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Phone Calling EN Fanatics Needed...



  • @Mark, resent. All, thanks for the help...we're almost done!
  • I can do more P, if u need help.

  • I had a rain-induced phone glitch over teh weekend, so didn't manage to get any extra calls done. Sorry...phone literally didn't work for a while until water evaporated. A quick look today makes it look like things are pretty well covered by now... drop me a note if I misread or if you have some more.
  •  i could call a few if you still need help

  • I got a doozy today. The guy called me back, and did not believe was a volunteer. Kept saying things like "that doesn't jive.Doesn't it bother you that they are getting paid, and you're volunteering?" My reply--"it's a team that's become family, and I am happy to step up and help EN grow." Still not buying it. Talked to him for 30'. I bet the house that Coach P is getting a call too. image



  • Posted By Linda Patch on 28 Sep 2010 02:32 PM

    I got a doozy today. The guy called me back, and did not believe was a volunteer. Kept saying things like "that doesn't jive.Doesn't it bother you that they are getting paid, and you're volunteering?" My reply--"it's a team that's become family, and I am happy to step up and help EN grow." Still not buying it. Talked to him for 30'. I bet the house that Coach P is getting a call too.




    Funny how two people can get the same call and one can see the uniqueness of a volunteer member calling people to help them with their decision, and another can think there is something fishy going on.

    Yep, we hired adults to call other adults, lie to them and pretend to be volunteers. Almost 20yrs of coaching and 3yo team with 400+ members...and this how we built it, by tricking people.

  • Posted By Rich Strauss on 28 Sep 2010 03:43 PM

    Funny how two people can get the same call and one can see the uniqueness of a volunteer member calling people to help them with their decision, and another can think there is something fishy going on.

    Yep, we hired adults to call other adults, lie to them and pretend to be volunteers. Almost 20yrs of coaching and 3yo team with 400+ members...and this how we built it, by tricking people.


    Exactly. Trust me, I had to put my Dalai Lama hat on, keep it rolling calmly, b/c I wanted to punch him out after 10'. Frankly, it was insulting to all of us--like I'm some rube being used. But, hey, I've got nothing but good and positive things to say, so that's what I was all about. If he can't see the authenticity in that, then you know what he can do.

  • Just wanted to drop in encourage you to keep up the good work on the phone calls. As someone who got a call and then quit my trial early and signed up the next day, I can tell you it made a BIG difference. I couldn't believe someone would take the time to call a complete stranger and talk triathlon.

    Can't wait to start up next week!

    Michael Smith

  • I just want to thank you guys for calling, I was going to sign up for the team anyways but I really felt at home when I got one of these calls.
  • Called most of the folks on my list. Need to let west coast wake up. Not sure where that master list is being kept so I can indicate I have called.
  • Posted By Michele Cellai on 02 Oct 2010 10:07 AM

    Called most of the folks on my list. Need to let west coast wake up. Not sure where that master list is being kept so I can indicate I have called.


    I just email P back the list of people that I called after I finish.

  • Posted By Cary Blanco on 02 Oct 2010 10:47 AM
    Posted By Michele Cellai on 02 Oct 2010 10:07 AM

    Called most of the folks on my list. Need to let west coast wake up. Not sure where that master list is being kept so I can indicate I have called.


    I just email P back the list of people that I called after I finish.

    Good idea! Thanks!

  •  thanks for the call....sorry i missed it


  • I volunteered to make calls, but never received an email w/names, etc. Let me know if you still need help!
  • We're actually all set! The trial is over, so now we have a ton of new folks on the team! If you are looking for ways to help you can always become a mentor or ambassador!


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