thanks ladies. After Friday I was baffled and the more I think about it the more mad I get. We've talked a bit (I was so offended that I had to let him know) and I'm more mad and disappointed now than ever. All these months I've been giving him the benefit of the doubt and trying to talk to him and trying to find a way to make it work and he's been bottling things up and not communicating or sharing or giving me a chance to explain myself or to change habits that apparently drove him crazy (including the EN training style). He essentialy told me I was too OCD for him. Which, if you knew him, would really make you laugh. Yes, I am OCD... but compared to him I'm normal. Seriously. And he thinks I'm too difficult and set in my ways?! Wow. This is the guy who lives in a museum... and wanted me to essentially clean myself before sex because he swore he could smell urine and then would essentially take a shower after sex... (don't even get me started on that). Still shaking my head that he never once tried to talk to me about any of these habits so I could have explained where i was coming from or tried to modify the behavior. And F him for being upset with my intervals, etc. I was training for my first frickin Ironman and was paying a lot for the plans... he's familiar with the concept of track work (which are intervals) making you faster, why can't I do that on the bike? And why couldn't he just suck up a 30 minute warm up? Okay, okay. Thanks. Rant over. This has all been so enlightening and upsetting... and freeing.
@Jennifer - lol... I gotta give the kid credit. I suppose he's looking for a sugar momma! LoL Seriously most of the winks/emails I get on match or cupid are from people who are clearly incapable of reading. It's comical. Anyway, no real leads on that front... but that's okay.
@Kelly - take the cheetos and chocolate to work, leave them on the counter and never look back! I can't have the stuff in my house or I will eat it til it's gone. I have zippo will power and no shut off function to register full so I do my best to avoid the temptation!
hello? How is everyone doing? I hope staying warm and dry! @Linda - how are you feeling post accident? @Michele - hope you got your new computer set up... and no more spells of dizziness. We're supposed to get a stretch of warm (40-50) weather this weekend and into next week... fingers crossed! It will be great to run outside. Heck, maybe even take my bike off the trainer... but I admit I'm a bit nervous to try to ride with power intervals outside... I'll probably kill myself watching the joule instead of the road... we'll see...
I'm in the office today (meeting this afternoon) instead of home... so it's been hard to not think it's Friday... what a long week. At least my dry spell is done for now... and it's been a somewhat busy and productive few days for me!
@Becky: Glad to hear that the door is closed and you are running away fast!
@Michele: Sorry to hear about your computer. That does suck.
All here is well. Busy, busy, busy. Trying to keep the evenings open. I keep waking up at 4AM. I've been trying to sleep with earplugs - those pink ones. I don't think I'm very good at putting them in. Ran outside for the first time since surgery in June. Was a lot of fun. I'm feeling it now even though it was on gravel. Looking at doing some sprints over the summer and NYC marathon in November.
Hope everyone has a great Friday. I get to spend the day in "Culture Day" orientation for the wnew job. . .
@Penny - sweet!!! I am waiting to hear about my lottery bid for NYC. I'm guaranteed entry next year. If I do get in I'll defer because I can't race this year (too soon after IMWI)... which means I pay twice... so fingers crossed I don't make the cut again this year.
Hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm gonna see a few tri club gal pals tonight (including Suzanne, I hope) for HH which should be fun. Have a party invite for tomorrow - won't know anyone but the hostess but will probably go... I just have to be careful about my calorie consumption. Post cleanse I've been yo-yo'ing a bit, but am up. At least my clothes fit but I'm feeling a bit bloated (could be the period week ... I'm eating pretty well and sticking to the elimination protocols for the most part)...
Penny- that's great news. NYC is such a special kinda marathon. Soak it all in and enjoy the experience!
I'll be volunteering for a local 8K race tomorrow. I'll be working timing & resuts, Yikes!! It's good though, I know if I entered the race I'd just hurt myself, so I'm gonna enjoy volunteering instead. Tomorrow night is a casual party with the local tri club and that should be fun too. Maybe this year our little "club" (which is really more like a social group that happens to do triathlons) will get a little more formalized. I hope to have more time this year to help with making that happen.
How can it be that there hasn't been any post in this thread in over 36 hours??!! I'm not sure I've ever seen that before!
