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Old Hed 3 v new Zipp 404/808

I currently have a set of 3 year old Hed 3's with about 500 miles total on them.  My new bike is coming with a set of 404/808.  Obviously I do not need 2 sets of race wheels.  What would you keep and why?  Thanks for the input.  DAve


  • Are you considering selling them? Are they clincher or tubular?
  • I'm thinking on the same line as Scott,.  don't know what you should keep, but I'll buy wht you decide not to.

  • 404/808, with a wheelcover is the same as a 404/disc. Keep those, I'd say.
  • As Scott said, 404/808 gives you more options such as wheel cover and powertap. Many people also say a 404 is easier to handle in heavy crosswinds than a Hed3, I have not riden both so I don't know for sure. The performance differences will be very little in the real world. At some yaw angles the Hed3 will be fast and at others the 404/808 probably will. However, a disc/wheel cover will always be faster and you can add that to an 808 for <$100. <br />
    That said, if you are truly indifferent, sell the one that will make you the most money back.
  • Money obviously says sell the new Zipps. You'll get a lot more for them than the Heds I assume.

    But the PT thing is a big one for me. I assume that if you can afford a bike that "comes with" Zipps, you can afford Power...at least in the long run. Decide if you want crank-based power or PT based power. The PT hub will cost in the neighborhood of $1000, maybe a bit less, and budget $100 for the wheel cover. Selling the Hed 3s might get you about that back??? Selling a set of new Zipps might also come out as near a wash for buying a crank-based power device, too...just look into the prices. :-)


  • Zipps are cooler than HEDs.  Just are.  Faster, maybe?  404/808 combo is much cooler looking than Hed 3's.  That is really all that is important.  While I realize that I am very shallow, I just plain feel better about myself for having zipps.  Besides HED 3's always look to me like they will cut your legs or arms off if you crash.  Not sure if that is actually true, but they just look like that to me.  On a far more serious note, HED 3's are not allowed for mass start bike races which may or may not be a factor for you and may or may not be related to the cutting off limbs in a crash thing.

    Besides, have you ever seen Steve Hed?  Guy has a freakin pony tail...how can a guy with a pony tail expect anyone to think that he knows anything about aerodynamics?

    only kinda kidding...



  • Chris raises some excellent points.
  • I think the HEDS are way cooler than Zipps. Have you ever TALKED to Steve Hed? Heez a cool dude!
  • Posted By Chris G on 15 Feb 2011 09:00 PM

    Zipps are cooler than HEDs.  Just are.  Faster, maybe?  404/808 combo is much cooler looking than Hed 3's.  That is really all that is important.  While I realize that I am very shallow, I just plain feel better about myself for having zipps.  Besides HED 3's always look to me like they will cut your legs or arms off if you crash.  Not sure if that is actually true, but they just look like that to me.  On a far more serious note, HED 3's are not allowed for mass start bike races which may or may not be a factor for you and may or may not be related to the cutting off limbs in a crash thing.

    Besides, have you ever seen Steve Hed?  Guy has a freakin pony tail...how can a guy with a pony tail expect anyone to think that he knows anything about aerodynamics?

    only kinda kidding...



    Chris, I totally "heart" this comment. Signed, the girl who just got a new pair of shoes that she didn't need because they matched her bike for Valentine's day.  And the girl who has Zipps that she doesn't have the skilz to back up.  Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!  


  • Thanks for everyone's input. I may decide to sell one or the other and will first offer it thru here. In the meantime, to respond to a few...
    @ Scott F. and Bob: They are both clinchers;
    @ Scott A and Matt A.: That could be an important consideration. I could use a disc, and as I will mention below, my disc is circa 1989 with a dura ace 7 speed that is incompatible with either;
    @ William: I am riding a Quarq Cinqo and can use any wheel;
    And perhaps most importantly, @ Chris, Kurt, Jenn and Dave: I currently have an original Kestrel 4000 from the late 80's, equipped with a prototype Hed disc that I got directly from Steve. I am well acquainted with his basement which was the original base of operations. He was/is probably one of the leading advocates of aerodynamics and may have actually been the first to use wind tunnel technology for cycling. Ponytail or not I do still have a soft spot for his product. Not that that will ultimately make the difference...

  • To answer the direct question, personally I'd sell the Zipps. I like a deeper wheel up front than a 404. If I didn't have the HED I'd use the cash to contribute toward the cost of a set of 808s or deeper, and/or a rear disc. And of course selling the "brand new" wheels will get you the most amount of cash.

    All that said, if you're buying a bike that comes with Zipps as stock wheels then I'm betting you care less about the cash and are more interested in which wheels are "faster". In that case I'm not sure if the HED is "faster" than the 404/808 (i.e. 606), and Matt A is right that depending on conditions and how fast you ride (and therefore what kinds of yaw angles you see), it will depend. But a deeper front and a disc rear will likely be faster than either option of existing wheels. So if the only way to get a disc is an 808 with cover, then keep the Zipps. If on the other hand you can afford a disc (assisted by the proceeds from selling the "brand new" 404/808), do that.

    And FWIW I also believe Zipps are "cooler".

  • Hard to imagine anyone turning down Hed.
  • I agree with Kurt...

    I have a set of Hed 3 spoke and Hed alps (like a 404) for my KM 40 Kestrel. I now have a PT rear wheel with an aero cover on the power tap. I like having the option of 2 front wheels based on race conditions. You may want to keep all your wheels so you have a backup set in case you crash or damage a wheel a couple of weeks before a race and don't want to fork out the cash for new ones. We are triathletes and are addicted to carbon widgets...so keep both sets and feed your need for speed!!!

  • 3 words ... Firecrest carbon clincher

    Decided my old 808 clincher was not cool enough. The new one will make me even more awesome.

    Steve may know something about bike wheels, guess he used to help that dude from Texas who used to ride fairly fast occasionally. If i recall correctly however there were 5 zipp wheels for every hed wheel in Kona this year. Pretty impressive considering that they retail for almost twice as much.

    In the spirit of full disclosure I just ordered a kick ass set of hed wheels for my new road bike build. They are the c2 climbing rims, all black everything (jay z would approve) bladed, PT hub, should be awesome. They are the same ones that a couple of pikers that go by R and P are on as well.

    Good to know that some folks around here are as shallow as i am and willing to admit it :-)
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