TV or MUSIC in the pain cave?
First ride int he paincave this morning and man did it stink. I worked supa hard and just barlery made my goals. I typically watch movies while I ride, but am thinking about turning on subtitles and listing to music. What does everybody do?
What Gina said!
Wife and daughter are in Tahoe for a basketball tourney today. I'm working on setting up the man cave today...
Well my pain cave gets set up in the kitchen so sometimes I get to watch animal planet or whatevere wildlife channel my wife is watching. Most of the time is just me and the trainer, but an after work session when I am tired and I do crank on some tunes.
Right on Sista!!!
Same. Great playlist rocking and the same TDF DVD playing for the last 6 months. I still couldn't tell you know wins the stages. It just offers a slight distraction.
Long ago, Marianne dubbed me 'Mike TV'...and things haven't changed.
I record triathlons, cycling events, and mixed martial arts fights on Tivo, transfer them to the computer, and watch them during all my trainer rides.
I usually put on a Troy Jacobson dvd in one window then netflix of something on the other. If whatever Troy is yelling about works for my intervals I incorporate it. I was watching Pride and Prejudice (the 6 hour version) last year but once I could nearly quote the movie word for word, the family had an intervention and hid those. Now I am working through every Law & Order they have on Netflix.....I'm not a music person. I use the H20 for swimming but really not a fan of music so much. I know...weird....I don't like coffee either.
Since we are just in the process of moving things down to the cave for the off season a few gadgets that I have found to be great:
Roku, does netflix streaming and pandora streaming. Cheap easy and trivial to setup. You can do (more or less) the same thing with an Xbox or ps3 if you want to go that route. But for like $70 the roku is just awesome. Logitech just brought out their revue (or something) that does the same thing (but is $300). Hulu is coming to the roku from the sounds of it.
The only thing the roku doesn't do is UPnP/dlna. The logitech does (supposedly) however the xbox and ps3 do. Why do you want dlna? cause you want to buy one of the synology disk station things, slap all your music on there and you can use it to download whatever you want from the net (via bittorrent etc). You can then stream those things to your tv using dlna. Use this all the time to catch up on shows I missed, or can't get (like Top Gear from the BBC). You can also get a 'tuner' for your iphone/droid that you can stream your music to regardless of where you are. Synology thing was probably the best purchase I made this year in terms of technology.
As for the question at hand prefer tv to music. Primarily cause it is the only time I can really catch up on shows. I am a captive audience for a few hours each week
Comprehension obviously is nill, but who cares 
Run Strong
I used to try and catch up with movies as my early AM (and I mean EARLY) trainer rides are pretty much the only time there are no rugrats around. After a year or so it started getting harder to figure out what to watch and then it was hard enough it wasn't worth it anymore. Now I ride in the dark, SportsCenter muted, and the iPod blaring. I'm sure it's quite the site.
TV during regular workouts. Music only for 2x20 tests.
I'll do both at the same time so I can hear coach troy yelling over the music. I can only wish Troy would start swearing at me for extra motivation. "Hey Beach you @!(*$## pansy...get that wattage up there. You didn't get to the MOP by cheating on your intervals did you!!
ESPN muted, LOUD tunes in the ear buds.
Oh and Eric if you need someone to yell at you give me your number and I will call and bust your balls while you do your intervals.