Strength/Core--Week 3
Here we go--another week to transform myself into a lean, mean muscle machine. LOL!
Sunday, 45' run with 3 x hill repeats, ending with run drills and jog home. Right after, Ab Ripper X.
Monday-- 5 mile run, then got all set to do P90X back and lower body. I just don't have enough room where I have it set up, and couldn't find my bands (where did K put them? ) Did what I could without the weights, then went to the gym. Lunges, wall squats, squats, step ups, leg press, and hammie lifts took care of the lower body. Did lats, upper back, and biceps. 18 push ups.
Have a great core week y'all!!!
Hoping to get a short run in tomorrow before going back under at the office. Also trying to get some time on the traversing wall at the gym for an alternative strength building workout. Need to have some supervision since I've never done it before, but it is something fun to look forward to...since it will probably kick my butt.
87 sit ups!!! Holy crap, Sheryl! I'd say that's worthy of a wee bit of ice cream!
Quick bike workout this morning 2 x 8; 1 x 5.. On. Off. Amazing how "pleasurable" the workouts are b/c you're doing them by choice.
I felt like running this afternoon, but decided to do the P90X Plyometrics workout a go. Somethings I can do OK, other things--well, thank heavens I pulled the shutters and there was no one home. Felt like the biggest dork ever.
It was interesting, I sweat, and I know I have to modify things b/c of my bunions. If I set them off and they start hurting, that is NO good for running. Finished with ball push ups--16 (pathetic, I know.
Today was a planned easy day. 30 min on X-C ski machine then core, weights. So I am doing lunges, onto a step with a total of 15 lbs of hand weights. Felt very easy. My adductors (inner thigh) started to tighten up, but being a good doobie, I just ignored them... By 12 lunges each side they were in serious charlie horse spasm. I was sitting on the floor alternating laughing my ass off then screaming and howling in pain at the spasms. I have never had muscle cramps like that in my legs. Until now, I wasn't even sure they were real, I mean, how bad could they really be?
Oh my! The muscle still hurts. My regular massage was tonight and as I am talking and laughing so hard as she is working on me, she had to laugh. Turns out all of that Get Insanity stuff tightens them up and I have totally slacked off on my stretching and foam rolling. Totally paid for it and will return to it.
So when you don't want to go on, thinking of me sitting on the floor with my legs frogged out in front and laughing, then screaming, then laughing, etc...
Oh yeah, also did 40 push ups.
Legs sore today from P90S plyo yesterday. Not terrible, but I knew I'd feel it running today, so I left watch/Garmin home and got into my run-all day pace and just enjoyed this beautiful day.
40' EZ run today, 60' Pilates class (my new favorite Wed. thing), and lower body--lunges, leg press, step ups, and hammie lifts. I have to say, I get a huge endorphin rush in that Pilates class. There's something very powerful about working the core. There's more than a little yoga spirit in Pilates, and I always leave feeling really good.
Likely taking tomorrow off. Haven't had a day off in a while, and doing the new stuff has me feeling a little sore. Think I could use a some rest. It's a beautiful thing to just make it up as I go along.
(Lovin' having the smiley's back!)
Week 3 and I have been very consistent. Getting up M-F at 6 to do my pushups and core routine. I'm still just following the workouts that Leigh has posted in the wiki. I'm over the initial 'holy cow something new' and my body doesn't protest much.
I may actually get a 6 pack one of these days.