Stength/Core--Week 4
Adaptation takes 6-8 weeks, right? Starting to feel this strength stuff kicking in. I really am enjoying getting back to it.
4 mile run with 3 x hill repeats and running drills after.
Gym routine:
Walking lunges with weights
Leg press
Step ups with weights (I vary the way I do them each time)
Calf raises
Stinkin' flippin' wall squats--yo, those hurt!
Upper body--chest and back.
CT bike ride with 1x10, and 1x12. Erg mode today.
Instead of an afternoon run, P90X Plyo and Ab Ripper X
My arms are fine.
My chest muscles are so sore I would swear I was a hormonal teen again.
My abs are sore a little. I think it is sympathy pain for the chest, cause they weren't sore last week.
Plyo's and crunches for me were starting to become less painful until this weekend when I pulled my left abdominal muscle (a lower oblique) doing a flip turn in the pool. Pool? pool?! yes, I went swimming which is a total shocker but I did it ONLY to catch up with a good friend. First flip turn...ouchie! Tried doing plyos yesterday and pain with the box jumps. Pfffft! Today, I can't laugh or sneeze without having it hurt. Crap-ola! Will just have to riding the mtb more instead! Ha!
Fell off the bandwagon this AM. Just couldn't get out of bed. I know I will be back at in the AM though, been on this routine for over 2 weeks. Still feeling good.
Realized on my walk home that I don't think I am ready for a strict routine just yet. I had been following 1/2 mary plan along with AM core routine. (2 workouts a day really) I know it's been since IMLP since I have trained hard. Going to give myself the free reign for the rest of the month and just enjoy. I'm having too much fun just riding and running whenever. Then really hit it with the Nov OS.
Didn't get to Plyo or Ab Ripper yesterday. Ran out of time. was a 60' glorious run; Plyo right after and the 60' Pilates class. I only did 30' of the plyometrics, and I think that's enough. The DVD is an hour. There was a sub in the Pilates class today, I was in amazement that the chubby, pot-bellied, little teacher had such a freakin' strong core! She whipped my butt!
With the brouhaha in the other thread about strength training, I'm feeling like maybe I should change the title of this thread next week! Yikes! I'll rename it "core," but shhhhh....we'll all know what we're talking about.
Carly--don't worry about missing a morning--probably a good thing to do core every other day anyway. The P90X dude says something like--"you don't work the same muscle groups every day, and you don't need to do abs everyday." (Thank heavens.
This week I'm standing at my desk all day and just supporting my body weight. Finding it's more than enough!
We knocked out AB ripper Sunday & then I just did "some stuff" after my trail run yesterday.
Slept in today, but got up at 7 to do some core work and lifting. For the first time EVER- I made it through the 1 minute leg lift section on Get Insanity. Perhaps that's because I didn't do ANYTHING else before starting the abs section. Pretty psyched. But I still don't see a 6 pack down there.