I know there's an official EN kit swap thread, but just wanted to check in with the chicas about the fit of the capo short sleeve jersey. Love the new kits! Based on sizing chart, I ordered a women's medium jersey. The plastic bag it came in said 'Lady' on it. But I'm convinced it's a men's jersey! It's way big. The tag on the jersey itself just says 'M' (as opposed to 'Women's M' or something like that. Did any of you order the capo ss jersey, and if so, does the jersey itself indicate anywhere on it that it's a women's size?
Michele- I got the Capo SS Shirt in a size S. The bag it came in says "Ladies" but nothing on the jersey itself indicates it's a ladies cut. Fit's me OK, a little loose but OK (not gonna look like a Pro fit, but if I want to layer under it I'll have plenty of room). The torso is really long - but then again, I'm short waisted. Oh- and I love that they are full zip! Ya never seem to get that in a ladies kit. If you like your jerseys to fit a little snuggish, I'm sure a S would work for you. I'll try to post pics of myself in the jersey later today so you can get a better idea. Just gotta get out of the jammies first!
My update. Remember I said I wanted to get a little more involved with my local Tri Team? Be careful what you ask for! I got nominated last night for club president. I managed to avoid getting voted into the position last year (I REALLY didn't want it while training for IMWI) but this year I accepted the nomination. The club is very small, folks have big ideas and want growth, but it's one of those gigs where everyone has ideas and desires but no time to back it up with real work. So I'm just hoping I can get a little more organization and structure going with this group so they can get a short list of things actually accomplished this year vs spinning wheels all year dreaming up ideas. I frankly have NO IDEA what I'm doing here- but I'm willing to try! Wish me luck.
Nemo- Best of luck to you. Perhaps reach out in a thread asking for advice from those who have taken on that role before. I recall some folks feeling like everything was dumped on them. In our local area, a small group started and the president did nothing except run the meeting. I offered to lead a swim group for training (not teaching folks to swim), as most folks were newbies. He told me I wasn't good enough (he did win his age group at LP). What happened was...NOTHING. He didn't want me to do it, but he and the VP were too good to do it themselves and no one else wanted to get involved. Another guy started a weekend ride and the Pres and VP never once showed up, mean while I went to every ride trying to encourage newbies. They were the most uninvolved leaders I had ever seen. In retrospect I think they wanted recognition and the LBS to sponsor them for IMLP. Beyond that they had nothing going and the club disbanded after a year! It really soured me on clubs, although when I lived in SLC, I belonged to a great tri club.
Since this is a non IM year, I have taken on the challenge of learning Spanish. I am using Rosetta stone and get some practice at work nearly every day. I have completed Level 1!! Only 4 more levels to go.
@Nemo - A couple local triathletes and I started up a local club in November. We're still really new, but have almost 50 members! There are a lot of challenges, one of which is a select few doing most of the work and everyone else just coming along for the ride. I'm going the uniforms, and that's been a heck of a lot of work. It doesn't help that I'm a people pleaser, so it took a while to find the "best" company for the money in our opinion. I know not everyone is going to be happy with the choice, but oh, well.
A few years ago I was in a club that was just starting up as well, so at least I have some knowledge of start-up clubs. I would love to hear about your experiences and get some ideas flowing. One of the things we lack in is the number of women involved. I would really like to encourage more to join.
I think starting up a new thread is a great idea!
BTW, hello women! I think this is my first time positing in this thread. Been hanging out in the background for about a month You guys rock!!!
Hi Ladies! Haven't been lurking or posting for quite a while. Just been busy, and posting mostly on Facebook. Nemo, good luck with your tri club. I am involved in starting up a tri club here in NWI. We had elections, I was voted V.P. That lasted about 3 days before I resigned my post. The guy who was the Pres. turned out to be a narcacistic, irrational, dude, who insulted me 4 x's in one phone conversation. I figured it wasn't getting any better, so I told him conversation over, then emailed him and the club and stepped down. Long story short, he gets into it w/2 other people, one of them his BEST FRIEND. He 'unfriends' the best friend on F.B. and drops him from the tri club! (As if he had the power to drop him from the club!) So, after a big blow up, the Pres. resigns and quits the club. I'm back to helping organize, and we will have elections this weekend. Said I'd be V.P. again if they want me, and vote me in. If not, I'm happy w/ that as well! Too much politics and drama for a CLUB! Volunteer work, not brain surgery! So, long story short, I think it will turn out well, and Nemo, w/you at the helm, I am sure your club will be awesome!
