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Power Distribution the last 28 days

Ok, I'll admit it...I've never done a formal 2x20 test (like a few others that shall remain nameless). I believe that empirical data is way more reliable than a formal test (I've never tested well, academically or physically).

I've been using power since April 2008 and I've always used the last 28 days method, where the biggest drop between 'bins' is used as your FTP.

I've attached my graph for the last 28 days.

While I missed some workouts due to Xmas and New years, I'd like you to tell me if you think a bump is logical, given the data.

I've been using 320 for the last several months (incl both indoor and outdoor rides, both on road bike), and in the Nov OS, thus far.

320-330 is 10:56 @ 2.2%

330-340 is 15:12 @ 3.0%

340-350 is 15:50 @ 3.1%

350-360 is 12:16 @ 2.4%

360-370 is 7:48 @ 1.5%

So, the biggest drop would be at 350w, or even 360w (do I care to dream?).

What would you rank my FTP at?

I'll tell you my thoughts after I hear some feedback.

If it makes any difference, I'm at 205lbs now (93.2kg). Hope to drop to 195lbs (88.6kg) within the next month with body comp goals.


  • The way that chart looks I would not draw any conclusions from it. Using the drop off method it needs to be a curve rather than a double hump like you get when doing the vo2 intervals. What is your 30 min and 60 min power for the period? What are you holding for your 20 minute intervals?
  • @Chris, tell me where to find them in WKO+ and I'll tell you (yes, I need to work on my WKO+ knowledge too this year).
  • Should be on the main page with the 28 day chart. Kind on a single line graph where max power for a few seconds is toward the left as time is on the horizontal.

    Oh and its time to man up and do a 2x20 (2) :-)
  • The issue with looking for the drop is that it only really works if you are riding "free" through your entire power range and a wide range of durations. If you are targeting specific power ranges in training your distribution will simply be a reflection of your training, not a complete profile of your abilities. I tend not to do formal tests either but use my workouts to judge when I'm ready for a bump. If I can consistently knock out 2X20 without struggling it's time to adjust.
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