Question on OS workouts
Ok, so week 5 nearly over and at the moment I'm sticking rigidly to the durations specified.
I.e. if I do the run main set and it takes me to 40mins inc 10 min w/u, I'll run at z3 until it says 60mins so an extra 20mins. It says try to accumulate - is there a limit? What do people suggest? Add 5 mins each week?
Do you/should you include the 10mins w/u as part of that '60mins'? Same with the bike really - easy on the trainer as you just sit there, but if I ride outside I have to make sure the route is long enough/not too long.
So in summary - should I be adding time? Or just sticking with the recommended duration for the workout? Apologies if this is in the getting started but also would like peoples opinions as you are the guys who have done this/can share your experiences.
I'd say stick to the recommended durations during the OS. You'll have plenty of additional time once you kick into your training plans.
If the bike says 75 minutes and the interval sets with RI are going to take 75 minutes, then my warm up doesn't count towards the time. This is usually later in OS. Early in OS, the intervals rarely come close to the total time, so I count my warm up into the total time. I am working out before work, so it is all about how much sleep I give up.
Outside, I have a much harder time gauging how much distance I need. I always go slightly over rather than under- unless I am tired.
My world hurt on Sunday... I did the Sunday run on Saturday then was like death reborn on the bike on Sunday.... managed a decent pace, just couldn't get out of Z2! I felt dreadful; was in such a foul mood when I got back as I was so disappointed
Just know that you're fine doing the main set only. They fitness benefits of 45', as WU, MS done vs 75' with some added Z3 stuff is marginal, at best. P is/was notorious for sliding down the Bat Pole to his pain cave to knock out a 25' interval session while the girlz napped.
Thanks coach, that's good to know! Now the weather is picking up over here, I've started riding outside again but was finding I'd go out, do my 10mins then start the intervals but just couldn't get my HR up at all. I'm putting this down to fatigue caused possibly by not eating enough so have redressed my eating and nutrition plan and will retry at the weekend and see how it goes. I've ridden outside and completed the MS with no dramas before so am blaming nutrition and fatigue. I'll report back at the weekend.
I've been wondering what others do for the (rest) periods for bike and run. I tend to walk for the rest periods on the treadmill and will drop to 50% FTP or lower on the bike - I've also been fighting bike setup issues and sometimes hop off and make adjustments during the rest.
@ Brian - the general rule of thumb for rest (recovery) periods is they should be long enough and easy enough so all the intervals can be completed at the prescribed power or pace. Longer/easier than that, and you're wasting time; shorter than that (i.e., starting to fail on the last intervals) and you clearly need more rest.
The exception is when you get to "VO2 Intervals" on the bike In week 5 of the OS, you are doing longer work intervals (100% 0f FTP) on the bike, so going easy during those short rest times will be helpful. But come week eight, you'll be doing shorter, harder intervals, and the prescribed rest interval and power level is very important. So when it says 4 x 2.5'(2.5') @ 115-120% for the work interval and 60-65% for recovery interval, think about BOTH of those levels as being meaningful getting full benefit from the training - you aren't meant to be fully recovered for those intervals.
For my recovery, I'll usually get off my bike if I'm on the rollers, dry off (yes, dry off!) and have a drink and get on with 1minute to 30secs to go and start pedalling again to get HR up. On the dreadmill, I walk, then do similar as rollers, start running before time is up and get the HR going again. Outside on the bike, I just slow it down and spin. Have yet to do run intervals outside....! I've been doing all MS well within the time frame. On runs I usually have 15-20mins on top of MS and w/u to play with and on the bike usually about 30mins.
I too have been having bike niggles. I got a RETUL last weekend which has seen me drop over 30mm on the front end, aero bars and pads in closer to me, saddle drop by 5mm and now riding 170mm cranks. I've only done one ride this week, going out tomorrow with the new cranks. Been feeling run down this week as you've probably read - so took bike into LBS for steerer tube cut and crank install (2 jobs I didn't trust me to do!) so tomorrow will be back in. How have you found it up until week 5? Not many Feb OS'ers it would seem. I've been doing OS swim hack too, and having 1 day off/week.
@Al - thanks for the feedback on the rest, and the heads up for the VO2 to come. Good to know I haven't been blowing it so far.
@Charlotte - It's good to compare notes. Nice to have someone else in the Feb OS, too. There must not be enough of us to warrant a separate group but we can keep up here and on the dashboard easily enough. I know what you mean about drying off. My bike is looking forward to getting outside where all the sweat doesn't drop straight down
I've been doing pretty well so far from an intesity and duration standpoint. Life keeps interrupting and forcing last minute juggling in any given week, but so far I've only totally missed 2 workouts. For instance, I couldn't get in the Saturday workout, so did that on Sunday, Sunday's run at lunch Monday, then picking up as scheduled Tuesday night. A lot of that sort of stuff. Also going to a Masters swim session on Sundays when I can fit it in. Not frequent enough for general fitness, but it's good to get stroke feedback from a swim coach.
Looking forward to mixing it up with the VO2 stuff soon