Home Group Discussion-OutSeason November 2010

Warm Ups

Hello everyone,

I started my OS in November but had some really big changes at work that totally threw my motivation out the window. Things are quieting down now, so i'm trying to get back on track.

I have a very basic question, that probably doesnt need to be asked in the main forum.

Are the 10' warm ups included in the total prescribed time for a workout or is that in addition? 


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    Henry, both the warm up and cool down are included in your total workout time.   Warm up time varies per individual, remember some people on this team are in their 20's others in their 60's, so take whatever time you need to be ready to crush those intervals.

    The total time they give is a general approximation, sometimes you will need an x-tra 5-10 minutes, other times you may not have the time to do a cool down.    As long as you are getting the main set done, you're good. 

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    Thank you Bob. Looks like i've been doing things correctly so far. Appreciate the help.
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