Aimee- so sorry to hear about the layoff at your office. The "survivor's guilt" is something I've dealt with many times- it's just not fun.
One of these days I'm gonna take a trip to a "big city" and go to one of those bra fitting places. I can NEVER find something that works for me and I bet I'm just making all sorts of wrong decisions. What I got ain't much, but I still don't want them hanging at my knees in a few years!
@Beverly - I've never had a tri top with a built in bra... always wear a separate sports bra (and now that I have a chicas visor, I wear a pink one to match the cap)!
@Jennifer - worried about your tingliness... glad you're getting it checked out. After Ts I fell off the morning workout wagon... Ts night I had a date and planned to run at lunch at work (50 degrees, better than 30 at 5:30am), but then I realized I had an afternoon meeting. D'oh. Last night was a friend's 40th b-day and a group of us went to a Morroccan restaurant with a belly dancing show... needless to say much fun was had and an early morning was not gonna happen. I'll do my ride after work and will make up the run tommorrow - which should be great as it's my telework day and supposed to hit 70! Next week I REALLY REALLY want to do better! But next week is test week, and as Suzanne pointed out, I don't do as well in the early mornings... argh. Maybe I'll just get up darn early to start getting into the routine, test later in the day, and be ready to go with it the last week of Feb. You will be my inspiration!
@Aimee- bummer about the work situation. How emotionally draining that must be. Glad you survived, but I know it must be hard to take any comfort...
@Nemo - what a great trip. I guess you got your energizer bunny genes from your mom!
@Michele - the language program sounds great and it's really nice that you have help at work to practice what you're learning. Super cool...
Things with Mike are humming along... I've actually got a few other match emails that seem to be real but I haven't logged in (need to do that)... but to be honest, I'm thinking I'll let those folks know I'm seeing where this goes and politely decline. We shall see. You're right, no overthinking just day by day... and enjoy! He's making me dinner tonight.
Aimee- so sorry to hear about the layoff at your office. The "survivor's guilt" is something I've dealt with many times- it's just not fun.
One of these days I'm gonna take a trip to a "big city" and go to one of those bra fitting places. I can NEVER find something that works for me and I bet I'm just making all sorts of wrong decisions. What I got ain't much, but I still don't want them hanging at my knees in a few years!
One of these days I'm gonna take a trip to a "big city" and go to one of those bra fitting places. I can NEVER find something that works for me and I bet I'm just making all sorts of wrong decisions. What I got ain't much, but I still don't want them hanging at my knees in a few years!
Nemo, they have one on Michigan Avenue.
Add that to the list of To Do's for the Chicago Marathon weekend!
@Aimee- That is so stressful. When we went from a department of 7 down to 5, I was stressed, but we all don't work in the same building. We were scattered 7 over 5 clinics and went down to 5 in 3 clinics. I was lucky that my clinic stayed open and I am solo out here. To make it worse, 1 of the guys laid off died of heart problems 2 months later. We all felt it was due to the stress. Hang in there. The ship should stabilize.
I wear tops with and without built-in bras. And I always wear a sports bra cause those those tops do not have enough support for me, ever.
I prefer the mashed uniboob that does not move rather than the 2 water balloons about to rip out of my chest feeling.
I am almost out of running jail! Did my 30' EP brick run yesterday and had no pain. Next attempt is Sunday. Yay!!
Yes! I was just looking at an article about sports bras yesterday and they kept recommending bras that kept the two-boob look. Wha? 1) I want my chest to function as one unit, not two, and 2) who gives a sh*t what you look like? If I'm working out I want people admiring the stuff I actually work on, e.g. legs, arms, stride, stroke, etc., NOT the two things I have no control over.
@Chicas - thanks for the opinions on the tri tops. I'll start the hunt for a penultimate tri bra soon. Wish I could weigh in on the uni-boob vs. two boob debate, but I'm more like flat chested in any kinda bra...
Yes! I was just looking at an article about sports bras yesterday and they kept recommending bras that kept the two-boob look. Wha? 1) I want my chest to function as one unit, not two, and 2) who gives a sh*t what you look like? If I'm working out I want people admiring the stuff I actually work on, e.g. legs, arms, stride, stroke, etc., NOT the two things I have no control over.
During my workout I do not care what I look like. I want to be well supported.
When I go to work, I have pretty, lacy bras that lift and separate (for those of you old enough to remember Jane Russell and that commercial). And there is no running going on when those things are on. Truly, if I have to jog a few steps, I automatically put an arm across the chest to keep the bounce to a minimum.
