Outseason Nutrition Question
This may seem like a funny question, BUT I wanted to get some thoughts. I've been in this mode for so long of training long all the time I'm not sure what to do about nutrition around these shorter/intense workouts.
For OS workouts what are people doing before and after for nutrition? Anything special? Timing? Ideas other than my old faithful chocolate milk?
Thanks, @Dan. Do you worry at all about post-workout stuff, or are you on the same page of not worrying about anything but water for the short stuff?
I'm really happy that beer holds nutritional value for you too! Maybe we'll have to get a beer one of these days and catch up in person.
I usually drink water during the workouts. I'll fuel if I feel the need. Gotta listen to your body. I do always use a recovery drink after every workout. It's usually around 200 calories.
Weekends are different. Recovery is often a 24 oz smoothie (soy milk, banana, frozen fruit) or boiled egg and greek yogart. later on I look for a big plate of protien - preferably from a dead cow.
During my 2010 season, I was able to get my caloric needs to significantly drop by just using less and less Infinit powder each successive time. It's worked out well for me.
I still love my chocolate Soymilk for recovery of OS workouts. Anything more than an hour is Endurox r4 w/ glutamine powder. Don't know why I differentiate at 60mins, it's just something I do.
Agree with Scott on the 2 hour rule. Less than two hours for me is my mind trying to convince me that my performance issues require something more than water -which is honestly not the issue................
Before = nothing, just coffee. I'm very sensitive to stuff in my stomach when I'm working very, very hard. If I plan to be out longer than two hours, I'll have sportsdrink on the bike other than how I usually train which is with water only.
After = if less than about an hour, nothing special. If over an hour I do my smoothie or other healthy meal.
More importantly, I find it extremely helpful to track my nutrition and exercise in LoseIt, the iPhone ap that I use, as it really keeps me on my game and helps me pay attention to what I'm doing.
for first thing in the morning sessions it depends on how much/hard far - if the session is about 1-1.5 hours of easy to moderate, I'll have a banana or granola bar before (I can do that and go pretty much immediately without any problems). If it's gonna be a longer or harder session, I need more in the tank and correspondingly have to give myself at least an hour or two to digest to run (then I'll have oatmeal or something along those lines). If I work out after work I'll usually have a banana, gel or granola bar as soon as I get home, as I'm changing to be sure my tank is topped off as it's probably been 3+ hours since my afternoon snack.
during - water for sure. That said, I'm reading Race Weight now and there's a section on during exercise nutrition that is making me reconsider my just water routine... the book advocates a carb/protein mix during exercise - either a drink (i.e., accelarade) or a gel. So in OS I might work in a gel at the mid point (with lots of water) for those 1-1.5 hour sessions, not just when I go long. When I'm in full training mode I drink infinit on the bike (with protein) and gatorade endurance or powerbar when running (depending on what the course will have).
post - definitely good to eat carb/protein mix in a short window post-exercise to restock glycogen and to begin the repair process. I'll typically have a banana with pnut butter and choc. milk right away (within 30 minutes if possible, I'll pack it in my cooler for destination rides)... and have a normal meal somewhere in the 2-3 hour after time frame.
Same here.
You all gave me plenty to think about and experiment a little too.
In the morning (since that is when we workout), I typically get up with a small bowl of oatmeal, a coffee, and a little water and then I workout. After the workout, i usually have 2-3 eggs with two pieces of bacon. For the remainder of the day, i am low fat, low-ish on carbs (maybe a sandwich at lunch, but usually meat/fish/chicken + veggies at dinner) and i generally snack in apple/bananas during the day. In other words, my days are front-end loaded in general. I don't feel anything negative from this diet...but, i wanted to through it out there collect sone thoughts...should i change anything? I sense the eggs and bacon might be a sticking point...but i hope not!
It seems like most people go with just water during their shorter workouts. I, on the other hand, take a different approach. I workout in the evening after work, so when I get home from work I'll eat a granola bar with a glass of water, then I'll start my workout. If I'm doing a bike workout I'll have two bottles, one with water and one with Ironman Perform. If I'm doing a run workout I'll either use Ironman Perform or Clif Shot Bloks. After the workout, I eat dinner. Although I don't eat as much as I would if I hadn't eaten right before and during the workout.
For me, I've had a lot of stomach issues during races in the past
and I have read that you can get accustomed to taking in calories while working out by... taking in calories while working out. The way I think about it, it 's sort of like the EN philosophy that you can go fast on race day by training your body to go fast
. So I like to try to train my stomach to tolerate calories by taking the above approach. This is the first season that I'm testing this philosophy, so I'll see how well this works for me.
Anyways, it seems like workout nutrition is a very individual thing. Do what works best for you.
I drink water only for short bricks like today's which lasted 105 minutes then make sure I have a good breakfast for recovery.
I drink no caffiene before the workout but enjoy a cup of Jo with the breakfast!
I workout at night a lot too, but do the opposite. I'll eat dinner early, a couple of hours before working out, and sometimes at my desk before I leave. Then will have a recovery snack after the workout at about 9pm.
LOVE LoseIt!