I hope everyone is doing well. Haven't tried to read and catch up on all of the posts yet, but I hope to see what is going on with everyone. As for my training, my legs are trashed with a capital T! Week 7 of the OS, and I"m hanging on by a thread. Breathing is okay, but legs are dead, lifeless, done, cooked! I've been a bit rogue I suppose, in that I'm doing two different cycling classes during the week and one long on on Sundays, as I'm working much harder in them than I would be on my own. THis I know. Will get back to my trainer soon, but I needed the motivation of the group thing, to get me going and getting a solid base laid down. Is this a bad idea? My running is slow, tired, and dead-legged too. Did the 25 min. brick after the long ride on Sat. (indoors of course, due to weather) and it was all I could do to finish the brick!
I've got spring fever like crazy! (Like everyone else who lives in a cold climate, I'm certain.) Can't wait to bike outdoors. Hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day today, regardless of with whom you spend it, or where you spend it. Sending lots of hugs and love to all of you!
Okay, I just read through the latest posts and must say to Linda that I am so sorry to have missed that you broke your clavicle! I remember you having a moron get too close to you, but hearing this, I am sooo sorry!! Huge hugs and lots of healing mojo to you hon! @Becky, good for you, run, Forest, run!!! Dan is a d....k. Fill that in however you want to! You deserve 1000 x's better than that! And you WILL find it! When you least expect it! @Daniela, welcome to the thread...the best one in the HAUS!! This is sooo good, that the guys lurk here!! Penny, how freaking awesome your new job is! And Chris Lieto!!! Wow! Michele, also jealous of your scuba adventures! Pictures! Okay, time to go visit my Mom for Valentine's Day, then go home, put feet up on wall (Yoga pose) then into a hot, soaking tub with bath salts...ahhhh. Take care!
@Nemo - congrats and good luck. I'm sure you will be brilliant at the healm and inspire so many of the folks to help you and help others.
@Michele - good luck with the Spanish. How do you like Rosetta Stone? Is it helpful? I should really try to pick up Spanish (dropped it after high school).. and, if they have it, Slovenian so I understand my native tongue (I do very much want to go back to visit family and see some of the other neighboring countries).
I actually got myself out of bed this morning to train. Unbelievable! I was up at 5 and on the trainer at 5:15!! I didn't have time to do the brick, but hey, baby steps!! I have my gear with me and hope to go at lunch (since it's only a 30 minute Z1 run I think the Dove facial wipes will be sufficient to wipe down for the rest of the day - especially since there are no meetings on my calendar today).
Oh, and still going on dates with Mike. I think this was #5 or 6. He's growing on me.. so much so that I let the two legitimate leads (as opposed to the spam messaging I typically get from men who obviously can't read) I've gotten on Match and Cupid over the weekend know that I was seeing someone and waiting to see where it led... that's not how I felt a week ago... we shall see. I made him dinner last night and it was very nice... he's so much warmer and more open than Dan. Nice to be dating. But I'm still not quite as ready as I think he is, and that's okay. I'm taking it a day at a time.
@Nemo: If you don't have enough on your plate. . . . I know you are going to do a fabulous job!
@Michele: I've thought about doing the same thing with Rosetta Stone. Review please. . . .
@Becky: Sounds like things are interesting and good for you. So glad.
I'm doing well. I really need to get a training schedule down and stick to it. I'm going to run this afternoon. It is great to have work right across from two great dirt running trails. Weights in the morning. Run Thursday either before or after, weights Friday morning. The NHANES survey (one of the government funded health surveys) is in town and doing practice testing Saturday. John and I are both going in as practice subjects. We get a full 3 hours of testing including a DEXA, etc. Should be interesting. We are talking about training me and another guy on the team to do under-water weighing. Great. My work team gets to see me in a swimsuit. Oh boy. . . .The wind-down from grad school continues. I realized yesterday I could leave my computer at work and not work on anything last night. Weird, but good.
