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Post workout protein

What is everyone using for liquid protein after intense workouts to help muscle recovery?




  • Whey protein isolate. I've been mixing my own recovery drink with protein powder, Heed or InfiniT, and L-Glutamine. I also like to use Hammer Recoverite.

    Whey protein isolate is lactose and fat free and has a higher protein content than other forms.

    Chocolate milk is good too!

  • Mixing your own is definitely cheaper. For an off the shelf recovery product I like 1st Endurance Ultragen.
  • Chocolate milk. Cheap, and there are plenty of studies show that it just as, if not more, effective than other recovery drinks. Plus it tastes soooooooo good.
  • x3 on the chocolate milk. So easy to drink, too.

  • x4 on milke. I like mine with Carnation Instant Breakfast, chocholate.
  •  I like milk too, but the sugar content kills me.  I try so hard to avoid it all day and to have when my body absorbs the most nutrients, it bothers me... oh well, it does taste great and is very cheap.  I go between that now, and recoverite in-season. 

  • Oh yes chocolate milk, I make a stop on my long rides and chug a bottle before the return trip home. A friend of mine who is a personal trainer turned me on to it.
  • Posted By Dan Forbes on 25 Oct 2010 09:13 AM

     I like milk too, but the sugar content kills me.  I try so hard to avoid it all day and to have when my body absorbs the most nutrients, it bothers me... oh well, it does taste great and is very cheap.  I go between that now, and recoverite in-season. 

    Dan: What do you mean the sugar kills you? The sugar = the carbs that help your muscles recover by re-building glycogen stores.

  • Chocolate Soy milk (I'm mildly lactose intolerant) or Endurox R4+L-glutamine.
  • I wouldn't be too scared of sugar post-workout. That insulin spike allows your body to shuttle nutrients (in particular protein and glucose) to your muscles more quickly. Chocolate milk is great, 4:1 carb to protein ratio which has been shown in a lot of studies to be optimal for post workout recovery. The carbs are high glycemic meaning they stimulate a substantial insulin spike to speed nutrient transport. If you want to try something a little different, replace the chocolate with raisins. They provide high glycemic carbohydrates while helping return your body pH to a level more conducive for recovery (during tough workouts your body becomes more acidic, raisins are particularly good at bringing your body back to a more neutral pH).
  • I like myoplex. Definitely not a good carb to protein ratio but I feel Ivey plenty of carbs elsewhere. I also eat normal food pretty frequently after.

  •  @Penny: I have become a victim to hammer's kool aid.  I'm trying to avoid simple sugars as much as possible, but they are so good!  Since having 3 kids, I try to shop as well as I can as far as nutrition and their fight against simple sugars makes sense to me.  I'm surely a product of them, but I've lost a ton of weight trying to avoid them!  

  • I also am a solid Hammer Nutrition fan. Recoverite within 30 min post work out and Whey protein every AM as part of breakfast. Effective products โ€“ ok price.
    The whole nutrition front is one of the areas that has had major change from when I started TRIs in the late 80โ€s. I keep learning!!!!!!!
  • Chocolate milk here too image and if its a really long ride or run, or I did a double that day, Ill throw in a scoop of endurox r4 (chocolate) image
  • I have been using Wheybolic Protein that supplies you with 60 grams of protein and all of your branch chain amino acids and 60 grams of Glutamine. I can tell a HUGE difference the days i don't take it. I also use the infinit but I need to revamp it. I have got a gut ache the last few times....I actually drink it during the end of my workouts and have a glass of chocolate milk afterwards.

  • I do almond milk with chocolate syrup for most workouts over an hour...
  • My question is not what to drink for protein, but how much protein and carbs do I need post-workout. I never know if I'm getting too much or not enough.
  • You should aim for 4 to 1 carbs to protein ratio and generally I believe like 200-ish calories right after (though Penny may have better calorie numbers). Though after long rides in-season I easily double or triple that (image hey, I like chocolate milk and I just rode at least 4 hours!).
  • I have heard that it really only matters when you get those carbs/proteins in is if you plan on doing another workout that day. Otherwise your normal eating for the day will be just fine. So from what I gather the shakes/smoothies/recovery drinks is all marketing. Taste good though.

    So on that note, I drink Endurox R4, at least until I run out of it then will switch to chocolate milk or nothing.
  • Posted By Dan Forbes on 25 Oct 2010 09:41 PM

     @Penny: I have become a victim to hammer's kool aid.  I'm trying to avoid simple sugars as much as possible, but they are so good!  Since having 3 kids, I try to shop as well as I can as far as nutrition and their fight against simple sugars makes sense to me.  I'm surely a product of them, but I've lost a ton of weight trying to avoid them!  

    I can see what you are saying. Just keep in mind that as long course athletes, there is a time for simple sugars. Not all the time, but there is a time. . .

  • Posted By Patrick McCrann on 27 Oct 2010 10:54 AM

    I do almond milk with chocolate syrup for most workouts over an hour...

    You might check the protein content. A lot of almond milks are low in protein.

  • Posted By Jennifer Burbatt on 27 Oct 2010 02:09 PM

    You should aim for 4 to 1 carbs to protein ratio and generally I believe like 200-ish calories right after (though Penny may have better calorie numbers). Though after long rides in-season I easily double or triple that ( hey, I like chocolate milk and I just rode at least 4 hours!).

    4 grams of carbs for every 1 - 2 or 3 grams of protein is a good guide. Research has shown that 6 - 20 grams of protein helps with recovery. You can extrapolate carbs from the protein. I tend to go on the lower end, but when you are working out longer or are a larger person you may need more of both.


  • Posted By Tucker McKeever on 27 Oct 2010 04:40 PM

    I have heard that it really only matters when you get those carbs/proteins in is if you plan on doing another workout that day. Otherwise your normal eating for the day will be just fine. So from what I gather the shakes/smoothies/recovery drinks is all marketing. Taste good though.

    So on that note, I drink Endurox R4, at least until I run out of it then will switch to chocolate milk or nothing.

    One of the first articles on chocolate milk had the participants do two workouts in one day. I counsel clients that if they are training hard multiple days in a row, or if they find the are starving all day after a morning workout, to have a recovery meal within 30 minutes of finishing the workout.

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