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Citizen Name & Footnote

How do I change my citizen name to Dottie instead of Doris Catlin? Doris Catlin is my formal name for billing, etc., but I go by Dottie. It feels weird that everyone is calling me Doris here. Feels like I am in trouble, but I'm off to a good startimage


Also, how do people get footnotes at the bottom of their forum posts? Some have their A races listed, some icons, current test scores, etc. ??


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    Doris , for the footnote stuff click on My Settings and down below there should be an Edit button where you can edit your signature. As far as your name you go under My Profile, Edit Profile and then you should see your display name.


    I hope I explained it well enough.

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    Yay on the footnote, nay on the name change. I edited my profile to Dottie Catlin, nothing changed...?
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    I remember awhile back where the coaches wanted us to have real names to make it easier, they may of set a rule that you cannot change it now. I am sure someone else will chime in.


    Also welcome to EN and I see you are a fellow MA person so hoping to run into on the road and at events.

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    Found it, go into my profile,edit account and then look at the display name (i just changed mine to Steven Ford (test)

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    Yes! Thanks Steven! MA is a lovely place, isn't it? Currently snow is our specialty...
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    The stuff on the left side like your name takes about 20 minutes to update to help with performance.Dottie - I noticed yours just changed. Steven is correct, the coaches want real faces/ real names...but I am sure Dottie is fine image. They really just dont want a bunch of 'SuperFastTriGuy' names. Real names just make it more warm and fuzzy.
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    I am about to sacrfice something to the snow gods to make them happy and move on

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    I don't think the snow gods can be bought off with hot dogs officer.
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