Rosetta Stone Review: Spanish Latin America----- TOTALLY HAPPY WITH THE PROGRAM! I was told when researching this that there are 5 levels. Studying every night for 30-60 minutes I could get through it in a year. I started around Thanksgiving and just completed Level 1.
Each level has at least 4 categories, within each category there are 50-60 mini programs ranging from 5-30 minutes. It can be reading, practicing pronunciation, vocabulary, writing, grammar, or etc. It is really interesting and going well. Of course 5+ years of French, a lot of the vocabulary is close.
I am also practicing speaking a sentence here or there at work AND I am typing up patient directions in Spanish, with the interpreter standing over my shoulder correcting my grammar and spelling, or out right telling me what to type.
It is fun and nerve wracking. I also sign a bit for my deaf patients. But they are easier because when I screw up the signing, I can always finger spell or just write it down for them to answer.
@Becky- You are doing the right thing by taking it slow.
@Penny- I really enjoy your newsletter. Thanks for those. Hope the job is going well and that you are resuming your hobbies. How is the knee?
Learning a new language is so cool. Some days I wish I had the guts to move to South America and just immerse myself in the language. Ah well.
Barbara- that kinda crap is the stuff with the Tri Club I seriously want to avoid!! We may have to put up with butt holes like that at work, we certainly don't need to have them be part of our "real" life too! Ugh.
I'm gearing up for a trip to Florida next week. We'll be visiting Mom & Dad as well as taking a 3-day canoe/camping trip in the Everglades. I won't be biking, running or swimming (well, I hope not swimming!) at all, but I will probably have tired shoulders! Mom power walks every day and I plan on joining her- should give us some quality time together. Dad usually walks too and they will start out together, but poor Dad can't quite keep up with my energizer bunny mom! Anyway- if I disapear for a bit, now you know why.
I've been lurking- sounds like everyone has quite a bit on their plates at the moment (in a good way). I covet Rosetta Stone, I just do not have the $$ for it now. I have a bunch of other language stuff since I did Spanish all throughout HS and college so I try to use that when I find some time. I need to be more dillgent though!
Becky- take it as it comes and just enjoy going out with someone without worrying so much where it's going, who likes who more, etc. Dating should be fun and it usually is if you can get away from those kinds of concerns. Let it happen naturally is such a cliche, but I think you'll enjoy it more if you let go
Working out in the morning rocks, it's when I don't manage to do it that I get frustrated with myself. Lately I've been feeling pretty weak and fatigued, so much so that I can't finish a workout. That coupled with the new tingliness I'm getting in my hands and other indicators have driven me to find a new doctor and set up a diabetes test. I've known for a while that I should get tested, as my mom is type 2 (and who knows about my dad since he refuses doctors, but his family are all overweight with diabetes issues). It's just frustrating because although I know that diabetes is possible even in athletes, most people don't associate type 2 with althetes, and even I have a slight bias which has obviously prevented me from following up on this. Oh well, I have an appointment in March, so I have time to continue to log my food and hopefully give a full picture of what's going on.
PS- I have not received my new singlet yet. Anyone else still waiting? Or should I check with Rich (wanted to give it some time, cause we know how USPS is!)...
Lately I've been feeling pretty weak and fatigued, so much so that I can't finish a workout. That coupled with the new tingliness I'm getting in my hands and other indicators have driven me to find a new doctor and set up a diabetes test.
Hmm. I don't know what other indicators you have going on, and I think it's great that you're getting it checked out. As someone who is currently managing some spine issues, I'll just point out the that tingling could be caused by a pinched nerve in your neck or an ulnar or carpal tunnel nerve impingement from handlebar positions. And the morning workouts are hard from an energy management standpoint, in my experience. Especially in the winter when I'm trying to keep my weight stable, when I'm trying to hammer FTP intervals on a very empty liver. It works well for me to have a small snack right before bed, or nibble on a gel or beans during warm-up. That said, I can NEVER hit the same numbers in the morning than I can after work or even after a full breakfast and coffee. Best of luck figuring this out!
@Jennifer - Oh, no! Do you have a new doc? Let me know if you need a GP recommendation. I like mine. He's a marathoner. And kit received last week. I'm guessing you should have received yours by now.
Ah, languages. So fun.
