Beth- I think Rich kinda wants to do this quickly- so sending the kit around from gal to gal won't work. Alternatively maybe we could each volunteer to try on a certain size or sizes (like I'd take an XS and S and give feedback), but again- I think he kinda wants to just ship a box to one gal, have her pull gal pals together to try on all the various sizes, and then report back. Not sure we'll find anyone who can make that happen- but it sounded like thats what he wanted.
Looks like Gina volunteering in other thread -- sounds good!
Ugh! Just sick over that cyclist being killed and the other injured. Drivers are sooo ignorant! (Yes- I drive)
@Becky- I know it's hard, but be nice to Dan. There were moments leading up to IMWI when I wanted to rip Max's face off and tell him he was a typical male idiot. But I knew the problem was really me. So I had to shut it down, walk away, apologize and try to make it up or help with what he wanted (usually finding something that was right in front of his face). It is never OK to treat the ones we love with disrespect, especially when we have chosen to undertake such a selfish endeavor. Sleep won't help, just tapering and racing. Hang in there.
Running a full mary is very unappealing. But under those circumstances, Nemo, it would be a blast. Enjoy it!
So I am looking for a new job, slowly and lazily. Max keeps telling me that if I lose my job or things get so bad that I quit, then I can train for 6 months and goof around. Sounds fun, right? NOT! I told him that I would have to sign up for another IM if I had that much free time. But I also don't do well with nothing else to keep me occupied. So it is highly unlikely. Also, I would be very poor, I like having enough money to do what I want, when I want. So- it sounds like a dream come true until you are really facing it.
I started really cooking again. I made chicken piccatta, grey sole marinated and sauteed, cauliflour mash, chili, polenta, egg plan parm, brownies, pudding. The weather bites, so it's fine to be stuck inside dicing, slicing, and baking.
@Michele - when's dinner? Wow... too bad you live so far away. And thanks for the thoughts... I'm trying to relax, I'm trying to not let Dan annoy me and I'm trying to not annoy him... I do know my fuse is super short these days... and you're right no amount of sleep or food is taking the edge off!
I actually just posted a suggestion for a significant other support group... although now that the season is winding down it probably isn't as necessary as it will be come next June-Aug... but I think as much as you guys have been able to help me get through this, it might be nice for SOs to have people to bounce ideas off of and to vent. I don't know if Dan would ever actually log on, though... but I would love for him to be able to rant and get annoyed and scream and shout and for Max of Joe or Keith to pipe in and say, yeah, my wife did that too... this is how I handled it and don't worry, she'll do x,y,z then it will be okay... ya know?
So, I went to Spokes in Vienna, VA for a fit today. Took in both pairs of my shoes. The seat came down a touch more. The smallest spacer went under the headset. My sidi cleats got moved a bit... He's happy with the angles for the most part. My back isn't hunching... but he thinks my shoulders are too tight... I hadn't bought the Vuka pad extension kit yet (Todd and I discussed it, but we were waiting to see if the other tweaks helped first)... so I ordered that as soon as I got home. I'm gonna take the bike back for another looksie when I have them on - which, if all goes well, will be next Sat before my second RR (then no touchie bikey). He also thinks I need a new saddle. I wasn't sitting properly on my old one (too far up and not on my sit bones) and it's wearing in the middle/nose area ... I checked the other Terry I have on the roadie... it shows signs of wear in the same place, but may not be as far gone -- either way, when I go back I'll take that saddle in for his assessment. Whatever he says about the saddles, I don't think I'm gonna get a new saddle the day before my second RR/3 weeks before the race... I'll deal with that change after Florida. (I actually have an Adamo from todd... but was waiting to test it out). I also tried on and ordered a new pair of shoes... he's not thrilled with tri shoes bc of the lack of support, particularly bc I have super narrow feet... too much room in there and he worries about hot spots (which I have gotten)... the few seconds I may lose putting them on/taking them off will be gained and then some by the right fit and power in my pedal stroke... so I tried on a few pairs (of road and tri shoes) and fell in love with a pair of specialized road shoes... they'll be in next Friday... so, assuming the vuka pad extensions are in, I'm going in sat for another eval and to change out the cleats from the sidi's to the new shoes... (posted a note to try to sell the sidi's on the classified post)... the RR will be Sunday and, fingers crossed, I will be dialed in and ready to ride!
Knee feels good... I'm tired and hungry... should be working... actually did get some stuff done today... almost quitting time - 75 min ont he trainer and a 20 min run. Then Dan and I are having dinner. Tomorrow is the 1 year anniversary of our first date. I got him a DeSoto Forza tri suit... I looked at cards yesterday but most were super mushy and that's just not me/us... I just wish my head weren't in my ass for this occasion... it's been a looooooong time since I've made it this long with a guy (heck, in the last 3 or 4 years 6 weeks has been my record)... and things with him work on a very basic level, it's nice.
Bike Kit: sounds like that has been taken care of? cooking: M. yes me too, sorta kinda! S: how sweet about the chemo. and your DH. everybody else, hello
Just an observation, I went to the gym to run and avoid the rain in NE yesterday. I haven't been to a gym in over a year mind you. I realized as I'm doing my intervals that something is different. There is no one in the gym wearing spandex head to toe. It was shocking to me that people still exercise in cotton t-shirts and shorts. Cracked me up once I realized what it was that was different.
Barb, Sorry things are so tense. This too shall pass. What a great 1st Anni gift!!! Love it! I can't wait to watch your progress. I think about you everyday getting ready and look on the forum when I get home to see how your day and training are going!! Thanks for sharing with us!