Aimee: Hang in there. Layoffs are so hard. If you were friends, be sure to keep in touch so that person doesn't feel isolated.
Becky: Glad you are getting back in the dating scene and seeing there are other great guys out there.
Michele: I'd forgotten about those commercials. "Cross your heart!"
I have had regular bra fittings at Intimacy. It is important to get a good fitter. That makes all the difference. I'm not a fan of the uniboob. For workouts I'm wearing a Champion that has underwires - something I thought I'd never do. Much better support than the uniboob bras. But, it supporst really well. And, I need the support or they are slapping my chin. OK, maybe they aren't that big. . .If there is a built in bra in a top I cut it out or wear a sports bra under it.
Still doing good down here. The knee and running are going great! I've schedule lasik for 3/24! Yippee! Got a new mp3 player - a Sandisk Snap+. My old Creative Zen screen was getting dim.
We are heading to Mardi Gras in New Orleans the first weekend in March. I've got to get shopping for a dress for the ball. It sounds all hoty-tody - but it is pretty funny. All these women in full length dresses and guys in tuxedos pulling coolers filled with booze and food. Last year I went in carrying a bottle of Tanguaray and John a case of beer. Not looking forward to dress shopping. Not a big shopper. Was thinking of a color other than black. Back to the "all black" discussion.
Went shopping for Mardi Gras dress today. John went with me - he is my personal fashion consultant. The first dress I tried on was the dress! It is gorgeous! It is strapless but fits well so I don't have to worry about inadvertently going for titty beads when I raise my hands up. I'll try to post a pic. It is purple/blue/green. Kind of hard to describe. We also found some earrings. Considering it is Mardi Gras - necklaces will be gotten onsite. Now, I'd like some new shoes. Off to Zappos!
I agree with the uniboob for sports bras... but I'm not exactly endowed... haven't been properly fit but the last time I did it was depressing... from a B to an A... damn this exercising - this is not the area I prefer to lose my inches!
Had a good FTP test yesterday! And I have Tracy to thank - I think she had a 155 on her first test, so that's the number I was chasing. :-) I needed a goal... and I ended up with a 157! Up 6.8% (from 147). I stayed in aero the first 15 minutes of each segment knowing that's the preferred/suggested method, even though it's not as important now as it is post-OS (I did my first test in aero the whole time)... and I broke it up mentally into 5 minute blocks, each 5 minute segment tried to improve my PNorm a few watts... and the last 5 minutes I sat up (knowing I pull higher numbers sitting up) and cranked it as hard as I could... I was actually worried that I spent too much in segment 1... but it worked out and my second set was better than my first! Woo Hoo!
Still seeing Mike. And I made the decision to take my profiles down on Cupid and Match. Strange that this is happening, but we've been dating about a month now and I feel strange trying to see other people. I sent emails to the few that emailed me letting them know. They're all cyclists/triathletes and I told them that I'd be game to get together to talk racing or whatever but I'm taking myself off the market. I think it's the right thing to do. He told me he's falling in love with me. Wow.... that kinda floored me. 15 months with zippo to this in a month. He knows he's ahead of me and he just wants me to continue to communicate and be honest. I can do that. Oh, and between us (coffee table talk), the sex is AMAZING. Another departure from seeing Dan (when I never got hot and bothered... even during the honeymoon phase). Truth be told, when we started down that path I decided to take myself off match... I cannot (and won't) "see" different people when that is happening. And I know he feels the same way and he's offered to get tested for me (I asked and he is very willing and happy to comply).
Ha! I love the uniboob version. Love! Does anybody remember the episode of Cheers where Lilith is teaching Kristi Alley's chracter how to be more Lilith-like and recommends ace bandaging breasts to minimize cleavage? Yeah. That's how I want my sports bras to feel.
Penny - I so want to see pics of your dress. It sounds beautiful! And you get to go to a fancy party?! How fun!
Becky - I'm glady you are having fun. =-)
It is Restaurant Week in Chicago. I'm just eating a lot. I run. I eat. I'm really, really trying not to gain a hundred bazillion pounds this week, but I'm ignoring the scale this week.
restaurant week is my favorite time of year!!! I was cleansing when it was in DC this winter... so I'll have to wait for the summer installment! Enjoy it!
Aimee- Glad to hear you were safe, but sad for others.
Becky- Sounds like things are going well to say the least! Sounds like you found a winner with someone who understands where you're coming from and who is willing to be patient.
