Garmin 310XT - now with 3s and 30s rolling average power
Took a while, ahem, but:
Changes made from version 2.90 to 3.00:
-Implemented support for speed zones. The user cannot view or edit on the device, but speed zones can be sent from Garmin Training Center or Garmin Connect and then used in workouts.
-Fixed various issues with workouts showing wrong units in steps.
-Added new data fields: Vertical Speed - 30 second average, 3 second power, 30 second power, %FTP power and max speed.
-Fixed issue with GPS taking precedence over GSC10 for speed/distance even indoors
Props to rkalish on ST for the catch:
Might be time to get back on my bike and try it... 

Before I bought my 310, I had read that one of the limitations was the lack of the rolling averages. But now that I have it, I don't know what I'm missing. Dumb question here, but why would I want to know my average power for a given 30 second period, or 3 second period for that matter?

Can't tell you how happy that one makes me. It was a feature in the 305 and when I upgraded to the 310 I was very unhappy that it wasn't supported in the 310. Actually took several rounds of discussions on the Garmin Forum before they even understood what most of us were complaining about! I gotta update my firmware before the OS!!
What are speed zones?
Probably easiest if you read this old thread from the EN 3.0 forum where it was discussed:
More Garmin 310XT Stoopid Issues
OK will do. Also Nemo, do you know how the 310 determines calorie burn? Mine is way off.
I'm sure it is only a mater of time before they put some version of TSS/IF/NP into the devices as they have pretty much everything else now.
Ok, so I downloaded the new software and I will claim power newbie, but how does this effect me? Do I want to look at this while I am riding? Only about 1/3 way through the power webinar so I apologize if the answer is in there.
I've been wondering myself about how calorie burn is calculated. Coincidentally, this was posted on dcrainmaker last week: