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2011 Iniative: Charity Starter Program

Charity Starter Program

Many TeamEN athletes raise money for charity through their racing. We want to help them and encourage more members to raise money for charity. For 2011 EN will kick in the first $250 towards any TeamEN member’s fund raising efforts, up to a maximum of $2000 per month.


Ideas, comments, or suggestions?


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    Not to go all soft, but I am truly moved by this offer. This is not something that you HAD to do, and I appreciate that very much. More than generous amount too. Thank you.

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    This is awesome. Beautiful, RnP!
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    Yup- Love this! $250 in seed money goes a long way towards making you look legit and serious when you are just getting started with your fundraising efforts.
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    Would this apply to a single-sport endeavor, or just multi-sport?
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    If you are on the Team, and you are Racing, and raising money for a Charity...it counts!
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    From the bottom of my heart, thank you. We each choose a charity that means something to us personally. Your support for the charity as well as the athlete is wonderful.
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    I have not been the type to do the "race for charity" business, but I gotta say this is really cool. Obviously, it's a (very small) part of the fee that we're paying, but I think it's a great use of those funds.
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    Thank you RnP! How awesome!
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    Thanks all. I think it's cool to say that some of our vets pay us $59 a month for $720 a year...and we are paying them $250 for charity. But it's more than about the numbers, it's about really DOING SOMETHING for those of you who are amazingly doing everything for training and life plus raising money. I agree with William that we can do more, and believe me we are working on it. This is our first step...and so pumped you are all on board!

    Stay tuned for a sign up form and more...

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    Folks, can some of you check me on this form to tell me what, if anything, else we need to be asking? Thanks so much!!!!

    View the form here


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    You boys keep walkin' the walk. Awesomeness.
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     Okay, another question for you guys.  A month or so ago I was talking about starting a tri race around me to raise money for a local charity.  All who responded had great feedback, and basically said, start of with a road/trail race to see how RD'ing would be.  So my thoughts were to try and have a local trail race, if I am the RD, does the EN offer still apply or do I need to race as well?  Thanks guys, I really think this is one of the grandest ideas you could ever come up with... so much more to life than ourselves, BRAVO!!!


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    Thank you RnP you guys rock.



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    For tax purposes, you may want to ask for the Charity FEI number and/or a copy of their 5013(c) letter
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    @Nemo, great call.

    @Dan, that would work as long as it's a registered charity, see nemo's comment for tax purposes...thanks!
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    I have been giving serious thought to signing up for the Pan Mass challenge next year. Not sure how it fits in with the program, since it's a ride, not a race, but figured it would be worth asking.
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    Ok, so it sounds like everyone things this a good idea.

    I'm going to close this thread now, as I don't want to it to be another place where you guys ask us questions about your special situation, which we will miss .

    Please wait for us to turn this into a formal program, with requirements, an application process, etc. Thanks!

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