Penny- Extremely jealous, one of these years I'm going to get down to NO and check it out. We definitely need to see some pics of you in the dress too!!
Beth- I am jealous, as I keep seeing your food updates and am now constantly hungry!!
As for me, I've been lurking a bit, but still feeling a bit run down so haven't had much to contribute. The big concern in my office is whether or not the government will shut down next week (since I'm a govt worker). Since I've just started out I'm basically living paycheck to paycheck with a very small savings, so it will definitely hit me hard, especially if they decide to not retroactively pay us or if they furlough us instead. It's extremely frustrating. Especially to be labeled as overpaid since frankly most others that I went to school with are making more than 2x what I make. I understand and agree with arguments on both sides, but it's the blasé attitude that people take regarding how much this really will affect the workers that frustrates me.
On a happier note, I have been going on a few dates from OKCupid and while nothing special yet, I am enjoying getting out there more. Plus I've noticed a side effect to online dating -- making me much more friendly when I'm out with my friends (when usually I tended to be pretty tame and preferred to people watch more). I actually picked up a guy last weekend, and we ended up hanging out most of the night. He turned out to be very cool and I'm hoping we go out again. So that was extremely out of character and exciting for me!
Just a quick check in. When to see the endocronologist yesterday. He said my thyroid levels were in the "normal" range but was debating about upping me again. After some discussion, and me telling him I didn't think I was "there" yet, he upped me one more (and hopefully last) time. It is so nice to not require a solid 2 - 3 hour nap in the afternoons.
Here are pictures of the dress:
I took it for alterations this morning. Had the length done for heels, but will also take some of those roll-up type flats to switch in to. The parade goes for 1 - 2 hours. That is just the parade! CRAZY! Honestly, we don't get into the drunken craziness but have a lot of fun people-watching. And, I had a ball running down Burbon then St. Charles last year. One guy on Burbon cheered me on (with a beer in his hand) and on St. Charles people have been out for days setup for the parades with furniture, tents, and BBQ grills out. Such a blast!
Penny!!! You look LOVELY!!!! Can't wait to meet you in Texas. OK...I know this is totally selfish since I haven't posted in ages but had to share that husband has a phone interview with Amazon in Seattle. OMW....I'm so sick to my stomach over this!!! I would be leaving behind youngest daughter because of her relationship and college. Oldest daughter will be in Hyde Park, NY in the fall for Culinary Institute so she would be further away!!! Such a tremendous opportunity for him to work with cloud computing and security engineering on the cutting edge but ugh....makes me crazy. Anyway, had to tell someone!! Thought of you all!!!
Sorry I've been out of the loop, commuting is kicking my butt. However, I think I have it figured out. After listening to you all rave about the magic of the crock pot, I have started making tomorrow's dinner tonight and putting it in the crockpot for daughter to turn on in the morning at about 11. Coq au Vin tomorrow. Yum. I was just feeling like such a horrible wife for not having dinner ready. Archie would NEVER complain but I felt like I'm not contributing to the household so now all is good I hope!!!
Holy Canoli Penny, you look stunning!! And what a pretty back yard too!
I'm back from a wonderful week of vacation from everything work and computer related. We took 3 days to canoe/camp through the Everglades & Gulf, and then spent lots of quality time taking long walks in parks with my parents. This is the first time I've logged into EN in over a week! WOW! There's no way I can catch up on everything so I'm just hitting the "Mark all as Read" button and moving on. If something really important happened that I need to know about- fill me in!
Nemo, your trip looked awesome!!! Glad you are back. I took such a sabbatical from the forums that I had to do the same thing. Thankfully some interesting threads are popping up that I would have been sorry to miss! Welcome back!
One of these days I'm gonna take a trip to a "big city" and go to one of those bra fitting places. I can NEVER find something that works for me and I bet I'm just making all sorts of wrong decisions. What I got ain't much, but I still don't want them hanging at my knees in a few years!
@Beverly - I've never had a tri top with a built in bra... always wear a separate sports bra (and now that I have a chicas visor, I wear a pink one to match the cap)!
