If I didn't have the WI DNF monkey on my back, I'm sure I'd do '12. Then again, I told myself I could just shake the monkey off in '12. Then again, lot less kid stuff going on in '11 than '12. Back and forth, back and forth....
I would like to sherpa at IMLP in July. In for a house spot!
In thinking about IMLP in '12, there is no way I can do it. I have HS and college graduations (May/June), and my last boy to get ready for college. It was bad enough this year with a Sept. race--no way could I fit IM training in the middle of all that. I'd go insane.
Going to register for Timberman, maybe doing Patriot Half again in June. Other than that--I think Keith should call the shots--which will likely mean a lot of biking (given I bet he ends up on the new S3! )
You ladies are killing me! Your 2011's look waaaay more fun than mine! I might have to blow off IMan WI and do some of the fun stuff you're talking about! I am seriously considering Rev3 Knoxville. I want to try one of their events and it would be nice to get out of the north (WI) where we could still have snow on the ground in May. Then I'll make the trip from Knoxville to Nashville to stalk bad boy country singers.
Posted By Sheryl Woodworth on 26 Sep 2010 04:30 PM
I would be willing to find us a house to share if we all go out to volunteer next year. I would have a little conflict but I think I could work it out. Let me know if you want me to look for a house and what the criteria would be...how many beds? Do we care if we are close to venue? I can probably rent a van too. This would be fun!!!
I totally want to do the Bourbon Chase! I'll PM you. I thought it was this year.....but you are talking 2011, right??? I bet I can get my daughter to do it with us if we need another person. She can be pretty speedy.....I'm in. Let me know what you need from me.
I'm in for house! I'll sleep anywhere.
Me too! The more the merrier (and the cheaper too )
@ Sheryl,So, should we drive out there together? Prolly be cheaper n flying...could take turns and not stop much..only for potty breaks for u : was gonna try to get online reg...but this would be more fun!!
@Sheryl and Kathy -- Can I get in on that carpool? I'll bring pastry.
Amen to living closer to each other, and Amen to Linda did not DNF!
GiGi- do you have good stalking skills? Oh you are gonna fit in great here!!!
My 2011 is gonna go something like this:
Now-Jan: Yoga, Core, maybe do a Half Mary, nothing organized, just whatever
Jan-March: Start the OS. Trying to plan a cool non-tri related vacation during this time (Kris, that trail run is tempting!)
April: Cycle North Carolina 3 day ride (3 days of 50-100miles)
May: Tour of California (I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!)
June-July: Getting my roadie on. Lots of Time Trials and maybe the Peidmont Omnium with my first road race! IMLP to sherpa, volunteer, Chica time, and have fun riding the course.
August: Timberman
September: IMoo Sherpa, (gotta pay the boyz back), volunteer, and ride the course with my ROAD BIKE! I'm looking forward to really enjoying that course for a change! Plus the OBX Half Ironman (anyone wanna come visit me for a race?)
October-: Bourbon Chase (woohoo more Chica stuff!) and start the OS.
November-December- If Joe and I don't plan the vacay for Jan-Mar- it might go here. But most likely I'll be swamped at work so it's best for me to just be in OS (or recovery) at this point in the year
Scattered into all of the above will be dropping into 5k/10k local runs whenever I want, riding with roadies whenever I want, and maybe- just maybe, finally getting serious about surfing.
August-local sprint tri(this is the only sprint tri I can win my age group )
Sept-sherpa IMWI
Oct-Marine Corps Marathon
Nov-begin OS for 2012 season.
Also might stick a 1/2 mary at end of OS, just to make things interesting Of course this is a tentative plan, all subject to dh approval and available $$$$
Kathy, there is a 1/2 mary in Mankato Oct.23. Shelby and I are thinking about it. She is going to try and run 10 this weekend and see how it goes. If she feels good about it we might sign up.
Posted By Sheryl Woodworth on 26 Sep 2010 04:30 PM
I would be willing to find us a house to share if we all go out to volunteer next year. I would have a little conflict but I think I could work it out. Let me know if you want me to look for a house and what the criteria would be...how many beds? Do we care if we are close to venue? I can probably rent a van too. This would be fun!!!
