How to fill Speedfil while riding
I'm not sure if this is the correct forum or not but I have a question for those that use the Speedfil hydration system? If its not, I'm very happy to post it in another place?
I have just installed the Speedfil on my tri bike and practiced filling it from a normal 750 ml bike bottle. It seemed to take a fair while to transfer the fluid to the Speedfil. I was concsious that I wasn't very aero while I was doing the filling. ')" unselectable="on" style="width: 20px; height: 20px; cursor: hand">" onmousedown="return false;" src="" width="20" height="20" alt="" />
I wondered how the experienced peeps did their refills?
In the 3 IMs I've done, I have had to refill my Speedfill. I have my super concentrate in a small bottle in my pocket. (You may not like to hear this) but I stop at an aid station. unscrew the top, dump in concentrate, water that I need from the volunteers, and I am on my way in under 30". It's that fast. Guaranteed I would lose that much time or more trying to do the same while riding. I plan my nutritionout so that I only have to do this once during the race. For me, no big deal. Hope it helps!
Thanks everyone for responding. I should have qualified my question by saying that my A race this year is a HIM. So, I will refill from bottles behind my seat. I think I will take the stopper out of the top of those bottles so they will empty quickly.
I intend to do Irnonman Australia next season, and then I will do as Linda suggests — I will have a clear bottle of concentrate with markings on it for each serve, and stop at the aid station, add the serve of concentrate, top up with water, and restart.
Ahhh, HIM. If you plan it out carefully for the calories you need, you will not have to refill.
I make mine a 3 hour bottle, so with Gu, blox, what have you, there is more than enough in there for a HIM. Water in the aerobottle up front--that gets refilled on the fly.
Hi Jim,
Wish I could say it was my brilliance that allowed me to figure it out, but I just do what the Infinit Nutrition guy recommends in this YouTube video. In a quite small container--think small Fuel Belt bottle--I can mix enough calories for another three hour Speedfill. Hope this helps!
Thanks again for all the responses.
The reason I was trying to refil the Speedfil in a HIM, with two bottles behind the seat, was that I was thinking that drinking from the Speedfil was way more aero that reaching behind the seat for the next bottle, have a drink and replace the bottle etc.
Am I just outsmarting myself? Any help would be very much appreciated.