@Jennifer - worried about your tingliness... glad you're getting it checked out. After Ts I fell off the morning workout wagon... Ts night I had a date and planned to run at lunch at work (50 degrees, better than 30 at 5:30am), but then I realized I had an afternoon meeting. D'oh. Last night was a friend's 40th b-day and a group of us went to a Morroccan restaurant with a belly dancing show... needless to say much fun was had and an early morning was not gonna happen. I'll do my ride after work and will make up the run tommorrow - which should be great as it's my telework day and supposed to hit 70! Next week I REALLY REALLY want to do better! But next week is test week, and as Suzanne pointed out, I don't do as well in the early mornings... argh. Maybe I'll just get up darn early to start getting into the routine, test later in the day, and be ready to go with it the last week of Feb. You will be my inspiration!
@Aimee- bummer about the work situation. How emotionally draining that must be. Glad you survived, but I know it must be hard to take any comfort...
@Nemo - what a great trip. I guess you got your energizer bunny genes from your mom!
@Michele - the language program sounds great and it's really nice that you have help at work to practice what you're learning. Super cool...
@Linda - how are you???
Things with Mike are humming along... I've actually got a few other match emails that seem to be real but I haven't logged in (need to do that)... but to be honest, I'm thinking I'll let those folks know I'm seeing where this goes and politely decline. We shall see. You're right, no overthinking just day by day... and enjoy! He's making me dinner tonight.
Nemo, they have one on Michigan Avenue.
Add that to the list of To Do's for the Chicago Marathon weekend!
I wear tops with and without built-in bras. And I always wear a sports bra cause those those tops do not have enough support for me, ever.
I prefer the mashed uniboob that does not move rather than the 2 water balloons about to rip out of my chest feeling.
I am almost out of running jail! Did my 30' EP brick run yesterday and had no pain. Next attempt is Sunday. Yay!!
During my workout I do not care what I look like. I want to be well supported.
When I go to work, I have pretty, lacy bras that lift and separate (for those of you old enough to remember Jane Russell and that commercial). And there is no running going on when those things are on. Truly, if I have to jog a few steps, I automatically put an arm across the chest to keep the bounce to a minimum.
You ladies are the best.
Aimee: Hang in there. Layoffs are so hard. If you were friends, be sure to keep in touch so that person doesn't feel isolated.
Becky: Glad you are getting back in the dating scene and seeing there are other great guys out there.
Michele: I'd forgotten about those commercials. "Cross your heart!"
I have had regular bra fittings at Intimacy. It is important to get a good fitter. That makes all the difference. I'm not a fan of the uniboob. For workouts I'm wearing a Champion that has underwires - something I thought I'd never do. Much better support than the uniboob bras. But, it supporst really well. And, I need the support or they are slapping my chin. OK, maybe they aren't that big. . .If there is a built in bra in a top I cut it out or wear a sports bra under it.
Still doing good down here. The knee and running are going great! I've schedule lasik for 3/24! Yippee! Got a new mp3 player - a Sandisk Snap+. My old Creative Zen screen was getting dim.
We are heading to Mardi Gras in New Orleans the first weekend in March. I've got to get shopping for a dress for the ball. It sounds all hoty-tody - but it is pretty funny. All these women in full length dresses and guys in tuxedos pulling coolers filled with booze and food. Last year I went in carrying a bottle of Tanguaray and John a case of beer.
Not looking forward to dress shopping. Not a big shopper. Was thinking of a color other than black. Back to the "all black" discussion. 
Off to bed. TTYL!
I agree with the uniboob for sports bras... but I'm not exactly endowed... haven't been properly fit but the last time I did it was depressing... from a B to an A... damn this exercising - this is not the area I prefer to lose my inches!
Had a good FTP test yesterday! And I have Tracy to thank - I think she had a 155 on her first test, so that's the number I was chasing. :-) I needed a goal... and I ended up with a 157! Up 6.8% (from 147). I stayed in aero the first 15 minutes of each segment knowing that's the preferred/suggested method, even though it's not as important now as it is post-OS (I did my first test in aero the whole time)... and I broke it up mentally into 5 minute blocks, each 5 minute segment tried to improve my PNorm a few watts... and the last 5 minutes I sat up (knowing I pull higher numbers sitting up) and cranked it as hard as I could... I was actually worried that I spent too much in segment 1... but it worked out and my second set was better than my first! Woo Hoo!
Still seeing Mike. And I made the decision to take my profiles down on Cupid and Match. Strange that this is happening, but we've been dating about a month now and I feel strange trying to see other people. I sent emails to the few that emailed me letting them know. They're all cyclists/triathletes and I told them that I'd be game to get together to talk racing or whatever but I'm taking myself off the market. I think it's the right thing to do. He told me he's falling in love with me. Wow.... that kinda floored me. 15 months with zippo to this in a month. He knows he's ahead of me and he just wants me to continue to communicate and be honest. I can do that. Oh, and between us (coffee table talk), the sex is AMAZING.

