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Disney/Goofy who's in?

Disney 1/2 Mary and Marathon are 5 weeks away!!  Who's in? 

Wife and I will be in town for 5-6 days I think.  Going to try to enjoy the parks a bit and hopefully it is not a cold as it has been in the past.  Small possibility that I would PR, but really going as it is an A race for the wife and a chance to spend time with Mom who lives part time in Florida. 

Should we try for an EN dinner/get together some night?


  • I'm new to EN (like 3 weeks) but I'm in for Goofy. My little sister (17) is doing the half with me and my boyfriend is running the full (it will be his first). Should be good times if the weather cooperates!
  • I am for the full marathon on Sunday, and staying from Friday to Wednesday. Dinner may be difficult for me because I am bringing down the family. I am certainly happy to meet up any other time. Good luck with the races!
  • In for the 1/2 mary.

  • I talked a month or two back about maybe being in for Goofy, I've done the half and the full in the past and would love to do Goofy but just wasn't working with my schedule this year. I may be out there to cheer for you guys though, I go home to FL every Christmas, have not made my travel arrangements yet (eek).

    It's a pretty straightforward (and flat) course and I think we've got plenty of people in the haus who have done it so you probably don't need any advice from me, the only thing I'll say is be prepared. No, not for the run, you're already doing that, but be prepared for the weather. I ran it in 2007 in shorts and a singlet and was sweating up a storm, then last year there was freezing rain / sleet during the half marathon on Sat and the full on Sunday started off in the 20s and eventually warmed up to a balmy low 30s. The expo made a killing on people who thought "FL?? No way I'll need to pack my thermal gear". Last year I ended up wearing full on base layer, thermal, tights, ear warmers and gloves, *plus* a layer of thrift store sweatpants and old long sleeves and cap that I discarded on the race course.

    Good luck to you guys!

  •  I am running half on Saturday while my wife takes on the full marathon on Sunday. Staying Grand Floridian 6-10th. Bringing Sara (10) and Emily (6). This will be our 5th time to Disney!

  • It seems there is a Marathon Nation meet up at the Expo at 10AM tomorrow by the bleachers.  I will be there, if anyone wants to stop by.  I will have on my red 3 keys Tshirt and Pink Chica visor.  Hope to be able to meet a few people this weekend!

  • Good luck to all of you! Sounds like we've got a nice big group of ENers that will be there. Have a fun and safe race!
  • Good luck to all of you! Sounds like we've got a nice big group of ENers that will be there. Have a fun and safe race!
  • Good luck everyone...earn your mouse ears this weekend!
  • Good luck to all of you that are running this weekend.  I will be there trying to strictly follow the Galloway method of running. I'm sure I will have the honor of being the last EN member to finish, but since I'm new this week to your organization and this method of training, perhaps you can give me a pass for being so s-l-o-w. 1st week of Outseason training...woah....my legs are already tired.

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