Cooking...yeah....well DD #1 is home for a few days and she always cooks up a storm when she is home so I have a break. Didn't eat very well on the trip. I allowed the stress of dealing with a jerk dictate my stress level and didn't feel like going to get something proper to eat so I ate a take out salad from Wendy's Not the worst choice, but I'm sure I could have done much better. Why do people spend more time arguing with you instead of just doing what you ask in the first place which would have taken less time and energy for everyone!!!
Funny Carly! I know what you mean. Every time I see a full figured woman running and putzing with pulling her shorts down between her legs, I just want to say one word, "Spandex!" More comfortable, less chub rub, less pulling and tugging!"
Good luck on the job front Michele. Husband is starting to look too. I know it's a challenge. Is your field seeing the effects of the economy??? Will you be doing something completely different within your field or similar just at a different place?
Husband is looking at one job that he's not sure will be a LOT of fun, but that he could do in a more rural town. One concern is that it's the only game in town. There isn't a lot of demand out there for Network Security Engineers and usually you have to move to a fairly urban area to find those types of jobs. The other concern is whether or not we could sell our current house. The market in our town is just in the toilet since one of the biggest employers in town has laid off about 50% of it's work force over the past two years and unemployment in town is about 13%. I suppose we could just let our daughter live here while she is going to school but we found a little hobby farm that I LOVE and then I could start my tilapia utopia farm raising greens, sprouts and happy tilapia to sell to local whole food markets and restaurants. How fun would that be???
Can't wait to see the new kit!
Barb, hang in there! I'll be sending put little prayer flags for you over the next weeks! Hoping you keep your sanity and your wonderful relationship on an even keel ! </p>
@Michele - yes, forgot, good luck with the job search!
I still see folks running on the train in cotton and I just don't get it... how uncomfortable... oh well...
So, I did my drainer ride and brick last night after work. No knee probs at all! I set my alarm to do hill repeats this morning but it was dark and I just wasn't feeling it... since I'm a day off this week I'm not worried. Will do those tomorrow after work. Sat I will swim and do my 5k TT... Sun and Mon will be the long rides. So I'll end up a swim down for the week, which for me, being only 1 swim down is pretty good.
My Garmin is definitely dying. It worked last night but the run didn't involve any intervals so I don't know if it would have cut itself off ... but I plugged it into the computer and the workout didn't download on its own or after I manually selected it to be received... not good... so I searched around for shops in the area that have the 310xt. All cost the same. i have a 10% discount at a few -- too bad I don't have the luxury of time to order online and get a better deal, but that's life...
I also ordered an extension kit for my aero pad - and got an email this morning that they're back ordered til the first of the year. NOT good... so I found another place online and ordered them... hopefully they'll be in stock there. If not, I saw that amazon has a place and claims to be in stock (but I didn't go with them right off because there was a disclaimer that they won't ship for a few days)... so fingers crossed I can get them ASAP... certainly before the RR... too bad I can't find them locally as I'd love to ride them this weekend to give em a try... but who knows... at least if I do get them for the RR and hate them I can put the old pads back and not feel bad since that's how I rode the first RR... other than that no touchey bikey after the RR!
Dan made a dinner reservation for tonight, so no workout tonight (why I can't do hill repeats). Not sure where we're going... so taking the day off and I'm okay with that. My weight is up. Not okay with that... but it has been a light week and I ate out a bunch last week... so I hope I can get myself together by the end of next week and will have to be careful when taper starts! I was doing so well holding steady at 128ish hoping to get to 125... but now I'll be happy if I can get back to 128 and keep it there... at least the clothes fit!
I forgot to throw this out there... deals with the new kits and our hope to have the Chica Logo... understandably the coaches think that would be too hard but let the door open for us (perhaps through Cafe Press, perhaps not) to do our own thing.
I thought maybe pink (matching color of the hats) sports bras with the logo to wear under the kit... I've been doing it since I got the visor...
I am actually disappointed about the lack of run gear... it seemed they were okay with it, but then backed down... we have bike jerseys, why not run shirts? I am almost sure to change my shirt for the entire run if not put on a layer for my second loop so I won't be sporting EN gear over the finish line and that's a bummer... oh well...
Becky- put a "throw away" shirt in your run SNB. Wear it for the second loop, and then toss it at the aid station just before the finish line. (be sure it's at the aid station so you don't get hit with a "equipment abandon" penalty). Also remember to toss your glow stick there so you don't have anything reflecting during your picture :-)
Becky - +1 on throwaway shirt (and extra socks!) in RSN. I didn't use either, but if it would have been any chillier, I would've wanted both. And right before Mile 18, I stopped and took a minute to fix my hair and make sure there wasn't any Perform on my face. Glowy necklace was tossed off somewhere on capital square (to cheers). I also zipped up kit top. Girl's gotta look good for the finisher pics!
I ate all the bad food in the universe yesterday. Now, I feel like a normal human being. Maybe we have a psychological need for bacchanalias -- and exercising restraint doesn't work!
Work - I need a new project. Claire Quilter, however, is photographing all the dishes I collected this summer. Let's see if my little entrepreneurial side project can make me some extra dough! Michelle -- it would be soo fun to have six months' vacation, but I would go crazy, too.
