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Southern Calif EN Meetup

    There are several members of EN that will be running the Surf City Half/Marathon on Sunday February 6th Super Bowl Sunday.  On SATURDAY February 5th John Stark and I are inviting all Southern California members to come join us for a z0/z1 2 hour ride the day before starting at 9:00 in Huntington Beach.  What is a z0 ride?  It is a very easy get to know each other ride.  Roadies would call it a SCR (small cookie ride-where you are not allowed to go into your big chainring).  You are forced to go slow.  We have several options on the ride.  We can head north or south on Pacific Coast Highway or head inland on one of the bike trails like the Santa Ana river trail.  After the ride we will converge for lunch and then head off to pick up our race packets.  Respond to this if you are coming and have a preference for the ride.  If any Orange County peeps have other routes that we may consider let us know.  We would love to find a route that you can ride side by side so we can talk.  That is why I am leaning toward the Santa Ana River trail.

    You do not need to be racing the Surf City to join us.  Familes are welcome.  My dogs will be enjoying the Huntington Dog Beach while I am out riding.  Invite anyone who is willing to have fun and socialize with a group of like minded individuals.As a side note, I will be wearing a "cup' to protect the family jewels in case Coach Rich joins us.  I am doing the full marathon because I am a Founding Longboard legacy member having completed every Surf City (and even 4 years of Pacific Shoreline) marathons.  So if he tries to kick me in the nutz I will be covered.

   I will also post this on the West Coast forum.


  •  I am in, obviously.

    Looking forward to meeting up with everyone who shows.


  • While I'd love to meet up with folks and give Stark a kick in the rear, I think I would have a difficult time staying at Z0/Z1 effort after a 2 hour drive to HB. Have fun guys; another EN So Cal meet up sometime is in the cards - we should all hook up with one of Coach Rich's weekend rides (climbs).
  • What Dave said. Sorry, not interested in driving down to HB so I can noodle for 2hrs. Time efficiency and all that. However, I would be interested in a fast paced ride down to HB, hook up with you guys, then ride back. From my house to Jamboree is exactly 50 miles, so the start of the Santa Anna Trail would be about...45. We can make it a 112 ride round trip by taking a slighly different route.

    I'd be up for that, paying for the social time by hammering the other stuff.

    Anyone interested?

  • I was thinking the same thing Rich - although your hammer and my hammer might be different speeds. I would be happy to meet up at the start of the SA River Trail on Green River or maybe around Imperial by the In-N-Out Burger (gotta plan my re-fuel stops ;-) ). We could hammer down to HB, meet up and noodle with everyone and then I am sure on the way back up the trail our different hammer speeds would become apparent. I can go all day downhill - but uphill (even the 100ft/10mile incline of the river trail) slows me down.

    I am in for the meet-up either way. And I will be riding the SA river trail from the Green River / Imperial area in Anaheim to get to HB regardless, so my vote is ride/noodle on the trail. Way safer than PCH at 9:00am. The last couple of times on PCH I have seen car vs. bike accidents.

    Sounds like fun, thanks for planning this!


  • PCH from Huntington to the SA Trail isn't that bad, traffic wise. I would come down the San Gabriel trail, from Seal Beach to Hungtington. From Seal to Huntington isn't too bad either. It's Newport, Laguna Hills thats a shooting gallery after 9a on a weekend.

  • Hey I am good with anything.  My intent of this meetup is to not intimidate anyone to NOT showing up because they think they could not hang with the group and then be frustrated.  I did not think of the other way -that people would not show up because it is not much of a workout.  So a couple of options are: 1.) Get your interval sessions before or after the group ride.  2.) If most people agree, set up some 8-12 minute intervals on the river trail and then have everyone recover and regroup.  3.)  For those running the next day, do some z2/z3 work whatever they feel like and regroup with the fast guys.  4.) Split into groups based on training and regroup for lunch and tall tales about training.  Any suggestions are gladly considered. 

  • @ Rich - Duh, the SG trail makes more sense for you coming from Monrovia - my bad. You said Jamboree and I immediately assumed you were talking about coming down the SA trail too. I agree though, it's south of HB that PCH gets a bit scary - especially through the hills and city areas of Laguna.

    @ Jim - I am in for whatever is planned, as a noob I just wanna meet the locals to add some flavor to all of the online stuff that goes on in the Haus. Whatever goes down, it will be fun.
  • I actually find the section of PCH through Long Beach and the South Bay to be the scariest. At least in Orange County there is something that passes for a shoulder/bike lane.
  • I have sent a PM to Julia Hermann and Patrick McKelvey to jump in on this convo as they are interested in joining as well.  Julia lives in Newport and Patrick in Huntington Beach.

    Here is what I see so far:

    • Rich and his posse will be coming down San Gabriel River Trail and dropping onto PCH in Seal Beach north of Huntington Beach.
    • Yano will be at the dog beach North of the HB Pier.
    • I will be in HB at PCH and Beach Blvd.  Basically at the HB Pier.
    • Greg is coming in from Fontana.
    • Patrick and Julia are in the HB area as well

    So, probably be best of we have a meet-up someplace North of the HB Pier.  Bolsa Chica, Seal Beach, etc.  Maybe Julia or Patrick will find a place that is easy to get to and into so we don't have to wait 30' for a table and then let us know?

