Looks like a familiar group of great peeps. I am in with an option to bail, my big race isn't until November and I am doing what a darned well feel like doing. That said, I have been making rare appearances to Simon's place for Trainer Tuesdays. We'll see, I really love my A.D.D. schedule and cookie eating (shoveling) right now-it just suits me!
My husband and I are signed up for Vineman Aqua-Bike so I guess I better get serious, if he beats me I'll never ever ever hear the end of it....
Looks like Chris, Dave and I will be representing the 'getting back to race weight' posse. I'm starting three weeks of pre-OS this week. Gonna take some work to be ready to test in a few weeks!
Posted By Dana Laytham-Herbert on 11 Dec 2010 04:52 PM
Looks like a familiar group of great peeps. I am in with an option to bail, my big race isn't until November and I am doing what a darned well feel like doing. That said, I have been making rare appearances to Simon's place for Trainer Tuesdays. We'll see, I really love my A.D.D. schedule and cookie eating (shoveling) right now-it just suits me!
My husband and I are signed up for Vineman Aqua-Bike so I guess I better get serious, if he beats me I'll never ever ever hear the end of it....
See you in a few weeks!
@Dana - the mantra for the next 8 months . . . . "Beat Herb!" Tell him I said hi!
Just finishing week 1 of the 4 week Pre-OS, for a Jan. 3 OS start...and I have to confess, did a 1:1 swim lesson and 30 minutes of drills
...I know, I know...swimming not good until INseason...but 1:30-1:40 is a looong time to be thrashing around in the water, so I _really_ want to get to 1:15:00 this year and earn the right _not_ to swim next year
Well, almost head a heart attack last night. Decided to step on the scale, 167lbs, up 15lbs from my September racing 152lbs, even though I ran pretty hard entire time, but I did keep tearing Nutella, jar after jar. I put that spoon down now, time to bring it back. I have not been this heavy since I started triathlon 3 years ago. I was wondering why I cannot keep my I -pace doing 800m intervals. Got my answer last night.
good thread john & a great pointer to the pre-OS plan!!! since IM AZ i have done little but eat and get reacquainted with my couch! that said, i started running regularly last week, and yesterday got on the bike on a drainer. did a good hard workout that was 4x5, now that i have this plan i am going to be more formal until the beginning of the OS in january!
I'm in for Jan OS as well. Just completed training (using the run portion of the OS plan with little...mostly none...biking) for the Kiawah Half Marathon after my final triathlon in October. I am pretty mentally and physically done. Going to take this week off, and next 2 weeks of un-structured training. I really want to get to the point that miss training over the next 3 weeks. I will be starting my first EN OS with no pre-OS training. The way I look at it, I will have a great % improvement with my plan!! But this is going to hurt! Looking forward to joining everybody and "misery loves company."
My husband and I are signed up for Vineman Aqua-Bike so I guess I better get serious, if he beats me I'll never ever ever hear the end of it....
See you in a few weeks!
Just finishing week 1 of the 4 week Pre-OS, for a Jan. 3 OS start...and I have to confess, did a 1:1 swim lesson and 30 minutes of drills

...I know, I know...swimming not good until INseason...but 1:30-1:40 is a looong time to be thrashing around in the water, so I _really_ want to get to 1:15:00 this year and earn the right _not_ to swim next year
Well, almost head a heart attack last night. Decided to step on the scale, 167lbs, up 15lbs from my September racing 152lbs, even though I ran pretty hard entire time, but I did keep tearing Nutella, jar after jar. I put that spoon down now, time to bring it back. I have not been this heavy since I started triathlon 3 years ago. I was wondering why I cannot keep my I -pace doing 800m intervals. Got my answer last night.
since IM AZ i have done little but eat and get reacquainted with my couch!
that said, i started running regularly last week, and yesterday got on the bike on a drainer. did a good hard workout that was 4x5, now that i have this plan i am going to be more formal until the beginning of the OS in january!