@Beth, Nemo: good thought on the throwaway... we'll see what happens in FL. I might actually want to puton some thing warm and dry when the sum goes down... in which case the kit top may be long gone...
on an unrelated note... I'm all for pink sports bras with the chica logo to wear under the kit and match the visor.
and, the coaches can't do a forum for our SOs to vent... so I tongue in cheek mentioned needing a handbook for Dan... and Coach R liked the idea... and Beth weighed in in support... and I started a thread about it in the Club House! "Married to EN..."
Amazingly, I really am getting work done today... working on a rule to try to protect consumers from cramming... having fun with it although I doubt what I'm proposing is gonna fly through the 300 layers of red tape... but, hey, I think my idea are good and have consumers' best interests in mind... and well, I have to live with myself.
Wish I'd run this morning but for once I'm not beating myself up over it. Perhaps bc I have a long weekend to deal with it all...
Oh, and I posted a not so happy post on Ironman's FB wall... not that it will do any good... but it made me feel better. I'm so over their corporate greed... and the erosion of the brand recognition of "Ironman." I'm sure they're just happy to be making money... don't really care what the athletes have to say about it. Charging us more, taking away all the pre-race swag was certainly a pisser... Taking over HIMs and branding them was annoying... but now OLYs?! Being an Ironman means only one thing to me... and that is that you are a hard core enduance machine. I will be ill when I hear some little twat out there saying he did an ironman if he's talking about an OLY. Now, I am all in favor of calling a triathlete a triathlete and not distinguishing between distances (in fact, I constantly correct a friend of mine who almost apologizes when she says she's just done a little local sprint - I pipe in and say you ARE a triathlete) but an Ironman is an Ironman - to me that is a distinction worth noting and worth keeping. Rant over.
Becky- how was dinner for the 1st anniversary? You are sounding better. x3 on the throw away shirt. I think I carried mine balled up inmy hand, but I can't remember, Ijust know I made sure to take it off before the finish line pic. I didn't even remember throwing the gang sign, but I did.
Thanks for the thoughts on job hunting. I was SHOCKED by the lack of jobs in the immediate area. Plenty of jobs in Boston (horrible commute) and Worcester (not any one that I would want). I know that I have time and will continue to think about different areas. I like what I do (most days). I am all about quality of life.
Carly and Sheryl- Totally have had the same thoughts. I will often stare at a jogger before I realize that what I think is wrong is the clothes. Gyms would have me rolling my eyes.
I smile when I see license plates from Wisconsin- good memories.
Becky if you are looking around for garmin's consider That is where I got Michelle's and also bought both of the nicer heart rate monitors. Cheaper than I found and wished I had bought my 310xt from them. I don't know truly about customer service but I have been fortunate not to it.
@Carly - thanks... I know I can find a better deal on a Garmin online... in fact I found one for 20% off... problem is I need it now, not in a week when it would ship to me. Total bummer... since I'm an HR athlete I wouldn't be able to do my rides this weekend without it... poopy. At least I get points at REI... and I just got an email that the Vuka pad extension kit I ordered (the first place I tried waited a day or two to tell me they were out of stock) wouldn't be shipped for 2-3 days... despite the web site saying they'd ship the next day (that'd be today), they wait the full day to tell me this... and it's Friday and Monday is a holiday. Argh. I NEED those darn things by next Friday so I can install them and go to the LBS and have a re-fit for my RR Sunday. Well, I'm gonna try not to stress until I see how the rides go this weekend... hopefully I won't be hurting... I don't think I'd put them on for FL if they're not on for the RR... sigh...
Dinner was good. Went to a new place in Old Town I'd wanted to try. Mussels and frites to start with a nice glass of, I'm not sure what, something French and white... then we shared a salad... then I had salmon and artichokes with a nice Wilamette Pinot Noir. Mmm... I didn't weigh in today... it's been a high week anyway, why get down on myself even more... I've been off the strict primal plan for a week or two now and it's funny how quickly I notice the difference in my weight and tone... Oh well. The onset of fall and lack of wonderful and plentiful fruit for me to gorge on has also been a factor not to mention this week being a low volume week (what stinks is next week is pre-period week and that's always a heavy week for me... ugh)... During dinner Dan mentioned how happy he'll be when this is done and we can go back to some of our old standbys... like pizza night (making our own) or chx and black bean burritos, and he's got a great veggie chili with bulgar now that it's fall... I do want to try to keep the primal eating up but I'm sure I can fit some pizza in! I think I'll stick with smoothies in the morning and salads at lunch but give myself more wiggle room for dinner -- always having fish or chicken with veggies is OLD.
I will do my 40 min run tonight when I get home (no gumption to do it this morning - losing mojo... not so good), see how my old Garmin handles the intervals... then go to REI to get a new one so I can program it for the 5k TT tomorrow (and a makeup swim) and then have long rides Sun (4.5 hours) and Mon (3 hours + brick)... on Mon I'm also heading to Sandy Point to do an OWS... will likely be cold and I'm hoping for crazy wavy to give me some practice...
For those on FB, you already know this story- but for the rest of you.....
Otto brought home a mouse for the first time yesterday! Good boy, right? Yeah, except he didn't kill it first! He dropped the little guy in our shoes (where he typically brings toys to play with- he's got a thing about shoes) and the little guy managed to escape into our kitchen! So we had to tear up the kitchen, pulling out all the appliances and such, trying to catch the little guy. Meanwhile Otto was banned to the outdoors with some cat food for his good dead. We finally trapped the little guy and fed him some crackers and potato chips before returning him to the great outdoors.
If Otto brings him back, I'm gonna have to assume they've brokered a deal!
