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Additional Athlete profile in WKO+ for myself (an inside and an outside profile)

EN thoughts on using an additional athlete profile in WKO+ for indoor training vs outdoor training - Inside Bob and Outside Bob.  My FTP numbers are about 10% different indoors vs outdoors and I would like to compare apples to apples.  Inputting one FTP gives wonky results (TSS and IF numbers either too high or too low) -- using the outside FTP makes my indoor training numbers look pathetic and using the inside FTP makes my outside riding look super studly.  I'm neither pathetic nor studly. 


All my running is done outside.  If I had to run on a treadmill I'd give up running.  So running would go with Outside Bob.


Anyone else doing this?  Any pitfalls in doing this that I haven't thought through?








  • Bob, yeah, several people have done this and I'm sure they can comment. The issue (not really an issue, just a consequence of this) is that you won't be able to combine graphs, PMC, TSS, etc for both athletes.

    An alternative is to change your FTP in WKO for each ride, by manipulating the "make FTP effective for after Date X," or whatever it says. This would allow you to keep everything in one place.

  • Thanks for the feedback, Rich. I thought about using the effective date thing but know that I'll forget to do it on occasion. I'd remember two switch the profiles more easily.
  • Rich is spot on concerning the value of having ONE Performance Management Chart to track Acute and Chronic Training Loads, and Training Stress Balance (PMC, ATL, CTL, TSB). The more I use WKO+, the more I find myself following those parameters to make sure I'm not digging a hole, and to review the course of my training over time, and the season as a whole.

    It took me months to learn the value of this information in helping to guide my day-to-efforts, but once I learned what the PMC was and how to read it, I found it invaluable to cue me to possible over-reaching, and to identify my peaking and tapering.

    The easiest way for me to remember to change the FTP is to check my PMC each time I enter a workout. This triggers for me the need to keep consistent data going into the system.

  • If you want two profiles, just save the file in Joe Athlete and You. Doubles up the files, but you could track yourself twice if you desired. I don't see the value in having two profiles though.

  • Probably better to swap your FTP and create updated zones for your indoor rides. That keeps everything together in a single PMC but will also broaden the peak in your power distribution chart since you will be targeting a different FTP depending on indoor vs outdoor workout - no big deal. Also, you can always go back in and change the FTP for a particular workout or date range and everything updates appropriately so it's okay if you forget at the time you load the workout.
  •   An alternative is to change your FTP in WKO for each ride, by manipulating the "make FTP effective for after Date X," or whatever it says. This would allow you to keep everything in one place.

    @Rich or anyone...sorry for the dumb question, but exactly how would one do this?  Would one be creating a new "FTP Zone Profile" after each ride?

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