I totally want to do the Bourbon Chase! I'll PM you. I thought it was this year.....but you are talking 2011, right??? I bet I can get my daughter to do it with us if we need another person. She can be pretty speedy.....I'm in. Let me know what you need from me.
I'm in for house! I'll sleep anywhere.
Me too! The more the merrier (and the cheaper too )
@ Sheryl,So, should we drive out there together? Prolly be cheaper n flying...could take turns and not stop much..only for potty breaks for u : was gonna try to get online reg...but this would be more fun!!
@Sheryl and Kathy -- Can I get in on that carpool? I'll bring pastry.
Beth-yes read Sheryl's post.
Beth...I confess...I do take a lot of potty breaks
Posted By Sheryl Woodworth on 27 Sep 2010 06:32 PM
Kathy, there is a 1/2 mary in Mankato Oct.23. Shelby and I are thinking about it. She is going to try and run 10 this weekend and see how it goes. If she feels good about it we might sign up.
No go for me that weekend. Our local swim club hosting big meet...dh and I are awards chair people...basically we are there all weekend giving kiddies their ribbons :  kind of fun though
Posted By Sheryl Woodworth on 27 Sep 2010 06:32 PM
Kathy, there is a 1/2 mary in Mankato Oct.23. Shelby and I are thinking about it. She is going to try and run 10 this weekend and see how it goes. If she feels good about it we might sign up.
No go for me that weekend. Our local swim club hosting big meet...dh and I are awards chair people...basically we are there all weekend giving kiddies their ribbons : kind of fun though
Kathy! Totally fun! Have a good time! I love giving kids awards.
I totally want to do the Bourbon Chase! I'll PM you. I thought it was this year.....but you are talking 2011, right??? I bet I can get my daughter to do it with us if we need another person. She can be pretty speedy.....I'm in. Let me know what you need from me.
I'm in for house! I'll sleep anywhere.
Me too! The more the merrier (and the cheaper too
2011 is going to be my "Fun with my Fitness" year:
Jan: OS
Feb : bike the Big Island
March-April : 1/2 mary??
May : Rev 3 Knoxville
June- July : bike either Tuscany or Canadian Rockies; ? register for IMLP '12
Aug: moving???
Sept: IMMOO Chica support; Augusta 70.3?
Oct: Bourbon Chase?
Nov: Sherpa for Linda, Kit/Kev, Boyles @ ; IMFL; ? register for IMFL '12
Much as I would like to go to LP in July, just not going to be in the financial structure of the year. Plus, I owe Susanna MANY sau's after IM #3!!
Looks like a very fun year Gina! I'm hoping to make my year look just as fun.
The short days and risk of hurricanes here really make November a tough IM to train for (for me). So that pretty much kills IMFL for me. If(big if) I were to sign up for a November Ironman, it would more likely be Beach 2 Battleship in Wilmington, NC (great fast swim and super cheap).
@Sheryl and Kathy -- Can I get in on that carpool? I'll bring pastry.
As for my season...all I have for sure is volunteering at LP '11, sign up for LP '12
Still contemplating IMFL '11...who else is planning to do this one? From various threads, I've seen Kit, Barbara, Linda and the Boyles...
Whoa, whoa!!!
IMFL '11, pondering, pondering.... Not sure. Today I'm leaning to an IM free year and doing in '12. Last week '11 sounded great. If I didn't have the WI DNF monkey on my back, I'm sure I'd do '12. Then again, I told myself I could just shake the monkey off in '12.
Then again, lot less kid stuff going on in '11 than '12. Back and forth, back and forth....
I would like to sherpa at IMLP in July. In for a house spot!
In thinking about IMLP in '12, there is no way I can do it. I have HS and college graduations (May/June), and my last boy to get ready for college. It was bad enough this year with a Sept. race--no way could I fit IM training in the middle of all that. I'd go insane.