I want emoticons! I think I could simply post emoticons and let you know how I'm feeling for the next month. and my cats at home used to do that... leave dead critters at the front door... sneak the live ones into the mud room to play with... once a combination... the squirrel was dead, but they had a great time playing with it's tail (which was not connected to the body)... Otto loves his momma!
Oh, Nemo! What a crazy present that is! You do know you get some sort of Snow White/Cinderella points for feeding the mouse before sending him back out to the wild.
Nemo: How very kind and Buddhist of you to feed and free that mouse. It would've met the sole of my shoe had it come in my house. As for cat doors, I had one 15 years ago when I was in residency. I had 3 cats at the time. They brought in mice, moles, chipmunks, baby rabbits---those creatures are too small to push the cat door and escape. Because I wasn't home alot, many of them crawled under the couch, the bed, behind the refrigerator and DIED---leaving a horrible smell. They also brought in half-dead birds with broken wings which flap around in the house leaving feathers and blood all over the place. Lastly, they brought in Luna moths---those HUGE green moths the size of dinner plates. Those things would hide in my drapes and flutter. When I'd go check out what it was...Holy crap! It's freaking MOTHRA! The cat door was quickly shut down---they kitties hated it, but tough luck. Maybe a cat door to an enclosed porch so that Otto and Lily can escape from the weather, but the half-slain critters stay out of the house?
Actually, the kitty door does go to a screened in porch. Most of the crickets Lilly brings in I'm sure have made their own way onto that porch. Otto and Lilly get 2 visits to the outside each day (morning and evening, about 1 hour each). So you'd think they wouldn't have much time to catch anything and drag it in!
Today we received a cricket and a lizard. This must be a bad time of year for kitty prey. Maybe it's the shorter days making them all more sluggish! I'm simply amazed Otto was able to catch the mouse-totally floors me! He's so, uh, LAZY!
Nemo, your kitties love you so much, they bring you gifts.
Hi to all, not a lot of time, need to throw things together to get up to Nj to sister's.LONG wait at Dr office, has me behind.
Where does the time go, wanted to get so much more done today
So I'm in a boot, something I wanted after I got back from WI. My Chiro/ART wanted to wait til after MRI done. Should have tried to get into oRtho sooner I guess. Lesson learned. My post tib tendon pretty messed up & partially torn The last 3 weeks trying to work 12 hrs shifts has not been fun. Hoping this boot will help things settle down, PT 2-3x/week, Plan to spend lots of time in pool next month or so.
Good news today, Shawn, my friend who trains me, said my push ups have really improved he comes up with some really interesting stuff. usually always laughter involved at some point, so much that Ican't do what he wants cause i am laughing so hard. Always fun, yet challenging at same time. If I could put shawn in a bottle to share with all of you, I would. Just a great guy
Thinking of everyone, more next week. have a good weekend, happy Kona spectating
Oh, the aquavelo at half full was lots of fun. Great to see suanne again. She is Off EN for 2 months, back in Nov. Also saw Kate. I did the bike. My biking has been lacking of late. Course was Challenging. 1st half fine, 2nd, my foot really started to hurt. harder to ride, then everyone started passing me, even chicks on mtn bikes with no clipless pedals. Once foot setles down, ready to get back at it
Tracy- sounds like the Half-Full was a blast! So many EN folks, how fun! Now as for that tendon, please take care of it!!! We want you recouped so you can have that comeback year you so deserve.
Wow it's quiet in here this weekend! I'm exhausted from Ironman Hawaii tracking, what an exciting race! I'm totally relaxing today, enjoying the good weather and just hanging out with Joe. It's a nice change of pace for sure.
I'm so jealous of you folks doing cross. It looks like sooooo much fun! But I've made a conscious decision NOT to buy a cyclo-cross bike or jump into cyclocross at this time. I know myself too well to know that I'd get all geeked out about it and suddenly the "Ironman Fee Year" I promised Joe would turn into just another form of "sorry- I'm going to X race this weekend, I've gotta go practice hopping hurdles with Y this weekend, etc". Making it an IM Free year is more than just not doing an Ironman.
Oh, and he totally cracked me up yesterday. His sister told me (via Facebook) that she wants to go to the next Ironman with us (she tracked online all day for IMWI and was so excited by it she decided she has to be there in person next time). I told Joe about it and said "So I told Carrie to pencil Lake Placid 2012 in her calendar". Joe's response??
"What? You'll never do Lake Placid!"
I said "huh? why do you say that" His response:
"1- the lake is too cold, and 2- the decent and hills are to scary!"
Now truthfully, I've always said I wouldn't do Lake Placid but I never thought he was actually listening to me!
Ah Nemo- Don't you just hate it when they have actually paid attention to something that you have changed your mind about. And really you thought he was...
Tracking Hawaii and I ended up sleeping on the couch all night. Very bad for my neck and shoulders.
Had a wonderful ride today. Perfect, sunshiny, NE day.
Nice weekend here--Taylor home for long weekend from BC. Even when you're 20' away, you can get a little homesick! Within 30' of his being home, he was on a ladder getting Cali's poop bag down from the roof (don't ask, b/c I didn't ) after a walk with his brother and the dog. A trip to REI for a jacket and boots, which cost a load--ahhh, life back to normal.
I ran into a woman I know who used to do lots of competitive cycling and crit racing. I told her about WI, and was glad I did. She really understood. She didn't blow it off, but was very factual about it--i.e. the cost of doing business on a machine that can break down. It blows when it happens, but it will happen to you eventually if you compete in cycling long enough. She told me about her DH's custom Fondriest. He got it from Italy, custom everything. On his second ride in a regional championship race that he devoted a whole year know where this is going...crash, DNF, bent frame, bike ruined. I've been at peace with what happened in WI, but kinda made me see it from another POV. Pays your money, takes your chances!
