Weekly Run Thread 11/1/10 (aka Coach Dan's Video and Beth Goes For 21/21 Thread)
Not sure I will run today, but wanted to start the thread anyway.
Oh, and glad I don't start OS for 2 more months! Though I am a little jealous of all the November OS mojo!
John - let's touch base when you are going through your Daniels to Outseason transition. I'd be interested to hear any observations and conclusions you have after going through a micro-program of Daniels and essentially creating an out-outseason.
Short version of my findings: yesterday was my last day in the run only block and OS starts tomorrow. I'll be doing one of these every year from now on. Some good stuff happening - not the 3-4 VDOT points I was hoping for, but I'll be entering the OS as a much more solid runner than ever before.
14/14 in the books, so 21/21 is looking good. I watched my two nephews and niece yesterday while sister and BIL ran a 1/2 mary, so run was a little short. Because chasing after three children under the age of ten is way more work than a 1/2 mary and made for one very tired auntie. (How do you all do it?) Hoping to make up long run at lunch. Loving the perfect running weather in Chicago.
I'm still liking the no Garmin runs and am thinking I'll keep doing the EP runs that way as I transition into Phase II of Daniels this week. Big question? I'm running a 5k this weekend. It will be ridiculously crowded. Should I crunch some vdot calculations and run it with the Garmin? Or make a wild attempt at an RPE 5k?
Great idea on going Garmin-less on the EP stuff, as well.
@Beth: I ran a 5k at the end of Phase 1 Week 3 and made it a vDot test. Was crowded also but seeded myself as close to the front as possible. I completely shelled myself and was crawling for my "runs" the following few days, but I am glad i did it. Now in Phase 2 I have my exact paces for the intervals. Just my .02.
No disrespect to Mr. Tallo.
Wow Beth, well done. Good to see you all are still killing it. I had 2 days off with Halloween and the kids yesterday and a coaches meeting today, but I should be back tomorrow. Nor'easter coming this week here, not too excited about that since I'm a fair weather runner! Keep it up gang, great news from all.
Both good options. I have a cold, which is slowing the running down, but I got in a "do no harm" jog for 16/16.
How's everyone else?
@Beth, go Garminless, run by feel, you may surprise yourself rather than sticking to a predetermined number, just a mind game. Good job on running consistency. That is the key to progress.
For me Week 2, Phase III, yesterday easy 5, today Q1, 4x1200m(4min) I-pace, total 8mi in 57min, IF .90 for the total run, TSS 77.49. This all came after an AM 5100m swim. Not too bad for me, a 2.5hrs total today. Race Day Apollo says on 11/16 I should be capable of 6:07 pace for 5K. Will see if it lies. I will race on 11/21.
Hi all:
Sorry for the pseudo radio silence. Took Sunday and Monday off.
This morning I started my core routine with my semi-regular personal trainer. 30 minutes of abs, push-ups, back, yada, yada, yada. Fine all day but starting to feel it now.
This evening I hooked up with a bunch of folks from the local tri/run club and did track. Per Daniels Phase 2 Week 3 Q1 it was:
4 x 200
2 x 400
1 x 800
2 x 400
4 x 200
All at R pace.
Felt really good during warm-up (aka Dan's video stuff) and nailed all the intervals. I really focused on my turnover and 180 cadence. I even had a friend tell without my prompting that they liked my turnover. They saw the difference.
Taking tomorrow off to play hooky all day with my 8 year old son and heading into San Francisco for the Giants World Series parade and party. Then clam chowder in sourdough bowls on Pier 39, a trip to Ghiradelli for chocolate milk and maybe a ride on the cable cars.
Should be fun! I love being a dad!
It was pouring down rain here yesterday, so I went the easy route and ran at the gym on the dreadmill. I think I found the ONLY dreadmill location that has NO moving air...the sweat was pouring off of me,
, and I couldn't hit my exact 1mi intervals, so I just changed it up, ran .5mi intervals and the last 10ish minutes up a 4% grade. That was good for searing the lungs, that's for sure.
Then went and stuffed my face with pizza and wine! Ahhh...good times.
I'm in SW Pennsylvania this week (taking care of my Mom after her spine operation). Anyhoo, it's great being back home with all the Steelers craziness, kielbasa, and Iron City beer. However, running on the roads here is like playing Frogger. Guess I never noticed it until I moved away. Ran the same 5K route that I've been running since I was 14 years old. Nearly was run over 5 times. I need Troy Polamalu Big Hair to be noticed out there!

Scott and John, I'm liking the run hard and then feast vibe you have going on this week.
Kitima - Pretty, awesome hair! Go for it!
Me. 17/17 in the books. I'm feeling better today and it showed. Legs couldn't seem to run faster enough on the strides.
Got 45 in today, tomorrow is state qualifier for the kids, in pouring rain and 40's.... totally XC weather!
Good job, Dan! And the forties really is perfect running weather. I hope they didn't have too much mud! Or is XC like cross and the more mud the better?
