Posted By Jennifer Burbatt on 30 Sep 2010 02:06 PM
Posted By Kitima Boonvisudhi on 30 Sep 2010 01:58 PM
I'm in for the Sherpa Fun House!
As for the pink bikini, that was my bet that I lost. (Who would've thought 12 doodes would wear that speedo?!) So I shall be sporting a bikini (time to step away from the ribs and cake). Of course, it will say EN Boyz Rule on the butt. Any Chicas can join me in this, you know...
Having to wear a pink bikini might be just the encouragement I need to finally hit my weight goals...since that Snickers ice cream pie I had at lunch probably won't get me there
Pink bikini for me. If theme follows, I had better brush up on my retro embroidery skills to get that message on the butt.
If I'm ripped I'll consider it. Called the house owner and left a message. Waiting to hear on deposit and rates. We are good with Friday to Monday morning? I wish my oldest could come and chef for us all weekend!!
Posted By Sheryl Woodworth on 30 Sep 2010 02:48 PM
If I'm ripped I'll consider it. Called the house owner and left a message. Waiting to hear on deposit and rates. We are good with Friday to Monday morning? I wish my oldest could come and chef for us all weekend!!
Posted By Sheryl Woodworth on 30 Sep 2010 02:48 PM
If I'm ripped I'll consider it. Called the house owner and left a message. Waiting to hear on deposit and rates. We are good with Friday to Monday morning? I wish my oldest could come and chef for us all weekend!!
Can I say, "maybe"? I just don't know what life is going to toss our way, e.g., moving....
G- where u guys moving to?
K- Susanna finishes residency in June, '11. We are likely to move back to Birmingham, AL (hometown for both of us). This, of course, pending employment. It is a grey area for us right now. Families are planning on us returning, but we like TN....
Big, giant MAYBE. Of course I'd love to be there, but my major client just cut my stipend by 25% today. I'm not cut completely like many were, but that's a huge hit for me--with two kids in college. Looks like any plan to do IMFL this year is also on hold, with the plan to rebound my 2012. I just don't know what discretionary is left. Tuition is Kill-er.
Big, giant MAYBE. Of course I'd love to be there, but my major client just cut my stipend by 25% today. I'm not cut completely like many were, but that's a huge hit for me--with two kids in college. Looks like any plan to do IMFL this year is also on hold, with the plan to rebound my 2012. I just don't know what discretionary is left. Tuition is Kill-er.
Bummer sucks....or rather the lack of it does sometimes. You should try the Nelson college your own way Hope u can come!
Wow - you guys are making it sound quite tempting...maybe I can encourage my DH to take some freelance travel work that weekend and I can sneak away! Keep me on the "maybe" list!
I'm also a maybe...I really want to go because i had such a blast this year! seriously! I'd love to be able to have a repeat of that weekend, I'm just having a hard time committing right now, because I'm getting ready to sign up for my big daddy race for next year and gonna drop a load of moola (haaa haaa, get it moola. tee hee) Gotta get through one deposit at a time. Can I be on the maybe list?
Good stuff! VRBO is da bomb! I love it, that's how I found my place for IMFL in '06 and it was sa weeeet.
OMG... I'm with Gigi... almost wishing I were going to WI to sherpa again! But racing with you all there will be so much fun! I can't wait (well, actually, I CAN wait... you know what I mean). Thank you in advance!
Hmm... when I get my Moo Jo, I'd already pondered putting her in a bikini - bc I'm racing in FL and bc I have lost my swim mojo... it looks like the bikini will be pink! I might have to make a stop at Toys R Us this weekend to see if I can find a barbie bikini or something...
Make that a maybe for me! I talked to Kev about this; and he's thinking he may come along to sherpa too. While staying in a house with 7 other women may evoke all kinds of man fantasies about pillow fights in scanty pajamas... If Kev comes with me, we'll be staying at the Clarion.
Kev is only invited if he makes an apperance in the pink speedo this time. I seem to recall he conveniently backed out of that dea this year :-) Tee hee hee!
Kev is only invited if he makes an apperance in the pink speedo this time. I seem to recall he conveniently backed out of that dea this year :-) Tee hee hee!
You know I wondered about that later in looking at pics....
K. Got a call from Janet on the house. Four night minimum and $1,000 per night. So that being said I don't know that it's an option for me. If we can get 12 people it might be doable but I don't know that any of us plan to be there four nights. Thoughts?
Kev is only invited if he makes an apperance in the pink speedo this time. I seem to recall he conveniently backed out of that dea this year :-) Tee hee hee!
You know I wondered about that later in looking at pics....
Yeah, a bit disappointing. He saw the doodes in speedos on Timber Lane and decided quote: "It was just way gay." I didn't want to say anything cuz he was being such an great sherpa. I'm pretty sure he's not even looking at this thread so I'll bring it up at dinner tonight...