I am so thrilled for Lisbeth Kenyon and our own (former) chica Colleen Capper! They busted it out in Kona, and were amazing! Lis is the nicest person ever, and worked like a Trojan to get that result. She was going for the record, but she didn't think she'd shatter BOTH 45-49 (by 25') AND 40-44 (by 2'). Fastest woman over 40 EVER at Kona. How about them apples?
Ok, I'm going to throw this out here.....HELP!!!!! I think I have enough to finally order a power meter. I've been on wheelbuilder for about 30 minutes and am more confused than ever. How do I know which one to order? I just want a hub as I plan to use my forerunner 310xt as the reciever for now anyway. I'm such a bike noobie. I don't even know which type of tires I use. I really did buy a book, but it just sounds like a foreign language to me.
I would post elsewhere, but I feel like I'm not competent enough to even understand the responses.
Looks like Gina volunteering in other thread -- sounds good!
Ugh! Just sick over that cyclist being killed and the other injured. Drivers are sooo ignorant! (Yes- I drive)
@Becky- I know it's hard, but be nice to Dan. There were moments leading up to IMWI when I wanted to rip Max's face off and tell him he was a typical male idiot. But I knew the problem was really me. So I had to shut it down, walk away, apologize and try to make it up or help with what he wanted (usually finding something that was right in front of his face). It is never OK to treat the ones we love with disrespect, especially when we have chosen to undertake such a selfish endeavor. Sleep won't help, just tapering and racing. Hang in there.
Running a full mary is very unappealing. But under those circumstances, Nemo, it would be a blast. Enjoy it!
So I am looking for a new job, slowly and lazily. Max keeps telling me that if I lose my job or things get so bad that I quit, then I can train for 6 months and goof around. Sounds fun, right? NOT! I told him that I would have to sign up for another IM if I had that much free time. But I also don't do well with nothing else to keep me occupied. So it is highly unlikely. Also, I would be very poor, I like having enough money to do what I want, when I want. So- it sounds like a dream come true until you are really facing it.
I started really cooking again. I made chicken piccatta, grey sole marinated and sauteed, cauliflour mash, chili, polenta, egg plan parm, brownies, pudding. The weather bites, so it's fine to be stuck inside dicing, slicing, and baking.
@Michele - when's dinner? Wow... too bad you live so far away. And thanks for the thoughts... I'm trying to relax, I'm trying to not let Dan annoy me and I'm trying to not annoy him... I do know my fuse is super short these days... and you're right no amount of sleep or food is taking the edge off!
I actually just posted a suggestion for a significant other support group... although now that the season is winding down it probably isn't as necessary as it will be come next June-Aug... but I think as much as you guys have been able to help me get through this, it might be nice for SOs to have people to bounce ideas off of and to vent. I don't know if Dan would ever actually log on, though... but I would love for him to be able to rant and get annoyed and scream and shout and for Max of Joe or Keith to pipe in and say, yeah, my wife did that too... this is how I handled it and don't worry, she'll do x,y,z then it will be okay... ya know?
So, I went to Spokes in Vienna, VA for a fit today. Took in both pairs of my shoes. The seat came down a touch more. The smallest spacer went under the headset. My sidi cleats got moved a bit... He's happy with the angles for the most part. My back isn't hunching... but he thinks my shoulders are too tight... I hadn't bought the Vuka pad extension kit yet (Todd and I discussed it, but we were waiting to see if the other tweaks helped first)... so I ordered that as soon as I got home. I'm gonna take the bike back for another looksie when I have them on - which, if all goes well, will be next Sat before my second RR (then no touchie bikey). He also thinks I need a new saddle. I wasn't sitting properly on my old one (too far up and not on my sit bones) and it's wearing in the middle/nose area ... I checked the other Terry I have on the roadie... it shows signs of wear in the same place, but may not be as far gone -- either way, when I go back I'll take that saddle in for his assessment. Whatever he says about the saddles, I don't think I'm gonna get a new saddle the day before my second RR/3 weeks before the race... I'll deal with that change after Florida. (I actually have an Adamo from todd... but was waiting to test it out). I also tried on and ordered a new pair of shoes... he's not thrilled with tri shoes bc of the lack of support, particularly bc I have super narrow feet... too much room in there and he worries about hot spots (which I have gotten)... the few seconds I may lose putting them on/taking them off will be gained and then some by the right fit and power in my pedal stroke... so I tried on a few pairs (of road and tri shoes) and fell in love with a pair of specialized road shoes... they'll be in next Friday... so, assuming the vuka pad extensions are in, I'm going in sat for another eval and to change out the cleats from the sidi's to the new shoes... (posted a note to try to sell the sidi's on the classified post)... the RR will be Sunday and, fingers crossed, I will be dialed in and ready to ride!
Knee feels good... I'm tired and hungry... should be working... actually did get some stuff done today... almost quitting time - 75 min ont he trainer and a 20 min run. Then Dan and I are having dinner. Tomorrow is the 1 year anniversary of our first date. I got him a DeSoto Forza tri suit... I looked at cards yesterday but most were super mushy and that's just not me/us... I just wish my head weren't in my ass for this occasion... it's been a looooooong time since I've made it this long with a guy (heck, in the last 3 or 4 years 6 weeks has been my record)... and things with him work on a very basic level, it's nice.
cooking: M. yes me too, sorta kinda!