Another departure from seeing Dan (when I never got hot and bothered... even during the honeymoon phase). Truth be told, when we started down that path I decided to take myself off match... I cannot (and won't) "see" different people when that is happening. And I know he feels the same way and he's offered to get tested for me (I asked and he is very willing and happy to comply).
Ha! I love the uniboob version. Love! Does anybody remember the episode of Cheers where Lilith is teaching Kristi Alley's chracter how to be more Lilith-like and recommends ace bandaging breasts to minimize cleavage? Yeah. That's how I want my sports bras to feel.
Penny - I so want to see pics of your dress. It sounds beautiful! And you get to go to a fancy party?! How fun!
Becky - I'm glady you are having fun. =-)
It is Restaurant Week in Chicago. I'm just eating a lot. I run. I eat. I'm really, really trying not to gain a hundred bazillion pounds this week, but I'm ignoring the scale this week.
Becky- Sounds like things are going well
Penny- Extremely jealous, one of these years I'm going to get down to NO and check it out. We definitely need to see some pics of you in the dress too!!
Beth- I am jealous, as I keep seeing your food updates and am now constantly hungry!!
As for me, I've been lurking a bit, but still feeling a bit run down so haven't had much to contribute. The big concern in my office is whether or not the government will shut down next week (since I'm a govt worker). Since I've just started out I'm basically living paycheck to paycheck with a very small savings, so it will definitely hit me hard, especially if they decide to not retroactively pay us or if they furlough us instead. It's extremely frustrating. Especially to be labeled as overpaid since frankly most others that I went to school with are making more than 2x what I make. I understand and agree with arguments on both sides, but it's the blasé attitude that people take regarding how much this really will affect the workers that frustrates me.
On a happier note, I have been going on a few dates from OKCupid and while nothing special yet, I am enjoying getting out there more. Plus I've noticed a side effect to online dating -- making me much more friendly when I'm out with my friends (when usually I tended to be pretty tame and preferred to people watch more). I actually picked up a guy last weekend, and we ended up hanging out most of the night. He turned out to be very cool and I'm hoping we go out again. So that was extremely out of character and exciting for me!
Hope everyone is having a good week!
Just a quick check in. When to see the endocronologist yesterday. He said my thyroid levels were in the "normal" range but was debating about upping me again. After some discussion, and me telling him I didn't think I was "there" yet, he upped me one more (and hopefully last) time. It is so nice to not require a solid 2 - 3 hour nap in the afternoons.
Here are pictures of the dress:
I took it for alterations this morning. Had the length done for heels, but will also take some of those roll-up type flats to switch in to. The parade goes for 1 - 2 hours. That is just the parade! CRAZY! Honestly, we don't get into the drunken craziness but have a lot of fun people-watching. And, I had a ball running down Burbon then St. Charles last year. One guy on Burbon cheered me on (with a beer in his hand) and on St. Charles people have been out for days setup for the parades with furniture, tents, and BBQ grills out. Such a blast!
More later. Hope everyone has a fabulous day!
Oh, Penny! What a fun and perfect dress for Mardi Gras! You look so pretty!
All the single ladies sound as if things have turned the corner a bit in that area.
Sorry I've been out of the loop, commuting is kicking my butt. However, I think I have it figured out. After listening to you all rave about the magic of the crock pot, I have started making tomorrow's dinner tonight and putting it in the crockpot for daughter to turn on in the morning at about 11. Coq au Vin tomorrow. Yum. I was just feeling like such a horrible wife for not having dinner ready. Archie would NEVER complain but I felt like I'm not contributing to the household so now all is good I hope!!!
Take care all! I'll try and catch up this week!
I'm back from a wonderful week of vacation from everything work and computer related. We took 3 days to canoe/camp through the Everglades & Gulf, and then spent lots of quality time taking long walks in parks with my parents. This is the first time I've logged into EN in over a week! WOW! There's no way I can catch up on everything so I'm just hitting the "Mark all as Read" button and moving on. If something really important happened that I need to know about- fill me in!
PS- Becky- nice to see you happy :-)
Nemo, your trip looked awesome!!! Glad you are back. I took such a sabbatical from the forums that I had to do the same thing. Thankfully some interesting threads are popping up that I would have been sorry to miss! Welcome back!