Going to register for Timberman, maybe doing Patriot Half again in June. Other than that--I think Keith should call the shots--which will likely mean a lot of biking (given I bet he ends up on the new S3! )
Here's the rough draft for me...
Jan- OS & Disney Goofy Challenge
Feb- Lovin the Hills 15 mile trail run (Nemo- you would love this one....and there's a ultra cool buff)
Mar- Papa John's 10 miler (run)
Apr- Maybe... Derby mini marathon
May- 3 state, 3 mountain century- Chattanooga TN
Rev 3 Knoxville or Taylorsville (KY) HIM
June- ON season....
Jul- sweat, sweat and more sweat- would love to go to PL, volunteer and sign up for '12 but will need a big windfall for that to happen
Sept- big maybe, possibly sherpa IMWI
Oct- Bourbon Chase Relay
Nov- Turkey Trot 10 k (A race.. he he he), sign up for IMFL - may volunteer if need be to get spot
Dec- ??
Carie- We are going on a Backroads Tour, so will bike in whatever direction they point!!
Linda- Plenty o' time to decide on '11 or '12
How I WISH I lived closer to you guys, getting to the NE several times a year just isn't easy (Placid, Timberman, etc)
@Linda, you did not DNF! You crashed because of circumstances beyond you control! I DNF'd. Sounds like a busy 2012!
Amen sista! I ran miles to Timberman/PL and checked flights as well.... would love to make something work!
read Sheryl's post.
Amen to living closer to each other, and Amen to Linda did not DNF!
GiGi- do you have good stalking skills? Oh you are gonna fit in great here!!!
My 2011 is gonna go something like this:
Now-Jan: Yoga, Core, maybe do a Half Mary, nothing organized, just whatever
Jan-March: Start the OS. Trying to plan a cool non-tri related vacation during this time (Kris, that trail run is tempting!)
April: Cycle North Carolina 3 day ride (3 days of 50-100miles)
May: Tour of California (I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!)
June-July: Getting my roadie on. Lots of Time Trials and maybe the Peidmont Omnium with my first road race! IMLP to sherpa, volunteer, Chica time, and have fun riding the course.
August: Timberman
September: IMoo Sherpa, (gotta pay the boyz back), volunteer, and ride the course with my ROAD BIKE! I'm looking forward to really enjoying that course for a change! Plus the OBX Half Ironman (anyone wanna come visit me for a race?)
October-: Bourbon Chase (woohoo more Chica stuff!) and start the OS.
November-December- If Joe and I don't plan the vacay for Jan-Mar- it might go here. But most likely I'll be swamped at work so it's best for me to just be in OS (or recovery) at this point in the year
Scattered into all of the above will be dropping into 5k/10k local runs whenever I want, riding with roadies whenever I want, and maybe- just maybe, finally getting serious about surfing.
Kathy's 2011 schedule:
Jan- begin OS (16 weeks)
June- Waconia local oly
July-Door County HIM
July-sherpa IMLP....register for 2012
August-local sprint tri(this is the only sprint tri I can win my age group )
Sept-sherpa IMWI
Oct-Marine Corps Marathon
Nov-begin OS for 2012 season.
Also might stick a 1/2 mary at end of OS, just to make things interesting
Of course this is a tentative plan, all subject to dh approval and available $$$$
Beth...I confess...I do take a lot of potty breaks
No go for me that weekend. Our local swim club hosting big meet...dh and I are awards chair people...basically we are there all weekend giving kiddies their ribbons : 
kind of fun though 
Kathy! Totally fun! Have a good time! I love giving kids awards.
Here is how 2011 looks for me so far...
Nov OS 2010
March: Nation's Half Marathon
April: Cherry Blossom 10 Miler (if I get in by lottery)
June: Eagleman 70.3-A race
July: Sherpa/sign up for IMLP 2012
August: Timberman 70.3?
September: Savageman?
October: Army 10 Miler and Marine Corps Marathon-A race
Anyone besides Kris is welcome in Chattanooga for 3State3Mountain Challenge, May 7,2011