$250-500 a night? I know it says 6, but frankly I'm happy to grab a sleeping bag if it will lower costs (since if I hotel it, I think I'll just be staying two nights max).
I submitted a request to find out the info for IMOO weekend.
$250-500 a night? I know it says 6, but frankly I'm happy to grab a sleeping bag if it will lower costs (since if I hotel it, I think I'll just be staying two nights max).
I submitted a request to find out the info for IMOO weekend.
I am also cool with sleeping bag. And this area is one of my favorites! There is an awesome path/nature preserve really nearby.
Another thing to consider is using blow up mattresses. We had a queen bed sleeper sofa and two queen blow ups in our room at the clarion this year. I have TONs of blow ups and they are pretty comfy. We just put the DND sign on the door.
Disclaimer.... Kris does not camp. Kris's idea of camping IS Holiday Inn. Would love to share a room with 2 or 3 folks but my body is too old for blow up matress or sleeping bags. Again- all game to share a room and I'd be looking at Fr-Mon at longest.
Ok, just heard back from the property owner. $275 a night and it is available for Friday through Monday.
I should have been more clear. It's not camping, it's a house on Lake Mendota that sleeps 6. I was just suggesting that since we had more than 6 (I think 8 confirmed) that we could still do it if a few would be cool sleeping bagging/air mattress (I have a double air mattress for sure) it since they weren't racing.
What do you guys think? Should I tell her we'd like to move ahead with it?
@Jennifer - thanks for all the work looking into things. Sorry if I came off wrong at all. Def cool with cheap alternatives but I'll admit I am a big baby about sleeping on floors :-)
@Jennifer - thanks for all the work looking into things. Sorry if I came off wrong at all. Def cool with cheap alternatives but I'll admit I am a big baby about sleeping on floors :-)
Haha! No worries, I completely understand- you shall have a reserved bed!
OK- checking it out, it has 2 bedrooms and sleeps 6. That probably means 2 queen beds in each BR and then a sleeper sofa in the LR. One big drawback I see is that it only has 1 bath. I'm thinking cramming more than 6 chicks into a house with 1 bathroom is, well.......uh- not such a great idea. We probably need 2 baths minimum.
I think I'd rather squeeze 3 chics into a room at Clarion with 1 bath for $159/night vs try to share 1 bath with 6 for a few dollars less per person.
I'm good with anything. I currently have a clarion reservation for one queen one sleeper and so far three people but it's a back up that I will cancel if need be. Google the Super 8 in Sun PrAirie. If we took three or four rooms there we could all be in the same place cheap.
Just want to say I am jealous and if our dive trip plans fall through I will be there. In the mean time, I will agree to the pink granny suit to support the guys with a big cut out/ poster to "be there".
I'm a strong maybe. As the event gets closer, the maybes that becomes yeses can get together
Any synchronized swimming ideas, I suggest we consult Eric Voboril. He does that stuff, great stories. Really working on that body comp stuff so I look Hot if I make it out there.
I'm a strong maybe. As the event gets closer, the maybes that becomes yeses can get together
Any synchronized swimming ideas, I suggest we consult Eric Voboril. He does that stuff, great stories. Really working on that body comp stuff so I look Hot if I make it out there.
I would love to be put on the maybe list for IMWI.
Are all you gals doing it again in 12? I was thinking about doing Florida in either 11 or 12. Might start a thread to see who is going which year and decide what to do.
Oh, Daniel and I will be in TX supporting Marianne and whoever else is there in May. My step mom is doing it too.
$250-500 a night? I know it says 6, but frankly I'm happy to grab a sleeping bag if it will lower costs (since if I hotel it, I think I'll just be staying two nights max).
I submitted a request to find out the info for IMOO weekend.
I am also cool with sleeping bag. And this area is one of my favorites! There is an awesome path/nature preserve really nearby.
Again- all game to share a room and I'd be looking at Fr-Mon at longest.
Ok, just heard back from the property owner. $275 a night and it is available for Friday through Monday.
I should have been more clear. It's not camping, it's a house on Lake Mendota that sleeps 6. I was just suggesting that since we had more than 6 (I think 8 confirmed) that we could still do it if a few would be cool sleeping bagging/air mattress (I have a double air mattress for sure) it since they weren't racing.
What do you guys think? Should I tell her we'd like to move ahead with it?
Here's the link again, it has photos of the place and a description of the amenities: http://www.vacationrentals.com/vaca...64630.html
Haha! No worries, I completely understand- you shall have a reserved bed!
I think I'd rather squeeze 3 chics into a room at Clarion with 1 bath for $159/night vs try to share 1 bath with 6 for a few dollars less per person.
I'm a strong maybe. As the event gets closer, the maybes that becomes yeses can get together
Any synchronized swimming ideas, I suggest we consult Eric Voboril. He does that stuff, great stories. Really working on that body comp stuff so I look Hot
if I make it out there.
Oh Tracy....we are gonna be looking HOT!!!!!
I would love to be put on the maybe list for IMWI.
Are all you gals doing it again in 12? I was thinking about doing Florida in either 11 or 12. Might start a thread to see who is going which year and decide what to do.
Oh, Daniel and I will be in TX supporting Marianne and whoever else is there in May. My step mom is doing it too.