@Nemo - Hanging out with the parents sounds like it is going to be fun!
@Jennifer- I second Suzanne's notes about nerve compression in the wrist, elbows or neck. I f you spend time on a computer with poor ergonomics, you are more likely to have issues. If you are all day on computers, then stretch breaks are super important. You can NOT imagine how much repetitive motion, prolonged awkward postures as the source of upper extremity dysfunction/ pain/ etc. And bike setup is included.
@Nemo- Enjoy your trip and time with your mom. I am going to NY this weekend for family gathering.
So looking forward to the warm weather the next few days.
Jennifer- glad to hear you are going to check out what is going on. As someone with family history of diabetes and heart disease, I understand the concerns with folks overlooking issues cause "your an ironman, you can't have those problems". Whatever the issue is, I'm glad your tracking it down.
Michele M- I finally posted a pic of myself in the Cycling Jersey in the "post your pic" thread. I included some sizing notes over there as well for anyone who is interested.
Out of curiosity, did any of you ladies order an XS Cycling Jersey? I'm guessing No, but just curious how it fits.
I've been lurking. Just curious on your opinions on the EN tri top not having a built-in bra. I've always used ones with the built-ins, and can't imagine wearing a separate sports bra.
Weather's starting to get warm here in VA. Getting up to 70 tomorrow! Wish I could play hookey!
FWIW, I can't stand the singlets with built in bras. They frankly make little sense to me. I might wear an AAA bra but a Medium size top. If I buy a Medium singlet I have zero support and end up cutting the "built in" bra out to wear a bra that actually does fit. I've tried several and they rarely work for me. I think the non- built-in bra gives folks a little more flexibility with fit options.
x3 on the built in question. I used to be adament about that too, but like Suzanne followed advice here and raced my first IM with a sports bra without a second thought (after practicing in race rehearsal etc) As Nemo says, better support with a bra you can pick, versus the "compression" (or not) of those one-size-fits-all built-ins. Speaking of which I actually bought my sports bra at "Intimacy" one of those bra-fitting places and highly recommend it(I think the brand is Anita). Also highly recommend bra-fitting in general.
hi all - very rough week at work as a colleague got laid off (we're talking an office of 6 people!)..lots of icky office politics and drama. It's funny how my OS workouts are what I look forward to during work these days.
good luck with the doc Jennifer, i hope it is easily corrected, not something chronic.
how is healing going Linda? Damn I was so bummed to hear about a bike crash so early in the season.
Hope everyone has a nice long weekend - I have a bike TT on Sunday - a group/team deal. Nervous, but excited. I did one last year and I was very ill-prepared. At least I've been training a bit for this.
thanks ladies. After Friday I was baffled and the more I think about it the more mad I get. We've talked a bit (I was so offended that I had to let him know) and I'm more mad and disappointed now than ever. All these months I've been giving him the benefit of the doubt and trying to talk to him and trying to find a way to make it work and he's been bottling things up and not communicating or sharing or giving me a chance to explain myself or to change habits that apparently drove him crazy (including the EN training style). He essentialy told me I was too OCD for him. Which, if you knew him, would really make you laugh. Yes, I am OCD... but compared to him I'm normal. Seriously. And he thinks I'm too difficult and set in my ways?! Wow. This is the guy who lives in a museum... and wanted me to essentially clean myself before sex because he swore he could smell urine and then would essentially take a shower after sex... (don't even get me started on that). Still shaking my head that he never once tried to talk to me about any of these habits so I could have explained where i was coming from or tried to modify the behavior. And F him for being upset with my intervals, etc. I was training for my first frickin Ironman and was paying a lot for the plans... he's familiar with the concept of track work (which are intervals) making you faster, why can't I do that on the bike? And why couldn't he just suck up a 30 minute warm up? Okay, okay. Thanks. Rant over. This has all been so enlightening and upsetting... and freeing.
@Jennifer - lol... I gotta give the kid credit. I suppose he's looking for a sugar momma! LoL Seriously most of the winks/emails I get on match or cupid are from people who are clearly incapable of reading. It's comical. Anyway, no real leads on that front... but that's okay.
@Kelly - take the cheetos and chocolate to work, leave them on the counter and never look back! I can't have the stuff in my house or I will eat it til it's gone. I have zippo will power and no shut off function to register full so I do my best to avoid the temptation!