S: how sweet about the chemo. and your DH.
everybody else, hello
Just an observation, I went to the gym to run and avoid the rain in NE yesterday. I haven't been to a gym in over a year mind you. I realized as I'm doing my intervals that something is different. There is no one in the gym wearing spandex head to toe. It was shocking to me that people still exercise in cotton t-shirts and shorts. Cracked me up once I realized what it was that was different.
My .02 for the day.
Barb, Sorry things are so tense. This too shall pass. What a great 1st Anni gift!!! Love it! I can't wait to watch your progress. I think about you everyday getting ready and look on the forum when I get home to see how your day and training are going!! Thanks for sharing with us!
! </p>
Cooking...yeah....well DD #1 is home for a few days and she always cooks up a storm when she is home so I have a break. Didn't eat very well on the trip. I allowed the stress of dealing with a jerk dictate my stress level and didn't feel like going to get something proper to eat so I ate a take out salad from Wendy's Not the worst choice, but I'm sure I could have done much better. Why do people spend more time arguing with you instead of just doing what you ask in the first place which would have taken less time and energy for everyone!!!
Funny Carly! I know what you mean. Every time I see a full figured woman running and putzing with pulling her shorts down between her legs, I just want to say one word, "Spandex!" More comfortable, less chub rub, less pulling and tugging!"
Good luck on the job front Michele. Husband is starting to look too. I know it's a challenge. Is your field seeing the effects of the economy??? Will you be doing something completely different within your field or similar just at a different place?
Husband is looking at one job that he's not sure will be a LOT of fun, but that he could do in a more rural town. One concern is that it's the only game in town. There isn't a lot of demand out there for Network Security Engineers and usually you have to move to a fairly urban area to find those types of jobs. The other concern is whether or not we could sell our current house. The market in our town is just in the toilet since one of the biggest employers in town has laid off about 50% of it's work force over the past two years and unemployment in town is about 13%. I suppose we could just let our daughter live here while she is going to school but we found a little hobby farm that I LOVE and then I could start my tilapia utopia farm raising greens, sprouts and happy tilapia to sell to local whole food markets and restaurants. How fun would that be???
Can't wait to see the new kit!
Barb, hang in there! I'll be sending put little prayer flags for you over the next weeks! Hoping you keep your sanity and your wonderful relationship on an even keel
@Michele - yes, forgot, good luck with the job search!
I still see folks running on the train in cotton and I just don't get it... how uncomfortable... oh well...
So, I did my drainer ride and brick last night after work. No knee probs at all! I set my alarm to do hill repeats this morning but it was dark and I just wasn't feeling it... since I'm a day off this week I'm not worried. Will do those tomorrow after work. Sat I will swim and do my 5k TT... Sun and Mon will be the long rides. So I'll end up a swim down for the week, which for me, being only 1 swim down is pretty good.
My Garmin is definitely dying. It worked last night but the run didn't involve any intervals so I don't know if it would have cut itself off ... but I plugged it into the computer and the workout didn't download on its own or after I manually selected it to be received... not good... so I searched around for shops in the area that have the 310xt. All cost the same. i have a 10% discount at a few -- too bad I don't have the luxury of time to order online and get a better deal, but that's life...
I also ordered an extension kit for my aero pad - and got an email this morning that they're back ordered til the first of the year. NOT good... so I found another place online and ordered them... hopefully they'll be in stock there. If not, I saw that amazon has a place and claims to be in stock (but I didn't go with them right off because there was a disclaimer that they won't ship for a few days)... so fingers crossed I can get them ASAP... certainly before the RR... too bad I can't find them locally as I'd love to ride them this weekend to give em a try... but who knows... at least if I do get them for the RR and hate them I can put the old pads back and not feel bad since that's how I rode the first RR... other than that no touchey bikey after the RR!
Dan made a dinner reservation for tonight, so no workout tonight (why I can't do hill repeats). Not sure where we're going... so taking the day off and I'm okay with that. My weight is up. Not okay with that... but it has been a light week and I ate out a bunch last week... so I hope I can get myself together by the end of next week and will have to be careful when taper starts! I was doing so well holding steady at 128ish hoping to get to 125... but now I'll be happy if I can get back to 128 and keep it there... at least the clothes fit!
I forgot to throw this out there... deals with the new kits and our hope to have the Chica Logo... understandably the coaches think that would be too hard but let the door open for us (perhaps through Cafe Press, perhaps not) to do our own thing.
I thought maybe pink (matching color of the hats) sports bras with the logo to wear under the kit... I've been doing it since I got the visor...
I am actually disappointed about the lack of run gear... it seemed they were okay with it, but then backed down... we have bike jerseys, why not run shirts? I am almost sure to change my shirt for the entire run if not put on a layer for my second loop so I won't be sporting EN gear over the finish line and that's a bummer... oh well...
now I really have to work!
Becky - +1 on throwaway shirt (and extra socks!) in RSN. I didn't use either, but if it would have been any chillier, I would've wanted both. And right before Mile 18, I stopped and took a minute to fix my hair and make sure there wasn't any Perform on my face. Glowy necklace was tossed off somewhere on capital square (to cheers). I also zipped up kit top. Girl's gotta look good for the finisher pics!
I ate all the bad food in the universe yesterday. Now, I feel like a normal human being. Maybe we have a psychological need for bacchanalias -- and exercising restraint doesn't work!