    Rich, you just tell us when you think you will be at the meet-up place and Yano, Julia, Patrick, Greg and anyone else down in OC will meet you and your group wherever the spot is at that time.

    Yano, et al - We have the option of meeting up at 9:00 at roughly PCH and 13th Street North of the HB Pier near dog beach where Yano will be and then heading up to Seal Beach and out and back on the San Gabriel River Trail.  Maybe get lucky and see Rich and his posse out there.

    OR, if Greg still wants to go long and still leave from the Brea area on the Santa Ana River Trail, we can head down towards Newport to the SART and meet-up with him out there someplace and then ride back down to the meet up spot.

    Ain't ever that easy, but that is what I see.

    Coach Dick just gets his crew to the meet-up spot and Yano and his crew get to the meet-up spot.

    Sound good?

    Lastly, I am leaving the door open for me to do some scheduled intervals on the ride.  I will just go out and circle back after each.  Will make a game day call dependent on how I am feeling for the half marathon the next day.







  • Hi Guys - I'm in for the waste of time ride.  With med issues last year i'm just glad to be cleared to be back on the bike. 

    Best place in HB to gather and meet up with people would be at the pier since there is plenty of room to get off the road and hang until people arrive.  Another ride option would be head down to Corona Del Mar the back way (only one spot where there is no bike lane).  We could than head up and over Newport Cost (rich can do hill repeats while the rest climb) into the back bay for a great ride with mostly water views and bike lanes.


  • Rich, i'm in for the hammer ride, whether it's 50 or 112.  where and what time do we meet? as usual i know the route, and i haven't met a cholo yet on that bike path that i can't beat up, so no worries from me if i drop off the back.

    Everyone: i may just wave to you and not speak due to the aforementioned hammer ride.


  • I'm also running the Surf City half mary. I'll probably ride down from Long Beach to registration on Saturday so could time it to meet up for brunch/lunch...whatever is decided. Just let me know.


  • All,

    I can do the SGRT down to Seal Beach, meet you guys somewhere in HB, then flip it and ride back out to the San Gabriel River Trail and home.

    Gilberto, plan to leave from my house around 6:45 or 7, but we have time to dial that in. I'll see if I can round up the usual local suspects.

  • Rich,
    Are you planning to do lunch with the group or just meet us for the ride?
  • oops! sorry guys.

    i just realized this plan was for the 5th of feb, NOT this coming saturday.  I'll be racing the Rose Bowl 13.1 on feb 6th, so will be getting my mind right on the 5th of feb.

    have fun and good luck to those racing!


  • Posted By Jim Yanoschik on 12 Jan 2011 12:39 PM


    Are you planning to do lunch with the group or just meet us for the ride?



    If I'm with other people then I'll only be in for the ride, not lunch. Even then, riding solo up the bike 35 miles at 1pm or so...sorry, after 10yrs of riding that damn path I do not have a good relationship with it

  • Bump.  Is this ride still happening next Saturday FEB 5th?!?

  • Yep!

    To make it easy, I will just be at the Huntington Beach Pier at 9:00 AM on Saturday.  We can all meet up there.

    Mckelvey, got a place for us to meet after at 11:00 or so?  I assume it will be busy on Main street with the expo and all the tourists?

    Looking forward to it.




  • Thanks! See you all at the pier @ 9am.
  •       Here is my proposed Meet-Up for Saturday Feb 5th Southern/Northern California.  John Stark's group (those who are running the Surf City Marathon/Half) will meet at Huntington Pier at 9:00 am.  We will ride toward the SG bike trail to hook up with Coach Rich's group.  The ride will be about 1 hour out to/and with Rich's group.  Then an hour ride back to Huntington Beach.  That means a 2 hour ride and everyone is free to add on miles/time before or after the ride.  Everyone is free during the ride to do their "intervals" and we will have reassemble points along the trail.  I look at this as a way to get some work done but also get some serious social time and EN Team Building.

         After the ride around 11:00 or so those who are returning to Huntington Beach Pier area will have the opportunity to partake of food and beverages at a local establishment.   My wife will have our dogs at Dog Beach so on the way back I will stop and pick them up and head to the restaurant.   I am open to any other suggestions.

  • Works for me!  Really looking forward to it!




  • Just to know who we should wait for at 9:00 at HB Pier, I have:






    Lemme know.

    FYI - My mobile is 925-548-5916 in case you need to reach me.


  • Hey folks,

    I haven't put this out to my local hommies yet. I know it takes us 1:35-1:40 to make it to the liquor store at the bottom of the path in Seal Beach. I'll do the math so that I (or we, dunno if they'll be up for the path) meet you as we ride toward HB and you ride towards SB.


  • @John & Everyone - I will for sure see you all at the HB pier @ or a little before 9am. I am riding down the other (Santa Ana) river trail (about 30 miles from my launch point to the HB pier), but I will time it to make sure I am there to ride north with everyone towards Rich's group. Looking forward to it!
  • ah..bummed I will miss out on meeting y'all! I have a baby shower to host (would rather be ridingimage. I will miss out on this one, but will keep my eyes peeled for the next one! Have fun! I look forward to meeting up with you next time!
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