How is everyone doing? I hope staying warm and dry!
@Linda - how are you feeling post accident?
@Michele - hope you got your new computer set up... and no more spells of dizziness.
We're supposed to get a stretch of warm (40-50) weather this weekend and into next week... fingers crossed! It will be great to run outside. Heck, maybe even take my bike off the trainer... but I admit I'm a bit nervous to try to ride with power intervals outside... I'll probably kill myself watching the joule instead of the road... we'll see...
I'm in the office today (meeting this afternoon) instead of home... so it's been hard to not think it's Friday... what a long week. At least my dry spell is done for now... and it's been a somewhat busy and productive few days for me!
Just checking in.
@Becky: Glad to hear that the door is closed and you are running away fast!
@Michele: Sorry to hear about your computer. That does suck.
All here is well. Busy, busy, busy. Trying to keep the evenings open. I keep waking up at 4AM. I've been trying to sleep with earplugs - those pink ones. I don't think I'm very good at putting them in. Ran outside for the first time since surgery in June. Was a lot of fun. I'm feeling it now even though it was on gravel. Looking at doing some sprints over the summer and NYC marathon in November.
Hope everyone has a great Friday. I get to spend the day in "Culture Day" orientation for the wnew job. . .
@Penny - sweet!!! I am waiting to hear about my lottery bid for NYC. I'm guaranteed entry next year. If I do get in I'll defer because I can't race this year (too soon after IMWI)... which means I pay twice... so fingers crossed I don't make the cut again this year.
Hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm gonna see a few tri club gal pals tonight (including Suzanne, I hope) for HH which should be fun. Have a party invite for tomorrow - won't know anyone but the hostess but will probably go... I just have to be careful about my calorie consumption. Post cleanse I've been yo-yo'ing a bit, but am up. At least my clothes fit but I'm feeling a bit bloated (could be the period week ... I'm eating pretty well and sticking to the elimination protocols for the most part)...
I'll be volunteering for a local 8K race tomorrow. I'll be working timing & resuts, Yikes!! It's good though, I know if I entered the race I'd just hurt myself, so I'm gonna enjoy volunteering instead. Tomorrow night is a casual party with the local tri club and that should be fun too. Maybe this year our little "club" (which is really more like a social group that happens to do triathlons) will get a little more formalized. I hope to have more time this year to help with making that happen.
I know there's an official EN kit swap thread, but just wanted to check in with the chicas about the fit of the capo short sleeve jersey. Love the new kits! Based on sizing chart, I ordered a women's medium jersey. The plastic bag it came in said 'Lady' on it. But I'm convinced it's a men's jersey! It's way big. The tag on the jersey itself just says 'M' (as opposed to 'Women's M' or something like that. Did any of you order the capo ss jersey, and if so, does the jersey itself indicate anywhere on it that it's a women's size?
Hope all is well with everyone!
@Becky - smart girl.
My update. Remember I said I wanted to get a little more involved with my local Tri Team? Be careful what you ask for! I got nominated last night for club president. I managed to avoid getting voted into the position last year (I REALLY didn't want it while training for IMWI) but this year I accepted the nomination. The club is very small, folks have big ideas and want growth, but it's one of those gigs where everyone has ideas and desires but no time to back it up with real work. So I'm just hoping I can get a little more organization and structure going with this group so they can get a short list of things actually accomplished this year vs spinning wheels all year dreaming up ideas. I frankly have NO IDEA what I'm doing here- but I'm willing to try! Wish me luck.
Since this is a non IM year, I have taken on the challenge of learning Spanish. I am using Rosetta stone and get some practice at work nearly every day. I have completed Level 1!! Only 4 more levels to go.
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.
A few years ago I was in a club that was just starting up as well, so at least I have some knowledge of start-up clubs. I would love to hear about your experiences and get some ideas flowing. One of the things we lack in is the number of women involved. I would really like to encourage more to join.
I think starting up a new thread is a great idea!