Posted By Sheryl Woodworth on 01 Oct 2010 09:15 AM
K. Got a call from Janet on the house. Four night minimum and $1,000 per night. So that being said I don't know that it's an option for me. If we can get 12 people it might be doable but I don't know that any of us plan to be there four nights. Thoughts?
That's significantly higher than the website. Hm. I say we shop a bit more. Or return with a counter-offer.
Posted By Sheryl Woodworth on 01 Oct 2010 09:15 AM
K. Got a call from Janet on the house. Four night minimum and $1,000 per night. So that being said I don't know that it's an option for me. If we can get 12 people it might be doable but I don't know that any of us plan to be there four nights. Thoughts?
That's significantly higher than the website. Hm. I say we shop a bit more. Or return with a counter-offer.
Agreed- they probably know they have a big demand for that weekend and folks racing would easily pony up for the full 4 nights. If that's the case, I'm still open to Super 8. I might try to reserve a room at Clarion just to be safe- just gotta remember what that cancellation policy was.
Posted By Sheryl Woodworth on 01 Oct 2010 09:15 AM
K. Got a call from Janet on the house. Four night minimum and $1,000 per night. So that being said I don't know that it's an option for me. If we can get 12 people it might be doable but I don't know that any of us plan to be there four nights. Thoughts?
That's significantly higher than the website. Hm. I say we shop a bit more. Or return with a counter-offer.
Agreed- they probably know they have a big demand for that weekend and folks racing would easily pony up for the full 4 nights. If that's the case, I'm still open to Super 8. I might try to reserve a room at Clarion just to be safe- just gotta remember what that cancellation policy was.
You have to cancel within 24-hours. Generous. Want a roomie, if Clarion becomes back-up plan? I'll house shop a bit more, but we may be better off at Clarion with possible suite upgrade for one group of us, like camp?
Pink bikini for me. If theme follows, I had better brush up on my retro embroidery skills to get that message on the butt.
Looks like with Kitima, that makes 8
Is this the house Sheryl that Beth posted?
Can I say, "maybe"? I just don't know what life is going to toss our way, e.g., moving....
G- where u guys moving to?
Sheryl, you rock!
K- Susanna finishes residency in June, '11. We are likely to move back to Birmingham, AL (hometown for both of us). This, of course, pending employment. It is a grey area for us right now. Families are planning on us returning, but we like TN....
Will do. -- but the whole site seems to be gold.
Yes come.. come you must (in my best Yoda voice)
You too Gina!
Oh Linda & M ..... we need you too! We gots room for you too! We are all on the shoestring budget plan. I'll bring the mac & cheese!
Big, giant MAYBE. Of course I'd love to be there, but my major client just cut my stipend by 25% today. I'm not cut completely like many were, but that's a huge hit for me--with two kids in college. Looks like any plan to do IMFL this year is also on hold, with the plan to rebound my 2012. I just don't know what discretionary is left. Tuition is Kill-er.
Bummer sucks....or rather the lack of it does sometimes. You should try the Nelson college your own way
Wow - you guys are making it sound quite tempting...maybe I can encourage my DH to take some freelance travel work that weekend and I can sneak away!
Keep me on the "maybe" list!
Good stuff! VRBO is da bomb! I love it, that's how I found my place for IMFL in '06 and it was sa weeeet.
OMG... I'm with Gigi... almost wishing I were going to WI to sherpa again! But racing with you all there will be so much fun! I can't wait (well, actually, I CAN wait... you know what I mean). Thank you in advance!
Hmm... when I get my Moo Jo, I'd already pondered putting her in a bikini - bc I'm racing in FL and bc I have lost my swim mojo... it looks like the bikini will be pink!
I might have to make a stop at Toys R Us this weekend to see if I can find a barbie bikini or something...
Linda- totally sucks about work :-(
Make that a maybe for me! I talked to Kev about this; and he's thinking he may come along to sherpa too. While staying in a house with 7 other women may evoke all kinds of man fantasies about pillow fights in scanty pajamas...
If Kev comes with me, we'll be staying at the Clarion.
You know I wondered about that later in looking at pics....
Yeah, a bit disappointing. He saw the doodes in speedos on Timber Lane and decided quote: "It was just way gay." I didn't want to say anything cuz he was being such an great sherpa. I'm pretty sure he's not even looking at this thread so I'll bring it up at dinner tonight...
That's significantly higher than the website. Hm. I say we shop a bit more. Or return with a counter-offer.
Agreed- they probably know they have a big demand for that weekend and folks racing would easily pony up for the full 4 nights.
You have to cancel within 24-hours. Generous. Want a roomie, if Clarion becomes back-up plan? I'll house shop a bit more, but we may be better off at Clarion with possible suite upgrade for one group of us, like camp?