"Doing the Ironman for Charity"??
[I posted this a couple of weeks ago in the Fund Racing group but got little response, so trying again here to expand the discussion]
Hi all,
I finally decided to do this big Ironman things and I figured I'd use it as an opportunity to help raise money for a charitable service in our area that has helped my kids tremendously - the Masonic Learning Centers for Children. They teach dyslexic children to read using a special method developed just for dyslexics. No charge and no ties to the Masons required (or even asked).
The problem is, I have vitually no idea what it means to do this. Questions like these come to mind:
- How do I collect money?
- Can I take credit cards, checks, and or cash?
- What are the rules (IRS)?
- Can any of it be used to pay expenses for advertising/awareness, training, or race day costs? (got this idea from Team in Training)
- How do I get tax forms/receipts to donors?
- and so on...
And I'm sure I don't even know the questions I should really be asking.
Can anyone give me a few pointers how to get started down this road? Maybe there's a thread here or other external source that would be good. I've done searches, but no luck as yet. Brad pointed me to Kintera and I will check them out. Any other ideas?
Thanks everyone!
PS - the logo for this charity is a big teddy bear (the reward for the kids that finish the program), so to raise awareness during training and on race day I'll no doubt be trying to look my manliest with a giant teddy bear plastered to my chest
I would recommend getting in touch with the organization and tell them your plan. They will likely be thrilled that you want to work hard to raise $$$ and will help you figure out all the logistics!!!
Good luck!!
Brian - Check out Janus Charity Challenge. They have been supporting just this acitivity at Ironman races in the US for a decade. they provide a turn-key system to make all this work for you. And for support, PM Jim Yanoschik here at EN. He is (literally) the Janus World Champion fund-raiser.
In the mean time, there are other similar sites which give you a way to publicize your fundraising efforts online and also allow you to accept donations online via credit card. These folks do charge an administrative fee (around 7.5% of the amount donated) but when you consider something like 5% of that goes to the Credit Card company, it's not too bad.
You will need to talk to your charity and get their 501c letter and Fed Tax ID to set it up so that the donations can be tax deductable.
You can also ask folks to write checks directly to the Charity and mail them to you. You then act as the collection point, track how much you have raised, and can add that to your totals before forwarding the check to the Charity.
Cash dontations are a bit tougher to track and thus harder for the donator to use as a tax deduction. Work with your charity on this- they usually have a means for providing a written receipt for cash donations over a certain amount (in my case, anything over $25 was given a receipt).
You can also raise funds in lots of other ways besides just asking for $$ from friends/family. Think about offering some sort of service and charging a donation (car wash or in my case, dog wash). Again, your charity may have some ideas for you. Building a good relationship with the charity is a big key to getting their help in the fundraising efforts.
Couple of things I have had to do so far
1. Contact the charity get the 501c letter. This way anyone I get money from gets to make it tax deductible.
2. Since I didn't want to be the collection point for money, I setup with https://www.justgive.org/ , they take 3% out of the donated money to cover credit card fees.
Some of the people I contacted said they will send me a cheque/cash , so I will still have to deal with that. I didn't want to discourage that in case it turned people from donating, I would just prefer they use the online mechanism .
@nemo thanks for the suggestions on providing a service for donation
Nemo, I had also followed the story that Janus and WTC had parted. Just yesterday I was up on the WTC site and noticed Janus is still listed as a sponsor.
EDIT - well I just read a bit farther on the Janus page and found this
- we are disappointed to announce that our sponsorship with Ironman will not be continuing in 2011. While we had hoped to continue this amazing program, we were not able to structure an ongoing partnership with Ironman that would be mutually beneficial to both organizations.
So to the still appear to be a sponsor but in a more limited capacity.
I have been in touch with the charity for several months now, and it appears they may be beyond their understanding when it comes to some of these ideas, particularly the web page / credit card mechanisms. They said they could get me a simple paper pledge sheet and receipts to hand out, but haven't had anything else to say yet. I've been trying to figure out how to help.
@Al and Matt - thanks for the Janus info. I will try to find out what they still might be able to do even with the WTF falling out.
@Nemo - thanks for the firstgiving reference, and for the particulars of how you handle check and cash donations. I love the ideas beyond begging and guilting friends and coworkers into donating. Are there any rules we should know about alternative methods? I know other things kick in if you get into raffles and the like - not that I'm looking to try that.
@Atif - glad I could be a positive influence
All - do you know of any site anywhere that lays out the methods and rules for fund raising activities like this? If not, would this be a good topic for a wiki article here?
Thanks again. I'll try to post back as I learn more.
I put this down in Microsoft Word and copied it over. Maybe someone tha thas access to the Wiki can post it over there.
Up on the wiki here. Credit to Jim!
Fantastic! Thanks for pulling this together, Jim!
Just wanted to let you know what I am going to be doing; "my" 501( c) is a US veteran family, where the father died in the service in Iraq.
UrbanTriGear people, Preston is the owner, ran a stationary bike marathon, George Hood ran a stationary bike for 222 hours 22 minutes (no i did not make this up) over 1 week with only 5 minutes rest every 1 hour. I wanted to do the IM WI 11 for the family to help alittle in the many financial problems this family is having.
Anyway Preston is getting a web site ready, I will be applying for the EN $250, my wife works for a company that might donate $250, alot of my fellow workers at the State of Illinois - DCFS want to donate. So I will also have little cards to pass-out to all; on the car is the web site of where to donate. I will also be using myathlete tracking system to help people like they are racing with me.
Hopefully this will come together soon, i am very ansy at getting this all done, for the family and to see those donations start to go to this very worthy family.