BTW, hello women! I think this is my first time positing in this thread. Been hanging out in the background for about a month
I hope everyone is doing well. Haven't tried to read and catch up on all of the posts yet, but I hope to see what is going on with everyone. As for my training, my legs are trashed with a capital T! Week 7 of the OS, and I"m hanging on by a thread. Breathing is okay, but legs are dead, lifeless, done, cooked! I've been a bit rogue I suppose, in that I'm doing two different cycling classes during the week and one long on on Sundays, as I'm working much harder in them than I would be on my own. THis I know. Will get back to my trainer soon, but I needed the motivation of the group thing, to get me going and getting a solid base laid down. Is this a bad idea?
My running is slow, tired, and dead-legged too. Did the 25 min. brick after the long ride on Sat. (indoors of course, due to weather) and it was all I could do to finish the brick!
I've got spring fever like crazy! (Like everyone else who lives in a cold climate, I'm certain.) Can't wait to bike outdoors. Hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day today, regardless of with whom you spend it, or where you spend it. Sending lots of hugs and love to all of you!
@Becky, good for you, run, Forest, run!!! Dan is a d....k. Fill that in however you want to! You deserve 1000 x's better than that! And you WILL find it! When you least expect it!
@Daniela, welcome to the thread...the best one in the HAUS!! This is sooo good, that the guys lurk here!!
Penny, how freaking awesome your new job is! And Chris Lieto!!! Wow!
Michele, also jealous of your scuba adventures! Pictures!
Okay, time to go visit my Mom for Valentine's Day, then go home, put feet up on wall (Yoga pose) then into a hot, soaking tub with bath salts...ahhhh.
Take care!
Hi ladies!
@Nemo - congrats and good luck. I'm sure you will be brilliant at the healm and inspire so many of the folks to help you and help others.
@Michele - good luck with the Spanish. How do you like Rosetta Stone? Is it helpful? I should really try to pick up Spanish (dropped it after high school).. and, if they have it, Slovenian so I understand my native tongue (I do very much want to go back to visit family and see some of the other neighboring countries).
I actually got myself out of bed this morning to train. Unbelievable! I was up at 5 and on the trainer at 5:15!! I didn't have time to do the brick, but hey, baby steps!! I have my gear with me and hope to go at lunch (since it's only a 30 minute Z1 run I think the Dove facial wipes will be sufficient to wipe down for the rest of the day - especially since there are no meetings on my calendar today).
Oh, and still going on dates with Mike. I think this was #5 or 6. He's growing on me.. so much so that I let the two legitimate leads (as opposed to the spam messaging I typically get from men who obviously can't read) I've gotten on Match and Cupid over the weekend know that I was seeing someone and waiting to see where it led... that's not how I felt a week ago... we shall see. I made him dinner last night and it was very nice... he's so much warmer and more open than Dan. Nice to be dating. But I'm still not quite as ready as I think he is, and that's okay. I'm taking it a day at a time.
Good luck, Nemo! That's awesome.
Becky - I got up this morning, too! It was nice. It was all cranky, but then did the bike workout and am much more at peace with the universe.
Michele and Nemo - That jersey is amazingly long-waisted. It was actually too long for long-waisted me. Does anybody have a non-kit Capo jersey?
@Michele: I've thought about doing the same thing with Rosetta Stone. Review please. . . .
@Becky: Sounds like things are interesting and good for you. So glad.
I'm doing well. I really need to get a training schedule down and stick to it. I'm going to run this afternoon. It is great to have work right across from two great dirt running trails. Weights in the morning. Run Thursday either before or after, weights Friday morning. The NHANES survey (one of the government funded health surveys) is in town and doing practice testing Saturday. John and I are both going in as practice subjects. We get a full 3 hours of testing including a DEXA, etc. Should be interesting. We are talking about training me and another guy on the team to do under-water weighing. Great. My work team gets to see me in a swimsuit. Oh boy. . . .The wind-down from grad school continues. I realized yesterday I could leave my computer at work and not work on anything last night. Weird, but good.
Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday!
Each level has at least 4 categories, within each category there are 50-60 mini programs ranging from 5-30 minutes. It can be reading, practicing pronunciation, vocabulary, writing, grammar, or etc. It is really interesting and going well. Of course 5+ years of French, a lot of the vocabulary is close.
I am also practicing speaking a sentence here or there at work AND I am typing up patient directions in Spanish, with the interpreter standing over my shoulder correcting my grammar and spelling, or out right telling me what to type.