Work - I need a new project. Claire Quilter, however, is photographing all the dishes I collected this summer. Let's see if my little entrepreneurial side project can make me some extra dough! Michelle -- it would be soo fun to have six months' vacation, but I would go crazy, too.
@Beth, Nemo: good thought on the throwaway... we'll see what happens in FL. I might actually want to puton some thing warm and dry when the sum goes down... in which case the kit top may be long gone...
on an unrelated note... I'm all for pink sports bras with the chica logo to wear under the kit and match the visor.
and, the coaches can't do a forum for our SOs to vent... so I tongue in cheek mentioned needing a handbook for Dan... and Coach R liked the idea... and Beth weighed in in support... and I started a thread about it in the Club House! "Married to EN..."
Amazingly, I really am getting work done today... working on a rule to try to protect consumers from cramming... having fun with it although I doubt what I'm proposing is gonna fly through the 300 layers of red tape... but, hey, I think my idea are good and have consumers' best interests in mind... and well, I have to live with myself.
Wish I'd run this morning but for once I'm not beating myself up over it. Perhaps bc I have a long weekend to deal with it all...
Oh, and I posted a not so happy post on Ironman's FB wall... not that it will do any good... but it made me feel better. I'm so over their corporate greed... and the erosion of the brand recognition of "Ironman." I'm sure they're just happy to be making money... don't really care what the athletes have to say about it. Charging us more, taking away all the pre-race swag was certainly a pisser... Taking over HIMs and branding them was annoying... but now OLYs?! Being an Ironman means only one thing to me... and that is that you are a hard core enduance machine. I will be ill when I hear some little twat out there saying he did an ironman if he's talking about an OLY. Now, I am all in favor of calling a triathlete a triathlete and not distinguishing between distances (in fact, I constantly correct a friend of mine who almost apologizes when she says she's just done a little local sprint - I pipe in and say you ARE a triathlete) but an Ironman is an Ironman - to me that is a distinction worth noting and worth keeping. Rant over.
Thanks for the thoughts on job hunting. I was SHOCKED by the lack of jobs in the immediate area. Plenty of jobs in Boston (horrible commute) and Worcester (not any one that I would want). I know that I have time and will continue to think about different areas. I like what I do (most days). I am all about quality of life.
Carly and Sheryl- Totally have had the same thoughts. I will often stare at a jogger before I realize that what I think is wrong is the clothes. Gyms would have me rolling my eyes.
I smile when I see license plates from Wisconsin- good memories.
Becky if you are looking around for garmin's consider That is where I got Michelle's and also bought both of the nicer heart rate monitors. Cheaper than I found and wished I had bought my 310xt from them. I don't know truly about customer service but I have been fortunate not to it.
@Carly - thanks... I know I can find a better deal on a Garmin online... in fact I found one for 20% off... problem is I need it now, not in a week when it would ship to me. Total bummer... since I'm an HR athlete I wouldn't be able to do my rides this weekend without it... poopy. At least I get points at REI... and I just got an email that the Vuka pad extension kit I ordered (the first place I tried waited a day or two to tell me they were out of stock) wouldn't be shipped for 2-3 days... despite the web site saying they'd ship the next day (that'd be today), they wait the full day to tell me this... and it's Friday and Monday is a holiday. Argh. I NEED those darn things by next Friday so I can install them and go to the LBS and have a re-fit for my RR Sunday. Well, I'm gonna try not to stress until I see how the rides go this weekend... hopefully I won't be hurting... I don't think I'd put them on for FL if they're not on for the RR... sigh...
Dinner was good. Went to a new place in Old Town I'd wanted to try. Mussels and frites to start with a nice glass of, I'm not sure what, something French and white... then we shared a salad... then I had salmon and artichokes with a nice Wilamette Pinot Noir. Mmm... I didn't weigh in today... it's been a high week anyway, why get down on myself even more... I've been off the strict primal plan for a week or two now and it's funny how quickly I notice the difference in my weight and tone... Oh well. The onset of fall and lack of wonderful and plentiful fruit for me to gorge on has also been a factor not to mention this week being a low volume week (what stinks is next week is pre-period week and that's always a heavy week for me... ugh)... During dinner Dan mentioned how happy he'll be when this is done and we can go back to some of our old standbys... like pizza night (making our own) or chx and black bean burritos, and he's got a great veggie chili with bulgar now that it's fall... I do want to try to keep the primal eating up but I'm sure I can fit some pizza in! I think I'll stick with smoothies in the morning and salads at lunch but give myself more wiggle room for dinner -- always having fish or chicken with veggies is OLD.
I will do my 40 min run tonight when I get home (no gumption to do it this morning - losing mojo... not so good), see how my old Garmin handles the intervals... then go to REI to get a new one so I can program it for the 5k TT tomorrow (and a makeup swim) and then have long rides Sun (4.5 hours) and Mon (3 hours + brick)... on Mon I'm also heading to Sandy Point to do an OWS... will likely be cold and I'm hoping for crazy wavy to give me some practice...
For those on FB, you already know this story- but for the rest of you.....
Otto brought home a mouse for the first time yesterday!
Good boy, right? Yeah, except he didn't kill it first!
He dropped the little guy in our shoes (where he typically brings toys to play with- he's got a thing about shoes) and the little guy managed to escape into our kitchen!
So we had to tear up the kitchen, pulling out all the appliances and such, trying to catch the little guy. Meanwhile Otto was banned to the outdoors with some cat food for his good dead. We finally trapped the little guy and fed him some crackers and potato chips
before returning him to the great outdoors.
