Running with Pace Guidance Needed - Total Newbie Question
So this is a total newbie question. I have done some pace running before but not with EN.
I did my 5k test and got my HR zones and paces. So when my plan says 2 x 800 (3') HMP/Z3/Hard. My outlined pace in Z3 @ 10:29 - this is for a mile right ? So if I were to run by pace I would want to run my 800's at 5:15?
Thanks !
yes, correct. it should take you 5:15 total time to run 2 laps on the track from lane 1. if you run in the other lanes, the distance is greater each complete lap, so expect your time to be greater than 5:15 total time per 2 laps.
Best thing I ever did for getting my running with pace under control was to buy a Garmin 310XT. I have it set to readout "current pace", "lap pace", "distance", and "time"... (I also start a new lap for every interval regardless of it's distance)
This way I can dial in exactly how fast I'm going at all times. For a while during my intervals it took me constantly looking down at my watch, but now I just know how fast I'm running most of the time without even looking.
You've got it right. EN does use a language that takes some getting used to; we all went through it.
Totally agree with John — otherwisie my pacing was all over the place
@John — It took me a little while to work out the right choice of numbers but I settled on the ones your are using. Can't go wrong')" unselectable="on" style="width: 20px; height: 20px; cursor: hand">
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