It is fun and nerve wracking. I also sign a bit for my deaf patients. But they are easier because when I screw up the signing, I can always finger spell or just write it down for them to answer.
@Becky- You are doing the right thing by taking it slow.
@Penny- I really enjoy your newsletter. Thanks for those. Hope the job is going well and that you are resuming your hobbies. How is the knee?
@Linda- How are you feeling?
Barbara- that kinda crap is the stuff with the Tri Club I seriously want to avoid!! We may have to put up with butt holes like that at work, we certainly don't need to have them be part of our "real" life too! Ugh.
I'm gearing up for a trip to Florida next week. We'll be visiting Mom & Dad as well as taking a 3-day canoe/camping trip in the Everglades. I won't be biking, running or swimming (well, I hope not swimming!) at all, but I will probably have tired shoulders! Mom power walks every day and I plan on joining her- should give us some quality time together. Dad usually walks too and they will start out together, but poor Dad can't quite keep up with my energizer bunny mom! Anyway- if I disapear for a bit, now you know why.
Becky- take it as it comes and just enjoy going out with someone without worrying so much where it's going, who likes who more, etc. Dating should be fun and it usually is if you can get away from those kinds of concerns. Let it happen naturally is such a cliche, but I think you'll enjoy it more if you let go
Working out in the morning rocks, it's when I don't manage to do it that I get frustrated with myself. Lately I've been feeling pretty weak and fatigued, so much so that I can't finish a workout. That coupled with the new tingliness I'm getting in my hands and other indicators have driven me to find a new doctor and set up a diabetes test. I've known for a while that I should get tested, as my mom is type 2 (and who knows about my dad since he refuses doctors, but his family are all overweight with diabetes issues). It's just frustrating because although I know that diabetes is possible even in athletes, most people don't associate type 2 with althetes, and even I have a slight bias which has obviously prevented me from following up on this. Oh well, I have an appointment in March, so I have time to continue to log my food and hopefully give a full picture of what's going on.
PS- I have not received my new singlet yet. Anyone else still waiting? Or should I check with Rich (wanted to give it some time, cause we know how USPS is!)...
@Jennifer - Oh, no! Do you have a new doc? Let me know if you need a GP recommendation. I like mine. He's a marathoner. And kit received last week. I'm guessing you should have received yours by now.
Ah, languages. So fun.
@Nemo - Hanging out with the parents sounds like it is going to be fun!
@Becky - Enjoy Nice Mike!
Me? I'm blogging about cycling jerseys. And my apartment. And it is Wednesday Date Night for me! Woo-hoo!
@Nemo- Enjoy your trip and time with your mom. I am going to NY this weekend for family gathering.
So looking forward to the warm weather the next few days.
Michele M- I finally posted a pic of myself in the Cycling Jersey in the "post your pic" thread. I included some sizing notes over there as well for anyone who is interested.
Out of curiosity, did any of you ladies order an XS Cycling Jersey? I'm guessing No, but just curious how it fits.
I've been lurking. Just curious on your opinions on the EN tri top not having a built-in bra. I've always used ones with the built-ins, and can't imagine wearing a separate sports bra.
Weather's starting to get warm here in VA. Getting up to 70 tomorrow! Wish I could play hookey!
x3 on the built in question. I used to be adament about that too, but like Suzanne followed advice here and raced my first IM with a sports bra without a second thought (after practicing in race rehearsal etc) As Nemo says, better support with a bra you can pick, versus the "compression" (or not) of those one-size-fits-all built-ins. Speaking of which I actually bought my sports bra at "Intimacy" one of those bra-fitting places and highly recommend it(I think the brand is Anita). Also highly recommend bra-fitting in general.
hi all - very rough week at work as a colleague got laid off (we're talking an office of 6 people!)..lots of icky office politics and drama. It's funny how my OS workouts are what I look forward to during work these days.
good luck with the doc Jennifer, i hope it is easily corrected, not something chronic.
how is healing going Linda? Damn I was so bummed to hear about a bike crash so early in the season.
Hope everyone has a nice long weekend - I have a bike TT on Sunday - a group/team deal. Nervous, but excited. I did one last year and I was very ill-prepared. At least I've been training a bit for this.