If Otto brings him back, I'm gonna have to assume they've brokered a deal!
and my cats at home used to do that... leave dead critters at the front door... sneak the live ones into the mud room to play with... once a combination... the squirrel was dead, but they had a great time playing with it's tail (which was not connected to the body)... Otto loves his momma!
Oh, Nemo! What a crazy present that is! You do know you get some sort of Snow White/Cinderella points for feeding the mouse before sending him back out to the wild.
Today we received a cricket and a lizard. This must be a bad time of year for kitty prey. Maybe it's the shorter days making them all more sluggish! I'm simply amazed Otto was able to catch the mouse-totally floors me! He's so, uh, LAZY!
Really laughing, needed that.
Nemo, your kitties love you so much, they bring you gifts.
Hi to all, not a lot of time, need to throw things together to get up to Nj to sister's.LONG wait at Dr office, has me behind.
Where does the time go, wanted to get so much more done today
So I'm in a boot, something I wanted after I got back from WI. My Chiro/ART wanted to wait til after MRI done. Should have tried to get into oRtho sooner I guess. Lesson learned.
My post tib tendon pretty messed up & partially torn
The last 3 weeks trying to work 12 hrs shifts has not been fun. Hoping this boot will help things settle down, PT 2-3x/week, Plan to spend lots of time in pool next month or so.
Good news today, Shawn, my friend who trains me, said my push ups have really improved
he comes up with some really interesting stuff. usually always laughter involved at some point, so much that Ican't do what he wants cause i am laughing so hard. Always fun, yet challenging at same time. If I could put shawn in a bottle to share with all of you, I would. Just a great guy
Thinking of everyone, more next week. have a good weekend, happy Kona spectating
Oh, the aquavelo at half full was lots of fun. Great to see suanne again. She is Off EN for 2 months, back in Nov. Also saw Kate. I did the bike. My biking has been lacking of late. Course was Challenging. 1st half fine, 2nd, my foot really started to hurt
. harder to ride, then everyone started passing me, even chicks on mtn bikes with no clipless pedals
. Once foot setles down, ready to get back at it
Information on the new kit here:
Tracy- sounds like the Half-Full was a blast! So many EN folks, how fun! Now as for that tendon, please take care of it!!! We want you recouped so you can have that comeback year you so deserve.
I'm so jealous of you folks doing cross. It looks like sooooo much fun! But I've made a conscious decision NOT to buy a cyclo-cross bike or jump into cyclocross at this time. I know myself too well to know that I'd get all geeked out about it and suddenly the "Ironman Fee Year" I promised Joe would turn into just another form of "sorry- I'm going to X race this weekend, I've gotta go practice hopping hurdles with Y this weekend, etc". Making it an IM Free year is more than just not doing an Ironman.
Oh, and he totally cracked me up yesterday. His sister told me (via Facebook) that she wants to go to the next Ironman with us (she tracked online all day for IMWI and was so excited by it she decided she has to be there in person next time). I told Joe about it and said "So I told Carrie to pencil Lake Placid 2012 in her calendar". Joe's response??
"What? You'll never do Lake Placid!"
I said "huh? why do you say that" His response:
"1- the lake is too cold, and 2- the decent and hills are to scary!"
Now truthfully, I've always said I wouldn't do Lake Placid but I never thought he was actually listening to me!
Ah Nemo- Don't you just hate it when they have actually paid attention to something that you have changed your mind about. And really you thought he was...
Tracking Hawaii and I ended up sleeping on the couch all night. Very bad for my neck and shoulders.
Had a wonderful ride today. Perfect, sunshiny, NE day.
Nemo--Joe is a doll. Period. Such a nice guy!
Nice weekend here--Taylor home for long weekend from BC. Even when you're 20' away, you can get a little homesick! Within 30' of his being home, he was on a ladder getting Cali's poop bag down from the roof (don't ask, b/c I didn't
) after a walk with his brother and the dog. A trip to REI for a jacket and boots, which cost a load--ahhh, life back to normal.
I ran into a woman I know who used to do lots of competitive cycling and crit racing. I told her about WI, and was glad I did. She really understood. She didn't blow it off, but was very factual about it--i.e. the cost of doing business on a machine that can break down. It blows when it happens, but it will happen to you eventually if you compete in cycling long enough. She told me about her DH's custom Fondriest. He got it from Italy, custom everything. On his second ride in a regional championship race that he devoted a whole year know where this is going...crash, DNF, bent frame, bike ruined. I've been at peace with what happened in WI, but kinda made me see it from another POV. Pays your money, takes your chances!
I am so thrilled for Lisbeth Kenyon and our own (former) chica Colleen Capper! They busted it out in Kona, and were amazing! Lis is the nicest person ever, and worked like a Trojan to get that result. She was going for the record, but she didn't think she'd shatter BOTH 45-49 (by 25') AND 40-44 (by 2'). Fastest woman over 40 EVER at Kona. How about them apples?
Ok, I'm going to throw this out here.....HELP!!!!! I think I have enough to finally order a power meter. I've been on wheelbuilder for about 30 minutes and am more confused than ever. How do I know which one to order? I just want a hub as I plan to use my forerunner 310xt as the reciever for now anyway. I'm such a bike noobie. I don't even know which type of tires I use. I really did buy a book, but it just sounds like a foreign language to me.
I would post elsewhere, but I feel like I'm not competent enough to even understand the responses.
Thanks ladies, speak slowly....