How Long do you keep your biking shoes?
I think most of us know to replace running shoes after 300-500 miles. But how long do you continue to hang onto your bike shoes? Sunday, I bought a pair of Shimano TR-51s to replace my TR- 50s. I got two years out of them, and maybe 3 out of a pair of Nike shoes before that. The key impetus was when the wife started complaining about how nasty they were ...but with carbon soles, they really could go much longer, and the cleats are replaceable. So how often is everyone else replacing their bike shoes?
At this point I don't see any reason to toss them.
Paul - apparently I'm a cheap old coot. I bought a pair of Sidi T2s in 2000 (red, white & blue!), and they are still going strong on their second pair ofcleats and third pair of heal pads. I did buy a new pair (WHITE!) last summer, just cause I thought I should (theplan was these would be RACE DAY shoes, but I haven't raced since I bought them), but I still do all my indoor, and many of my outdoor rides in the now 12 year old ones. I estimate 20,000 + miles, including trainer miles. They have a few scratches from falls, but the uppers are still strong, the sole is still firm, the velcro straps still stick, and have not torn through at the crease spot. Sidis are amazing - the Mercedes of bike shoes, worth the extra $ IMO. I also have two pairs of mountain bike Sidis, one is for winter wear, so they get abused, I bought them in 1995!
x2 on Sidi's for many years. I am on my second pair in 12 years. I replaced the first (with an identical pair) just because I thought I was due, and not due to a failure of the shoes.
And a question for those whose shoes stink... What are you doing to them??
Both my wife and I, for both running and biking do not have smelly shoe problems. Granted I am not going to stuff my face in the shoe and breath deeply
, but they don't gut funky. Maybe it's the dry air in Denver. Maybe it's that we let them air out (don't pack them away in a bag when wet). I guess we're doing something right! 
Sidi black road shoes, lasted...too long. I wore the left heel all the way down to the carbon but other than that the shoes were perfectly good, though perfectly ripe, as cycling shoes.
I recently bought a pair of Specialized S-Works road shoes with the "boa" system. Awesome, awesome shoes. I'll probably use them as tri shoes as I really like the infinite adjustability and don't really need a loop in the heel or whatever. I could probably have something sewed on if I wanted.
I don't know if I'm doing something wrong with shoe care or if it is a function of having $90 shoes instead of fancy $300 ones.
@ Joe - I'm doing 100% of my riding in one pair of shoes. I'm riding outdoors year round. And for most of those rides, I'm pouring out buckets of sweat as if I was on a trainer in a sweat lodge. I don't wear socks in the hotter half of the year, because they just get soaked. Take a cycling vacation to Florida in July or August and you'll get the idea.
@ Michael - I ride on top of my shoes coming out of and into transitions also, but it hasn't dented them even after two seasons. Basically, they just smell, look ratty, have scratched up bottoms, but are otherwise serviceable. I've learned that I can only do the quick transitions if the parking lot is smooth. Some of the local races use some poorly paved chip seal parking lots for transition. If I try run out of T1 barefoot and vice versa in T2, my feet hurt for days afterward. I can actually run faster with the bike shoes on and hopefully make up enough time to cover what I lose not doing a flying mount.
One thing to consider is size with/without socks. My old road shoes were sized to ride with socks and tri shoes not. So like 43.5 and 43 and, yes, I could tell the difference.
Considering how much time we spend in these shoes, and how long they last, I think it's worth getting the best. And if Joanne sez anything (she doesn't) I'll just point to her shoe closet vs my mine
Emilio DeSoto posted an article a few years ago about how to wash running shoes, bike shoes and bike helmets. Here is a link on beginner triathlete:
Here's the same article on slowtwitch:!_P818641
it sounds like you already have your answers, but i wear the specialized s works road with the boa system like Rich and I have no issues with them and have worn them since 2006 they are still great and i bought the pearl izumi just a few months ago just to try for race shoes and because the color matched to my kit, that is important you know.
I could probably just solve that problem by washing them in a bucket though.
Sidi T2 tri shoes: 6 years
Sidi Dominator mountain bike shoes (which also get used for cyclocross): 8 years.
I've peed in/on both road and tri shoes---a nice spray of Woolite Carpet Pet Odor Remover and Voila! fresh as spring. Same goes with disgusting stinky feet smells too.
The only shoes that are even close to being replaced are the mtb/'cross shoes because one of them has a pretty significant tear in them (as in, any further ripping of the shoe and my foot will fall out of it). Will probably replace them this season with Sidi Dragons.