18/18 in the books. I'm liking RPE, so I'm giving myself and extra week of phase I. The legs really are starting to feel like runner legs.
Thanks Beth! And you have a good name, my Beth kicked major ass today and finally beat a girl she hasn't been able to touch in 3 races. I also had a boy qualify for states today that had no prayer at the beginning of the season, so even though it was a mudfest, it was a good time!
@Dan - That is great news! When Beth is in the Olympics we can say we saw her when. . . . Also, I notice that part of your YouTube username is cohiba? You likey the stogies?
@Beth - Good work, girl! Way to keep it going.
Today was scheduled 2 x 2 miles @ 8:12 per mile (16:24 per interval). Tried to do it on the track so I could pace properly but my mental 6 pack wasn't there AGAIN!
Could only hold the 8:12 for the first mile of first interval and then stopped. Then did the next 2 mile interval at 15 seconds slower than the 8:12 and ended the interval at 17:14. Then started the next interval and got 100 yards down the track and just stopped.
I remembered what you guys said last time I had this issue so I just packed up my bags and came home. I just wasn't willing to suffer.
I looked back at the week I had the 40 minute tempo run fiasco and on the Monday I did a 7 mile hilly run at Z1/Z2 as a Supplemental, then Tuesday I met with my coach and did some track. Took Wednesday off and then did the tempo run.
I then compared to this week and I took Sunday and Monday off, a ladder track workout Tuesday, Wednesday off and then today. Maybe I need more recovery time between workouts? Not sure. Or move the longer interval stuff to the beginning of the week after I have at least 3 days off of speed work?
Maybe my vDot test a few weeks ago was a fluke? I assumed I would do 8:00 to 8:15s but came in at 7:48? Maybe I should drop my vDot a point or two and use those intervals?
@John: you are the first person to pick up on that ever. I've had that user name for more things since 1998!
@Dan, congrats coach Dan, way to go for your athletes.
@John, Daniels tempo runs are the hardest form of running I have ever done. I screwed up several of them before I hit it right last week. It is also mentally tough, tougher than any I-pace or R-pace running. I need extra recovery before and after those, no doubt. Try that and scale them back down to the amount that you can hit right on pace, also you can replace them first with some cruise intervals to condition yourself further to be able to take them. And finally, sometimes we are ready to suffer, sometimes not. It is also mental conditioning.
Yesterday, easy 5 in 38min.
Today AM 4200m IM oriented swim, lots of fly, back and breast swimming, PM Q3 R-pace 8x400m(400m), was supposed to be 5:39 pace, all went down between 5:18-5:25, pretty windy too. Was a little tired from am swimming but I can almost say at this point that hard running can be done with some hard swimming. I started a supervised swim ramp up, more along the lines of swimmer's type workouts with lots of variety and I feel mentally so refreshed. Head Coach who I work for, on my request, is supervising my swimming development as well as swim program planning. She handed down 2 workouts to me this week that I pooped in my pants when I saw, but managed to complete them. Yeah, body is hurting, but I can still run well. Biking is dialed back until 01/03 OS start. So far liking it.
Also, kudos for getting to a track. There really aren't a lot of places to hide in the terrain out there, and marking your splits on the 200s and 400s is terrific for establishing RPE and pace awareness (I experiemented with this in mile cruise intervals after about 4-5 weeks into a Daniels plan, and found the difference between a carefully-paced, measured mile and a 'blind' mile with no splits, pace or HR info ended up being in the 1-2 second range.)
@All others - keep up the great work.
@John - I'd guess those intervals must be like doing 2x20s for the first time. They take practice and you mostly just try to hang out for dear life. And, after a few rounds, they get fun.
@Dan - Congratulations to Beth and the rest of your crew! Sounds like a fun day!
Taking care of my soul today and heading to the Art Institute over lunch instead of running. I'll do that after work, on the treadmill. I hate to say it, but doing a workout or two a week on the stoopid dreadmill is giving me more form awareness. It seems to be a good place to practice even rhythm and getting lighter on the feet.
21/21 in the books.
That's awesome, way to go! I won't even tell you what I did this week. Keep it up, you've inspired me to get 7 in next week.
@Beth, awesome job.
I have closed the Week 2, Phase III, Q3 5mi@T-pace, total 8mi in 57min, 37mi week. Starting Week 3 tomorrow.
Keep up the work everybody.
Good work everyone! Been a low volume week for me. Completed two of the Q workouts as written and the third was short. On Friday I went into Tom Glynn's pain cave and spun for 45 minutes or so. No intervals, just spun.
Raining here this morning so did this weeks Q3 of 5 x 800's on the dreadmill at the club. Felt great! Then followed it with family yoga with wife and 7 year old son. I haven't done yoga in years. Got in some great stretches, but my hami locked up once. Note to self: don't do yoga 10 minutes after run intervals.
Back at it tomorrow.